HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1938/04/15 CI~ ~:<~%~, C~'OI~IL~, i~ ~IL 15, 19~8.
The Council met pursuit to adJou~ent in the Council Ch~ber of tim City ~11 on
the above shown date with D~or Brow presiding, l~eting was called to order at 9:00
o'clock P. I~ ~es~t: ~l m~abers.
F~ T~CK TI~: Upon motion by Cl. Tigons, seconded by Cl~ Boltz, which
c~ried, the purchasing agent was i~tructed to buy fo~ fire t~ck tires to be chosen
from one of the fo~ major tires, which ~e Goodrich, ~odyear, Firestone ~d U~ S.
Royal. The lowest bid for these respective tires to be accepted.
C~ ~ V~: ~ behalf of t~ Chamber of Co~erce and other civic groups
~. H~ O~stead, ~c'y~ of the Ch~ber of Co~:~rce, requested pe~ssion from the
City Co.oil to have the street dep~tm~t move a s~ll play-house to the l~orth end
of the P~za. If the said play house is ~oved it would be painted ~d lit up, would
have a sz~ll picket fence enclosing it, with flower beds appropriately placed and with
a sign urging the residents to enter into the spirit of cle~ up week. It was also
t~ idea to have the street department in cooperation with the fire dep~tme~t haul
~bbish and debris of the city residents on t~ Egth of this ~.~onth. He sta~ed that
the civic org~izations ~re ~ing a determined drive to get the people to ~nter into
the spirit of clean up week ~d urgin~ them to h~ve their y~ds, etc. clewed up during
that ti~ ~. Cox infor~d the co~cil that the sod in the i~aza corned ~e removed ~d
the h~p at that p~ticular place could at that time be levelled sand ~ter the play-
house was me. red the sod could be replaced wit~ the ~ re~lt that no d~ge would be
incurred to the la~ at tha~ p~ce. ~e City Engineer sug~ested to the Council that
property oYaers be notified to place debris ri~t on the curb line or on the gutter line
and suggested ~hat t~ si~e of said ~bbish or debris be li~ted. Such info~tion
could be insetted in the next few issues of the Star. The Council felt this was a
worthy cause ~d upon motion by Cl~ Bry~t, seconaed by Cl. Tigons, which carried,
the Co~cil grated the request of ~. O~stead ~at the house be moved early next week
to the P~za ~d be kept there until ~pril ZOth ~n~d that the Street Department furnish t~cks
to haul off rubbi~ on Lpril Egth.
P~ ~0'~ BID: ~e City Attor~y e~lained Resolution Eo~ ~l~, v&~ich is
a resolution proposing to lease f~m t~ Chula Vista Union School District for a period
of thirty years the Easterly ~00 feet of ~t 19 in ~arter Section 1Z~ for public play-
~o~d purposes ~d for a consideration of ~llg~.O0, the te~s of which, if accepted,
to be worked out in the ~uture co~ract. The Z~solution was read ~d was passed and
adopted as read, h~ving been offered by C1 Boltz, by the follov~ng vote, to-wit:
~ES: CL Ti~ons, Bryant, Boltz, B~, Hov~e: ]~0~: None; ~S~: None.
Before the vote '~as taken on said Resolution Cl~ Howe questioned the position of the City
in case the ?Y. ?. A. would a~ccept the development project and it was necessa~ to
ab~don the project before it was finished. ~e City ~&ttorney stated that accordi~ to
the ta~ of ~esident Roosevelt all indications were taat ~oney would be appropriated
this coming fiscal year for this p~ticular class of project ~d the possibilities of
abando~ent would be very s~ll. '~e Council ~elt su~ that 7~. P~ ~. assistance would
be available not only for the r~ainder of this fiscal year but also for ~e next fiscal
year as all indications point t~t way. ~e City ~ttorney also info~ed the Oouncil that
his iz~ression was t~t the School Bo~d d~d not care to m~e ~y ~oney on the deal
but would be only too willing to lease the laz~ to the city if it could be used to the
adv~tags of the city and ~at this ~uounted to an option so that the property could be hel~
for finial contract, which woul8 stipulate the exact conditions.
L~ICI~L ~ B~: The City Attorney e~l~ned ~solution No. ,,~l~,~
w~ich is a resolution bidding on the proposal to lease from the Chula Vista Union School
District for a p~riod of ninety-nine (99) years Lot 19 in ~ter ~ction 1~7, excepting
the Easterly ~00 feet thereof ~d that portion of said lot oYmed by the ~ Diego ~d
~izona East~m Raillery Comply ~d used as a railroad rig%t-of-way. S~d property, if
purc]~ased, to be used solely and exclusively for m~icipal buildings and m~icipal pur-
poses pertaining to such ouildings. ~e Resolution wa~ offered by Cl. Bryant ~d was read
and was passed and adopted as read by the following vote, t~t: A~: Cl. Bo~tz,
Bro~, Howe, ~ons ~d B~t; LOES: ~OLE; ~:
~--N~TI01~]~ ~. G T0 H: The City Clerk r~ad a ~etition si~ed by property
oumers in the La Plea Vista ~act requesting the Council to have a study ~de to deter-
mine the possible ways and ~s of furnishing sewer facilities to that district. Upon
~iotion by Cl. Howe, seconded by Cl. B~yant, which carried, said ~tter was referred to
t~ City .Qtto~ey ond the City ~gineer for their investigation.
~ ~l~ S~: The City ~gineer reported to the Council that D~. Floyd
~tt had paid the est~uated cost of r~i~z the sewer main from the ~n in G Street and
I~ation~ ~venue in front of his property on l~ational ~venue to serve his auto courts.
~e City Engineer requested ~erz~ission of the Co~cil to e~end said ~ain to s aid p~perty
~nd if the cost proved to be less than the estimate ~y ~oney saved would be re~ded to
[~ieeting of,~pril lb, 1938, continued.
~M. Lott. Upon motion by C1. ,qowe, seconded by C1. Tirmmons, which carried, the
above request was granted.
~ ~.~ STRUT LIGHT: Property o~ers on Garrett Avenue petitioned the
Co~cil to install a street li~t on G~rett Ave. ~duay Oetween E Street ~d F Street
as th~re are a n~,~ber of homes in this particular block ~d it is very dark. ~on notion
by Cl. T~ons, seconded by Cl. Bry~t, ~hich carried, the ~tter was referred to the
Street Co~issioner ~th power to act.
~O~ER ~f ~PRO.~i~TIO~: i~s. Floy C~isty, Corresponding Secreta~ of
the Chu~a Vista Wo~n's Club, requested the usual ~,~75.00 appropriation of the city to
help defray the e~enses of the annual flo~er show to be held ~pril 15th ~d l?th and
tl~ed the Council for their cooperation in the past. ~on ~aotion by Cl. Boltz,
seconded by Cl. H~e, ~:zhich carried, said request was grated as appropriation had been
made for s~ in the budSet.
~[IOR HIGH ~H~L YI~ ~iL'd~f ~%1~ STOl' LIGht: i~. Y. ]{. ~,Ic~nald,
S~ot. of tt~ Sweetwater School District, on beh~f of the Board of ~.ustees of the
Sweet~ater School District requested the Council to install ~ additional fire plug
near the large school building now being built just South of the old building on First
~venue ~d to install a street li~t in ~ront of tne main entr~ce of the present build-
ing. Inasmuch ~ the citizens of Chula Vista have a l~ge investn~ent at stye, the
Council thou~t it well to protect ~ch investz,~ent and ~pon ~otion by Cl. Timons,
seconded by C1. Boltz, which c~ried, t~ request was grated. Cl. Ti~ons also
recomended that a fire hydr~t also be instal~d on Second Ave. ~d L Street so that
the new Chula Vista Union Gr~uar School building would have better fire protection
and u~on motion by Cl. Tiz~ons, seconded by Cl. B~ant, ~ich carried, a fire hydrant
was ordered installed ~t said location. ~e City Attorney reco~nded that the property
on which the new Gr~m~ School is being built be annexed to the city so that adequate
protection could be ~iven it and no question be raised as to the legality of maid pro-
L~,QUOR ~C~[SE .~C~.TI0[TS: l~otice of the ~ard of Equalization that
D. Glimpse and ~hur ~. ~sting, proprietors of the ~tch Lunch Liquor Store, had ~,~de
application for renevml of off sale beer and wine, ~ine bottling or packing, and off-
sale distilled spirits and ttmt Verne H. ~ice, proprietor of the ~tch ~ch had made
application for on sale distilled spirits and on sale beer ~d wine were presented to
the Council by the Clerk. The Clerk info.ed the Council that should they ca~ to protest
the lssu~ce of said licenses they had a period of fifteen d~.s in which to so do. ~e
Co~cil inquired of Chief Kelly if he cared to protest or if he had any reason to protest
the issuing of said licenses m~d he advised tkat he had none ~d inasmuch as the
Council did not care to m~e any p~test the notices were filed.
~IR~IG S~R FLU~ reply to a request bl the City Clerk i~M. P. D. Rice, Div-
ision l~I~ager of the C~ifo~ia ~ater ~d Telepho~ Conpa~, by letter e~l~ned the past
history of water rates for sewer flushers a~ up ~til the last few ~nths there had been
a ~nim~ rate of $~.50 per month per sewer flusher. However, their investigations in-
dicated that use in excess of the ~ni~ was being ~de in v~ious flushers and it was
dete~ined to meter all the flu~ers not only for the p~pose of dete~ning the ~no~t
of water used but also to indicate t?~ location of extravagant use of water. ~ ex-
plained that the rates n~'z in effect provide for the payment of 12 cents per h~dred
cubic feet for all water flush ~icipalities ~d it is on this rate that bills for
service are rendered. He suggested that by a study of the sit~tion considerable
savings z~y be made in the use of water in certain of the flushers and offered tke assist-
~uce of the personnel of his comply in respect to such study~ ~e City ~gineer
stated that he had not been con~lted regarding the inspections as ~dicated in the
letter f~m 1~. ~ce in checking ~ters witk the Uater Co~y and he reported on the bad le~
~ ~-~ at two of the sewer flushers and suggested to the Council that he see
!~. ~ce regarding the sit~tion.
C~C~N HOUSe: The Ci~ Clerk e~l~ned to the Co~cil the zoning ordinance
~/~ich prohibits the building, repairi~, altering, or enl~ging of chicken houses in
the A ~d in the B Zones, which ~ones comprise a big share of the city ~d inasmuch as a
n~ber of the residents of Chula Vista ~mke their livelihood in this business ~nd live in
said zones he thought that the ordin~ce prohibiting them frown ~pairing their buildings
inposed a hea~ penalty upon th~. ~ter considerable discussion by the Council on the
situation the ~ty Attorney advised that the ~tter be referred to the ~g Co~ssion
so that they could m~e p~oper study of it ~d so that p~per legal advise could be
given th~. ~on motion by Cl. Boltz, seconded by C1. Howe, which carried, the ~tter
~as referred to the Planing Co~ssion as recom-~ended by the City Attorney.
~0~ ~ D~G~IQ: ~e City Clerk read a notice from the ~ Dep~t~uent
info~ng the Council that application had be~n ~mde by the City of CorcnaS~o to dredge a
Meeting of April 10, 19~8, continued
channel in Glorietta Bay and that should the Council have any objections of a
navigable character they could fils it with the War Department° The notice was ordered
BR~ER C~LRDT~LE~d~PLI,~TION: Police Cormm~ssioner Boltz reported that the Police
Department, after investigation, recommended that the %oplicat~on of Lee Brewer for
a card table license be denied° Upon n~otion by Clo Timmons, seconded by Clo Bryant,
which carried, the recommendation of the Police Department was approved.
S. R. ~. i~ECUL~TIOHS: The City Attorney informed the Council that at a
meeting of officals of the S. R. A. and representatives of various cities in the
Countythe new regulations of the S. R. ~., which are to be effective Yuly l, 1958,
specified that cities and counties obtaining such relief must reimburse the State
for ~0 per cent of amount received° The city and coUnty representative unanimously
protested this particular ruling and agreed to p~resent a re$olugion to ~he Governor
protesting s~e. Inasmuch as the help received through S. R. A. is by men who are
physically Unfit for heavy work it was pointed out by some of the representatives
that cities might not avail themselves of such assist~ce but hire fewer men direct.
The new regulations contained other matters which at the present time are not of
importance to this city but are on ~le with the City Engineer.
P~iL%K ~PRO~.~EI,~: The City Engineer reported that the I~nds for the
Park Improvement Account were overdrawn by approximately one hundred dollars° Pbwever,
the account of Trees, Shrubs, etc. for the said improvement had a balance of approximate-
ly $150o00 and a donation of $100.00 had been promised by ~. Sane of the San Diego
County Celery Growers' Association and the City Engineer recozmzended that the balance
be used for installing a curb from Third Ave. Westerly 180 feet along the Southerly
line of the Park and that necessary water pipe be installed if funds permit. DIayor
Brown reported that several hundred feet of water pipe o%vned by the city is in Euca-
lyptus Grove and suggested that it be examined and used if possible. %~e City Engineer
stated that he would examine the water pipe and l~ use it if at all possible. The
Council re~ized the need for the said water piping and the installation of the said
curb at this time and upon recormuendation by Cl. Bryant, seconded by Cl. Tirm~ons,
which carried, these available accounts were to be used to do said curbing and water
SIXTH riVE. & L ST. 0II~G: As a result of a conference with ~. Cole,
CoUnty Road Superintendent, the City ~gineer informed the Council that the assistance
that we could expect from the CoUnty on road oiling work was very lir~ted and that he
had not attenuated to get the County to furnish oil. The Council felt that the property
owners across Sixth Ave. (not in the city) would and should assist the city in~'urnish-
lng the oil necessary. The City Attorney reported that he had investiguted the law
regarding the right of the County to furnish oil for streets inside cities and that the law
did allow coUnties to do so. He also stated that the Chula Vista Union Gr~mzmzr School
Board would be requested to adopt a resolution requesting the County to oil L Street at
least in the vicinity of the new Grammar School and that said l~solution would be forwarded
to the Board of Supervisors at their next meeting. After considerable discussion the
Council referred the hatter to ~,~yor Bro~m and the City Attorney to see the County offi-
cials regarding obtaining oil.
qRININAL C~JPIJ~NTS: Upon recormuendation of the City Attorney, concurred
in by the Chief of Police, it was directed that all criminal complaints requested by
private individuals of the City Court and where circu~mtances permit all others, other
than traffic complaints, be referred to the City Attorney before the issuance thereof.
BILLS P~ID: Upon motion by Cl. Bryant, seconded by Cl. Boltz, which carried, the follow- ing bills, '~fter exanin~tion, by the Finance Cormmittee, were ordered paid:
11662 Pay Roll General I~Dmicipal Election Officers 9 ~0.00
11665 Pay RollGeneral Fund & ~'Iotor Vehicle Lic. Fee Fund(April 1-15,58) $1t57.05
ll66& Pay Roll Streets and Sewers (April 1-15,~8)
11665 G~y A. Bi~elow, Plam~s and shrubs 55.68
11666 Chula Vista Star Election Notices, etc.
11667 Richfield 0il Corporation Supplies for 5~rch ~.96
11668 Cons° Gas & Electric Co. Electricity for ~arch ~9.?~
11669 Calif. %~ater & Telephone Co. Telephone bills for 2,Iarch 59~.75
ll6?0 B. Butterfield Rep. sidewalk and curb on 5rd Ave. 26.10
ADYOu~: Upon aeries of Cl. Tir~uons, seconded by B~ovm, which carried, this
Council adjourned to ~nday, %~ril 18th., 1958, at 7:00 P. ~o
~t t
City Clerk!