HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1935/05/28May 28, 1935 ~he ~o~noil ~et p~rsua~lt to adjournment, in ~e ~ll ~r of the 01~ ~, on ~e above 8h~ ~te, wi~ ~ Rife pre~ld~. ~et~ ~ed to o~ at ~:~ o'01oek, P. ~ ~el~; ~ Rife, ~ai~ ~, ~Onl, ~ltz. 0o~oi~--~ ~o~ abaant. PAVING 8~w?~ ~ i~A. ~ In the ~atte~ of ~terea$ p~at on ~0~,~0 b~ is~, ~ ~ 1~ 193~, in ~e ~t of ~, b~t o~t at ~e last meet~ of ~ls ~eil, the el~ atto~e~ p~es~te~ a ~le~ ~ 0'~lve~, ~ler · ~e~a, ~n~ atto~eys, of ~s ~eles, in ~l~ that fl~ daubed the v~ldl~ of p~ ~ of ~ia in,rest p~nt ~ the prinetp~ of ~e bo~s. ~e~efore, 01. ~one o~ed Resolu- tl~ No. ~6. whi~ is a ~esolu~ion d~ee~ ~e ei~ ~eas~ ~ ~e ~.~, aee~d interest on these bonds, ~d ~.~ of the ~ ~, to ~t ~e lnterea~ p~nt on ~e ~e. ~e resolution ~ read, ~ ~a pae~4 .w4 ap~e~, lB ~ead, by the fol- l~l~ vote, $~wit: A~: 01. ~o~ ~ltl, Rife, ~we. N0~ None. ~. ~1.~. A?.T~)0ATI01~ 0F ~ID~: The 01o~k presented s~ figures ohowin~ the -mount of money Shat had bean l'eeeived du~ing the month of May, for taxes, and it was deeided to plane approx~atelF ~900 in the ~e~ex. al F~nd, ~d ~tO00 in the Street I~prove~ent F~nd, aftel' the amounts due the librox~ and sinking funds have been planed to their respeetivo ~Flditle BOARD OY BBALTI~: Upon request of the eit~ health offiaer, the Ma~or nomAun~d Fl~in~ ~ot~ Rise, ~d Gl. ~ne ~4 ~lts ~ mb~m of ~e bo~ of he~. b n~intio~ were eonf~d ~ ~tion b7 01. ~, oe~ndod bF Cl. ~s, ~i~ ~ rind. ~ls e~le~s ~e mb~ip of ~e b~ of he~, w~ la ~ief of poll~ bl~, h~ o~i~ ~ft ~ ~e ~e Mntion~ a~o. CALIFOrnIA I~P08ITION: The elerk read an invitqtion f~cm the 0ouu~ League of Maniaipalitiee, inviting the Mayor and his official staff to attend the e~remoniea of Mu~leipalitiea Day, at the 0alifo~nin Paeifie ~Xpelition, on ~une 15, 1935, 2 to S o'elook, P. M. The enti~e -mmberehip of this 0ouneil expressed a willingness to attend, the sleek to notify the aee~ottry of the league aooordinsly. STRaiTS. IRRIGATION WATBR FLOWING IN: Mayor Rife infonaed this 0ounoil that the i~'~lgation water of sane ~&paaeee farmers, at Alpine and Xoa~ney Streets, ia sassing d~ to the l~ope~t~ of J~e Bmo~y Buob, livin~ it the leeation mentioned. The ora, est swperintandent was instruoted to serape out and foxwa the ~utte~ at tho eu~b line, and to inf~ the fax-~ere ~ntinned, that they ~u~t oont~ol the ix~igation water, and ~t eon- fine their opsrntionl to the private llmd lhaed by the~, and not uae the et~oet fo~ that pul-peas, as at present. A]XTO~: Upon motion by 01. Rowe, seeonded by 01. Lyons, whioh sox-rind, this aounoil adjourned sine die. Attest: 01ty 01e~k.