HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1938/08/08 MI~u'~ OF ~N ~0URNED REG%n_AR ~TI~O OF ~ 0I~ 00~0~
~e ~il met pur~t to adJo~nt in ~e ~cil ~-~her of t~ 0ity
~.1~ on t~ above sho~ date with ~or ~ne p~si~ng. ~e ~eting was c~led
order at 7 o'clock P.M. ~sent: ~or ~ne, ~ci~n ~, ~as ~d
Absent: Cl.
0~ N0. 273: Upon motion ~ 01. ~e, ~conded by Cl. ~us, ~t~a~
p~e~at ~ti~ "~e~ ~ln~oe ~o. ~7~ was p~eed on its f~st readi~. ~s is
ordinate f~i~ ~e t~ ~te f~ the fisc~ ~ar 1938-1~9 at $1.~ on each
~d~d ~l~s assesse~ ~tion.
~ OF ~A~. ~ ~ ~. ~Y: ~ ~quest of ~s. L. H.
who ~ pre~s~ reques~e~ $~ ~oil at t~ ~ of ~u~iza~i~ ~e~i~
~n~ ~ t~t the d~e e~dition on t~ ~h h~f ~ ~t 6 ~ ~$er
~o~lon 1~ be in~sliga~ed ~d i~d if possib~, ~s ~fe~e~ to t~
ginee~ f~ su~ ~s$i~ion upon ~$ion by 01. ~, seoonde~ by 01. ~, w~oh
~mi'x 0~: ~ le~te~ of the Wes~e~ ~e~y ~e~oe s~at~g
t~ F~h ~ 0on~n$ion of s~d Oozes ~uld be hel~ f~m ~pt. ~th to 16~h
in ~s ~eles ~s o~e~ ~d.
~ ~ ~s ~. ~o=ge wt-~l p~eat~ ~he wee~ ~ bi~
~s five aO~ ~ 10 ~ ~ ~o~i~ ~6 on ~ A~nue No=~h of D S~=~.
stated ~hat ~ ha~ b~e~ a s~ip of 1~ feet al~ t~ ~ut~ line of his p~per~y
which is ne~ ~o ~ ~a on D St. to co~terao$ ~ ~e ~z~ ~ioh ~ e~st
~ he ~d not feel t~ the bi~ was Jua~ ~ ~%~e= ~s refer~i ~o ~e
~g~eer ~ ~ s~ated ~t ~ ~uld ha~ ~o o~ wi~ ~. ~ ~ai$,
o~rge of ~ ~e~ b~ ~s ~ ~o asoe~ t~ oon~on ~ s~ p~e~.
~e ~$ter ~s ~f~ ~o t~ 0i~y ~ee= f~ s~h ~vestiga~i~. ~e pas~
bu~ bi~ for t~ 1~ ~ ~s ~io~ ~. ~ ~ p~s~$ed f~
at a pre~ous ~e~i~ ~ held up ~ li~ of sai~ p~test.
~a~ ~ ~~ be~ E ~ F~r S~ree~s as ~he=e w~d be no e~ra
oos~ for the ~ ~o sai~ ~e
B~r~ p~: ~ ~ion by 01. ~, seoona~ ~ 01. ~we, which o~ie~,
t~ foH~ng bi~s af~ e~t-m~i~ by t~ F~oe ~l~ee ~ ~ered
11,~ ~e~ Ye~ ~pai~ ~ 0~ $ 1.~0
11,8~ H. G. ~en~on ~e~ 0~y ~rippt-S ~a~l ~.~
11,~6 ~z~ & 0o. ~ok ~es, ~o~ls, e~o. $6.80
11,~ ~ss' ~$atione~ & Gi~ ~op ~iome~ ~pplies ~.~
~,8~ X. S. So~ ~ ~= pipe, etc. ~.67
11,890 ~. ~ ~e~ 0o~, L~ ~ 1,~
11,891 ~ion ~1 ~ of O~ifo~a ~1~ fo~ =~ 1~6.~
11,89~ Nest~ ~t~ ~pp~ ~ ~ ~s, ~ la~e~a, etc. 6.24
' 11,~ I~ R. ~ ~d ~ wee~ ~g b~ ~.~
~::~ 11,894 ~b~g~ ~d of ~ed cluing bill 4.60
7 11,89~ ~eu~ity ~st ~ ~a~s B--~ ~ p~t on ~esel ~aotor 109.~
:~, "I" ~r~t,, ,~i,s~ee: ~ City Atto~ey repo~e~ t~t aft~ ln~sti~ting
t~ status of the b~e~ house on I ~, be$~ ~ ~ ~ A~s ~ asoe~t~d
t~t one of She lien ~e=s ~ten~e~ to b~ p~er proo~s to. ~
c~e~ of the ~ck~ re~lt~ f~ t~ fi~ .nd the CiSy Att~y ~
the ~ty hol~ up ~ actien c~t~late~ ~g~ding s~ ~t~ ~i~ a~ti~ of the
~e Ci~ Att~y infold the ~cil that ~,
~d have t~ tentati~ ~p~cation ready for p~sen~ati~ to t~ ~=il for t~ir
~prov~ at ~he meeti~ which he propo~ be held ~d~ of t~s
Minutes of an AclJourned Regular Meeting of the City Council, A~Ag. 8, 58. (cont.)
~ DONATI~S: T~e 0ity Attorney informed the Council that should the
city charge citizens for the use of the city's ambulance that the city w~uld inme-
diately become liable in case of accident, l~owever, that citizens could make contri-
butions afte~ ~_me_rgency' use of the -mbulance without the city having any liability.
This seemed to be acceptable to the C~unoil.
MATT00N ,PR0~ 0Wh~P~' ~7~ERvAm~: D~. May T. Riach, M~s. ~old Pope and
Mr. E. Adrian, propex-ty o~mers and residents in the Mattoon District in Chula Vista,
requested that the Oity Attorney inform them of the developments and the proposed
methods to be used in clearing up the Mattoon District in Ohula Vista. The City
Attorney info~med the par~ies that the city had acquired conveyances of title or
interest in the water system of all parcels in the said District except two and
that action had been taken to acquire those; together with $?500.00 put up by the
Southern California later and Telephone Oompsny and the ~0 cent apprOpriation by the
0ount-y that eighty-eight bonds had been procured, leaving eighteen bonds outstanding
to be acquired by the best method possible; that he and District Attorney Abbey are
attempting to ascertain whether the City or the County should bring proper action to
force the holders of the outstanding bonds to sell at ~0 cents on the dollar. How-
ever, should the bond holders vigorously oppose this action, the bonds m~ht have to
be Bought at a higher price and that it would be necessary in that event to procure
additional monies over the ~0 cents appropriated by the County. ~xe City Attorney
stated that should it be necessary to l-aisc ad~itional money the px~posal is to use
delinquent tax money of the Natt~a Dletf~et to help purchase the outsta~dl~ bonds
and that the State law, recently enacted, allow~ relief to be given those property
owners who are ;~o~ ~Lt~quant to both city and c~nty for a period of over five
yes.rs but that it has no provision for relief to be given those prOpel-fy owners who
are not delinquent to both city an~ county for a perio~ of five yea~s, with the one
possible exception that where the delinquent taxes appx~f~,.Ate the assessed valuation
it might be poJsible to give relief there. ~le Mattoon ~opex-ty 0~ere p~eeent
prOtested any prOposal of relief ~hich might be given one group ~d not given the other.
The Couucil assured the parties above refex~ed to that equal trea~nent would be given
to all within the Council's extent of power, l~wever, they sould ~ve them no assurance
of what the Boax~l of ~pex-visors would do and it was suggested by the Oity Attorney
that before a~y final action be taken in regard to tax relief that all the property
owners would be notified of said meeting es that all' could be heard and agree~nt
reached f~em same, Altar above assurance and motion that they would be give~ a chance
to be heard and that the Council would do all that they could to give equal relief
the above parties departed,
AIIT~: Upon ~otion by Cl. Bro~, seconded by Cl. Howe, which carried,
this Council adjourned to August 12, 19~8, at ? lmo ~