HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1933/04/10~ OF ~ ADJ0~:tNED REGULAR I~ OF ~ OI~'r 00~NOIL OF O~ V~A, C~LLIFC~T~ ~,n APRIL 10, 1933 The Oouneil met purs,-,t to adJour~eat, in the 5ouneil Ohember of the City Hall, on the above date, vith Mayas Done presiding. Meeting ~11ed to Present: ~ayor Done, Oollno~lm~n Howe, Lyolw, OOTTOlm~m ~r/A1t/: ~. 01em Stole, of San Diego, appea~ed and ~e~baLly offered to take over the Wreaking of thie wharf foe the maSeeisl he may salvage f~cm Bueh wreaking, He agreed to emrplo70hula Vista unemploTed mal~ for this wcek, with the exeep- tiom of foretoken and the pile pulling orew. Hie offee was held in abeyanoe until the oity finally aoquiree the wharf. ~ ~ LIGRT W~: In the matter of paeeing an ordinanee whioh will permit the eale of beem and light wines and repealing the px. eeent o~dinanoe lhioh prohibite euoh sale, the follOwing pox.sene eDeMa on the subJeot: ~. $. H. l/eOullc~h said: The px. eeent ordinance governed bef~'e prhibition; that the 18th amenbnt to the U. S. ~onetitution il yet in effect and fores and stands; this beer as authorized by the U..~. Congress is intoxioating and its tale violates the oonstitution of United Statel~ this ia not the tl~ to mak~ a oha~e; that the Oounollmen will violate ~heix- oaths of offiee if they permit the sale of th/J pleads with this Cmmoil to not taYa astion until it knows it will be legal; that beer ie veey bad fox. the yc~ug people of ~he city; that px.opoganda has been I1n-ead fox- by the liquor interests. /LET. E. J. Barb, of the B~tiet 0h~A'oh, as l~relident of the local Mininte~ial AJsoolation, ~aid he had formerly d~k liquor, urn' 'booze· al he te:~d it; that he d~A-~ plenty, and hal lmowl~ and lean ~he offsets of intoxioante, u~dee al~ oo~ditionl& knows wh~eof he Ipeak~; a~ked what good lolling booze will do this o/t~; that Ties gows with booze, smd if this c~dinan~ pe~itting the sale of this beer goes into effeot we will get the vise eonditionl aB well; asked that Chula Vista be one pleas whex.e it ie not sold. ~s. ~eo~gia A. Wiard, rel~ese~tin~ the looal l~'eat Teacher8 A~eooi&tion of 115 z~embe~s, eta~ed that the P. T. A. S~ongly opposes th~ Isle of beer; that she hal beau a life-lGng IG-ohibitioniet and h~_a taught eehool m~y ye~e of her life du~ing whioh aha has aean the offsets of delaking parents on th~i~ ohild~ea; al~ strongly urged *h-t the sale of beer be l~ohibile4. Rev. $. lGt~te~ ~uti~ c~ the ii~tho~int 0hureh, wanted to go on X.eoord of strongly opposing the ~ of beer and wanes in Chula Vista. Rev, ~haaa~ ~m~er, of the Ccm~ega~lonal Chu~eh, a~ked that this Counsel wait until f~e ilq~ndl~g State law ia in foroe before taking &etlon; that we do Got now the provisions of ~he ~w S~ate law, and an7 &orion taken nOw may have to be repealed. M~. Charles E. Endsley endceeed the p~opoe~l of ReT. Hax.pe~. ~.. F. M. BUI.4~,~ protested; that he had voted fo~ A!i the members of this Coun- oil but if the l~x-mitted the Bale of beer here, he would not a~ain do so~ that if ia Debitted, whiskey will follow. ]~e. Willie ~. Folk, sate he has leon the offsets of liquor for w~,y 7eeA'e in all its r~ntfioatione; never knew & ealoon-kneper to obea~'ve the law; that all of th-.. law violators. ~. R. M. Sexaunr thought that if beer il pex-m.ttted, it will hinder the /~avelop- ~ent of- the oh~aoteVe c~ our young people; thai license fees will not o.--.-~neate fo~ the damage that will result. ~. H. 8. ~,~1 as agent for an ineuranoe e~m~.~y of automobiles, and adjuster of &ooidante to automobiles, said that fr~a a busineee standpoint beer wi~ 1not be a good thin~; that in hie opinion, we will -~ pay ~ore foe out &utcmobile ini~wanae due to the g~eater z,.nher Of aeoidents that will result f~c~ /L~,mken d~ivere. ~. H. $. Finh. of the Vista Tavern, laid that the United States Congress had auth- orized the m~le Of beer; that all neighboring series ere going to sell it, and if Chula Vista prohibits its sale, we might as well build a w~ a~ound the ~e. ;. H. 81~ith ~id that 8he did not X.epx.esent any organlBation~ but that she in a mother, a~d ia raising & little girl; that she believed beer will be bad for the little girl. ReT. L. A. Ellewo~th, of the Pent&coital Miesion~ protested on aooount of ahildren now grOwing up in this airy; ~hat we san have a better sool&l sedition if beer is not Bold; beF~ad that the present ordinaries be pex~ltted to ?emain in fores. Mrl. Hattie A. Aultin, representing the loose W. 0. T. U. of 127 me~bers, wanted to go on X.eeord as protesting in the na~e of her organization. At this point ]/ayor Done deolared a sh~.t reoese, and asked that au~ienoe leave the roc~, when the Counoil would oonsider the matter. After the resees~ Mayor Done declared the Counsel in session, and Cl. Howe moved that the 0ounoil hold a special elestion within the legal l!mt ts of when ehoh an elec- tion may be held, on the question as to wh®te~ or not our present ordinauee may be pealed, md another ordinanee permitting the ease of beer and wiuse be passed. The ~o- tion was seoonded by Cl. B~own~ and oarried, ~1. Conyers noting No. Meeting of April 10, 1936, Continued. Beer and Wines 0ontinued: M~. Howard Whiting, owner of the Santa Fe Ciga~ filed hie o3pplie&tion to e®ll beer and winos in his place of business. P~IODICAL RE~TS: ~xe Quarterly Report of the Cil~ Clerk for the quarter end- lng Meroh 31, 1933, was p=eeented and c~de~ed filed. (ItDINANOE No. 224: Upon motion by 01. Howe, eeoonded by Cl. B~own, which oa~rted, 0~dinanee No. 224 was placed on its second and final ~eadl~g. The ordinance was read, an~ was passed, adopted and apl~OVOd, a~ read, u~on the followtw~ vote, to-wit: ATES: 0L. Brown, ~onye~s, Done, Howe, Lyons. N~m~: None. ABSENT: None. EP.~)GIN~ IN NARB~I: A lettar from the U. S. Dis~iot ~inoer, of ~s a~leo, was ~a~, In whi~ he ~ this Co.oil ~t the U. S. Co.ess ~s ~odueo~ ~he cost of ~e~i~ ~ ~ b~, ~plioable ~ Ch~a Vista ~ Natio~ City, ~ ~ ~r ea~ el~, to ~2 f~ each city, Fi~. GASOLINE USeD BY CITY: In ~he matter of a new contrast fur gasoline for this city, the signing of the oontra~t presented by the Union 0il Cce~any vas not aig~ed at this meetly, as it vl~l not beo~ae effective until ~uly first, nezt.~I~ this connection, the ~lerk px~eanted a ec~Dilation of the gasoline used during the laa'~,~nthe the Union 0il Ccn~any had tho cont~aot, as scale.ed With ~e hat n~ mon~a b ~oook 0il Oeo h~ ~d ~o oon~aot. ~ o~i~n ~8 ~at the ~o~k O~ ~o a~plio~ ~on ~tion by Ci.~o~ eo~o~ by Cl. ~ ~i~ ~io~, ~o S~et ~or~tan- dent was ~-~uoto6 to ~ ~e g~ of ~8ol~e ~ o~ ta~k, ~ M obtq~ o~ ga13on of ~l~ 76 ~ a ~lon 8~ioe 8~tion, ~4 I~ thole ~108 ~ b p~ authorl~ ~r ~lll; ~18 to b~o if ~e ~-wooek iB oqa~ $o ~ ~l~, b a~ation of ~o ~ork o~ng ~a$ it ~8 ~q-~ed ~ 3~ ~ono ~re each ~n~ when ~ ~oo~ th-- w~ uai~ Union. AllY0~: Upon motion by 01. Br~en, ascended by Cl. Howe, the ~ounell &d- Journed t~ 2:00 p. ~., April 14, 19~3. Attest: Olty Clerk.