The Council met pursuant to adjournment, in the Council Ohe~aber of the City
Hall, on the above shown date, with Mayor Brown presiding° ~eeting called to order
at ?:00 o'clock, Po Mo Present: Ail m~mbers.
MC~SE~ PRGP~-~ DI1gL$IC~: Upon rustics by Clo Howe, seconded by Glo Tt.~ons,
which carried, the request of Mr. ~m. ~oeser to have two fifty foot iota ~ thin his
five acre lot 10 of quarter asetion 137 taxe~ separately for the second installm-nt
of the 1937-~8 tax~s was approvede
~GEE~DRY T.a..1~.: Upon motion by Cl. Boltz, seconded by Olo Bryant, which carried,
the request of Mr. 0. A. MoKen~ry that he be allewe~ to pay hid 19~ and 19~5 taxes,
with ?~ penalty, on the ~-~h 100 feet of the West 163 feet (Except the West 30 feet)
of Lot 21, in Q~ar~er Section 137, was approved~
~Ii~0~ES ~: Mr. Ben Allen, on behalf of the Ohula Vista Merahents Associa-
tion, urge~ t'he Council to not prohibit the sale of fireworks this year, as certain
of the local mero~-~ts baa a large supply on han~ and it woul~ be working a hardship
upon them if they were no~ able to dispose of their stock this yea~. Ma~or
infoA~ae~ Mr. Allen tha~ the 0r~dn-~ce whish has been ~ored would be passed woul~ not
p~o~ibit ~he sale during the ~x~, &th and ~th of ~uly, if it is pasoe~ as ha~ been
x-Amo~e~. The o~her me~bera of the 0ouncil stated that they werannot awa~e of any
such ox~inanea, so Mr. Allen left the Chamber with the impression that there would
not be a ban on said sales.
A~$S~'S NAP ~$$~. The Ci~y 0lark informed the Council that the Surveyor in
the 0surety Assessor's Office had completed an abitrary map, for assesmment lz~-posee,
of that pax~ of this city which ia not included in raeox~ed ~ub~ivisions end as it
w~uld be a big savings to adopt said map nex~ year it would be also a savings to
ox~er necessary espies of said map a~ this ti~ when they a~e be ing printe~, but
that the present budget did not have an a~eQUate amount set up in the city sle~k's
accounts to m-~e said purchase. Cl. Ttmmona heem~ily reoo~m~nded the said purchase
stating that upon a~option of the map it would be a big sawings in the
departmenSe Upon motion by Cl. T~w.ens, Aeconded by Cl. Howe, which cax~ied, the
purchase of the necessary espies was approved, the cattle-ted cost being $~1.$~e
WA~ER FID'~: The City Clerk informed the Council that in regard to the
water filter he ha~ ~eeeived a price of $~E.§0 for a small water filter, but not
having seen it could not give details of its se~-~ios. It was agreed that he could
have one installed to be tried out and report at a later meeting.
~ 0I~.. 0LE~: The 0ity Olerk, a!~e~ imves$igatll~ the~qualification~ of
those applisants for the office of deputy city clerk, appointed~Miss Elizabet
Bethgetto said office. Gl. Tim~ons offered ~eolution No. 507., which ia a resolution
confirming the above appoin truant and stipulating conditions of employment. The
resolution was raa~ end was passed an~ adopts1 as ree~, by the followi.~ vote,
AYES: Cl. Boltz, Brown, Howe, Timmons and Bryante NC~S: NOne. A~SE~IT: None.
Sp~m~w, ~ ~ BEN .G~$: The Ci~y Engineer requested the Council's Approval
to purehaso a new apri~er for approximately $100.00, stating that the o1~ eno
has p~aotieally been worn out but could be used to keep old oil for weed burning
pUrposes. Inamaueh as allowenass were not made in the budget for said purohaee the
request was tabled~ The 0ity ~-_~eer stated that he was investigating prices on
the proposed lawn mower to be used in the new park ~ the Libmax'y park. 01. Tim~ons
stated it m~ght be well to investigate the ones ~old by Montgomery WaX~i and Sea~s
and Roebuck as he had a paml~let which gave listings on aaz~. The ~ity ~ngineer
suggeete~ that in~aeh as there had been several requests for benches to be plaee~
in the park at the Library that the city purchase several seven foot banshee. He gave
price lists of concrete ~d and wood strip beaches a~ $E5.§0 each. The 0curtail felt
that it would be better to investigate the coats of building our owe an~ so 'instrnsted
the City Engineere
~ ~imAIBS: The City Clerk repo~$ed the result of the bids f~r the
reborin£, new pis'tons, rings, pins and gaskets end sug~eetod ~hat the valves be
grOund at the sa~ time. Upon motion by Cl. T4~ons, soeon~eA by ~1. ~ol~z, which
asr~iad, the Clerk was inetx~Aeted to accept the lowest bid for eaid w~rk which would
include .1~ labor and also valve grind~
MAGGIORA .W~GE,: Mrs. P=,,~ Maggiore, by letter, raQueatod the 0ounoil to consider
making necessary recompense for the d-~_~e to the hedge which was made by the weed
burning craw when burning waede last S,-.mar. The Oity Engineer raporl~d that he
planned to plant necessary trees to raplase those b~rned and had waited un~il the
spring rains so that ~hey would better g~ow. This,seemiag satisfactory to the 0ouneil~
they instructed the clerk to so notify ~s. Maggiore.
Meeting of February 14, 1938, continue~.
W. P~ A. O?.~WVOAL , ,~S .I~TANC~: ~or ~ i~o~d the ~cil t~t the
Works ~ss ~ulatrati~ ~Jeets cou~ ~n~er clerical ~ces to cities
for ce~n t~es of work ~ that if this city ~ould c~ to do a~ of the
p~Jects, as list~, i~ should a~l itself of s~d ~i~e. U~ ~ti~ by
C1. ~nt, seconded by Cl. T~s, ~ c~ried, t~ Oity Att~ey ~d City
Olo~ ~ autBorized to obtain s~d assist~ if ~e~ ~d be no e~se
_,~ ~ ~ ~ ~or Br~ info.ed the Oo~eil t~t the City of
Ch~a Vis~ ~uld be a~ised on the pr o~ of ~tter ~ ~e~ ~Arch ?, at
five ~nutes to se~n ~d that the necess~ ~fo~ti~ ~lati~ to said p~
had been ~fe~ to ~e O~ber of O~erce.
B[~?~ P~: ~on ~ion by Cl. ~t, seconded by Cio ~, w~ch c~ie~, the
foll~ bill0~ter extradition by the fin~ce c~tteo, ~ ~dered paid:
1156~ S~ Die~ Cerise ~s & ~eot~o Co. ~eo~city ~9o~
~I,OR ~IO P~I Chief ~1~, bei~ ~te~ to atten~ a ~eti~ at the
~etwater Union ~ School ~lati~ to the fo~n~ of a Y~ior ~a~i~
requeste~ the opinion of t~ Co~cil upon action they a6~se~ ha~ ~ t~e.
~ question of the ~ities ~ability in case of accident ~ose ~d t~ City
advised t~t the city ~uld not ~ liable as long ~ the ~t~l ~ not ~der the
J~sdiction of the 0o~cil. The Co. oil hesitated to e~ss ~ opinion ~thout
gi~ the ~tter mo~ considerati~ ~d ist~cted the ~Aiee O~ef to attend the
meetl~ ~d dete~ne Just what the p~icul~s ~e in fo~ng of said parole
T~ ~OH ~ ~?~ ~. ~. ~t~s, ap~ing before the Co. oil, stat~
that, in his eat~tion, there ~s too ~ch "no pa~ing" space in the business
district ~d ~ggested that said space ~e deor~s~. C~ef Kelly info.ed the
Co.oil that the ~o~t of No ~rking space adjacent ~o c~s~s could not be
lessened ~d still m~e it safe in b~cking cars out from c~bi~s~ he ~o~d
how accidents c~ld ~ppen if the ~o~t ~re lessened ~d the ~tter did not ~cei~
~ action.
~~,: Upon motion by Ci. ~, secomded b2 Cle Tigons, ~ch c~ied,
this 0o~cil adjured to Feb~ 21, 19~ at 7:~ o~clo~, P. M.