HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1933/06/06MI~u"l~$ OF A REGULAR ~e~.TING OF .,,H~ Ci'£x COUNCIL OF CHULA VISTA, CALIFORNIA, JUNE 6, 1933. ~Ixe Council met in regular session in the 0ouneil Chamber cf the City Hall, on ~he &hove date, with Mayor Done presiding. ~eting called ~o ardar at ?:30 p. m. Present: Mayor Done, Councilmen Howe, Lyons, B~own, Conyers. MI~,'~-~ OF PREVIOUS ~m~TINGS: ~"~e minutes of the last re~ meeti~ of ~ 2, a~Jo~ne~ meeting of ~ 5, ~ t~ poa~on~ ~ti~ of ~ 1~, 1~, espies of were ~iled to ea~ mam~ of the ~ls 0o~eil, were approved as prep~e~ by ~ pABAr~.: The 1OQ"1 pOSt of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, by letter, asked this Council for permission to hold a parade, street carnival with firewc~ks and a street dance on Yuly 4, 19~3. ~anted upon motion by Gl. B~own, seconded by Cl. Conyers, which sex, ted. ~ C?.~ANING: Mr. MA,-ry L. 01matead verbally asked this Counsil to ~e~e a m~at~i~ of o~ month on ~ l~it ~ tl~ ~ ~i~ yacht lots ~ be ele~e~ of ~e~a, ~bbl~, ets. ~e q~ation ~ whaler or no~ a ~n~'a ~e~ ao~d be ~te~ on aoe~t of the l~t ~ t~ in w~eh the ~ roll ~t be e~leted, ~on whi~ c~ges for wee~ ole~ must be entered, ~s discussed. ~ motion by Co~ci~ Oo~era, seconded by Cl. ~, w~oh o~led, ~e ~t~r was left to the F~e O~issioner, wl~ power to qot. WA'~ RATES: Mr. G. H.Rife, of the loo-1 Water 0~ttee, informed the Council that the State Railroad Omission had asked this city and National 0ity to have the lands owned by the Sweetwatar Water 0orporation appraised by a competent appraiser. This matte~ desired for use in the hearing to be held ~uly 18, 1935. Mr. Rife stated that the Oon~aittee had engaged the services of C. E. Arnold, of San Diego, aa an appraiser, his fee if acooptable, to be paid by thio city and National City. ?~xe amount of tho fee will be known by 5:00 p. m., Yune 7, 1935, at which t~me the city attorney will phone the clerk, and the m~mhers of this Council will decide the question of engaging Ma-. Arnold. ~I~.T TREE~: The Street Superintendent, by letter, asked the Council for par- mission to remove two street trees growing in the parkway in front of Chostex~lo~'ma-'s property on Landis Avenue, these two trees to be re~laoed by five pelt. trees. Request granted upon condition that the regular deposit of $5.00 for each tree to be removed is deposited with the clerk, as required by ~rd~nA~oe, upon motion by Cl. Howe, seconded by Cl. Brown, which carried. VAOATIONS: The ann,,~ two week's vacation for the street department, at such time as the Street Superintendent may arrange his work, was granted upon motion by Gl. Brown, seconded by Lyons, which oa~ried. Upon motion by Cl. Conyers, seconded by Cl. Lyons, which carried, the ~uual two week's vacation was granted to Yudge Lowe.ll Howe, 0curt Clerk M~rray M. 0ampbell, 0ity Clark Ttw~.ons, Flr~.~ T~mb. ~Alss Helen M. Scott, 0~a~nity Nurse asked for one month's vacation, with pay, which brought out the question wheter c~ not she was entitled to more than the other offic- ials amd employes. One 0ouncilman express the tho.~h~ t that she was entitled to one month by law. G~anted f~r one month, with pay, provideda'"the authorizes it; if not provided by law, then twos weeks with pay an~ two weeks without pay. This action taken upon motion by Cl. Howe, seconded by Cl. B~own, which carried. T,,~. ~.~r~S: In the matter of leasing our tide lands to $. E. Ble-_~man~ the clerk read a letter frc~ the local chamber of om..nerce, in whiah the secretary notified the Coun- cil that the directors of the o~-mber are on record as opposing any such lease. Mr. J. E. Bla,Wm~ took the floor, and resubmitted a new lease for ~heas tide lauds, said lease having been submitted at the meeting of this 0ounoil on May 1§, 19~$, but which had been withdrawn by Mr. Bla~"~v.a~ on Ma~ 17, 1955. Mr. Blaek~-~ t~l~ed at s~ne length, citing his achievements in National City with their tide lands, and informed this 0ouneil that he owned sans land on our bay front, and wanted to develop the tide lands for that reason. He asked that the lease he Just presented, be accepted, and that the lease which he a/xeady holds with this sity be g~emted an extension of time until ~uly 1, 195~; he had had one year's moratori~ on this latter laa~e granted last August. Oounc~m~- Howe te~ked in favor of the granting of the lease an~ extending the present lease, stating that the Santa Fe Railroad will turn their lands over to BlacWm~ if his lease is granted. 0ouncilman Lyons opposed the granting of the lease, and thought the city should re- thin control of its tide lands. Cl. Howe then moved that the lease Mr. Bla-~man had Just presented by accepted, and that his present lease dated Yan,,-~y 1, 1951, be extended for payments and work to be ac- complished thereunder until tuly 1, 1955. No second to the motion being made, the Mayor Meetl~ of Yune 6, lg53, Continued. deele~ed the motion lost for leak of a second. Cl. Brown then Itated that he would lee- end the motion, but was informed that the motion had been declared lost. Cl. Howe made the motion, A~4 it was seconded by Cl. Brown. M~. 01matead again t-lWed against the granting of this lease or extending the present one. Mr. T. G. Hersum talhed against the motion, and quoted Webeter'a Dictionary in defining the word "Defaulte~'. According to the dictionary, he said, Mr. Bla~Wm=- ha~ already defaulted on the lease he now holds. At this paint, 01. ~rown withdrew his second of Cl. Howe's motion, end the motion lost for lack of a ~econd. Cl. Lyon~ then moved that the lease Mr. Blacks=- had presented at this meeting, be not granted, and that Blackman'e request for an extension of his present lease be not grqnted. The motion was seconded by Cl. Conyere, and carried, Cl. Howe voting No. In this comuectlon, the clerk asked for instructions on the disposition of a eer- tilled cheek, in the amount of $~A0.O0 deposited by J. R. Scott, to bind his proposal to take over the lease presented by BlaeWm-- at ~hl~ --et'~ the meetf-g of May 15, 1953. As that lease ha~ not been granted, m~on motion by C1.Lyons, seconded by Cl. Howe, which carried, the clerk was iuetructed to return Scott's cheek. PROPERTY NOW OWNED BY COUNTZ: The District Attorney, by letter, advised this 0oun- oil that Lot 11 and the ~ of Lot 12, of Chula Vista Realty Co's Sub., No. 2, had been deeded to the County of San Diego, by the former owner, Otto Sttm~,~,g; that .~t~mmlng and wife ere now being supported by the County, and asked this 0ounoil ~o cancel all taxes and nsaseemente on the property. Clerk instructed to inform the District Attorney that the assessor had instructions to levy no taxes on the property mentioned. BE~ DY~IBL~: The E1 G~anlte Springs Bottling Company, of 3094 Oo~nercial Street, San Diego, by letter, asked for a permit to distribute $.2% beer to licensed dealers in beer in this city. Request granted upon Cl. Conyers, eeoonded by Gl. Howe, which carried. $~EET SIGNS: The clerk read a request fram William Bow--- for permission to erect a post to support a sign, at hie place of business located at National Avenue and D Street. In the discussion it developed that signs supported by posts planted in the streets, ere prohibited by the sign ordinenee, and the Superintendent of Streets was instructed to remove all such sign posts wherever found in the streets of the city. FRANCHISE ON ~.ECTRICITY: The city attorney reported on his progress in the met- ter referred to h~ at ~e meeti~ of ~ 15, 1~, pertainl~ to the p~nts ~de by t~ S~ Diego 0onsolidate~ ~s ~d ~eotrle 0~. ~ finds t~t o~ ~ehise pr~ rides for ~ent of ~ of the ~oss reoeipts received by ~e O~ for electric heat ~d power, but ~at the ~ holds a ~chise for electric ll~ti~ ~er ~e Con- stitution of ~e State, which was reposed 0ct. 10, 1911~ seven d~s before ~is ~lty was ineo~orated. ~t he fi~s t~t praetio~y eve~ householder ls ~i~ power for wash~ machines, heaters, re~lgerators, etc., which is registered on the elec~io li~t ~ter, ~d on which the o~p~ does not p~ the ~ as provided by the ~ise. ~on ~tion by 01. 0o~ers, seconded by Cl. Lyons, the ~lty attorn~ was au~orized to t~e such actions as he finds necesa~y to obtain Just p~ents. BUILDING INSPECTOR: The clerk read a letter frmn Mrs. ~lon A. Phife, of 489 ~ Street, in which she asouaes the building inspector of gross negligence in pex~nitting an inferior grade of l~unber to be used in^_a..garage which she has had constructed. The Mayor informed the Council that our build~n~'^~0~'~not require the building inspector to pass on the grade of material used in building; it only requires him to pass on the size of the material and how it shall be placed in the building; that the city does not assume to tell builders what grade they must use; that matter is between the contractor and the owner. Building Inspector Wharton stated he had no authority to pass on the e~ass of material, as the owner and contractor may have agreed on an inferior, or low grade class of material. 01erk was instructed to so inform M~s. Philo. ~E~HICLE INSURANCE: The clark was iustruoted to place fire mud theft insurance only on the automobile used by the street superintendent. PERIODICAL REPORTS: The monthly reports of the City Yudge, 0hief of Police and the Fire Chief, together with the amu,,~l report of the community nurse, were ordered filed. REItTAL OF CITY BUILDING: In the matter of renting the residence owned by the city, located at the city garage, for $5.00 per month, the city to furnish the water, having been referred to Cl. Howe, he reported that he had investigated, and found that the present occupants meted as caretakers which compensated the city for the low rent. Meeting o~ ,Tuae ~, i9~,5, Co~tinusd. POLICE DEPARTmenT: Gl. Conysrs, who is Polise C_n-m~esioner, advised the Council that sinew the TiJ,~-~ border gate is kept open at all hours, the police persnn-el have been working overtime in an attemDt to p~operly police ou~r streets and the airy in &eneral. asks6 that the Counsil say Just how mush polising it requires. After a discussion, it was decided upon motion by Cl. Lyons, seconded Cl. Brown, whisk sex, led, that effioer Rice, who is now working part tJ~ae, be put on full time, at $4.00 per 6ay. 01~IOTAT. T.~AVING '~ STATE: Cl. Conyers asked the Council for permission th leave the State at some future date. Granted; motion by Cl. Lyons, seconded by Cl. Brown, which sa.~rie?. UI~M~LOI~ RELIEF FUI~D: Builaing Inspector Wharton informed the Council that about $57.00 in the A~sheim Plan vouchers are still outstanding, and asked per~ianion to use the unen~loyed relief fund, to be obtained frc~ future sales of woo6, to caneel~ these vouchers. Granted; motion by Cl. Brown, sesonded by Cl. Lyons, w~lah carried. BALL P~qK: Cl. Brown asked the ei~y assist in paying for the electric lights used in the ball park for night g~,ee of ball. The city is obligated to pay for the first month's use of the park, and upon motion by Cl. Conyers, seconded by Cl. Lyons, which ear- tied, the city will pa~ the differense between the Yune Bill and what it is now obligated to pay, in amount of about $7~00. PAID: Upon motion by 01. Lyons, swoon&ed by 01. l~owe, the following bills, after 9115 Pay Roll, 9116 Pay Roll, 9117 Pay Roll, 9147 Pay Roi1, 9148 Pay Roi1, 9150 Roush & Sipple, 9151 O. V. Paint and Hdw. Store, 915~ E. Street Ge~age, 915~ M. C. 915~ Arco Oca~pa~y, 9155 National Iron Works, 9156 C. V. Dry Goods Co., 9157 Ross' Stationery Shop, 9158 Western Metal Supply Co., 9159 Southern Calif. Teleph. Co. 9160 Rodney Stokes Co., Pacific Acetylene 0o., ((161) 9162 S. D. Gas and 9163 do. 9164 Hersum Transfer, 916S Bay City Adding Mack. 0o., 9165 S. D. Tractor and Equipment Co. 9167 0-v~nd's Repair Shop, 91B8 Guptil and Sabin, 9169 C. V. Electris Co. 9170 Hancock 0il Co., 9171 ~kiuner Oam~any, 917~. O. V. Motor Sales Co., 917~ Hameland Building Co. 9174 C. V. Star, 9175 C. V. Sheet Metal Works, 9176 Lyons Implement 0o., 9177 Union 0il Co., 9178 C. V. Lteaber Co., 9179 Seville Service Station, 9180 S. W. Water Corporation, 9181 W. E. Armer, ~18~. tiasty's Welding Works, 9183 Peters Feed Store, 9184 WiS. rin's Delisatessen, Sanitary Laundry, 9186 Denrich Press, 9197 Dr. F. E. Ash~roft, AI~TOURNMENT: Upon motion by Cl. Council adjourned *e sine die. e~mination by the Finance Coz~nittee, were ordered paid: Miscellaneous employed, A~ril, 1933, $2606.59 Une~loyed Relief, ~rll, 1933, 167.~ ~eet ~d ~wer ~l~s,~ril, 19~, 998.75 ~0. T~e repairs, 11.$2 ~dw~e, 1 · ~tor ~paira, 1.2~ ~ower seed ~ pl~ts, 4.62 3~eet Repair ~teri~, 57.~ ~on work, 9.00 Re~ ~terl~, .~0 Office ~pp~ies, 2.5~ ~on, 11. Phone ~rviee, ~lnti~ ~ps, 3.00 Ace tylene, 4. ~eotrci~ for Street Sl~, ~.70 ~i~ for Flower Show, 1.~ Ole~l~ ~d 0ili~ ~dl~ ~lne, 8.00 ~ac~or ~pairs, ~1.15 ~tor Vehicle repairs, 14.55 Renew~ of bond for Fire Chief, 5.00 ~dw~e, lg. ~tor repairs ~d p~ts, ~.~ ~ite, g.99 ~in~i~, April ~d ~, lg3~, 81.05 ~t~ Work, .75 ~ohine~ repair ~ts, ~.~ Lubricat l~ 0il, 13.~ L~ber ~d O~nt, ~.~7 Rech~gi~ ~tteries, 1.~ ~ater, P~ Roll, Vol~teer F~n, ~.00 Weldi~ W~k, 3.00 Black, Irk 0~, ~.~ Feedi~ prisoners, ~, lg~, 1~.7~ ~ f~ 01fy Yell, ~2.5 Paper Towels, 5.15 ~dic~ e~mi~tion of prisoners, 125.00 Conyers, seconded by Cl. Lyons, which carried, the Attest: ~ City Olark.