HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1933/01/03JANUARY 3, 1933
The Oo~noil ~lt in ~Eular Bessie'- t~ '~w ~ou~oil O~b~r of t~e City HaJ.I, on 1~o
above date, with ~ D~xe l~eoidiag. ~wetiag ~e~ to e~Aur at Y:30 p. m. l~wee·t:
~ OF PR~VI0~O U~eTIN0O: The ~iwutes of the last ~ula~ meetin~ held Deem-bet
6, lgsl, havin~ been read by eae~ ~ember of the 0or, oil, were approved as read.
P~XODICAL R~P(IITS: The annual ~op~tm of the ~ shier .~wd ohlef Of peltoe; tho
quarterly repo~t of the t~euurer, aa4 4M monthly ~el~ete of the eity Judge, fire shier,
· htef of police, were, after ,-nm~n, ticm by the ~u0aeil, o~dere~l file~.
8~I~T 8I~i: ~. F~-~ Stefe~t, of the 0eaeral ~et~olem 0~-po~atlon, tnfo~me~ the
0ou~oll that hie ecoi~my had e~eeted & sign ~n the street, at D Street and National Avenue,
which ia la violation of a sity c~lwa~ee; that $.h.e~alAn baa bees ereoted ia goo~ faith,
· et knowing that this s~gn was eont~-y to the o~Juanoe, a~d uked fo~ · mpesial pox-mit
to leave the sign u won urente~. ~_ ~equeet vas granted upon motion by 01. ~ova, eeo-
ends* by OX. Hove, ehloh oer~ie~.
publimh~ 4·ring the oalm, dax' yenr 19~, the following bids ve~e
elare~& ~he 0hula ~imta Sta~, Donnish l~emm, National Aveeno l~iatury, and R. ~. Maldau.
Aftur exmmiaati~n of the bida, it warn fon~! that the ~ln~a Vista S$ur ha~ the lowest bl~
on items X, I, 4, §, ~, ? -nd 15, al~ the ~atioaal Aweaue ~nte~ wue l~wemt on items
3, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 1~. ~'ae amount bl~ by the ~atlmml Avenue F~iate~y for She items
no eonpetitima on items l, ~ end 1~, nbieh warn greeted te the ~4~L~. Total m~euat ef bl~m
ass.opted, ~3.75 aha S66. 15, equals ~95.90, ~ho De·fish J~emm bid a l~m~ ~m fc~ this we~k
of ~1X4.75; R. C. M~iA&u warn higher tha~ above f~-es o~ all items bi( fc~. b oon~aot
~m grante4 am above mh~we ~on motion by 01. ~urs, meeo·4e4 by 01. B~m, Ibieh oa~-
8TA?~ FIR~ BgGI~B: ~o sloth presented a ~ lee,
8~ f~ ~, ~m by ~m oi~, ~l~ bee·p~4 ~ ~ 8~ ~mionof
F~ee~, for oX~t~ ~ ~b ~o11. b bale o~
~t 8, 19~, ~ be~ reJeo~ ~d ~e~. ~ ~htl~ by ~e ~ at~ey,
Cl. ~ ~ed ~$ ~e p~ o~ot~ of ~lm o1~
i~B X]~Jl~lAlf~ ON 8TA~ F~]g ~[0~IX: ~ho olm'k road a lettur f~on tho State re. stay
Division, in uhioh it na ~ooitad that the Stats iama~enoe on this ts-·ok 4sew not ia~ludo
use of the 4~uek TAthia the oitT, whoa ~e~ fo~ oity purposes. Jhe olerk advi~e~ that tho
oi~ ii ~a.m'~l~ its cam ia.ut~ae~ on this ve~tele.
BOAI~ AI~OI~: Yae Mayo~ noniaatad the following pe~eonm to oonftitute boa~m
the eala~a~? ywe~ lga~, u foll~m: Pl~mbia~ n.m.i%~ ~Xkl,I.. R. 2. ~aurtma, M. T.
S~l~mur, l~r. F. E. Amho~oft end OX. IV. T. Lyons. ~leetelelaas ~-~w*e~,~ Bear~ R. ~. ehar-
~. L. ~onee and ~1, ~ T. I~onm. ~he noniaationm were oonfix~ed u~m motion by Cl.
3~onn, meeondm~ by 01. ~·¥ex.w, whieh ear, ted.
TAX n~; ~he elark read a letter f~on the ~an Diego 0onmelidated ~ ~ ~e~io
p~mt~ ~e ~$ of ~s oa ~e ~ ~f of ~t 3~ ~o~ 4, ~a Vim~
~ot, No. B. ~lm m%~ Wu bol~ by ~lm ~eil at its mt~ of ba~ 6,1952.
8~IX~T OLO~II~G: The petition, flle~ with this 0ounell at l~s meetl~ ef Dee. 6,
193'-, asking that D Street, beteonn 4th an~ 5th Avenues, be elomed and abanAo·e~, warn ~nied
u~on motion by ~1. l~ve, eeeended by ~1. ~n~ere, whieh ear~ied. ~l. ~ove advised that
the city voul~ inm~l ~ pipes a~ome this meetion of the street, where needed.
FLAYS.: ~eee Vurde· Blliott presented plans ef the px~poeed ohs·ge ia the plasa, pro-
posing to ~emove the ah~ubbo~y ~.d ~laoe with grass. Matter hold ov~. :
BXLTJ3 p_AW: Upma ~otioa by 01. I~-~m, seocaM bT 01. B~own, whi~h oarried, the fol-
lowing bllll, after exaMmatlca by the Yi~uee OcmA$tee, were erdered l~id:
egS6 Pay
89~ Pay
89~ O. ¥. lamanm Olub,
8959 S. Do ~e~ and ~Xeetrio Go,,
8941 ]Xm~e-lmmbiag
8944 ~O, ~alif. ~lepho~e
8945 ~. ~. ~ate~ ~po~ation,
~ ~oo~ Oil ~0
8966 b ~oF ~.,
89~ O. V. Pains ~
l~mpleye4 Belief, ~.O0
~e ~, ~., 1932, ~.~0
Lu~o~te, do.
~o~ie ~s f~ ~ ~o~tion 19.~0
~m~O~ ~lo~s, ~0., 1932, ~.~
~l f~ ~ll~l, ~o., 1932,
~ ~, ~ ~t., ~e., xgs2, ~.~
~t~, f~ do.
~ f~ do.
~lea f~ ~o. 4. ~
b~d~g au~ $~0, lO.~
~ ~lies,
~r, 2.31
~e, 4.~
AZ)J'~: ~oa m$1on by 01. Bz'ew~,aeoml.Aed by 01. O~m, ~i~h eax~ied, this
Oo~eil adjoin'mod mine die.