HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1934/11/19MINU~S OF AN AD~O~ ~ U~TI~G OF TH~ OITY OOUNOIL OF '1~ OITY OF 0HULA VISTA, OALIF~I~NIA~ ~ NOVEMBER 19, 1934 The Oo~uoil met pureu-nt %0 adjournment in the Oo~uoil Chamber of the City ~1, on the above shown date, with Ma~c~ Rife pl~sid~. ~et~ called to order at ?;00 o'elook, P. M. Preeent:JMayc~ Rife, 0ouneilmen Howe, Lyons, Rrown, Bolts. OOW~NITY ~F~'A~a BUiLDIN(~: Mr. H. L. 01m~tead, Seoretary of t~ lo~1 C~be~ of 0~r~' ~fo~ ~ ~eil t~t a pro Jest, ~der t~ ~ ~ been for~e~ ~ p~ties lnte~eate~ In ~ Diego, for the sons.etlon of a ~ity ~n~= ~lldi~ in eaeh of ~e aisles ef $~ Diego Oo~. ~ ~d been info~ t~t if ~e proJee% ap~o~d~ ~he b~l~l~ ~ee~u~e~ fo~ ~is ol~ wo~d esot approx~m-te~ $~, the ~bor ~ ~rl~ f~ ~e oons$~otion to ~ ~t~hed by ~e ~. ~e oi~ wo~ ~l~h t~ ~o~d for t~ ~il~ ~d ~ ~l ~*ts of ~iteet fees for pl~s, whi~ ~ ~o~t to ~ to ~. ~1 loe~ e~l~ nativities wo~ ~e the b~ld- i~, au~ ax ~ P. T. A., ~y Seouts, G~I Seouta, Veteran, ets., em. ~e ~tter of J~lt~ ~ ~e ~ was diseased, but no aet~on t~en. It appe~e~ to be ~e eon- eens~ of ~inion of ~ia ~eil ~at ~da for ~lteet fees wo~ be f~iahe~, ,~ the ~ber of C.~-.~vue etato~ it wo~ e~l a m~ti~ ~ the heads ~ ~1 loe~ oivie o~g~i~tiona ~ ~a~aa t~'~matte~, ~ fo~te BO~D 0F. CITY 0FFIOL~L: Upon motion by 01. Brown, seoonded by 01. Bolts, whieh -the bond of R. Lowell Davies ae eity attorney, was approved. OOE~T~ 1;R~TY: · letter was read, from the Oou~ty Boar~ of Supervisors, in wHi?h 'thin ~eAmeil il- lnfow~e~ that ~rie Sehweiber$, owning property in Lot 6, ~See- ties 1~0, has deeded ea~d p~'operty to the ~ounty of San Diego, in eonsideration of a~ f~c~ the 0ounty., The Supervisors ask this 0ooneil to eeneel the taxes aeeeese~ this yea~, and that no future taxes be assessed a~e~-=s the property, ae it ia owned by She 0ounty. ,Bequest granted upon motion ~y Cl. Howe, seeemded by 01. Brown, whieh oa~ried. , 0ITY A~T~0RI~Y: ~he elerk presented a bill frc~ fo~mer oity attorney Ludwig, in the ~aount ef~10.00, whieh was shagged for a oonferenee with the present eity a~tor~ey. The Council fel~ that this oonferenee was a matter of turning ove~ the affarie of the eity at$c~n~y's offiee, by Ludwig t.o Mr. Davies, She present eity attorney, end the bill was denie~,~ upon motion by 01. Bolts, seoonded by 01. Lyons, whieh serried. ~GL~LATA¥~ B¥?XR: · letter.f~.~a ,Stqte toaster eleot, F~. Fletoher, was ~ead, in whio~ ~the ~ounoil ie in,viSed to su~_t to Mr. _Fletcher any bills deeire~ for legislation, and if p.Fa?t~eable, he would preewnt them. Ordered filed for future referenee. · PAVING ,UNII~I P W A_-' Mr. H. M. HaYes, by letter, asked thee Oouneil to alley the duet a~&ei~ on ~irst Avenue, in.f~ont 'of his resi~enee, No. 151. Also, that when the work of pawing is' ete~te~[ on First Avenue, he would like the strip between the pav~mnt authori~e~, aud hie ourb, paved. 0lark in. trusted to inform Mr. ~ayee that the question of paving the strip mentioned, should be taken up by Mr. Rayee with the pavi~g oontraetor aa a private oontrast. S~EET SI~N; The olerk reported that he had reoeived oumplaints about the present sondition of. the etreet sign et National Avenue and ~ Street, sines the sign ha~ been topekA, ed; that the repairs had eha~ed eolors and otherwise effeoted the appanranee of iS. Deelded to cheek up by the 0ounoil, before any notion taken. 0ITY B~AUTIFICATION: ~1. Brown informed thee Counsel that tho S ]~ R A, under ~leh the street p~a'kways will be plante~ in flowers, require that the eity furnish and pay a fore.an to superintend the WOrk. Upon ~tion by Cl. Brown, seeonded by 01. Lyons, whioh o~rried, the elurk WOe to tender the position to M. 0. Elliott, the pay So be St. OS par ~ny, ~ ~.V's per week. BTM PAID: Upon motion by 01. Brown, seoonded by 01. Bolts, whieh serried, the roll. lng bill, after ex~uation by the FinanCe 0~..m~ttee~ were ca'~ered paid: 974~ 01fy ~lerk, To Obtain funds for stamped envelopes for eleetion, $A0.29 PAVING UNDER P W A: In the matter of water maine whieh will be severed by this paving, the eity engineer was instruoted to get in toueh with the Water 0c~pany, and ~'ral~s to haft a~l defeotive mains effeote~ by the new pavement, to be replaoed with nsw~ WArraNT LOST: The elerk rspo?te~ that the Western ~tul Supply Ocenpany had either lost or misplased City ~arrant No. 9699, whioh paid the September purehaeee of She oity from the fix~ mentioned~ in She amount of ~12.63o Upon motion by 01. Lyons, seoonded by Olo Howe, whioh serried, the olerk was tnatrueted to issue a duplioate warrant No. 9699, when he resolves the affidavit required in euoh matters° M~eting of Nove~ber 19, 1934, Oontin~l~d. S~T CO~dISSION~: Upon motion by O1. Boltz, eeoonded by Gl. Rvown~ whioh e~ ~ied, ~o~ Rife was appointe~ $~eet 0~i881oner~ ~ ~eplaoe ~1. H~e, f~er~ ~ e~ge of sSreets. AIIY0~Pd~MENT: Upon motion by Cl. Lyons, eeoonded by ~1. Howe, whioh earried, the Oouneil adjourned to 7:00 o'eloek, P. M.~ l~ovembe~ 26, 1934. Atte,$~ , Olty 01erk.