HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1933/05/02MY. mUT~ OF A REGULAR )~R~TING OF 'J~u~ CITY 00~qOIL OF O~I. LLLA VISTA, CALIFORNIA, MAY 2, 1933. ~e Oouneil m~t in regular eession in the ~ouneil Chamber of the City ~.ll, on the above date, with Mayor Done 12~eeiding. Ii,sting ealled to order at ?:30 p. m. l~eaent: MIh~2G~ OF PREVIOI~5 U~TING~: ~2e m~nutes of the last regulor -~eti~g of April and adjourned regular meetingl of April 10, 14, and 25, 1933, an~ a special meeting of April 11, 19~S3, having been w~q~led to each ~N~ber of this Counoil~ were approved al prepared. LI~ItARY 2~EARING: This being ~xe tl~e set for aheoring on whe~er or not t~ Ci~ Li~ wi~ wi~aw ~ ~e Oo~ ~ee ~ Die~ie$, ~ no p~o~at ~ving bees en~e& ~ai~t su~ withieS, gl. 0~a off~& ~eolution No. 3~. whi~ ia a' res- olution fl~ wi~aw~ ~e 0ity Li~ ~ the Co~. ~e resolution was rea&, ~d was pales&, a&opted ~ apprise, al rea&, by ~e fo~i~ vo~, t~wit: ~al: Ol. ~OK~ ~e~8, ~ne, ~, ~ons. NHI: None. ~sent: None. WHARF AT COTT01a~E~D I~A~T: M~. Clem Stoas, of San Diego, who had offered to take over this whorl, w~eoking it for the material to be salvaged, appeased and renewed hie offer, in~luding the offer to hine Chula Vista unee~loyed for this work, exsspt his fore'-~n and pile pulling Crew. ~e ag~'eed to give the city 300 feet of le-ineh pipe for use as oulverte. Referred to the eity attorney to prspex~ oontraet severing the work. ~'~is action taken on motion by Cl. Co.yore, seconded by 01. Brown, which oor- riedo T.AR(~ lfJ~: Mr. H. L. ~atohar appeared ~ v~ba~y f~ed a o~laint ~ainat ~il~ ~eot~ ~n ~o t~ effect ~at ~ton ~ lnfo~ a eon~ao~, t~ ~s~t 0~, ~at he oecd ~niah lab~a at ~.~ per ~, when tbe c~aotor not p~en~t, no aetion ~a ~. CHULA VISTA AXI~T: Mr. R. Tyoe, of Tyoe's School of Aviation, lo~ated at the foot of G Street, asked the assistance of the eity in keeping down the dust which erleem at the pail-port. He offore~ to purchase an old t~aotor owned by the ol~y for ~25.00, and asked the city to &san him a grader oaaaeionally. He furthe~ stated that he intended to keep the airport wet down thio m~ne~. Authority to sell the tractor and loan a grader was granted upon motion by Cl. Howe, seconded by Cl. Conyere, which carried. ~DINANOE No. 225: lFpon motion by Cl. Brown, seconded by Cl. Lyons, which carried, 0rdinanoe No. P.~5 was placed on its second and final reading. ~12is is an ord:i,.na'r, ee auth- orizlzg the sale of 3.~% bber and light wines. ~ las read, and was passed, adopted and approved, aa read, by the following vote, to-wit: AI~S: Ol. Howe, Lyons, Brown, Conyors, Done. N~: None. ABSENT: None. a~:~ AND LIGHT WINES: The following applications to sell be~ ~d light vi~s, ~ aoeo~ ~ ~e provisions of ~al No. ~5, were p~sente~ ~d rea~: ~ ~e": ~w~d ~lti~, $~ ~ Avenue; ~e& C. 0t~, 7~ ~ird A~nue; Vim H. ~ioe, ~-~ ~i& A~n~; V. ~d A. L~, ~ ~lr& Aven~; ~oe ~it~, ~2 ~lrd A~; ~d 0thelia ~er, 499 Nation~ Aven~. '0~ S~e": ~ Raistriek, ~ ~ird Aven~; ~ph ~g~, $90 ~i~ Aven~, ~d ~e ~th~ FeaSt, ~7~ ~ir~ Avenue. A~ ~plioatlons were fo~ to ~ ~ p~r fo~, ~ ~on ~tlon by Cl. ~o~, aeconde~ by Cl. HO~, whi~ ~ried, t~re w~e ~te~ ~ set f~th abo~. OT,W~A'~INO ~ DYEING: A petition, signed by four C&eaning and Dyeing establish- ments in this city, was read, in which petitioners ec~.~lained of -~'air ec~petition by es~ablishments in San Diego. It developed ~hat liconse~ laund~ry wagons, are solic- iting and picking up articles for cleaning and ~yeing, when sueh wagons are only licensed fc~ laundry. Clerk instructed to write ~ licensed laun~.rys and info~n them this prac- tise must cease. VAOATI01~: Chief of Police ~lly submitted a request for vaoations for hie men during the current year, as follows: Chief E~lly, May ~ to 17; Sergeant Erode, ~une ~2 to 29, an~ August 24 to 30; 0ffioer Patterson, ~une 1 to 16; 0ffieer Hill, August 9_ to 16; 0ffioer Yonee, September 8 to 22. Ail datei inclusive. Grante~ as requested upon motion by Cl. Brown, seconded by Cl. Lyons, which serried. Meeting of May 2, 19~, Continued. BU~.m~ TOO OLOSE TO PROA'J~"FZ' LINE: A letter, signed by Vintor Tesnito~e smd ~-- tie Montg~me~7, ntqted that the garage constructed ca Lot 23, of Dyer Tract, was eet on the side c~ division property line, and a fire wall not in ec~liance with the pro- visions of the BuildAng Ordinance ~ad been erented. ~e Building Inapeotc~ stated that h~ had had a great deal of trouble about this building; that it had before been brought to the attention of this Cotmeil, and that he ~ud 0ouael~a-- Lyonn had perused on the alleged f~e wall in its present nondition. It developed that thin mat~er wa~ mo~e or less a ~ighborhood ~,,~,~el, In~ that such fire walls ha& been heretofore authorized on other buildings. ~attex' laid over. I~E'S A~T0~Brr.~: The clerk read a letter f~c~a the px-innipal of the local g~.m,~ nhool, to the sffent that there ia now no funds available to pe~ the smhool'e nha~e of maintenance of the automobile. No &etion. S~T ~: M. D. 0'0onnell, of 109 National Avenue, by letter, asked the eouneil pex~aisnion to remove a street tree, standing in front of him property, at a point where he intendn to plane hie ~riveway for hie new reeidenne he is nonstt.~oting. Clerk -~ounoed that the tree wax'den had stated that thio t~ee could be removed to a place where smother tree ia now dead, and the ~equeet was g~cated upon motion by Cl. 0onyers, necended by 01. Brown, whieh serried. ~FI0 PARKING: Cl. Oonyern offer~ ~lution No. 349,~/which is a renolution designating prohibited pa~ki~g npaces on ~hi~ Avenue. The renolution was read, ~ was passed, ~dopted and approved, aa read, by th~ following vote, to-wit: A_v~: Cl. Brown, 0onyere, Done, P~e, Lyons. l~mm~: Noun. ~AB~T: ~one. TIldE LAIRD ~: A lae~e for the siren's tide lands offered by the Sam Di~o ~u~ ~ ~,l.~ ~e., was ~m~, but ~t ~ad. ~im le~e wo~d abm~b leaze ~ow ~ld ~ Z. E. Blaam, ~f~ ~e wo~k ~equ~ed to pleted by ~ 1, 19~, ~d ~e ~e ~ ~ntel. At thin po~t, a ~itt~ pol~, ni~ by ~s R. Snort, aee~led ~ a ~rtified ~ in t~ ~$ of p~ ~e ren~s f~ fl~ ~a ~ a~v~. ~$~r hel~ o~ to ~other ei~ att~ey to ~ ~er the p~oce~ ~ase, ~ ~e alerk to noti~ ~ propo~s of ~e ~e pen~. GASOLII~E: The test of gasoline as ordered at the meeting of April 4, lg3S, was prezented by a report, by a chemist, whieh ahow~d the ~wo g~adas gasoline aa nearly equal, with the union gasoline an the bet~e~. No nation taken. City Residence: In the matter of renting the renidence owned by She city, qt 456 H Street, at ~.00 per month, the city to furnish the water, and ~leh had been referred to Cl. Bows far settlement, wan, at the request of Cl. Howe, deferred to smother DOG LICENSES: In the matte~ of licenaen for tbx-ee doge owned by Mr. B. S. Doek- n~ader, ~lch had been referred to 01. 0cayere, the ~lerk wan lmetrunted to lnfc~a Mr. Do~cetader that ha must oolmply with the ordinance. Brr.~-~ PAID: Upon motion by Cl. Lyonn, seconded by Cl. Br~n, whieh carried, the following bills, after e~t~ca b~ the Finance C~ttee, were ordered paid: Phone Servise, April, 195S, $44.40 9106 So. 0alif. Telephone Oc~pany, 9107 .% D. ~e~ and Electric On., do. 9109 U. S. Fi~eli~ ~d O~ Os., 9~0 ~ G. ~lte, 911~ ~nton Roof ~ ~int 0o., 91~ S. D. ~aetor ~ ~uip. Os., ~l~ ~eas, 81~ 9121 3ki~er 9122 L. G. ~, 91~ Ross S~tionery Store, ~1~ H. H. ~ush, 91~6 Swee~ater ~oration, Gee and Electricity, do. A40.D1 F~leotriol~y for ntroet signs 4.70 Renewal of official's bond, 5.00 CIo,, 5,00 RepeJ ~ing motorcycle, 21.01 Duen for 19~3, 15.00 ~peeial T~affio Paint, 9.~§ Ship Chandler Supplies, 1.74 Treater repair parts, 9.00 Firnt Aid Kit, Printing and Tax Roll Bonde~, 18.02 ~dwa~e, ~-1.03 Teet~ gasoline, ~.00 Electric Lights, 1.75 0flies Supplies, 1.~0 Tires and Retreading, 16.~1 Water, April, 1935, 251.7§ Meeting of May 2, 1933, 0ontinued. 91~7 ~Qook 0il Co., 912~ Dr. F. E. Ashoroft, Pacific ~oeWl~e Co., 9~29 9130 C. V. W~s Club, 91~1 ~s. B. S. ~ekstader, 91~ ~1 ~, ~S. 0. W. D~ll~, ~/~ Rosa Statio~ Shop, ~/J~ ~o~ A. ~, ~/~7~I~ ~ A. ~e~, 9145 9146 C. V. T~ansfer, Kl~more ~leotrie Go., 0. V. Paint and Hdw. Store, Western Metal Supply 0o. C. V. Motor Sales Co., Sanitary Laundry, W. E. Armer, V. and A. Lunch, C. V. I.,w,ber Co. Gasoline, April, 19~. $~0.90 B~ami~lng prisoners, lB2.00 Aoetylend and oxygen, 14.25 Rent for fl~er show, 15.00 Supplies fc~ Flower Show, 11.60 do. 6.25 do. 15. do. 2.50 do. 5.1§ do. ll. O0 do. 5.00 do. ~.00 do. 22oS9 Paint and Hardware, 2~-.19 Steel and Pipe, Motor Repai~ Parts, 6.§$ Laundry for ~all, 1.45 Call Men Fire Dept., 59.00 Meals for prisoners in Jail, l?.~ Lumber, 9.51 AD.T01~tNMENT: Upon ~otion by Cl. Gonyere, seconded by Cl. Brown, this Council adjourned to 4:00 p. m., May 5, 1~. Attest: City Clerk.