HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1938/04/04 ~TI~JTES OF ~ RE~I~R L~T]2~G OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHUL~ VISTas, G~Li~0RNIA, ~ ~RIL 4th., 19~8. The Council met in regular session in the Council Chamber of the City Hall on the above shown date, with D~ayor Brown presiding, l~ieeting called to order at 7 o'clock P. ~i. Present: All members. }~N3TES OF PRA~-IOUS i,,EATINGS: The minutes of the regular meeti~ of ~arch 7th and the adjourned reg-alar meeting of Mmrch 21st, 1938, havin~ besn prepared and mailed to each member of this council by the City Clerk were approved as prepared and mailed. FLOYD LOTT S~J~R: Floyd Lott requested permission of the council to buy into the sewer district at his new auto court location on National Avenue North of G Street° The City Engineer informed the council ti~t it would cost approximately $2.00 per foot to run the sewer lateral to the Lott property. The Southerly line of the Lott property is 220 feet to the main on G Street. As this would run the co.~t very high L~. Lott was advised to try to obtain an ease~nent from the property owners on his South or possibly the one on his ?~est. I.EM BR~ CARD T~BLE R~, QUEST: By letter Lee Brewer requested the council to grant him a card table license for his proposed place of business at 296 Center Street. The council asked Chief Kelly for his recon~nendation on said reqUest and he recommended that it be denied. However, upon ~otion by Cl. Howe, seconded by Cl. Timnons, which carried, the matter was referred to Commissioner Boltz and Chief Kelly for further inves- ttgationo N~TION~L'AVE.. STATE .HI..GH~aY AGRE~'IE~,T.: Cl. Timmons offered Resolution No. 509, which is a resolution approving the expenditure of the quarter cent gas tax allocated for state highways and which is for the widening, surfacing shoulders and construction of cLurbs and gutters on a part of Nationsl Avenue from E to C St. The resolution was read and was passed ~nd adopted as read by the follo%~lng vote. to-wit: Aves: Cl. Boltz, Brown, Howe, Ttw~ons and Bryant: Noes: None; Absent: None. THIRD AVENUE .~GME~.,~,.S~NT: Cl. Bryant offered Resolution No. 510, which is a resolution '~pproving the budget of proposed expenditures of quarter cent gas tax allo- cated for streets of major import~uce other than state highways and W~ich in this case is for development on Third Avenue from Roosevelt to H Street and for the widening of Third Avenue from E Street to Davidson Street. The resolution was read and was passed and adopted as read by the following vote: Aves: Cl. Timmons, Bryant, Boltz, Brovm and Howe; Noes: None. Absent: None. ~PP. OPCs~ S~T 0ILL~.G: iJ~yor Br~a explained to the council the proposed reso- lution No.' 51i 9h'ere'by 'the city would furnish oil and the county wo~ld assist in the laying of said oil on Sixth Avenue from F to J Street and on L Street from Third Avenue to National Avenue. He recommended that this be done in lieu of the proposed oiling program as outlined by the city engineer at a previous meeting. The question of oil cost and of whether or not the county could be persuaded to assist in the purchase of said oil was brought up and the city engineer e~t~mated that the type of oil used by the county would cost approximately $125.00 per ~quar~mile. As this seemed to be quite costly at the present time the council felt that it would be wise to at least attempt to get the county to help in the purchase of oil and instructed the city engineer to contact M~. Richards or },ir. Cole and to get a better check on the estimated cost° PARK CUL¥~i~T ON SECOND AVEEUE: The city clerk read a letter from I~r. A. A. Riesland, Secretary 'and N~ua~e~ of t~e' ~hula Vista Mutual Lemon Association, which stated that they are expeeting to take a large quantity of dirt from their basement this Fall and offered to cover the proposed culvert which would run from Second Avenue east and directly to the south of their warehouse. The city engineer stated that he had conferred with Mr. Riesland and that even though the culvert might not be in at the time of their excavation, that they had promised to leave the dirt in the in~nediate vicinity so that it could be used by the City when the culvert is finally in. The city clerk was instructed to th-nW said Asso- ciation for their considerate offer. STATE PLANNING CIRCULAR: Upon motion by Cl. Howe, seconded by Clo Bryant, which carried, the Ca~iforni~ 'State Planning Commission circular was referred to the City Planning Commission. Cl¥~3u SERIFiCE 0~DINANCE: The model Civil Service Ordinance as drawa up by the State League of Municipalities was referred to the City Attorney. I~inutes of },~eeting of April 4th., 19~8, continued. ~AX DEEDS: The City Attorney explained to the council proposed Resolution NO.L'512, which is a resolution directing the tax collector to m~ke tax deeds to the City of Chula Vista on all property delinquent prior to the first Monday of March, 1932 to the City of Chula Vista and to deliver same to the city clerk° He stated that while the city cannot sell the said property for taxes it would fit into the program of clearing up the ~attoon district. Cl. Bo~tz offered Resolution No. 512, it was read and was passed and adopted as read by l~he following vote, to-wit: A~es: Cl. Timmons, Bryant, Boltz, Bryant and Howe. Noes: None: Absent: None. RABIES EPIE~C: Attention of the council was called to the rabies epidemic in Los A~geles County and the possibility of it spreading to other parts of California end the matter was referred to the Health Officer for his reco~nendationo ~JNIOR HIGH SCHOOL CARNIVAL: The Secretary of the Associated Student Body of the Chula Vista Yunior High School~ by letter,requested permission of the city council to hang the street banner across Third Avenue in front of the City Hall advertising a carnival which said body is sponsoring Nmy 2?th. Upon motion by Cl. Howe, seconded by Cl. Bryant, which carried, the above request was granted for a period of fifteen days before the date of said carnival° POLICE PROWL C~R: Cl. Boltz presented to the council a comparison of estimated costs of keeping the police prowl car in service another year with the cost of buying a new car at this time. The estimated cost of replacements and repairs necessary for the maintenance of the present car for an added year, plus motor exchange and deprecia- tion, would save the city very little if auy over the cost of turning in the present car with the present allowance. Chief Kelly reported that the car upkeep at the present time was very high. It has travelled approximately forty thousand miles on prowl duty, which no doubt accounts in a 18rge degree for the fact that there have been only four burglaries this past year, three of which have been solved. The council felt that the city would receive the better bargain by tUrning in the car at this time as per bid of the Chula Vista Auto Company even though the turn in allowance for the prewent car is $55.00 less tha~ anticipated at budget time. Upon motion by Cl. Boltz, seconded by Cl. Howe, which carried, the police department was authorized to turn in the police car as per offer of the Chula Vista Auto Con~oany, which included the change over of equip- merit on the present car to the new car. SUBDIVISION RESTRICTIONS: The city attorney informed the council that he had in- Eestigated the duties of cities in regard to the enforcement of building restrictions and that he found it was not the duty of the city to enforce smbdiviaion K restrictions. YAWGE~ PROPOSED STR~m'~': The city attorney informed the council that I~. Yawger had contacted him regarding deeding to the city a thirty (~$)foot street running along , the Northerly line of his property from Sixth Avenue West to a point near the Westerly line of his property and then south to H Street and he recon~nended that it be referred to the city en$ineer for his investigation. The city engineer informed the city council something of the situation-as h4 understood it at present but he thought it would r~quire more thorough study. Upon motion by Cl. Tin~ons seconded by Cl. Howe the matter was referred to the city engineer and the city attorney for further consideration. CURB DAtA, GE ~T 453 SECOND AVENUE: The city attorney informed the council that he had received estimates from the city engineer for the cost of replacement for the curb da~aaged at 453 Second Avenue incurred by the contractor for the Water Company in filling the trench when new line was placed. He reported he would have further information at a later date. ~&~RTIN CONTRACT: The city attorney reported that ~r. Martin, who had contacted the council at a prior meeting regarding the W. P. A. improvement, had presented him with a contract whereby the city could take advantage of his valuable services if they so desired. The contract was ordered filed without consideration. FIRE TRUCI£ ,~IRF~: Fire Chief Armer requested the council for permission to buy four new tires for the fire truck% He stated that he had been informed that the county and other cities do not make it a habit to keep tires for more than five years and while the tires on the truck at the present time look all right from the outside they have been on the truck for eight years and no doubt are dangerous to drive~ Inasmuch as the allowance on the present tires would be approximately $10 each it was decided best to have the street department take advantage of what use there is in the tires~ Upon motion by Cl. Timmons, seconded by Cl. Boltz, which carried, the purchasing agent was instructed to purchase four tires at the best possible price and to charge the street department with allowance value of the old tires° Cl. Bryant left at this time° Minutes of ~,~eeting of~ril 4th., 1938, continued B01YiF~I~ ~TOP SI~tk~]~: Chief Kelly recomuended to the council that stop signs be erected on eleven intersections on Second Avenue and First Avenue, ~'~f~in~ First mud Second Avenues through streets to safeguard the school children° He stated that the law re- quired that stop signs be refleetorized and the cost of each stop sign would be $9.60. Inasmuch as the cost for the twenty-two signs necessary for the eleven intersections would bring the cost to over ~200o00 and as no allovmnce was made in the budget for such expenditure the council hesitated to approve it. However, they realized the urgency of having the intersections of First Avenue and G Street, First Avenue and H Street, Second Avenue and F Street, Second Avenue and G Street, and Second Avenue and H Street m~de stop streets and the other intersections could be made stop streets et a later date. Upon motion made by Clo Howe, seconded by Cl. Tin~ons, which carried, the unapportioned fund was to be drawn upon to purchase ten stop signs for the above listed intersections and the city attorney las instructed to draw up an ordinance to put into effect stop signs at said intersections. STREET LIGHT~T D~VIDS0~ ST~ ~d~D THIRD.VENUE: Chief Felly recorar~nded ~hat a street light be installed at the intersection of Third ~venue ~nd Davidson Street due to the f~ct that this intersection is the new turning point and better lighting facilities should be made. He also informed the council that the new sodium light on National Avenue and E Street should be put over ~ the center of the street rather than on the side as it is not discernible from a distance. Upon motion by Cl. Timmons. seconded by Cl. Boltz, which carried, the ~mtter of installing a light at Davidson Street and Third Avenue was referred to the street con~issioner with power to act. f~CCIDE~T PHOTOGRAPHS: Chief tfelly requested the council to allow him to have photo- graphs taken of m~jor accidents sothat better evidence could be obtained and used at coroners' inquests and trials, if needed. He stated that without such photographs the police are handicapped at the present ~ime and cited the specific case of the ~eck on Second Avenue ~nd G Street last week when due to the fact that traffic has crossed the tracks made by the v~'eck it is impossible to give any proof as to location of tire marks, etc. Upon motion by Cl. Ti.~mons, seconded by Cl. Howe, which carried, permission was granted Chief Kelly to have pictures taken at ~'ecks of major i~portance. DOG POUND ~TE~: Chief Kelly infor~sd the council of the need of water for flushing out Zhe kennels at ~he dog pound at the foot of G Street. ~s the ~ter Con,party's lines are so far away it would not be feasible to have water piped to the pound. ~&~yor reported that ~pproxiraately three hundred feet of pipe, which is now on the city property between First and Second Avenues in the North end of the to~n, would be available but it was discovered this would only go a little w~y in bringing water the required distance. Chief Kelly stated that he would see I.M. Phil Rice in regard to the cost of getting water to the said pound and report later. ~EF~0DI~IL i~I~ttTS: The monthly reports of the City Judge, the Police and Fire Departments for the month of D~rch, 1938 and the ~onthly reports of the City Treasurer for the months of J~muary, February and ~,~rc~, 1938 were examined and ordered filed. BYIJ~ P~): Upon motion by Cl. Boltz, seconded by Cl. Tirmuons, ~hich carried, the bill as presented by the California Water & Telpphone Company was held ~p for investi- gation and the following bills ~fter ez~luation by the Finance Cormuittee were ordered paid: 11613 Pay Roll General, D~r. 1-15, 38 ~ 1,188.25 llTl~ Pay Roll Streets & Sewers ~ar. 1-15-38 $3?.35 11615 Pay Roll General, ~,~r. 16-31, 38 1.261.75 11616 P~y Roll StrtSo & Sewers, I.~sr. 16-31,38 678.~5 llTl~ Gerald L. Baldwin Distillate 15.26 11618 H~len ~. Scott ~leage for March 5.63 11619 Chula Vista Auto Company P~flectors 9.2? 11620 Chula Vista Dry Goods Co. 15 yards canvass ~.48 llT~l Chula Vista Paint m Hdwe. Co. Supplies 45.24 11622 City Rsvolving Fund 1.~scellaneous supplies 57.52 llTSZ Farrah's Cafe Prisoners' D~als during ~rch 15.1~ 11624 Helm Bros. Tire repairs 6.50 11625 Hazard-Gould & Co. Tools and supplie~ 7~.80 11626 R. A. Hlggs Percentage unsecured pers. property taxes 27.98 11627 Hermau D. ~ohnson ~epair toilet- ~,~terials 1.67 11628 Bobby Law Impounding animals for M~rch 21.25 11629 A. Lietz Company Drawing paper and crayons ll.ll 11630 Chas. P. Moles Salary for Yanuary, February & ~,~rch 181.43 llT~l National Ave. Printery Election post cards & Permit blanks ~eeting of ~ipril ~th., 1958, continued. 1163Z Nelson & Sloan Concrete $ 138.28 116~3 Revelation ~;ater Purifier Co. Rent of water filter 1/Sto 3/9/58 4.00 116~ Ross' Stationery & Gift Shop Stationery supplies ~.6~ 116~5 Flexible Sewer Rod Equip. Co. Sewer equipr~ent 11656 Roy G. Davis Company Rings & gaskets for fire truck 8.07 116~7 Chula Vista Sheet ~2etal Works Water t~nk & supplies 180o?~ 116~8 Chula Vista Lumber Co. ~terials 116~9 D~oreland I,~otor Truck Co° Supp!ios ll6&0 Chula Vista Woman's Club ~doun~y LeagUe Exp~nse · ~ ' 56.~1 ll6~l Hudson-Tucker, Inc. Ruby Globes 7.82 ll6&B The Oopp~s Shop Repairing Neon sig~ 8.00 ll64J Standard Iron Works l'~aterials ~ Supplies 8J.el 115A4 San Diego Tractor & Equp° Coo, Inc. i~epair clutch on Caterpillar tractor 55.17 115~5 Ruble & Artley Repairs to Ed° Rice motSrbyels 25.78 116~6 C. $. Reed Saw and DIower repairs ~.9~ 116~7 S. D. Cons. Gas & Electric Co. Lighting bills for March ~8o65 1164~ Ssm Diego Fire Equipment Co. Fire Dept. supplies $o16 116~9 Wallace E. ~..~er, Fire Chief Volunteer Fir°men's Payroll (l~arch) 38°00 11650 Sanit~ry Laundry Laundry for City Iail ll6~l Southern California Telephone Co. Telephone bills for ~{arch ll65E Stsndard 0il Co. of Cslifornia Gasoline for ~,~rch P~6.01 1165~ Emil Tholl ~utomobil~ repairs for L~rch 61.0~ 1165~ Travelers' Insurance Company Group sick smd acc. ins. for April 11655 Travelers' Insu~ance Company Group life ins. for N-~ch 15-~pr. 15 11606 Van's Independent Station ~pair tubes, spark plugs, etc. 36.19 11657 Denrich Press Service Towels 6o18 11658 ~?ed West Truck Wrecking Co. 4 boxes for D~oreland truck 3.09 11659 Benj. F. %~igginton April rental for Sewing P~oJect 25.00 11660 Western l,~tal Supply Company Supplies ~50.26 11661 F. E. Ashcroft, ~I. D. Examination of prisoners for March 57.00 ADJOURNMenT: Upon motion by Clo Tirmnons, seconded by Cl. Howe, which carried, this council adjourned to April 10th., 1958, at 7:00 P. ~f. ATTEST: