~he Council met purauant to adjournment, in the Council Chamber of the City Hall,
on the above date, with Mayor Done presiding. Meeting called to order at ~-.'00 p. m.
Present: Mayor Done, 0ouncilmen Howe, Brown, Oonyers. Cl. Lyons absent.
S~I~EET SIGN: In the matter of erection of a sign at the intersection of National
Avenue and E Street, heretofore authorized by ~his 0ouncil, the city engineer presented a
letter frc~ the State Department of Publio Works, in which it is recited that that depart-
sent will not approve the erection of the sign intended across a State highway; but that
the Stats ie designing a sign, with six inch letters that may be erected. No action taken
until the State design is received.
u=~ LI0~E~ J~nes Guerin, owner of a restaurant at National Avenue and · Street,
asked for a license to sell beer, on sale. Referred to Police C.-.~-~ssXoner, with power
to act, upon nwtion by 01. Brown, seconded by Cl. tIowe, which carried.
BUSI~ BUILDIN~ IN RESIDENTIALZONE: A.K. Gray asked this Gouncil for a spec-
ial permit to erect fou~ dwellings on a pa~eel of land C~ened by htmaelf, on G Street, Just
~e~t of 4th Avenue. As these buildings constitute a court, and the location desired is in
the single famtly residence zone, prohibited by ordina~ee, upon motion by Gl. Oonyers, eec-
ended by 01. Brown, which carried, the building inspector was instructed to comply with the
N. R. A.: The city engineer presented two plans for work under the National
construction Act, viz:
Paving. Planning 0a~mieslon Q,,~-ter I/ils Plan: ~is plan provides foe paving streets
so that all buildings in the city will be within one quarter mile for paving. Aa proposed,
it will coat approx~tely $?7,6?$.00. If Third Avenue shoulders are paved, it will add
about $3,000.00; if Third Avenue from D Street to Seeond Avenue is Opende and paved,
that will add about $10,000.00 more.
Paving, ~ngineer's Plans Instead of 12.6 miles of paving as proposed in the above
plan, this pl~u would pave 19.66 miles, to cost &pprox~ely ~97,9§~.00. After eon.idering
both plane, the 0curtail instructed the city engineer to include ec~e inside streets, ~hieh
will w~e the .oat about $125,000o00, and have the plan ready by the next meeting of the
Council. Fifteen year bonds were favored by this plan.
Recreation Center: The scheme provides for the purchase of approx~-~tely eight
ae~es of land lying between the R. R. Station, and the Howe Block, on Third Avenue, and
includes a ew~,-,~ng pool~ ball park, tennis courts, ets.; also; improvement of the land
to cost about $40,000.00. Fifteen year bonds were favored for this plan.
BANNE~A~0SSSTREET: The Dr-~ See~on of the Ch,,~- Vista W~an's 01ub asked
for pe~iesion to fly a ab~ner across Third Avenue, ftYs September 22~ to 29th. GranteA
provided the regular fee of $1.00 is paid, upon motion by Cl. 0onyers, seconded by Cl.
Brown, which carried.
FII~ DEPART~J~T: ~xtension of the *~= telephone system in the Fir~..De~pqr~nent to
the new sleeping ~,~ters, to scat $6.00 for installation, and $1.75 per ~ for the
phones, was authorized upon motion by Cl. 0~nyers, seconded by 01. Brown, which carried.
POLICE lmROWL C~Jt~ The oar authorized in the uext budget, o~-.-~ueing October 1,
198~, ia desired for use as early as possible, aa presented to this 0curtail by 01. Conyers.
stated that he has been offered a bargain in th~. ear ~esired, and WaS instructed to
~ake the purchase, payment to be made at the 0etcher meeting of this ~ounsil.
ADJOE~r~ET: Upon motion by Ol° 0onyers, seconded by Cl. Brown, which carried,
this 0ouncil adjourned sine die.
City Clerk.