HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1938/07/05 I~I~UTES O~' ~ ltEG01~ I~TING Off TH~ CIi~ COUNCIL OF TH~ cIiT OF Olttr~ VISTa,
CALIFOP~,NiA, HELl) JULY 5th., 1938.
The Council met in regular session in the Council Ch~u~ber of tl~ City Hall on the
above shown date with Mayor Done presiding. Dleeting called to order at 7 o'clock
P.M. Present: All m~nberso
~ ,~ES ,OF .PP~L~, O'JS i,,~E~£I~GS: The minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 6, 19~8,
and of the Adjourned Regular Meetings of June llth and June l&th°, 1938 having been
prepared and mailed to each mmaber of this Council by the City Clerk were approved
as prepared and mailed.
SAN DIEGO-C~.0,R,I,~i~/, C,LUB: Mr. Klaus of the San Diego-California Club ex-
pl'~lned in detail the method of advertising done by the said Club, which is divided
into five classifications as follows: National Magazine and newspaper advertising;
in three Los Angeles morning newspapers; the "Hot Belt" cozmnunities; Pictorial
Publicity; Highway Bulletins° He. ~e~J~ibi~ed? folders showing samples of the above
n~thods and impressed upon the Council the advantages to San Diego County from said
advertising° He stated that San Diego City mhd County each appropriate $~1200 ~nnu-
ally, that Coronado and La Jolla are e~ch appropriating $250, OCe~uside and Escondido
have promised to appropriate suns and he urged that Chula Vista do the. same° ~$or
Done informed ~,~r. Elaus that the Council would give consideration to his request for
an appropriation at budget time in August°
P ~ ~ ~PPLIC~TI0iQ: The City Attorney reported to the Council the infor~tion
gleaned from the conference with the P W A Officials in San Francisco ~ud stated
that it w~s necessary to completely revise the application in all respects. More
engineering, financial ~nd lsgal data is necessary before formal application can be
favorably considered. He stated that he had gone over each particulnr section of the
application with the proper officials ~nd felt that as a result the formal application
when presented would be in an acceptable condition. He was info.ed that loans
could be had on leased land such as we have and for a period of frown twenty to thirty
years; also that he had been advised that if the bond issue was floated that it
would be better if they were sold to privute interests as the interest rate would in
all probability be s~aller.
Cl. Howe inquired on what authority the City Attorney had
been instructed to Mo to San Francisco regarding said conference. Cl. Brow~ said
tha~ Cl. Tilz~ons, Cl. Bryant and he himself had agreed informally approving the said
trip. Mayor Done advised that in future such action should be approved by the Council
as a whole. Cl. Howe stated that in his opinion the people of Chula Vista are not
in favor of such a lsrge proposition and MayOr Done stated that he was of the same
opinion but the proceedi~gs having been started it would probably be well to take
the n~tter to a vote of the people. Clmen. Tinm~ons, Bryant ~md Brovm felt that the
method used to date has been proper and that it is n~rely the means of giving the
people of Chula Vista an opportunity to express their opir~ion ~t the election to be
held for sa~eo
Upon motion by Cl. Bro~,~, seconded by Cl. Tin,nons, which
carried, with Cl. Howe voting "No", the architect and City Attorney were instructed
to continue the preparation of plans for said a~pli~ation.
Cl. Brown left at this time.
~ERICK~ HOI\~ Cd~NI'~ERS~RY: Mrs. ~mua R. Saylor of the Fredericka Ho~ne in-
formed the Council that the Fredericka Home is celebrating its 30th anniversary on
July 2Zrd and urged the Council to cooperate with other city organizations and the
Fredericka Home Con~ttee in ~Ing the event a huge success. Mrs. Saylor informed
the Council that I~Irs. Fredericka Timken had endowed the Home sone years ago and that
in all probability there wez~ many people unaware of that fact. She felt that an
expression of appreciation for said endov~nent would be appreciated by the Tfm~en
fs~fly. ~s. Saylor recoEmended that members of the Council should be on the Publicity
and EntertaiEnent Co~tttee to help with the said event. Mayor Done agreed to serve
on said CoEEittee and to assist in staging the event°
LE ,C~' i~LICAT!QNS: Upon notion by Cl. Bro~, seconded by Cl. Howe, which
carried, prices on legal publications as quoted by the Ehula Vista Star in its letter
of July 5th, 1938, were accepted upon condition that necessary affidavit supporting
said prices be furnished.
N~,T.I.0ND. L ~VE. ~DDITIOi~L~ LIGHTING: The City Engineer's report on the cost of
additional ~'~ting on National Ave. between MeIntosh & E Sts. was presented to the
Council and said report disclosed that the addition of three more 600 candle power
lamps and the change over from the present three 250 candle power lamps to 600 candle
power lamps and the change of one 1000 candle power lamp to a 600 candle power will
increase the ~onthly light bill by $14.30. Cl. Tfwm~ons suggested that inasmuch as
the property o~ners in the business district on ~l~ird Avenue have paid the lighting
I~ln.u.t.e.s o.f ?e~ul~r ~eti~g of Jul~_.~th. ~ 19~8, continued..
district assessment for the installation of the street lights on front of their property
an(! p~y an annual assessment for the maintenance of same he did not feel that it wa~S
proper for the city as a whole to pay for additional lighting on the l~ational Ave. dis-
trict. Upon motion by Cl. Howe, seconded by Clo Bryant, which carried, the city clerk
was instructed to contact several of the property owners who signed the said petition
requesting additional lighting and to inform them of the situation on Third Avenue and
to determine if they wo~ld be willing to pay for the additional lighting should it be
VEGET~BLE ~?EEVIL D~GE: D~r. Fred W. Stafford, President of the San Diego County
Celery Gr6we'~s' ~ssociation, by letter expressed the appreciation of the c&lery growers
for the work that is being done in regard to wee4 control and city beautification. He
stated that the weed control has helped to eliminate the vegetable weevil ~nich causes
much damage to celery and to lemon growers and he urged that the city carry on its cam-
paign even ~ore vigorously as it w~uld serve a two-fold purpose and result in benefit
to the city as a whole.
B0~ OF E..~U~LIZATI01~ i~TING:~ Cl. H~w~ offered. ~eso~u.t. ion NCo ~,~hich is a
resolution directing the city clerk to publish a notic~ of the meeting of the ~lty Council
sitting as a Board of Equalization on ~onday, August 8th., 19~8, at l0 o'clock A.
The Resolution was read and was passed and adopted as rea~ by the following vote, to-wit:
LI~S: Clmen. Tf~mmons, Bryant, Done and Hc~e. NGES'. None° ~SENT: Cl. Brovm.
SEWI~G PR0YECT ~PLICATION: The Works Progress ~ministration requested the
City Council for a 'letter authorizing the occupancy of the premises at 345 Third Ave.
by the sewing project for the fiscal year beginning July 1st, 1958, to June ~0, 19~9
and suggested that the city make p~yment for the utilities used and if they saw fit to
be reimbursed by the present utility sponsors, which is the Chula Vista ~,~erchnnts Asso-
cietion~ The Council, however, did not feel that the city should pay the utilities
nor should they enter into a schedule of paying and collecting for same ~nd upon motion
by Cl. Howe, seconded by Clo T~w~ons, which carried, the matter was referred to the City
Attorney with instructions to work out the same proposition as the previous year, which
is for rental onlyo
PEP~IODICAL RE?0RTS: The monthly report of the City Judge, the Police Department
and the Fire Depart~ae~or Jur~, 19J8, ~d the annual report of the City Clerk for the
fiscal year 19J?-19~8 were examined and ordered filed°
SCHOOL CROSSING GIRLS: Chief Kelly reported that the 20-50 Clu~ had offered to fur-
nia~ t~he city school crossing warning signs in the shape of a small school girl attract-
ively cut and painted with the warning of"school crossing printed thereOn~lf the city
would install them ~nd maintain them. The 20-30 Club v~ished to m~ke this donation in
the interest of civic safety ~ud appearance. The only cost to the city would be the
installation of the necessary foundation irons to hold the si~s steady and the Police
Department ~.~ould put them out and t~.ke them in at the prop~.r times° Upon motion by
Cl. Bry~ut, seconded by Cl. Timmons, which carried, the Police Department was instructed
to make necessary installation ~d the city clerk was instructed to ~ite the 20-~0
Club thanking them for their generous donation.
The City Attorney was instructed to investigate the city's
li~bility should it charge for the use of the city's ambulance or should it accept
donations after the use of sa~ue.
BILTS P~ID : Upon motion by Cl. Bryant, seconded by Cl. Howe, which carried, the
following bills after eXm~ination by the Finance Co~m~fttee were ordered paid:
11,798 Travelers Insurance Company Group sick & accident insurance ~ 21.60
ll,?~9 Pay Roll June 15-July lst., General Fund 1264.45
ll,800 Pay Roll June 1B-July lst., 19~8, Sts. & Sewers?65.B5
ll,801 American City ~agazine Subscription to nt~gazine 1.00
11,802 Betty Bethge Plenning Commission 2.50
ll,80Z Black's & Eendall 5 gals. water 1.52
11,804 ~. Y. So Bro~e Premium on Ins. Policy 16~80
11,805 Chula Vista Electric Company L~nps 2.78
11,806 Chula Vista Sheet ~..~et~l Works Galv. Iron, tubing, etCo 8.25
ll,80? ~. S. D~rley & Co. Motor scythe~,extra sickle, etco 1~3.00
11,808 ~ender's Service ~ truck wheels 8°00
11,809 P. ~t. Giraud Sickle grinder 6.9~
ll,S10 El~n Hatz Ref~mud on deposit for tree removal 10.00
~ ~o~ June 15.69
ll,Sll R. ~. Higgs Unsecured personaly property
11,812 Eal~quin Safe Co. i used swivel chair 5~15
ll,Sl$ Y. Calvin Laude~bac~ Recreation Council