HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1933/09/05~LmU','sS 0F · REGULAR ~TING OF ~tZ 0ITU 001~CIL OF T~ CITY C~ ~TA, OALIFCGNIA, SEPTEMBER 5, 1933. T~e 0ouneil met in regular seaelon JJa l~e Oouneil Ohamber ef the Ol~y l~all, on the · bore date, with Me,ar Done preeidi~g. Meeting anllad to e~der at ?~30 p. m. l~eeent: Meyer Done, ~ounollmen Howe, Lyons, Brown, Oonyere. MINUT~ OF PBEVI0~3 MEETING81 t'ae minutes of the last regular meeting of August 1, 1933, the minutes of the adjourned regular sting of August 14, 1933, sad the minutes of the Boa~d of Equalization meeting of August 14, 19~, roll haveing been prepared and mailed to o·eh 0ouneilmaa, were apprOved ae prepared. ROOFING INS~0TOR: Mr. Robert Holmes, of Shim city, by letter and personally eom- plnined about the 0ity Roofing Inspector, to the effset that the inspector was injuring Mr. Holmes' businese ae · roofin~ eont~aotor. The inspector was given the floor~ and erased that Mr. Holmee waJ not a lieeneed roofing eont~aetor, hie lieenee having expired ~une 2, 1933; that Holmes was not a eaapetent roofer~ and that his equipment for the work wee net ef ~uffieient eepaeity to perfom good work. Ho eited two Jobe in pa~tie- ular~ the addition to the ei~y hall and the business bull~lng of H. G. MoO~ea, both per- fox, ed by Mr. Holmes, and both were v~uatl~vaetor7 and leaky. 01. Lyons lupported the In.pester, stating that every effort had been made to assist Mr. Holmee in hie wo~k, and now that the depar~nt was insisting on good wc~k, HOI~s ec~lains. After further die- euselon in connection with lieenses and posits, the e~laint wee filed. ~-~0HtS PAGEING HOI~: · question e. roan eonoerning this packing house. It appears that the M. 0. D. organization, ~ile ocoupying the Leech building, had constructed an addition on the west end of Leeoh's building. Now the M. 0. D. have moved from the Leech building, they now desire to cut off their building. A~ to whether a epees of two feet o~ four feet be~eea the two bull~lngs. 0ouneil cE. dared that the building c~dinanee be scrolled with. ~ DI~O GA~ AG1D ~l~6v~I0 00J~jIIY: Another letter wac received frc~ l~auae, Hunt & Sohwart·, appraisers, asking this eity if it wanted to participate in the hearing on r·tee to ecme up later; if so, their fir~ il ready to ful-nieh the eit~ with info~ation on the subject. Letter ox~lered file~. BY~,~. ADv~TISING, DODG~3, L'fC. ~ The C~ula Vista Star ~esented ~e ~tter of o~ ~esent o~i~e p~ohibiti~ ~e ~ssi~,dis~ibuti~, ets., ~l~ ~sul~ble f~ the p~ose inte~, ~d ~d ·eked t~t i~ be ad~ by ~is ei~. 01. ~e ~poeed ~e ~tte?~ ~ ~e ~lef of ~liee ~d 01. ~e~ bo~ a~te~ ~t ~e ~e~nt ~din~ee is ~iffie~t of e~or~- ~nt. ~1. ~e ~ve~ that the p~eeent ~e be pe~ittod ~ at~ as it ia. ~tion lost on aoeo~t of no second. ~tter held o~ ~til the city att~ney is p?esent at a ~t~e C~DINANC~B: · letter f~c~ the eit~ attorney was read, in ehioh the atto~ey gave op~ioa ~t ~n~oes ~ not be in~i~te~ if ~ey were not publi~ed ~ a news- pap~ ~o~ ~e new law, e~eetive A~st ~, 19~, ~es ~e p~li~i~ of ~ erdin- ~ ~ a ~w~a~ ~to~ on the oi~ clerk. ~ e~rk I~ted ~at he ao~d do no.- but publi~ ~ o~-~es l~ news~, so lo~ al ~e preset st·ts ~l ~de it ~s~ ~on h~ to ~o we. ~tter held ove~ ~til the ei~ atto~ey le present. F~tIODICAL l~P~5: ~ae ~.w.ml report of the 01ty Library, the monthly ~epm. t of the 0hill of Polio·, Fi~e 4ixief, and Oit7 ~ud&~, wer· presented and o~dered filed. C~DII~ANC~: Upon motion by 01. ltowe, eeoonded by 01. Brown, which anrried, 0rdinanoe I~o. 2~8 wee pleeed on itl firlt reading. ~ls le aa c~dinanee pJ~oviding for posting the delinquent tax list, instead of publishing in a newspaper. Upon motion by 01. Bl~wn, eeaonded by 01. 0onyers, which carried, 0~dinanee No. ~-27 was placed on its leoc~d a~d final reading. The ~-dinanee was re·d, ~-& w·e passed, adopted and approved, an read, by the following vote, to-wit: AY~3~ 01. Gonyere, Done, Lyons, ~rown. N0~q: 01. Howe. ABS~T~ None. N. R. A. Iu this matto~ of making 4 .wm.-oveGente in the city, the U. S. Gover~aent th loan the money and take ewer bonds eovering 1he work, 01. Oonyars moved that the city engineer prepare the neeeeeaz7 data, make application to the Government for the loan, and let the people of the city decide, by an election, whether ~r not they deeire the oiSy to lseue bQnde for the amount requi~ed. The p~oJeete proposed to be eovered b7 the oit~ engineer ere paving all the streets in the oi~ wish two-irish armor eoat, and oonet~uot · reereation eenter, the paving to ocat ~15~000 and the reereation ownter to eoet $40,000, inoluding a ew~n,.tng pool. Some diseueelon arose, a~ong whioh Mr. ~. R. Mooullooh Mooting of Septemaher 5, Continued. opposed the proposition on the ~ounde Shat he did not believe the people of the city 8A'e ready, or deal~e to bond theme®ITel in ~ila l~e onount~ that he did not believe that auny tax paye~e wanted the project, and u~geA the council to d~ep the ~atte~. M~. E. I. ;okneon, alee, opposed the p~Jeot aM warned the 0ou~oil that the people would Tote down any bond issue. 01. 0onye~e reeitod that a nmaber of tax payers had appl'oaehed him asking that the eity take advantage of the offer of the Government's offer, and he thought the only x~aody was fc~ the people to decide. ~f~. ~&,G. Boroua opposed the proposition ca the ground that he thought the two-inch paTe~ent woul~old up. The motion by if~. 0onyere Wan ascended by C1. Brown, and Oa~iedo and the city engineer instructed to p~o~oed with the work. M~. W. I~. D~ee, of the 0i~y Plan-lng Cflwulseiom than pl~poeed em alternate plying proJeol, wherein every other etX-eet would be p&ved, making every building in the eity within one-quarter Rile f~a & pavement. ~e ~ouneil instructed the city engineer to consult with Jd~. D~ow in the new proposition, i~RC~AflB OF ~RUC~: ~e e$~'eet euperlatendent asked the Co~tuoil fox. peruiesioa to purchase & uned truck, at & oo~t of $100, to be paid within nl~oty dayee G~anted upon motion by Cl. ~m-own, ascended by Gl. 0onyore, which Oarried. Upon motiow by Cl. Lyons, ~eoonded by Cl. B~own, which oe~led, the follow- bills, after examination by the Finance 0c~aittee, were ox~lsred paid~ 9208 0. 0. Ludwig, 9264 Pay Roll, 9265 Pay Roll~ 9~d6 S. D. (~e and F. leo~le 0o., 9867 ~. Street 9268 Ul~ion 0il ~, 92~ H. O. 81ei~eta, 9271 C. V. ~ildl~ 9272 V. W~aki, 92~ ~5~. ~uip. 92~4 lelte~ Auto 9275 ~til ~ ~bin, 9276 C. V. L~ber Co., 9278 Se. 92?9 ~l~ g~ Luei~e 9~ ~ 9~ St~d~d Oil ~, 9~ C. V. ~r ~e~ ~., 9~ Rosa' S~tione~ 9~ ~a. Wi~ln'a ~lieateslen, 9290 S. W. Water 0orporation, G291 0. V. Star, 9292 W, ~. Armer~ 9294 F. E. Aahex~ft, Ex, emcee to ~aa Francisco, water hearing, Street ~ beF ~loyea, A~$, 19~, ~8oe~ouo ~lo~o, ~. ~e ~d ~ee~iei~, ~o, Lubri ~ta, ~. 20.10 ~eet ~e On ~ a~r vehielea ~ eib, 8~.49 ~r V~iele r~air p~ts, In~ee on 0i~ ~al~enee, 10.~ ~aotor ~pa~ F~ts~ ~e ~loe~ A~t, 19~ 40.60 ~ailer in ~ter ~ate he~i~, S~aphy, do. 21.10 Lubricate, 7. ~,,~ f~ City Y~i, i.~ ~ffio 0ffi~r~ A~at, 19~, 180.00 ~soline, 136.14 ~e and ~t, 9080 ~r V~iele ~epaira~ 3.61 0ff~ee S~plioo~ ~a f~ ~iso~ra, in Jail, A~at, 19~, 1~.~5 ~eotrie w~k a~ l~pa, 10.~7 ·ater, A~ust, 193~, 2~0.00 ~inti~ and ~bll~l~, 76.~ ~ ~ for Vol~te~ ~am~, A~u8~, 19~, Filing news, b~e~ ~inatlon of prioonero, AD~0ERIqJ~NT~ Upon motion by Cl. Oonyere, ascended by Cl. Brown, which carried, the Council adjourned to B~O0 po '~.~ August 19~ 1933. Attest: 0ity Clerk.