HELD MARCH 4, 1935
The Council met pursuant to adjournment, in the Council Chm'~ber of the City Hall,
on the above shown date, with Mayor Nile pre. siding. ~eetlng called to order at ?:~0
o'Clock, P. ~. Present: M~yor Rife, Councilmen Eowe, Lyons, Brown~ Boltz.
RE~ATION GE~'~QD PARK: ~his Council having met to c~vas~ the ~ote of the
special election held ~ebr~y ~, 19~5~ to vote on bonds in the ~o~t of ~000 for
the p~pose of obtaini~ f~ds for the p~chaee o~ ~nd ~d construction of a sw~ing
pool ~d bath house thereon~ the clerk pres~ted the "Reset of Votes ~at" as filed wi~
h~ by ~e election bo~ds of s~id election. ~ter th~ e~ination of t~se papers, Gl.
~ons offered Resolution No. ~8, which is a resolution settl~ forth the fact that the
said election was duly ~d re~l~ly held In t~e, fo~ and ~ner, as required by ~w;
that therm were two consolidated voti~ precincts for said election, and that the total
n~ber of votes cast at said election was ~16; that ~e n~ber of votes cast at each of
the conoslidated voti~ precincts for ~d agains the proposition above mentioned, was as
follows: ~nsolidated Voti~ Precinct A, for the proposition~ ~0~, against the proposition,
1E~. Gonsolldated Voti~ ~eclmct B, for the proposition, EAi~ against the proposition,
1~. Total votes for the proposition in both voti~ precincts, ~AA; ~aina~ the propo-
sition, B~; that less th~ two-thirds of all the votes cast was for the proposition, ~d
the proposition failed to c~y. ~e resolution was read, ~d was passed and adopted, aa
read, by ~e following vote, t~wit: A~: 01~ ~o~, Boltz, Rife, ~we, Lyons. N0~:
None. ~; Non~.
~e olerk~ h~v~ notified the Sta~ ~ineer for P~.~ at Los ~eles, the reset
of the abOVe sho~ election, o~ ~ebr~ry ~, 19~8, pres~ted ~d read a letter ~ that
official to the effect that he dashed this 0o~cil to noti~ h~ if this cl~ had ~
other ~edlate w~ of fl~cl~ the city's portion of this proposed project. Clerk in-
structed to notl~ the $~a~ ~ineer ~at this ci~ ~s ~s of fin~ci~ ~he project,
but that the city co~d f~nish the l~d for the proJect~ if ~ds co~d be provided for
the work.
PAVING S~R~I~T~ UND~ PWA: This Council having decided to have the proposed speci-
fications for this work again modified, Cl. Boltz offered ~esolution No, $97, which is a
resolution rescinding-~esolution No. $9~, as passed by this Oouncil at its meeting of
~eb~,~y E§, 19~§. This new resolution provides specifications calling for ~"ull Penetra-
tion Bit~muls, of a l~xickness of E, 1~ amd 1 inch in thickmess, and for ~mulsified Asphalt,
in content amd Quality identical with Bitumuls, of the same thickness. ~he resolution
was read~ an~ was passed and adopted~ ae read, by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Glo
Brown~ Boltz, Rife, Howe, Lyons. NOES: None. ABSENT: None.
FIP~E E~PARTM~T: To provide better facilities for sleeping arrangements for thc
fire deparlm~ent, upon motion by Cl. Lyons, seconded by Glo Brown, which carried, authority
was granted to install a skylight, and out a doorway, in the 0ity Hall building.
ROOFING: Upon motion by 01o Lyons, seconded by Gl. Brown, which earrl®d, authority
was granted to the Ohula Vista 0itrus Association to use heavy weight rolled roofin~ paper
on the roof of a new unit they are constructing.
STATE LEGISLA2'ION: State Senator Ed. Fletcher, by letter, asked this Council for
its opinion on ~wo ~tters that are emming up in the Sta~e LegiSlature, viz: A~ieultural
District Association, Mr. Fletcher asks: Do you wish a race trace in connection with the
Agricultural Fair Grounds? Do you approve of a majority vote on a bond issue, instead of
a ~wo-thirdc majority, as n~ required by law? Shall the Oounty Supervisors pay any deficit
that may arise in the sinking fund of this project? This Council was of the opinion that
a vote of No should be made on all three Questionc.
The other proposition on which Mr. Fletcher desires advice is A~semblymam Wallace's
bill taking the cont~rol of MlselonBay Park out of the h~uds of the State Park Go~iesion
and putting this matter in the hamds of a co~mission of five, ~o be appointed by the Gov-
ernor. After a talk by the city attorney, t~ls Council expressed its opinion in favor of
the Wallace bill.
DOG VACOINATION: In the matter of our ~di~nee requiring dogs ~o be vaccinated
once each year, the city attorney read the S~ate law on the matter, wherein it is not
provided that dogs be vaccinated in cases of rabies; but that the State Health Depart-
ment takes charge in ease of an epidemic. No action taken.
ADIOS: Upon motion by Cl. H~e, seconded by Cl. Boltz, which carried, this
Council adjourned sine die.