CHbq=% VISTj~, CLLIFORhrZA. HELD k~J~CH 21, 1938e
The C~uncil met pursuant to adJou~ent in the Council Chamber of the City Hall
on the above shown date with I~ayor Brown presiding. ~eetir~g called at 6:30
o'clock P. M. Present: Councilmen Tlmmons and Boltz. Absent: Councilmen Howe
and Bryant.
FLOYD L0iVf AUTO QOURT: !~ir. Floyd Lott requested permission to build
an auto court on National Ave. North of the present auto court on G Sto He informed
the Council that he had a petition with signatures of the necessary property owners
approving the said construction. It was explained to the Council that the matter
had to have the approval of the City Planning Cow,ntssion and upon motion by Cl.
Ttmmons, seconded by Cl. Boltz, v&ich carried, the ~natter was referred to the City
Planning Commission with pod?er to act inasmuch as }~r. Lott wished to start immediate-
ly upon the construction of the said auto court.
NA~ P~,~K ~0APING: ~,ir. Ramsay, landscaper, and Nrc James. both of the
Je~ss Nursery in National City, requested the Council for an opportunity to bid on
the landscaping and furnishing of plants for the new park. I~k'.Ramsey recomended
that a definite procedure of landscaping be outlined and followed to completion as
funds permitted° lie offered to outline said landscaping program at a cost of $50
for p~an and ch~rt to accompany. Thereupon Mr. J~mes propositioned the Council that
if they would buy $200 worth of his plants he would donate an additional $50 worth.
The City Engineer advised that the matter be taken up at the next regular meeting
to give the Council an opportunity to consider the above offers, at which time
Street Commissioner Howe would be present and at which time IJ~. Ramsey offered to
present a rough draft without obligation.
S~:~0t~ ~UEST: E. Swift Torrance by letter informed the Council
of the bequest of the late ;~llli8]n H. Sallmon of $1,000 entrusted as an endovanent
for the exclusive use of the Free Public Library. Upon ~otion by Cl. Boltz,
seconded by Cl. Timons, which carried, the City Clerk was instructed to write a
letter of a,~preciation to i.~s. Sal]m~on, the attorney, and to inform the luibrmry
Board of said bequest.
LEAGUE ~KETI, NG ~: The Oity Clerk informed the Council that
Captain Elliott of the W. P. A. had consented, upon request of Dlayor Brown, to speak
to the League at its regular meeting in Chula Vista April 1st.
ADD!TION~LL OEP] OF2,~T GAS T~.d[: Senator Ed Fletcher by letter confirmed the
telegrams regarding the proposed one cent increase in gas tax and informed the
Council that he would fight to defeat the bill should it reach the Floor. He also
informed the Council that it was probable that Federal assists~uce would be obtainable
for the emergency aid. This letter is the result of a telegram received from Senator
Fletcher requesting the Council's reaction relative to a one cent gas tax increase
which the Council disapproved, suggesting the curtailment of existing highway repairs
for the time being.
Cl. Bryant appeared at this time.
pID_krlFiNG CO~,9~SS~0N 1.~I~-JTES:, The Clerk read the minutes of the Pl~nnlng
Corem1 esion meeting of ~eh 12th, at which meeting it was recorm~ended that ~rs. Rose
~illler's request for removal of pepper tree on the North side of F St. between
National f~Veo and Bay Boulevard be granted upon condition of replacement of said tree
and another tree to replace the sick tree now in front of her present property.
It was also recormuended that the City plant a papper tree in front of the IAvesay
home on F St. to fill in the void caused by a tree removal of several years back.
Upon motion by Cl. Bryant, seconded by Cl. Brown, which carried, said minutes
were appepted ~ud approved.
~Uf~RTER CEIqT GAS T~ ,EXI~ENDITYP~.: The City Engineer presented tentative
Agreements of Project Stater~nt No. 5 and Project State--ut No. 6. Said Agreements
are for the expenditures of the quarter cent gas tax funds received by the City ~ud
which must be expended on the streets of naJor importance in the City. Said P~oJect
Agreements included the construction of curb and gUtter on National Ave. from D to
C Sts. and the oiling of shoulders along the new curb as well as re-oiling on
National Ave. from E to D Sts.; also the ~id~uing of 3rd Ave. from Davidson St. to
E St. and gravelling the shoulders and the two inch rock top sealed with bitumuls
and the improving of 3rd Ave. from Roosevelt to H St. He informed the Council that
the necessary agreements and resolution authorizing the adoption of same would in all
probability be available for the next reg~le~v meeting.
R~eeting of i~mrch El, 19~8, continued.
PR0~ED 0ILl, G: The 0ity Engineer's repor~ and recomendation on proposed
oiling for t~i's year and ~he next budJet year was presented to the Council with map
showing the streets paved, streets already oiled ~ud those prOposed to be oiled.
It was decided to hold the ~eccmaaendation until the next regular meeting at which time
Street Commissioner Howe would be present ~nd at which time the resolution necessary
for the adoption of said recOmm~udation would be presented.
~.~. DHEW'S C0~PLAINT: ~. William Drew requested the Council to take
action to improve the widen~g of Third Avenue from Davidsen Street to E Street and
criticized the Council for their authorization of expenditures of money on Alma Street
~nd the Park Improvement' before authorization of money to widen Third Avenue as above
stated~ He was informed by the Council that upmn adoption of the agreements which
they had considered prior this evening that the widening of Third ~enue would be ccm-
~)YG~ Upon m~tiSn by Clo Boltz, seconded by Cl, Bryant, which carried, this
Council adjourned sine die.
0ity Clerk°