HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1933/03/09
Iu.ftUT.IIõIS OF A POSTI'Q!Œ) B:IGtJUR IID'l'IBG or nm om OOtnfOIL 0., 0Ht7LA. VIS'l'J.. OALIFæRI.è..
BILl) MARCH 9. 19213.
'!h. OoUD.oll ..t 1n regular ..lIdon. a. per IIO.tpon_t a1l0Te ..t torth. 1n the
OoUD.oll CII8abe1' ot 1;11. 01ty Hall. on the all... 4&_. with IIQ'or Dou IIr..1auc. lIII.t1q
eall.a to ar4.r at '1:10 11. .. Pre..nt: IIQ'or Dou. OouaeU.en Rowe. Br..-. Ooll7er..
Oouao11aaJa 1.)-... all._t.
lu.ftuu¡¡:s 0., l'BEVIOœ 1ID'l':nm8: '1'11. mnut.. ot the lallt 1'8gIÙer ...t1ng ot r.1I1'11II1'7
'I. 1935. and ot 1II1e Speo1al .e1;1118 ot ,.111'1:1II1'7 10. 1933. Iaav1ng been rea" 111' .ath -
bllr ot the Oouaoll... pre..nt. were QProv." u preper....
BtJSD1BS8 BUILDING II BJlIDEllTIAL ZOlOII Mr. nOTa Hen. requ..t.a a apec1al per-
iii t to _ot a ..rT1oe .taUOI1 and rep&1r 8erBP. at the SoUth"lIt corner ot J: S....t
and LulU. AT8I1ue. on Lot. U _418. Bloü O. ot !hœp._'. Sub41v1.1on. Hia requ..1;
wa. aooœpen1e4 111' .. ,.U 1;1oa, 111gne4 b1' praoUoallT aU the propert1' owner. 1n thet
11.1pborhood. .~t1q thet they Iw\ no objeotion to the p"j.o1;. Upon acUon by 01.
HQIr.. ..oem".d 111' 01. Brown. the requellt wu grante4.
~OLnm TAX: !h. cl.rk read l.tt.rll trœ the Jla;J'or ot Coronado, Oaliforn1a Stat.
I.easu. ot lIIm101pal11;1.., Stat. Senator Barper. and the .&.utOlllObll0 Oluè ot Southam
California, all UZ'81ng .upport ot bllla r.laUn8 to the d1l1tr1buUon ot a..olil1e '1'u:
J'unds . No ao1;1on takA. ad letterll arder.d tUM.
SCHOOL DIB'l'IlICT$: A lottoI' trom the OUy Attorn.y of BeTerlT HiUII, Oaliforn1a,
wall road, in Wh10h oppoeition to a b1U now in the Stato I.eg1.latUZ'e relaU,.. to 0011-
.0114&t1on ot .ohool di.triot. wall ureed. Order.d tiled with no aotion.
AUDITING FINANOIAL IUlCORDS: A bid from Harold J. hank. to au41t the tinAo1al
r.oords ot thia o1ty, at the 010.. ot the .ur.rent ti.oal y.er, wac r.ad. ... bid pro-
PO"II to do the work a. heretotor., with the _ t1nalreport, at 111S.00 pllr day, with
a cuarant.. ot not to ox...d 1185.00 tor the au41 t trom Aprll 1. 1931, to Juao 30. 11135.
Upon action by 01. :ar..-. ..oond.d by 01. 00117.1'11. Wh10h oan1l1d. thll bid wall aocept.a.
LOO.A.L J'LOIBR SHOWI A l.ttor trom the Ohula n.ta Waman. Olub. allk1ng tor tars.OO
oontr1buUon to h.lp nnau. the AJmual Flower Show. wall pzoellentod. Att.r 41l1ouell1on,
110t to .xo..4 .100.00 wall author1ud. upon action b.T 01. Oon;rorll. lI.oonded bT 01. Bon.
which can1.d.
WA'1'.BB BJ.'J!IIS: In oonn.otion with the illWend1ng h.arin8 on a reduction ot wat.r
rat... the olerk pr...n_d a l.ttor tram the 81reeWatllr Wat.r Oorporation. in wh1th the
unag.r ot the oorporat1on took .xo.ption to a l.tter publ1l1h.d 1n the National Oity
N... liT 01t:r AttoruT Lu4wi8. No aot1on tak.n and lett.r ord.red tillld.
GASOLID 'l'.dJ!;B IN 8mB1T: Upon motion b.T 01. 00117.1'11, ..oonded by 01. Brown. wh10h
can1.a, authorization tor the 1n.tallation et a 8uol11111 tank in the s....t. at S.cond
AT8I1ue end :ø: Stre.t. Dy 'I. H. Van Wert. w.. cOntUmM.
PERIODlOAL BBPOR'f8: !he monthly reports ot tho J!'1re Ohi.t. Ohi.t ot Polioe and Oi,,"
Ju4ge. tat: the month ot l.bruary. 1933. "1'. pr.sent.d aDd. order.d tU.d.
POLIC:B: DIP.AR'l'JIIN'l': 'l'U 01 t:r Attorney report.d progr... on the r.oo,..1'T on two
~a"'lU". Oheake ae..,t.d bT the poli08 tor oail. 01' ._ parU.. tr.a Kan... Oit:r.
JlbllOuri. to the .tt.et that an &1;1;01'11.1' ot that OUT 18 nCllf a'trHlÇting 1;0 make the 001-
Me.t1ng of -.rth 9. 1933. OonUnulld.
1IHARJ' AT OO'l'!OJI8III) JfWTI '!he OiV Attorney reported that he Iw\ be.n notit1.d
b.T a repr....taU,.. ot the HerGUl.. Powder Oœp&lQ'. that that 0CIIP&J17 UI4 the Pao1t1e
Ootton...d I'roduet. Corporat1on are willa" to oœ,pzoCllli.. oa the b....... ot the pQ'llat.
due oa the tranohi88 tor thia whart, lIy aooepUng the e1V·. _l'IU. Th: TIse pqunt to
the oUy ot "'00.00 pd the whart to be_ the propertT ot th1e oiV.
nms RAmsl !he 01ty A"orney repo:rte4 tha1; Mr. J. E. 0001181'. Valuation _ineer ot
the Sta_ Rail1'oad 00llll1..1on, i. aøw at the offio.. ot the SWeetwat.r Water OorporaUoa.
preparing data tor the plana ot revaluing the an.twater plant. Mr. Oooper .tat.d to
the 01 V attorne:r that the ti.ld eng1nees ot the o-i..ion wiU be on the ground in
about a week 01' ten 487., to .tart tho work ot Taluat1oa.
POLlOI DlPABDIINT: 01. Oon;ror8 .tated that owhs to a ob.aD8e in the .ohedul. ot work
in the PoUe. DelIartment. Om88r Jou. 18 aøw acre ot a n18h1nrat~ than a nipt
pavol. and that the oUy will not ie... any aore gasoline and lulIrioanD to Jone..
Al.o, tJaat the POU.. Deputlllan1; will trOll tra the pa:rroll. Ottio.r Vam JIeLe... at 1;he
.114 ot th1. OU1'1'eJlt month. the bu4¡et IaaTins :proTid." tor hie saJ.ar:r onl:r ="11 tlaat 4at..
J'LOWJI:RS 011' S1lŒ:B:'f8: 01. CoIl7.rs. in oonneoUon with the plant1n8 ot tlow.r. on
the .tr..D 11111. yeu, int..1. th1. Oounoll that the oo.t lad y.ar ... ....00. lIut
that hie year with r.4ucel. aalar1... .tc.. tho ooot will 1'W1 about 11'0.00. '1'h1. oo.t
to be borne 1ty the t1DeIçlOTed R.liet !'Im4. It was 400i4.d 1;Iaat 'l're. Ward.n :lUiott and
Building Iupe.tar Wharton will llave oharse of th1. work thi. Tear.
BILIß PAIDI Upon IIIOtion by Cll.Bro1lJl. .eool1do4 b.T 01. 0011781'., Which can1ed. the
toUOW1n8 DiU.. afte ........1~at1on by the fuan.. 0-1"... w.re ard.r.d paid:
8983 Pay Roll, u..çlOTe4 Beliet. JenUa1'7. lllA. 191.00
9081 Pay Boll, Stre.t :a.q,loyes. hbru81'T. 19213. '18.00
90211 Oharles V. '!'rant. Doc Lis.n... I..ued. 84.00
90M O. S. f1Daon.. Oaeh to purolaa.. stamped envelop... 100.20
9081S So. Oal1t. telephone Co.. tel.phone SorT1ee. .,.bruer:r. 1931. 48.45
9016 .0U. &; Anold. Auto Repa1.1'.. and tire.. 118.80
901'1 ¡m"..~" .. OoagroTe. AttorneT .xpeno... water d1,..re1on nit, 27.45
9088 fetereon Bro.., Repa1riDs wreek.d IIOU.. oar. 66.75
9019 OouatT A......r. Autcaollll. Talue bo.k. .150
9080 Willi. K. "olk. Insurance on truck.. 13.66
9031 S. D. Gas and meotr10 00.. Bleotr101ty. .tred s1gne. 4.'10
903. do. Gas and nec''r101tT. '.by. U35. 448.'19
9083 Pay Boll, Street UI4 Sewe _10,.... ".b.T 1933. 10'12.00
lION Pay Boll. Miscellaneous 1IIIP1oye.. do. 1'106.'15
9085 Charla. V. Trant. Dog L1...... Ioeue4, 10.13
9oa6 W.otern Metal S~pl;r Co. IrOI1 a:ød St..l, 4.48
905'1 Union Oil Oœp&lQ', Lubrioante. .,.by. 1938. 118.9
9038 H. H. Roush. Auto tire r.pa1r., 1.71S
9089 S. D. Tractor and ~u1p 00.. Tractor repair pert.. 10.00
9040 D. E. Bioe. Carp.nt.r work at o1tT serOS., 13.05
9041 Guptil &; Sabin, Bond tor Ohiet ot POUo.. lIS. 00
90'" Clarlsol1 ,. Simp.on. Traotor r.pa1rs. magneto, 10.03
9043 O. V. Paint and Hdw. Store, Hardwer. . 12.8'1
9M4. South BaT LUlllber 00., Lumbor. 20.'17
9~ O. V. Lumber 00.. LUlllbor and ollllllln t, 6.90
9046 Skinner Hdw. 00., Hardware. 10.49
904.'1 C. V. Motor Sol.1I 00.. Motor repair part., 6.05
9046 MOtor Vllh101. Publishing House. Moter Teh101. reg18trations. 35.00
904.9 J. O. Whitt. Plumbing Repair. at city garose. 21.00
90150 1011II Stationery Storll. Dog toss and ott1ce suppUee. 13.20
9051 F. S. and W. W. Hirsch, J'1re .nsine repair partll, 10.83
901S8 Hazara-Gould 00.. Welding suppl1.s. 5.63
90118 Seni tary LaUDdry, La1&ll.dry tor oiV jall. 1.85
9054. Pao1t10 J.oetyl.no 00.. Ao.tylen. and o:l78On. 13.35
901Jð W. 1'. Berllçd Clo.. 'Ilowor .eH. tor .tr..ts. 9.05
901S1 Hœa.land building Co.. ])ynam1tll. tue. UI4 oap.. 1.81
905'1 O. V. Sheet Metal Co.. Øad1ator repairs. 2.50
90158 B8.Dk. &. Banks. Cem8ll t pipe. '10.80
9059 Hancook 011 OCII\PaIQ'. Gasoline. r.bT. 1\133. 189.35
9000 O. V. Star. Printing and paper. 7.85
9061 S. W. Wat.r Oorporation, Water, Feby. 19~. 24.9.45
P.tes J'lIed Store. 90U Blaek8lJ1ith Ooal u4Jr1tratll ot L1ae 3.<&0
9063 F. E. Aohorott. IIIIdical ........illation ot pr1ll0ner.. 1158.00
Mlet1Jl& ot lIIIroh II. 19213. OoaUnuad.
110M {1_e neetr10 00.. Bleotr10 x-p.. . a.all
11065 !he Delioa...... Meal. tor prieonere. roby. 1983. aa.tIS
11066 W. B. .umor, P87 tor Call MIa. Feby. 11183. 46.00
ADJ01J'l1l1U'l81'f: Upon action lIy 01. Brown. sooondod bT 01. Howe. Whioh oan1ed. thie
001&11.011 adjourned sino die.
A ttoet :
01 t:r Olerk.