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APRIL 4, 1934
The Oounoil ~et in regular session, in the Ooueil Obanbar of the Ol~ ~11~ en the
able date, with Mayor DoGe prwoldin~. Mieti~ ealled to ca-dar at ';':~SO po m. l'x'eonnt:
~ C~ FRB~XOI3B ~UTIH~8: ~Ehe nLtnutas of the last re&mla~ meeting of Marsh 6,
1984, h~ving been nailed to sash mmbar of thio Oounoll, and no attars a~ eoz?eotions
found therein neeesanz?, ware approved as prspoA~d end mailed.
DOG Ftqd~ur~ O~. F. B. Ashe~oft, city health offloer, add,anneal the Oounoil en the
sub Jest of lioensin~ dog kennels. He veined that befc~e aa urdinenee wes passed authe~-
dog dog kennels , ears should be ~mJcea to safeguard zesidsute in the vieinit7 of sush
kennels. He erased that experienee had shown that tho~e were always ~o~e ar less mai-
odor; that m~e dogs held for stud in Mennels dist?ubed the penes of the neighburhood
by barking eontinuoualy; that if a lieenee is issued to maintain a kennel, it has been
found dlffieult to dispose of rash kennel when Found ~asatiefantozy; that no SOg kennel
should be established leos than & quarter of enile from the reeidenee of a neighbort in
fiat, before en aedinanee is leeuod seth*rising dog kennels, the matSar should be ee~e-
fulXy invantig&ted.
At t~is point, afte~ the talk b7 the eity health offense, 01. ~owe ~oved that
OrAinenee Xo. ~$O. be~laeed on its fix-mt readiog. He
the motion ee~ind. Tee o~linanoe wes ~eed as its first ree~i~, and ia an o~d~_uenee
authorizing the Oounail to ~ant lieenses fGT maintetniog dog kef'aais.
~ 1~, ~o~ ~0 ~a Yle~ Yl~a ~ae~, ~i~ in o~ six in,as ~ b p~ar~
line; ~a~ ho v~ l~oFu~ of
ree~ ~ ~ p~p~ line. I~ ~a le~Md ~$ ha ~ o~e~o4 ~ ou~oide of ~is
of ~e bulldi~o oa bu~n
~ke, ~ ~ M~te~ will ~ eonoidared ee~d.
O~BA~-lrIBK~ ~he Yire Ohisf, by letter, anked this Oouaeil if it desired the fire
dspa~hoont to eenduet the annual olean-up week, as haretofo~e. ~e week to be the leq~
weeM in April. ~he st~ast dspa~tment ageeed to haul away rubbish as a ~emLlt of the
clean-up, -nd the fl~e shier was inatruoted to p~oeeed with the matter, upon ~otion by
01. Oonyero, es.ended by Cl. Hose, u~ieh eaz~ied.
]RANOHX2~ The elerk again presented a shook fx~m the ~an Diego Ooasolidated ~as
end Ileetrie Oce~any, in the an.nat of ~6.0~, whish wes asaa~penied by u letter fTam
the company to tho effeot that if this shook was aoeepted by thio Oouneil, as payment
fur the fTanshise e~su~ed the eanpa~y, mash aeesptenee would not in a~y way offset the
Fights of tho eiby, oF be oonaidered as a waiver of sush rights, in the pending hearing
between the ecmpamy and airy. ~his shook wes ~eJoeted by this Oouneil at its last meet-
ing, as not being the eoxTeet ~aount that should be paid fc~ the f~anehise far the yee~
1G~. 12pon motion by 01. Lyon, so,ended by ~1. ~'owe, whieh serried, and the opinion
of the sit7 attorney, ~ho eler~ was in~trueted to return the shook to the ec~pany, as its
aoespteGee by the e6ty would be disadvantogeous to the eity.
LAHD ~ TO ~ OOU~'fM: · lette~ from tho Oount~ Bourd of Supervisors was read
in whieh the Supe~'viners infaz~ this Oounell *hot Lots l, 6, ? and 8, in Bleak D, of La
Plays Yleth, in this airy, hod been deeded to the 0ounty, by the owae~ of those Iote,
in 0onaidaration o~ aid rendered by tho Oounty ~o oa~d onnor0with lifo estate roservd.
The Supo~vimars requested this 0ounell to reMt ox' anneal tho oiby taxes fo~ 1983, and
that no ~o~o texas be lovind ngaiunt the property. C~suted upon motion bF 01. 0onyars,
se,ended by 01. be, vhiah ear~ied.
HAI~BILL ~LDXNAI~B: At the ~equomt of M~yor DoGe, the ole~k l~asented n handbill
o~d~nenoe ef tho eity af South San l~anoieeo, Oe[lfuraia, the lIKyo~ havis~ read that this
ordinaries had been heated ia tho eo~te, and sent.dried. This urdinanee was ~ead, but
was ooualdared as mot boise the equal of our c~dinanee on this eubJeet.
DOG LI~: The clerk eelled attention to the fast that the polled department
had not so. pi*ted n. eeAvean of tho oity in the mtte~ of dog licenses; that a ntmbar of
dogs we~e 7et unlioanoed. This brought up the question of MG*oo fenm~a dogs owned by B.
A. Dookstader, on 1blob no lioenee has boon paid this 7eo~, and tho *lark lnfo?nted this
~ouueil that there ware 4~ female dogs liee~asd this year, and La equity to these 48
owners, if Doekstadar does ~ot pay frae his female dogs, the ~o~ey should be reto~aed to
the 48 swears who hate paid on fanale dof~. 01. Sonyers advised that the poliee dspa~t-
'-at would eon~lete the eaavaas of tho eiby. I(o notion taken an tho Doekstadar dogs,
exeept that ho oould lioense his dogs as a kennel.
Mooting of A~ril 4, 1934, CORtAnUO~.
BII~ pJ~XD~ Upow Bio,%on by ~1. Lyoaa, leeouded by ~1. 0o~yera, ldileh eoA-ried,
the folXewtng bllla, afte~ exemtinat~oa by the Flnanoo Oelllittoo, were e~de~ed paid~
9S0S Pa~ aolX,
0504 1~ ~olA,
9~6 ~ Ro~,
9~ 8. D. ~ ~d ~ee~le ~.,
9510 ~e ~per Shop,
9B~ S. D. ~l ~ bet. ~o,
OS~ 8. D. ~ot~ ~ ~lp 0o.,
951~ A. ~liale · ~.,
gs16 O. Y.
gil~ kvolv~
9~19 ~an. P.
95~ 2a~ 0alvero,
90~ S. W. Wa~
0~ Wi~'o ~e,
Wood Ya?d, Ungaployed, $ 51.00
St~eete mud Sowel'eo lfa~oh0 19~4, 8~0.30
Wood Yard, Uaemployo4, 40.50
Miseellaneou~ Baployes, Mob., 1OS4,
Phone 8o~vioe, iia~eh, 1984, ~0e&5
~an and lleetrieity, ifeh., 19340 A~8.09
Bond of Oity ]h~lnee~, 5.00
lma~e~t of St~ee~ 5i~
0a~bo~oa ~o~ 6.15
~aetoF ~e~aiF Pa~too 11.07
~lntl~ lbetioa Ballots, ~1,00
X~(ezeo f~ ~z bll,
l~bliohl~g le~al Rotiees,
b~a~olmg fo~ roll ®zpeadl~eo, 8,66
~a~dwa~o 5~pXiooo
Au~ bpa~a, 14.97
~ ~ ~e ~t., M., 1O~, ~1.~
~intl~, botioa 8~plieo, ~ls, ~4.61
AD20I~LllJS]JT~ Upoa notion by 01. Howe, oeoonde4 b~ 01. B~own, vh~oh oa~Tied,
~ouaeil adjourned So Vz~O p. m., Al~il 16, 1084.
OiSy 0le~k.