CITY OF CHUI~i VISTA, C%T.r~0RNIA, .T~ET~ JUNE 16, 1938o
The Council met pursuant to adjournment in the Council Ch~nber of the City Hall on
the above shown date with Mayor Done presiding. The meeting was called to order
at ? o'clock P. M. Present: Mayor Done, Councilmen Hc~e, Timmons and Brown.
~bsent: Councilman Bryant.
JUNIQR HIGH CARI~iV, AL: By letter Miss M~garet T. Marshall, Secretary of the
Student Body of Chula Vista Jr. High Sohoo$, tb~B~ed the City Council for their co-
operation by allowing the street banner to be hung across Third Avenue advertising
their carnival. She stated that this was the best method for making the people
aware of the fact that they were having a carnival amd that it contributed m~ch
success to the occasion.
L..WTTER OF O. C. LUDWIG: A letter from O. C. Ludwig was presented to the
Council in which he outlined his conception of the duties of a Judge ' and promising
that if elected as Justice of the Peace of National Town~hip Court at the ceding
election he would work in harmony with such conception.
~ NOs 2?2: Upon motion by Cl. Brown, seconded by Cl. Ti~nons, which
carried, Ordinance No. 272 was placed on its second and final reading. The 0rdinanse
was read in full and was in the exact form as given at its first reading at a meet-
ing of this Council held June 6, 1938. It was passed, adopted and approved as read
by the following vote, to-wit: j~YES: Councilman Tin~ons, Brown, Done and Howe;
NOES: None; LBSENT: Cl. Bryant.
TEITATIVE PLANS OF ,P~,0,-. ,~D MNNICIPAL BUILDINGS: Mr. Bodmer presented perspect-
ives of the proposed municipal buildings and the revised specifications which omitted
the swimming pool end culvert and which included the grandstand and enclosure and
which totalled $118,181.S0; this on a 48-55% basis would require a bond issue of
Cl. Bryant appeared at this t~m~.
2~r. Bodmer drew the attention of the Council to a recent letter from the PWA
which required necessary furniture as either being applied for or a separate statement
to them showing that necessary furniture had been taken care of by the sponsor and
inammuch as there was not ample furniture owned by the City at present the Council
felt it advisable to apply for the necessary equipment. Mm. Bodmer stated that the
contingency amount of lO% could be reduced especially as the I~A required only a
5% contingency. He, however, did not feel that this should be reduced to 5% but that
?% would probably be ample so without changing the total amount of the application
he could change the con$i~gency amount and spread it over the necessary equipment.
City Attorney Davies stated that he would not be able to leave for San l~ancisco
Friday and it w~uld probably be Tuesday before he would be able to get away. The
Council felt that if the necessary financial and legal information required in the
proposed application could be furnished by Tuesday that it would be well for the
City Attorney to take the application to San Francisco with him Tuesday and together
with Mayor Done contact the proper l~A officials to receive their criticism of
same so that when the application is filed it would be fairly certain that same would
be in the correct form. Mr. Bodmer assured the Council that he would make the nec-
essary cha~ges now and retired to the City Engineer's desk to do so.
REC ,REATION COU~C, ~ ,PROGRAM: Mr. Calvin Lauderbach outlined the summer program
sponsored by the Recreation Committee to keep the youngsters occupied in the proper
channels during vacation. He stated that the School Board is helping in the physical
education line and had from time to time donated supplies and equipment. However,
miscellaneous equipment was needed for the hand-craft, wood working and camera club
and he requested that the Council donate $2§.00 to help defray the expense for these
gi'o~ps. Upon motion by Cl. Brown, seconded by Cl. Howe, which carried, $2~.00 was
appropriated as above requested as the Council felt that this waw a very worthy cause.
CHINO D(EATION: The City Clerk informed the Council that he had received a
gift of $25.00 from ~r. Tom Chino for the City of 0hula Vista. Upon motion by Cl.
Brown, seconded by Cl. Bryant, which carried, the Clerk was instructed to write a
letter of th~nWe to ~r~ Chino for same~
TRF~S~RER'S REPO ,1~,:. The City T~easurer's Monthly Reports for the Month of
April and the Month of May, 19SS, were examined by the Council and ordered filed.
~&inutes of Adjourned Regular Meeting of June 16, 1938o
BOND ISSUE EDUCATION: Upon motion by Clo Bryant, seconded by C. Timmons,
which carried, Mayor Done and City Attorney Davies were delegated to contact the various
organizations in the con,fAulty end to explain the proposed application for municipal
buildings so that in case the said application is approved by the P~A officials the
different organizations would be aware of the exact situatione The Coumcil felt
that it would be advisable to inform the different organizations along this li~e
whether or not the application is approved inasmuch as the present facilities are not
adequate for present needs.
P. AR~IN. G..V~.OLATIGNS: Cl. Bryant inquired if there was available money for
painting the parking lines along Third Avenue. He was informed that there was not
the necessary money in the budget but that possibly there would be enough in the funds
to do so. He also brought to the attention of the Council that certain truck Owners
are violating the diagonal parking on Third Avenut south of the depot. The 0oumcil
heartily disapproved of large trucks and trailers parking there parallel with the curb,
not only because of the diagonal parking violation but because they obstruct the view
of the new city park. The City Attorney informed the Council that he had seen one truck
owner and had made arrangements with him to have him park his truck and trailer on his
vacant lot on the corner of G and Third Ave. andthat it was possible there were other
owners violating the ordinance. Cl. Bryant suggested that he would contact the
violators and give them the proper warning and also the OWners of cars and trucks who
park over time in the alleys, making it impossible for the merchants to drive their
own vehicles to thereat of their stores.
B?.T~.~ Pi~ID: Upon motion by Cl. Howe, secluded by 01. Brown, which carried,
the following bills, after exsm~nation by the Finance Committee, were ordered paid:
ll,?9§ Pay Roll June l-lB, 1938, General Fund $ 1,1S?.6§
11,796 Pay Roll June l-lB, 1938,Sts. & Sewers, 638.8§
ll,?9? Recorder of San Diego County Recording Mattoon Conveyances 100.00
ADJOURN~E~T: Upon motion by Cl. Rowe, seconded by Cl. Brown, which carried,
this Council adjourned sine die.
City Cle~