HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1934/06/05 June 5, 1934 RE~I. AR METING 0% '.'~ 0ITY 001~I~CIL 0% 0~Y~A VISTA, OALIFORNIA, I~BLD ~ 5, 1934, MiI~u'..~ 0F. The ~ouncil met in regular asasion in the Oounoil 0b-m~er of the Oity Hall, on tbs above date, with Mayc~ Rife presiding. Meeting ealled to c~der at 7:30 p. nb l~eeent: Mayor Rife, ~oonoil-~n Howe, Lyons, ~eown, MXh~,.m9 0% HIEVIOUS ~U~TIN~: The minutes of tho last regmlar meeting of May 1, 1934, and ~peolal Meetings of May $ and 11, 1934, having been p~epared and mailed to sash menber of this 0ouneil, were approved as prepare~. FRA~OHISE 0% ~ D~ OOI~OLIDA~D ~i8 AND BLBO~RIO OOMPA~f: In the matter of a set- fl-sour of the lawsuit now pending be.t~_o_~ this oi~ aBA the above mentioned oo~eny, in oonnestXon with the granting & f~anehiee^thia sampans,, a proposition in writing, signed by W. Y. Raber, l~asident of tho eastman, warn read, as follows: 1. For the year 1933, and instead of the payment heretofore subaitted to you, we will pay you the mm of $1230. 2. The litigation and erase so,plaint will he dimeleeed under dismieasl reoiting that the matter haw been ecmpr~alaed and asttled and that the dismissal im made by both pS, till with pre Juries to the other. 3. If the 011y of Ghula Vista will advertise an elest~le f~anohiee for purposes for sale, this 0c~t~ny will bid ~000 for eu~h fx-anohiee. The letter further stated that if the foregoing ecm~rcmioe is aeeeptqble to your ~on- arable body, may we request that app~oprinte aetion be taken, to the end that it may be tied out by both pa~tias. (21. Bolts then moved that this proposition be aeoepted, tho eity elerk to advertise fc~ the sale of · f~anohiae, anf that the eit~ attorney attend to withdrawing of our suit. ~he motion was aseonded by Gl. ]~wn. Gonsido~able dissuasion ensued, in ~hieh 01. opposed the settlement aa pro~oead above, and ngain mentioned tho establishment of a mu~- ieipal plant. The sit% attorney in a lang~ t~ ~aseribed the various stops he has taken in the proeesution of the suit; that he had held out for $5000 for tho asttlonont of the suit and $5000 for a franohiae. Ha was asked b2 01. Lyons why he had not obJained free the ~as ecu~any the~m' proposition fo~ a settle~aont of this seas, as it was understood he would do, at the meeting of May 11, 1984, but instead had offered the eeaq~any a p~o- posul f~om thin airy. The eit~ attorney denied that he had reeeived any opeeifie inst~ue- tione at the last meeting mentioned, and the minutes of that meeting were read. The attorney had mentioned that the fas eca~any had not heretofore paid its f-~l ~ of itt SToas reseipta here. To this statement, M~. Dellman, of the faa eceq~y, ~epliad that the e~u~any had paid its full 2% of the ~oas reeeipte in Ghula ¥1ota. The motion above mentioned, was then voted on, and ranulted aa foll~ue= Glo Halts, Lyons, Brown. NOEe~ Gl. Rife, Howe. A~flBHT: None. ~ALAJY ~ OF 0I--T~ ~idPL0~8~ A ITitton demand on this sit% from R. ~. ~n, ~la~ bulld~, pl~l~ ~d ~ee~ie ~o~, ~a ~ead, in ~i~ ~. ~n d~w ~ m~ of ~0 am ba~ ~ due ~. ~vi~ ~ let by ~ln~ HOe ~6, ~ o~nei~ ~ l~ lg~ it lam ~o~u~d ~ per ~n~, l~e~, b feels ~at ~ is ~titled to ba~ 10~, ~0 p~ ~a~ fo~ the ~ ~ put t~ ~ ~eil~ ~A n~t by a resolution, attars% I~ ~at a ~tion wal eq~ to a ?elolutioa, ~on ~tion by 01. ~ ae~ oared by 01. ~onl~ ~l~ ~ie~, ~e ~tte~ ~e ~ld on the table f~ ~e ?efe?en~, HEALTH 0FFIw~: Tho ealax~ of ~ eity health offioer having bees reduoed to $25 pe~ month, effeotive May 1, 1934, by this Oouneil, in a letter whish was read, he asr forth his various ~utiea, and stated that he would perform this duty for $50 per month and no lees. Gl. Bolts athted that he had lasx~ad mince thie ~alax~ vas reduoad that an ex~or had been mede, and that the work perf~e-med by the health offiear wee worth the $50 per month demanded. He then moved that tho health offioer'8 malady bo reeto~o~ to $50 per month, effestive as of M~ l, lOSe. Ha was seoonaad by O1. R~own, and *he notion oo~r~ad, Gl. Rife voting No. HARMI~ IN 'A2~ GIT~ OOUI~CIL: Mr. ~. ~ ~lo~ ~tained b ~oo~0 ~d ln~o~t ~ ~ed ~ 0o~oil ~ ~vo ~ ~ ltl r-n~l~ ~oh aB h~e~o o~a~d ~ ~ello ~o have o~ed ~la oity In the ~ot.n b believed ~$ no~l~ e~ ~ aas~ pli~ed ~ ~soo~ ~in ~is ~eil~ a~ el~d Natl~ Oity ~ 0o~do, bo~ eitieo ~v~ e~ad ~as~ in ~6~ ~oila ~r ~o, in the ~st. b ~ s~d ~e notions of t~ ~eil is rapl~ ~vidl~ ~e oi~y in~ factions, whi~ i8 bad fo~ t~ wolf, s ~ t~ el~ aa a ~o1~. ~o~ Rife replied ~t ~ hd been eleo~ to oonduot ~e oil's a~is in ~e mst eeon~ ~ poas~bb, but ~t he oo~d not get ~o i~p~t ~ t~ o~h~ m~of ~e ~oil. ]~etin~ of .TI.zz~ 5, lg~&, STI~T I~T~qT~ In a letter, ~aek 0elve~s ee~eaded the Street Deparbaent for abati~ a du~t nuleuee at hie place of business ~hh.d Avenue ~ud 0eater Street. 0lark instructed to thank Mr. Calvere f~ hie letter. DOG LZ0~ The ele~k read a list ~f namee of ew~e~s of doge in ~ airy, who had not obtained lieen~ee for their doge. 01. Bolts move~ that wazrants be issued for the a~- rest of sueh sonars for violatioa of the d~ lieen# ct-dA~anee. ~ wee eeeonded by 01. Lyons, an~ the ~otion serried. DOG X~ LIC~ Mrs. L~na H. ~ohnetoa, of ~ Natioaal Aveaue, roq~s~ a dog ke~el lioenoe fo~ a dog k~el a% her residenoe. Wi~ her a~lioa~i~ was a oer~lfioa~ b~ ~. ~. W. ~oela~, Vete~ ~geon, ~ t~ effoe~ ~t ~e d~a were ~ a he~ ~n~ition, ~d kept in a a~i~ ~ndition. ~so, a list of ~--a of nel~bore ~ ~e ~i~bo~h~, s~ti~ ~ey ~d no obJeotioa to the p~opoee~ ke~el, was atoned to the applieation. ~e re,est was ~ted ~on ~tion by 01. ~ve, aeoonded by 01. ~o~, VACATIOI~: Requelte for vaoations$ with pays were su~itted by ~u~e ~ve, ~t ~lork ~be~, 0~ity N~eeSoott, ~'~ "- ~ ~ 0~lo~ ~o~ft, F~o 0hief for the Yi~ ~nt ~ 0hief ~ Polioe ~ief f~ ~e Poli~ ~p~ent. ~ the dissuasion, on ~ls s~Jeot, it ~a le~d t~t a S~te law p~video fo~ 15 ~o ea~ ~, with p~, fo~ ~e~o of ~e polioo d~t. 01. ~ltz ~q~ate~ ~ ~8 aeoonde~ by Cl. ~o~a. Ro~ ~ ~el~ted A~: 01. ~ltz, ~ona, ~. N~: 01. Rife, ~we. ~ ~I~: A petition, e~n~d by 62 persona, ~et of whoa have plaoe8 of b~i~aa on ~i~ A~, a~ed ~e ~oil to ~8~ ~eo W~ ~iott on the oi~ p~ Fo~. ~ FoaooG8 giv~ wo~e ~at ~. ~iott hd ~~ Ge flow~o in tho plan ~ a ~lvl~ ~d beautl~ ~ndition, ~ t~ li~o~o believed ~t ~e ~ition ~d nos be ~talaed as he~fo~. S~eet ~in~ent leles~?b~ o~d ~t he theft it ~d be a g~ pl~ $o awai~ ~til ~e pl~ Ih~d ai~a ~ 4oterio~ttion, ~fo~e ~l~ ~ ao~on in ~is ~tt~. No aetion ~n. P~IODZCAL I~PORT~ Th~ monthly reports of the City ~u~e, Fire Deparbaent, Poliee D~pa?~aent, and the annual ~eport of the 0m~unity l~ee, were p~eeented a~ ordered filed. C~DX~a~. NO. ~: Upoa motion by 01. Howe, seconded by 01. Brown, ~ai~h serried, 0~dinanae No. 232 Wal plaoed on its first r~&din~. This an ordinance p~ovidi~ that doge he vaeinateA a~aiwet rabies, before a lioenee will be issued. S~T AOC~: · Quitela~ deed, signed by 0. T. and Ithel Fl~berg, ~tl~ to ~e el~, ~ rest ~ f~t ~ ~ ~t 310 f~t of t~ lea~ ~f of ~t 1S, ~e~ tion 1~, f~ ~eet p~poeee. ~ dee4 was ao~led ~ a let~r ~ the el~ att~ey, a~tl~ that he ~ b~a ~iaed by ~ Dia~iet At~ey'a offioe ~t ~ ~ oo~$y ~a wo~ be o~lle~ wh~ ~e ~d was ae~pte~. Re~oluti~ No. 364 was o~ered by 01. ~ona. It ~a rea~, ~d a~opted aa rosA, by the fo~ing ~te, t~wit~ A~ 01. ~, ~ltz, Rife, ~, ~ona. ~t None. ~ Nose. ~le iea ~flolutioa aooepti~ ~e a~ee$ aa deeded. Rife, ~.T~ p~: ~on notion ~ Cl. ~, ao~bd ~ 01. ~ v~ ~ried, the following bills, after exa~i~ation by the Finanee 0mnittee, were cerdered paid~ Pay Roi1, Mleeellaneou~ eseployee, May, 1934, 95~3 The Oop~er Shop, 9564 S. D. T~aetor and F~luil~aent ~o., 9565 So. ~lf. ~lephoue ~., 9~66 ~ 956~ ~y ~y, 95~ S. D. ~o ~ ~eotrio 0o., 95~1 ~kl~dta ~pal~ Shgp, 95~ Ro~ · 81pple, 9575 Webb ~os., 9S76 S$~ 0il 957~ C. V. ~toF ~eo ~., 9578 Paeifio Aee~lene 0o., ~5~0 Cl~ 9~1 Widr~n'o ~lioate,an, $1775.00 Pa~Aant on etreet sign, 30.00 ~aotC~ ~epair parts, ~.~ ~ono lorries, ~, lg~ Streets-~ Sow, s, ~, lg~, 7~.~ S~eet equi~nt, ~ope, 2.~? ~a a~ ~otriol~, ~, 1954, ~intl~, 13. ~to~ v~lele repairs, ~.90 Vehiele ~epaira, tires, tubes, 10.06 ~t~ repal~ p~te, 2.~6 · ate~, ~, 19~, S~.~ ~aotor r~air ~rta, 3.~ ~oline ~ Lubrio~te, ~, 19~, 1~.~ ~t~ r~air p~ts, ~inti~ ~d publicly, Mse$izg of Sune 5, 1934, Cc~tinu~. 9582 ~a~k C~lvera, 9583 Western Metal Supply 9~84 W. Eo A~er, Repairs to poliee ea~s, Ap~'~l aw~ Ms~, 1934, ~9.65 Welding Material, 1.2~ Pay z~ll, ~ ~en, F~m-e Dept., Me~, 1934, 41.00 AD~0~: Upon motion by 01. Howe, eeoonded by C~i. B~own, whloh ea~.ie~, the Counoil &~Journed e£u~ die. ASteet: 0ity Clerk.