~ Council met in :egml,~ session in the Council Chamber of the City Hell on
the above shown date with Ms, or Done presiding. Meeting called to order at ?:00
o'clock P.M. Present: All members.
MINUTES OF P.i~EviOUS ~'t'INGS: The minutes of the regule~ meeting of May 2, 1938,
of the adjourned regular meeting of Me~ l?, 1938 and of the special meeting of May
2S, 19SS,having been prepared and mailed to each member of this Council by the
City Clerk, were approved as prepared and mailed.
BID (~ WATER FACr~.?IES OF ,THE ~I_~ V~ A and I DISTRICT NO. 1: This being the
time specified in the Notice calling for Bids on the Title and Zuterest of the City
of Chula Vista of the water facilities in A and I District No. 1. the Clerk opened
the one bid which he had and which wes fr~n L. B. Barnes and which offered $10.00
cash for such facilities. The I~or celled for other bids from those present and
none were offered. Cl. Howe questio2ed the City Attorney whether proper measures
were taken in the event that Mr. Barnes should die or in the event that the Mattoon
settlement is not completed. The City Attorney explained that proper measures
would b~ taken to prote~t the City in such events. Cl. Brown offered RE~0,IIJT~0N
No. 519, which is a resolution accepting the bid of L. B. Barnes with certain stip-
ulations. The resolution ~s read and was passed and adopted as read by the follow-
lng vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilman Brown, B~yant, Done, Howe and Tt~mons. NOES:
N~ns. ABSEET: None.
The City Attorney reported to the 0ouncil that practically all conveyances had
been tr-n-mitted to the Water 0~any's Attorney, that recording fees, etc. naness-
ary would approXimate $100 and suggested this be paid out of some account of the
General Fund.
W, .C~A~.? CLUB FI~-~TA: Mrs. T. C. Yohnson and Mrs. E. S. IAtshfield, officers of
the Chula Vista Woman's Club, requested the Council for an appropriation of $500
for expenses to be incurred in putting on the Fiesta to be held September 23-24,
1938. Upon being told that the matter should be considered at budget time they
informed the Council that they would appreciate the Council giving them definite
assurance of a certain appropriation so that they could begin the necessary adver-
tising for said Fiesta. It was shown that last year the Council appropriated $~00
for the Fiesta but that the merchants of the city were solicited for donations to
help defray other costs and ine~ml,ch as only a very few of the merchants'will bene-
fit directly by this it really ~e~rked a hardship upon the others. The Co~ucil
discussed the advantages to the city of hav~ng a Fiesta that would really advertise
the city and they felt that should they decide to back it that they should do so on
a worthwhile scale. Cl. T4w~ons rec~,~,,euded also that any decoratiOns to be used
for the said Fiesta should be [~ought and used annually instead of renting s~m. as
was done last year and upon motion by Cl. Bro~m, seconded by 01. Tigons, which
carried, the 0ouncil agreed to put $~00 in the budget for the comtng Fiesta, with
the condition that decorations used would be boUght and not rented. The ladies
then requested permits for the follow~E: street dance, street boomers, parade,
complete control of all concessions, street decorations aud permission to build
the necessary platforms for the Eangaroo Court. Upon motion by Cl. Ti~mons,
seconded by Cl. Howe, which carried, the above permits were granted.
BRTf~iT~00D .~?,v,~V ~RAITDC~M~t~: The Clerk read a petition signed by four
property owners Lu Brightwoed Addition requesting the Council to to~e necessary
steps to have the 10 ft. alley in Block 2 abandoned. The petition~tated that the
alley is practically abandoned inasmuch as it has not been kept up by the city.
Mayor Done mentioned that ~. C. S. Black and M~s. 0raft, property OWners to the
East of said lot had protested to him the proposed abandc~ment smd the City Engi-
neer explained the desirability of having an alley for fUture utility easements.
Iuasmuch as these protests had been made and upon motion by Cl. B~own, seconded
by Cl. Bryant, which carried, the matter was referred to the City Engineer for
investigation and report at the next meeting.
~I'EEET LIGHTS NATIONAL AVENUE: The Clerk read a petition signed by property
o~mars on National Ave. from C St. to E St. requesting the 0ouncil to increase
the size of the present street lights in said district and adding thereto an
additional light between present existing ones. Said petition stated that the
present lighting is inadequate and no more than ordinary residential lighting
and inasmmch as this is becoming a larger business district they felt the addi-
tional lights should be provided. The Cry E~cxplained that there are four
lights in said district at the present t4m~ and the Council instructed the City
Engineer to investigate the added expense of increasing the present light strength
and the addition of extra lights and to repol-t at the next ~eeting.
~tnutes of I~egul~r Meeting of~A~ 6, 1938, conti~pd.'
i~I~I~0~F~ i~0~TOFFICE: Cl. B~ o~eme4 ~~ N0. 5~ which is a
resolut'i~ request~g the ~stoffice ~pa~nt to ~e a study of ~e needs of
this city as to its Postoffice facilities and to const~ct such a b~ld~ as
~ ~. adequate for su~ needs. ~ ~solution was read ~d ~s passed and
adoP~ as read by the fo~ ~te, to-~t: ~: Oo~ci~ T~,
~t, ~ne ~d H~e. N~: None. ~ None.
~0 ~ P~G: A letter f~ ~old B. B. ~, ~esident of ~e
Vista ~ch~ts ~sociation, requesting the Oo~cil to ha~ t~ ~ce ~p~nt
enforce the ~ hour par~ing ordin~ee ~ al~ the el~n~ti~ of potions of
~d ~nes to create ~ pa~i~ space, ~s ~a~, ~d i~ch ~ other represen-
tatives of the ~soci~$ion ~de a s~m~l~ request at a previous meet~g ~d action
on s~e had been ~en, the letter was tabled.
6~ A~ 0~.~: ~e 01erk ~ad a resolution adopted by the Bo~d of
~aper~sors~n the 16th ~ay of ~y, 1958, which p~ded for the ~nishi~ of
buildi~ ~ch~e~ and equip~nt ~d necess~ labor to operate said ~c~ery
oiling 6th A~. ~ F St. to Y St., H St. f~m 4th A~. to 6th A~. a~ L ~. fr~
Nation~ Ave, to ~ ~u~v~d; t~ City of ~a Vista to ~ni~ oil necess~
for such work ~d do necess~ g~ding preparatory to ~id cilia. Cl. B~
offered ~0~I~ No. 521~ which is a resolution accept~g t~ offer of ~e Cowry
of ~ Diego to oil said streets on ~e te~ ~d conditions as set forth by the
~ard of ~pe~Sors in the ~ove resolution. ~e ~soluti~ was rea~ ~ was
passed ~d adopted as read by the felling ~te, t~t~ ~: ~ns,
Bro~, ~t, ~ne ~d ~e. NOES: None. ~: None. C1 B~ ~fo~d
the ~cil that ~M. ~Wolf had o~ered to p~chase ~ necessa~ oil and requested
that the 0ity ~d Co~ty oil the street ove~ to his ~rb line f~m F ~. to his
~ut~r~ p~perty l~ts. I~uch as t~ work ~d been co~leted in ~is p~ticu-
1~ locality the question was raised as to whether it ~uld be feasible to go back
~d do ~ot ~rk was raise~. However, it ~s rafe~ed to Street C~ssioner
~d the City ~gineer with power to act.
~. Y. 0. ~uderbach by letter on be~lf of the Bo~d of ~ustees of the 0hula
Vista G~z~chool, requested that the Co~cil have the street oiled o~r to the
c~b in ~nt of the new school on L St. ~d the City ~g~eer stated that he
p~ to do
~ A~. ~0~: ~. ~ ~ch~s, O~ty ~peA-vlsor, ~d ~, Cole,
Cowry ~a~ Fo~-, laid before t~ ~cil sever~ plus ~ich ~t be p~sued
in reg~d to the ~d Ave. devel~m~t in ~e~water V~ley. ~.
stated that at the present t~ the Cowry has ~ ~nd finishing t~ bridge ~d
l~weri~ the road bed f~ the bri~e to its p~sent level Just South of the bri~e
~d fi~i~ in ~d oiling the sho~ders fr~ t~ b~dge to ~he Chula Vista City
l~ts. He su~ested, h~ever, t~t t~ O~ty would be only too ~lling to
co~lete the shoulder filli~ ~ oil~ to a dlst~ce inside the city if the
~cil felt t~t it ~ou~ be done. ~e City ~ineer i~o~ed the Co~cil
~. ~c~ds that at the p~sent t~ t~ sho~ders ~sidA the city needed ~ry
little filli~ to put th~ in condition for cilag ~d it ~s ~ecided ~at the
Cowry would so do. ~. ~ch~ds suggested that if the city did not careto ~
to the e~ense of putti~ in necess~ culverts ~i~ wo~d be n~ded ~ case the
~ad bed in the V~ley was raised, that t~y lea~ the situation as above outl~ed
~d see how the ~ra~age p~position ~uld develop; then ~ther study be
if they ~e~ed it necess~ to raise the r~d bed.
~ B0~: Upon rec~dation by the r~ining ~ers of the ~br~
~ ~or ~ne ~appointed ~s. ~ice B. S~er ~d ~. ~k H. ~e to a~
se~e as ~bers of t~ ~br~ ~d for the te~ up to Y~e 30, 1941, ~d up~
~tion by Cl. Bro~, seconded by Cl. T~ons, ~ich c~ied, the above appoin~ents
~e request of t~ ~bra~ Bo~d to have t~ c~b ~ f~nt of
the ~br~ p~nted red for ack.darien of one or ~o c~s was tabled ~a~ch
t~ Ch~a Vista ~rc~ts ~sociation had put on a ~ncerted ~ive to c~ate
p~king space by the election of red c~b~gs.
~or ~ne su~ested that the ~lice Dep~nt check the
aut~obiles and delive~ t~cks whose disreg~d of the stop si~s up~ leav~g
t~ alleys ~t cause a serious accid~t in their fail~ to heed the stop
S. D. F~ D~ ~TION: ~ ~ Diego Fire ~par~t invited
the officials of ~he city ~o be their g~sts at the ~y 4th ce~bration which they
~e holding in the City Stadi~ in ~ Diego ~d asked pe~ission to ~
poster car to go t~o~h the 0ity se~r~ t~s d~ing the ~ weeks prior to the
4th of ~uly advertisi~ their ce~bration. ~ 0~rk e~laine~ that the licens~g
ordl~nce ~d not ~e it necess~ for a lic~se to be paid for ~is ~rticul~
kind of ad~ising as ~e p~ceeds ~e for a ch~itable
~u~ee °f':~eettng of ~e6, 1938, eontlnuedo
Y.u regard to 4th of Suly celebrations Cl. Bro~ recorded t~t the ~cil
have ~ ordin~ce adopted which~u~ e~t~l the s~e ~d use of fire works ~d
s~ested t~t it be eo~ined to possib~ t~e or ~our d~s before ~d dur~
t~ 4~ of Yuly. ~ O~cil felt that it ~u~ be ~se to dete~e if the other
citieS, in the Cowry ~u~ be willi~ to pass like o~i~ces so that it ~d not
put the local busi~ss ~n at a disad~t~e. It was s~ested that the matter
~t be t~en up with the San ~ego Oo~ty ~ for a ~ifo~ o~ance cover-
i~ the cities ~d counties.
~ T~ ~GI~I~: A ~ate ~e bulletin ~ging the cities ~ contact
their ~presentati~s ~d s~ators in reco~endi~ to ~em the passa~ of legisla-
tion ~g s~ies of ~ate, Fe~er~ and ~icipal ~ployees t~ble but not
le~g back t~es to be collected on t~ir sallies was presented to the
Upon ~tion by Cl. Bra, seconded by Cl. B~t, w~ch c~ied, the ~tter was
refer~d to the City Attorn~ for ~vestigati~ ~d ~ ~or ~s given po~r to
send the proper tek.sma, if ~o~d ad. sable by t~ City Att~ney.
~C~ ~OR C~ROL: A bu~etin ~om the ~ue in re~ to local liquor
contel ~s tabled.
VA~,~: Upon ~tion by Cl. H~e, seconded by 01. T!~ns, w~ch c~ried,
the re.est of Ju~e M. M. 0~pbe~ for t~ weeks vacation to be t~en so as not
to ~nflict ~th co~t ~tters was spoored.
Son ~tion by Cl. Bra, seconded by Cl. B~t, which ca~led,
the request of t~ City Clerk for his t~ weeks vacation ~ be t ~n a~ his eon-
~nic~ce ~ approvede
~on motion by Cl. B~, seconded by Cl. T~, which ca~ed,
~cations of all regul~ ~l~ees to be t~en at t~ disc~tion of their dep~t-
~nt heads was approved.
~A~ ~A~ O~: A letter ~m ~c~rd ~a~s to 01. Br~ urg~g
h~ to 'attend a ~eti~ of ~ors ~d ~ci~ in ~sadena on J~e 8th for
pu~ose of ~pping out a prel~m~n~ p~ f~ the ~yors ~d ~ci~n's
dep~t~ts at the S~ta ~b~a ~nvention, ~ich ~11 be ~ld fr~ Sept. 6th
to 9th, was read by the 0ity Clerk. Cl. Br~ i~o~d the Co~cil that he
be n~ble to attend ~ su~ested that ~or ~ne go if possible. ~yor ~ne
stated that he did not belie~ it would be possible for him to attend ~d ~e
~tter ~s d~pp~.
E~-~G ~ O~ ~1~'~: ~e O~rk ~ad a letter fr~ ~.
O. G. T~lo:, ~sident of the T~lo~Yo~ ~l~e Oo~y of ~li~ce, Ohio,
to Gl. ~, which e~ressed ~s appreciation for ha~ng had the opport~ity
of discussing the possibilities of our loc~ air port ~d ina~ch as t~
business in his facto~ ~ ~io ~d kep~ his efforts confined the~ he had been
~able to give serious consideration to e~ding to Chu~ Vista. He stated,
hoover, t~t we h~ ~ excellent setti~ ~d loc~ity ~d hoped that at a
later date he would be able to give o~ po~o~tion the attention it deserves.
~e Oo~cil felt t~t the t~ ~d effort given to ~. T~lor would in all
probabili~ be ~ repaid.
~G C~ION ~0~I0~: ~e follow~ rec~udations of the
City ~nni~ O~ssion of their meeting of ~ril 18, 1938 were presented to the
(1) ~at the present zoning Or~ee be ~ended so that existing chi~en
hours ~ be kept ~ ~od repair but t~t no addition~ const~ction be pe~tted
for c~ercial purposes on c~cken houses located ~ ~ne A ~d ~ne B;
(2) ~t ~e ~quest of ~. S~o for the re~v~of tr~ in f~nt of his
ho~ *n I Street by the City ~in~r to a yacht p~king on Del ~ or to the
~br~ ~k be app~ved;
(3) ~at the request of ~s ~itt~gh~, Jr. for the re~ of
~c~tus tree at his home on H St. be replac~ by ~eas ~osas ~e app~ved.
Upon ~tion by Cl. B~, seconded by Cl. ~t, which c~ied, the rec~endation
~eg~ding chicken houses was referred ~o the 0ity Attorney for his investigation
~d later repo~. In reg~d to ite~ 2 ~ 3, it was discovered t~t these re-
co~en~tions ~d ~ready been c~rled out.
M~nutes of Meeting of Sune 6. 19~8, continued.
01~DI~ ,C~ .N.c. ~ Upon motion by O1 . B~, seco~e~ by ~1. ~i~ons,
which c~e~, ~i~e No. ,~, was placed on i~s first ~a~ng. ~is is ~
ordin~ce p~ding ~hat the p~visions of Section ~ of ~nce ~9 sh~l ~
to t~es ~d ~ses~ents for the fisc~ ye~ 1937-38 ~d for t~es ~d essess~nts
for fisc~ years prior thereto for the perio~ of one ye~.
~CTOR ~: ~e City ~g~eer presented a p~position for the c~l~g
for bi~s on propose~ Diesel tractor to be purchase~ by the city on a rental basis.
Cl. T~ns s tared that he did not believe the intention of the law ~de it nec-
eas~ for cities to ca~ for bids for equl~nt of this ~t~e and the OlSy Attorney
upon investigating the law, ~po~ed that a liber~ inte~tation wo~d not m~e
it necess~ to ~vertise for bids. ~erefore, upon ~tion by Cl. ~, seconded
by 01.'~ne, ~ich c~ried, the ~or ~d the Clerk ~re au~orized to ~ke the nec-
ess~ c~tract for said p~chase..
~e preceding action ~s t~ ~ view of the fact ~at
the O~cil and t~ Street ~pa~nt had seen the above stated tractor ~ use ~d
~d been e chanced of its ~rits.
~ ~ ~: ~e Oity ~eer after co~lderable investigation ~ to
qu~ity ~ prie~ ~f gasoline laE mowers rec~ended ~he ~rchase of a gas
m~er fr~ the ~lc~b Ma~d~e C~ at a cost of $77.~0, plus ~eight fr~
factor. He i~o~ed the Council t~t he was able t* obtain a weed cutter at
a ~ch more reaso~ble price th~ that ~thorized at a precedi~ meeti~ ~d
that the pure.se of the above mentioned ~ mower could be ~de with ~e sa~gs.
Upon ~tion by Cl. Bra, seco~ed by Cl. Tigons, which c~ried, the ~rc~se of the
gas laE mower was authorized.
S~ A~. O~G: The City ~gineer reposed that 6th A~.~ H St. had
oiled and ~ ~.~ n~ cilag L St. He stated t~t in ~g~d to ~e Oo~ty
~nishing equipme~they had on~ ~nished a potion of t~ eq~pment used ~d ~e
city had ~ished the barco of s~e ~d also had ~ni~ed gasol~e for ss of
the co~ty equipment but to offset this the cowry was ~rnishing help on ~e grating
~d getti~ the g~de in condition for cilia. ~e 0~cil, h~ever, inst~cted the
City ~gimeer to keep a reco~ of all gasoline f~ished the cowry equipment ~d
at the e~tion of t~ Job to bi~ the cowry for s~e.
~ CO T~ .~: ~e City A~tor~y reported that the ~uthe~ Oa~fo~la
Telepho~e '0o. had reftled their ~ suit agent t~ city in conJ~ction ~ other
cities ~d felt it advisable t~t he m~e ap~ce for ~d on beh~f of the city
at p~per place ~d t~. Cl. ~ons stated that he felt the t~ ~w in ~ls
p~ticu~r case ~s ve~ ~fair to t~ cities as the ~ate Board of Eq~lizati~
is the agent ~lch establis~s t~ assessed ~luation ~d not the city or co~ty
assessors, yet the city is ~de the def~t in the suit. Son ~tion by
Bro~, seconded by Cl. ~y~t, which c~ried, the Oity Attorney was imst~cted ~o
t~e the necess~y steps ~d m~e the necessa~ ~ar~ce.
~ B~G ~ I ~.: Cl. T~s r~o~ed that the bused building on
I Street ~est of ~'d Ave. "~s ~ eye-sore ~d source of coolant ~d felt t~t the
City Attorney should m~e ~ in~stigation ~d see ~at coul~ be doneto ha~ said
r~ns r~o~d. Upon ~tion by Cl. Tt~ons. seconced by Cl. ~ne, which carried,
it ~s refe~ed to t~ City Attor~y for his investigation ~d repo~ at a later
Cl. T~s inquired as to w~t was holing up
the proposed pl~bing ordim~ee or why it had n~ bee~ presented as the~ ~s quite
a bit ef erittci~ by out of to~ conSract~s o~r ~.ny p~ses of the exist~g
ordin~ee. ~e City Attorney stated that he had not ~e~ ti~ ~o d~f$ the
posed ord~ce as he had been confi~i~ practic~ a~ of his ti~ to the
Settle~nt ~d routine duties ~d ~d been waiti~ for the City of ~ ~ego and
Cowry of ~ Diego to ~opt sl~lar or~n~ces so ~at o~s would not e~flie~
~$h theirs but that he ~uld check ~e s~d City ~d ~u~ty or~ees ~d if they
had been adopted he ~d att~pt to ~rk in the pl~bing ordnance aS soon as possi-
~e City Atto~y reporte~ that he had had a very
satisfacto~ ~te~view with ~. ~ ~son, ~esi~ent of the S. D. ~ectric ~il~y
~p~, reg~i~ the prospects for ~e e~ension of the bus l~e ~ more freq~nt
sedco to ~ ~ego ~ that ~. ~son ha~ s~geste8 that the ~il~y 0o~ ~u~
~e a factual in~stigation of the propose~ e~ension ~ would re~ t~ir find-
ings to the Council upon completion of s~e.
~t~tes of ~eeting of Sune 6, 19~
~/~OD~ ,~L R~O~ ~he ~n~ repo~s of ~he ~l~y J~e ~ o~ ~he
~lice ~ ~i~e De~n~s ~o~ ~he ~n~h of ~ ~9~ were er~m~-ed ~d ordered
B~-~ P~: Upon me, ion by 01. Bro~, secon~e~ by 01. ~e, ~ich c~ried,
the pu~hase of ~ ~w ~t ~obes for Use in the ~1 P~k was approve~, said
cost ~o be ~en eu~ .f t~e li~i~ accost f~ ~1 ~ Cl. ~, after
si~ing ~ follow~g bills, ~s ~cus~. ~on ~ion by Cl. ~, se~nSe~
Cl. Tigris, t~ follo~ng bills after ex~tion by ~ Fin~ce 0o~tttee,
~ ordered paid:
11,74~ ~ ~ ~ ~-~e 1, 19~ ~. ~d $ 1,271.~$
~,7~ ~ Ro~ ~ 15-~e 1, 1938 Sts.& Sewers 682.71
11,7~ ~r~d L. B~w~ Distillate 3.~
11,~ Betty ~t~e 0~rical ser~ces P~-~. 0o~ssl~ 5.~
11,7~ C~if. ~eter ~ Te~phone ~ ~t r~t~ for ~e 1-30
11,747 City of N~ion~ City ~ad ~1
11,7~ 0ity Re~lv~ ~d ~scel~eous 2~.82
11,749 ~u~ Vista ~er Co. ~t~s, st~es,, etc. 5.93
11,~ ~lch ~ess Statio~ supplies
11,751 ~s~ ~age ~pairs to police c~ 6.19
11,75~ ~ ~tz Fertilizer 1~.88
11,7~ R. ~ ~ggs % Unsec~ed person~ p~perty t~ee 12.07
11,7~ ~:~i~D~:~:~ ~t~ped envelopes 56.80
11,755 ~me ~ber 0o~y ~pplies 12.~5
11,7~$ ~son~er ~. 0il and Globes 15.29
11,~57 ~ey ~ Re. irs to ~lice c~ radio 5.0~
11,758 ~bby ~w ~o~ ~ls for ~, 38 25.25
11,~59 Floyd Lott ~d on se~r
11,760 R. V. ~is C~y ~e ~ln~i~er 9.61
~,7~1 Nelsen · Slo~ ~ck 4.~
11,76~ ~terson ~os. ~pairs on ~mhul~ce
11,~$3 ~ss' ~etione~ & Gift Shop Statione~ aupp~ies 2~.89
11,764 ~e & S~ley ~tor~le 0il 5.58
11,~$5 S. D. T~ctor & ~ui~ent Co. ~tting ~ges 30.~
11,~66 ~r~ce ~age ~irs · ~pplies ~.96
11,767 ~h's ~g Store Tape, ~uze, e~c. (~ss Scott)
11,?~ Bouthe~ C~if. Telephone ~. Te~phone Bills for ~y 53.10
11,769 Stan~-~4 ~on ~orks ~bor ~ supplies Bl~9~
11,??0 Ro~ey S~okes 0o~ ~s 1~59
11,??1 ~l ~o~ ~pair braes, etc. 15.83
11,??~ ~avelers ~r~ce 0~a~ G~up ~fe I=~r~ce ~?.5~
11,?73 Weste~ ~tel ~pp~ ~y ~terl~ 8.B6
11,774 B~J. F. Wiggin~on Y~e ~ntal ~wing ~oJect 25.~
11,775 BenJ. F. ~i~inton ~re ~s. City ~ & Fire Station 46.04
11,~76 ~. O. ~itt ~te~ad-~ell ~ater 115.74
11,~77 ~ula Vista ~ectric 0o~ ~ectric l~s 1.85
11,7~8 Farr~'s C~e ~ison~s' ~s for ~nth of ~ 12.~6
11,779 ~old Bea~nt ~pair tire 1.~
11,780 ~ste~ ~ion Tel. 0o. Tele~ 1.~
11,781 St~ard 0il ~ of C~if. ~soline for month off ~
11,782 Wallace E. ~r Vol~teer Fir~en's ~y ~ for ~
11,783 F. E. ~hcroft, M.D. ~mtuation of ~isoners- ~, ~ 41.00
11,784 ~lco~'s Hd~. Col ~pplies 16.22
11,785 ~n M. ~ott, School ~se ~leage for ~, ~ 3.26
11,786 O. V. ~t & ~ Store ~pplies
11,787 ~ Electric Co. ~p for ~11 ~k 6.15
~~ Upon motion by Cl. B~n~, seconded by Cl. Ti~s, ~ich c~ried,
this Oo~cil adJou~ed to 11 o'clock, A. M. Saturn, Y~e llth., 1938.