HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1934/11/07 NOBEMBER 7, 1934 The ~ounoil not in reg, n-r session in the Counoll ~hamber of the 01ty Ball on the abo~e date, with Mayor Rife preeid~mg. M~eti~g ~alled to ca'der at ?~30 P. M. Preeent~ Ma~ Rife, 0ouneilmau t~owe, Lyon~, Rrown, B~lts. {This --sting a~eox, ling to o~dlnanee, should have been held November $, 1934, but that ~ate being · l~gal holiday, State Elee- tion, under the provisions of Seotion 13, Politioal ~ode, it was held on November ?, 19~4). ~ OF PR~IOU8 Jfl~TIN~: The minutes of the last regular meeting of 0etober 8ad, adjourned regular meetings of 0mtober 9, 16 and November 5, together with the ipe~Lal ~seting of 0etober 24, 1934, hating been mailed $o each member ef thin Oouneil~ were approved ae prepared, exeept the minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of 0etober 16, 1934. The clerk announoed that the bond attc~neyl handling the paving pro Jeer required the minutes of 0et. 16th ehauged to read in oonneetion with the ascend reading of 0~din- anse No. ~6, vis: By adding the wo~e, #a~d wan in the eam~ for~ aa when read at the meeting of 0Ore 9, 19S4.) · RANOH~ FC~ ~.~0~IOITY: On thin auhJeQt, when opened, ~. It. ~. ~rg~ obta~ed t~ ~, ~ a~ed the ~o~ ~, a~ ~nt~ ~, he (the ~) ~ti~ of a ~iea ~ ~e ~a ~d eleetrl~ ~. ~e ~or ~eplied t~t he was ~ ~10 ~t~r ~d been b~t ~J ~$ at t~ t~ b ~an~ile question ~s fi~st ~tro~uoo~o with a p~opo~l for a ~ioe, he ~d been ~o~ lnf~d on t~ ou~ Jeer; ~ he ~d lo--ed t~t ~e ~ile wo~ br~ In the ~ity in a~dition to a ~ eq~y aa ~h for t~ ~esent ~ise~ p~ of ~. ~. ~ger e~ed ~e ~tt~ ~ a~ti~ ~t the ~r ~o~d ha~ ~e his views ~o~ lo~ ~o, w~eh ~l~t ~ve ~dad ~e ~esent e~erey. At ~ia po~t, ~e al~k ~esente~ a ~otea$, in She f~ of a peri,on, protea~ had oerti~ed ~at t~ whole n~er of eleetore of t~ eity l~ ~; ~t he ~ fo~ ~2 el~ea of q~lified eleet~s un the petition, ~ieh la ~e ,~.w 1~ ~ ~qu~ed by Aet. ~1 ~ $~ ~ne~ ~we, for the ~il to o~1 a s~ei~ eleetion~o ~eeide wheter or ~ot the ~n~ ah~l beo~ effeoti~. Cl. ~o~ ~en ~e~ t~t ~ia 0o~eil ~e~e to ~dl~ or ~ep~ ~ ~ole ~ In ~t. ~ was aee~de~ by Cl. ~ona, ~ ~e ~tion e~led by ~e follo~ ~1. ~o~ then mo~ ~t in aee~ee wl~ ~e law, ~d~ee No. ~ ~ ~ittwd to a vo~ of t~ eleanora ~ ~e el~, at a ~ei~ eleetion ~ ~l~ by $~ fo~ vote, t~wit: A~ ~1. ~o~ Rife, ~ltz, ~we, Ol~ ~o~l ~en ef~ed Relo~ut~o~ No. ~, ~ ~ I re~olution d~ree~ the ele~k to publ~ a oall fo~ ~ eleotLon~ ippoimtlK tleotion off ions, fixi~ ~ deal~tl~ ~e polli~ p~e. ~e ~esolution was ~a4, ~ ~a paas~ ~d adop~d, an rea~, by ~e fo~ow~ ~, ~wl$: A~: Cl. ~o~, ~lt~ No~e, ~: No~e, ~ el~k ~en reaQ anotioe of eleetion whioh he ~11 publllh, whl~ aalQ notise fl~a t~ 4ate of ~e eleotion u ~e~, ~mber ~1, 0ILXN~ ~ATIONAL AV~: In eo~neotion with the paving on National Avenue, ~e. Louise R. I~V oalled attention to the feet that whew ace~lete~, the work will leave au ~-foot et~ip of ~arel between the paved and oiled su~faee aud the eurbe, between D and N streets. The oont~aator, who is nov at work there~ by letter, etwted that he would oil this ltl'ap fca' the m~ of S800. It was brecht out that under tho PWA p·ving pl. oJeoto now under way, all Itreetl that hve eurbl on both sidle, will have full width paving, and that th~ proper~y swears are aseletAng in paYin~ far thin werk. The 0ouneil Wee eea~ed that if the work ia perfox~d, it would be un, er the lu~e~vision of the State engineer, in abex'ge of all werk on National Avenue, and would be the w as other work there. Upon ~otion by 01. Lyon~, seeonded by ~1. Bolts, whieh earried, the fundl were authorized, provided a aat- lafaatory ~ont~-aet in entered inte~ ~ PA~t~: ~ie w~tter having been recently tried in the eou~te of ~ Di~o, ~d ~e ~k il lost $o t~ ol~ by the ~eelaton of ~e e~t, Weln~ge~ · ~, atto~eya for the e~out~ of t~ G~ estate, by ~t~r, ~fom ~ ~eil ~at it la ~eir idea ~ appe~ ~e ~ae, ~ ask ~r a My ~i~. ~ seat to the oi~ vo~d be eonslQerable, a~ ~e easy att~ey wan i~trMted to ~a~e a oo~eren~ wi~ ~e attorneys ~d ~e ~ail. I~IODIOAL I~EP~TS~ The 0etober reports of th~ 0ity 0ourt, Fire Chief and Chief of Poliee, were presented and c~dered filed. ~IIM~ ON Cth Av~m..~: M~o M. R. Roele, ~ le~ar, i~4 ~ ~oil ~ ~e b~i~e on 4~ Avenue~ ~u~ ~ ~. S~$~ ia ~afo, ~ ~t ~l~ p~ti~ p~t of 4~ A~ue Il ~e on~ ~a of goi~ to or ~ his h~. ~ ilke~ ~t the bri~e ~ put la se~ieeable ~ltion. Ref~e~ ~ the city e~lneer. C~vm~ The Street ttrperintendent filed a list of pipe eulve~tl that e~e on the streets that will be paved umlar the P~A pro Jest, now under way. 0~dared filed for un of oi~ engineer. ~ Sl~ The eity elerk was in, trusted to write the ~eeetwater Water 0c~any, for a ~onthly rate on water to operate the autc~qtie flush tasks in the sewer systems These taak~ have been inoperative fc~ several ~ars. FXNAN~ OOh~l~'~-' The Mayor nc~inated 01. Boltz aa a me~ber of the Finanee C~---~ttee to replaee 01. Howe, relieved N~e-~ber 5, 1934. The nomination was approved upon motion by Cl. Lyons, eeeonded by Cl. B~own, whieh eax~ied. ~EAL~ 0FFIC~ Upon motion by Cl. l~own, aeeonded by 01. ~owe, whieh sex.tied, the oity health offieer was gra~ted fo~e day~ leave of aheenee. S~REET I~RAIM: ~der the new paving pro Jolt, t~e oontrol of drain water at Bonita ~k~d and 5th Avenue, w~ll require eorreetion to prevent water f~c~ x~,~nl~ aoroee the ~eh~A-d of Mr. Oharlee Bolts. Beferred to sl~' enginee~ to take l~nediate steps to l~'eveat. RTT-T~: Upon motion G7 01. I~yons, bille~ after exm~ination by the Finawee 0cmaittee, were ox'dared plid~ 9705 A~n. es Monaghan, 9706 Pay RoLl, 970? A~ehia Perry, 9706 0t~alveny, ~,11er & M~ere, 9709 0opper Shop, 9710 ALlen & ~owe, 9711 ~tete Ocmpenaation Fun~, 9712 ~outhe~n Oelif. Telephone 9713V. la~keleki 9714 A~erieen 0snarers Pipe 0o.~ 9715 Pay Roi1, 971~ 1~ Roi1, 9717 ~ueral Motors Truck 0o., 9718 S. D. ~aet~r e~d Bqullm~nt 0o., 9719 ~a~k 0alvere, 97P.0 ~tlptil & l~Aller, 97~1 Regiatra~ of Land, Oanada, 972~ 3. D. 0~1 and ~leetris ~o., 9728 ~ou~h & Sipple, 97~4 S. ~. later 9725 Umion 0il Oce~any, 9?2? Fu~on ~ernge, 9?28 Denrleh Preel~ 97~9 Paeifis Aeetylene 9731 D. E. Rise, 9~8~ Ba~¥a B~OS., 9?38 ~. ~ Paint and ~w. Store~ 9~4 ~oee' Statione.,-y Shop, · eoon~ed by ~1. ~rown, whieh ear, led, the following $ 90.00 T~aveling expenses Glasgow trial, Bleotlon 0ffieers, 0lt. 50, 1934, A0.O0 Poling Plaee, ]lleotion 0et. 14~nthly Pa.v~ent on Street ~ign, 30.00 0ity En~ineerl, and extra work~ 0c~eneation Ineuranoe, Phone terviae, 0et., 19~4, Tweuranee, 0ontraetore Liability, 114.6~ Oonorete Pip~ for 0ulTertl~ 2805? Mieeellaaeoue ~bnployee and 0ffioials, 1695.50 Street an~ Sewer ~aployee, ~9.00 Truok Repairs, 59.~1 Traotor Repairs and Parts, 4~-.0~ ~tor ?e~lcle Repairs~ Insuranee *-~ Bond, 16.00 Seerehea in ~laegow Land, 7.50 Gal and Eleotrioity, A.~ne55 Tl~ee and Repairs, Water az4 ~drant Rental, ~eoline ama Lubrioe~te, 175.25 Ro~,.b~ee,aent fox. .~all sash payments, 15°76 ~aotor Repairs, 4 Eleotion Supplieeo Welding Supplies, 10044 M~tOr ~lepairs, 16.99 Inspaottng 0onstruetion Pex~lts, 14.37 ¢onarste Pipe, 20.50 Paint and ~ax~were, 5~.99 Dog Tags a~ 0flies Supplies, 8.85 9735 ~e~ of ~ioa, 9~36 0. C. Ludwig, 973¥ A-1 Tire 97581q. L. Curtis, 9?39 Nl~t ~wk Oafe~ 9~41 ~. F. E. ~h~, 9742 W* ~. l:~roh~ee of Do4ge Truok, fro~ ~. ~. TAXA-, 1003.49 Phone tolls, Gelagov trial, 8.85 0leaning Rags, 6°66 Gas f~ Re,e~oita~, 5.~ ~ala for ~i~ra, 0et., 19~4, 21.1~ ~dleal t~oa~at to prisone~ In Jail, 3.~ P~ Ro~, O~ ~n, F~e ~pt., ~7.~ AD,T0~T: Upon motion by 01. LTona, aeoonded by 01. Brown, which ~arried, tho 0ouueil adjourned to ?~30 o'oloek P. M., November 13, 1934. Attest: ~