HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1935/06/14June 14, 1935
The 0ounoil ~et pu~swult to adJou~maent, in the ~ouaeil ~ o~ ~e Cl~ ~11,
on ~e qbove Iho~ ~, wi~ ~r Rife ~eaidiM. ~tX~ ~led to o~er at ~:~
PAVING S~RE~S ~ I~A: The speoifinetion~ for ~is work, ~dod to oonfom
~otXo~ by tho off~H of t~ S~M ~Xn~ f~ ~ ~ prel~$ed by the e~ine~l,
~1~ · R~o. 01. ~ a~ ~t tho ao~p~oo of those ~cXfioation8 by ~il ~-
oils bo ~ol~ed one ~ek, pudi~ reneipt of i rep~ ~ his tele~ ho hd sent to
re~ I~eo, on ~o 6, 1935. A oopy of ~ll tel~w ~ rea(, in whi~ 01. ~we
o~la~ed of ~o aotionl of the Sta~ ~inoor'o offi~ ~ wl~oldl~ app~ov~ of
~oifioationl fo~ ~ia w~k~ p~t~o~ly t~t p~t wh~ein ~e S~ offXeo
a~ltle eon~ete f~ the work. 01. ~ e~bit~ a ~y of ~o~er tel~ he
a~t to S~ator ~o~aon, approx~$e~ the ~-~ aa he had s~t to Se~et~ I~ea.
A le~ ~lae~sion ea~e~, at ~e ~oae of whi~ ~1. ~ona o~ed ~aolutioa No.
whieh ia a resolution aeeepti~ by ~l~ O~eil ~e ~eoifieationa aa ~eaente~ by ~e
e~eera. ~e resolution was ~ad, ~d was passed ~d a~opte~ by ~e followi~ vote,
t~wit: ~: 01. ~l~s, ~ife, ~ons. N~: Cl. B~e. ~: 01. ~o~. ~ oasti~
~is vote, Cl. ~lts s~ted that he was vo$~ f~ t~ a~tion of the resolution ~der
pro,at, 1S appe~i~ t~ h~ t~$ ~ would ~ ~t ~ aetlon on this wo~k~ ~til
~oil o~lied wi~ ~e wishes of ~ State ~lneer'a offiee for ~A. ~o~ ~ife
s~d t~t he was eaa~l~ hie vote ~der the s~ ~nditiona.
(01. ~uns ~s exe~e~ ~ ~ft t~ ~eil ~ber at this point. )
~ TO LAI~D FC~ S~T A~wA~CW~: ~ae oity attoe~ey l~esented a deed to 16.54
feet of land extending alon~ lllder Avenue for a distanoe of 130 feet. This ia pa~eel of
land that was lying in said llder Avenue, and with this ~ee~ that avenue il no~ full
width throughout. 01. Boltz offered Resolution No. 410~ whioh Is a resolution aenepting
the dee~ for the property mentioned. It was rend, and was passed amd adopted, as read,
by the following vote, to-wit: ATE~: Cl. Howe, Bolts, Rife. NC~: None. A~EI~T: Clo
LII~RABY BOARD: The elerk ---ounoed that the tours of duty of Mrs. Alien S-,mer
aJ~ Mr. F. R. Lane, Is mEabers of the ei~ library boax~l, will expire ~u~e ~0, 1935, and
~hat the oity librarian had requested ~hat they be reappointed. Ma~a~ Rife nc~inated
both for reappoint-~ent, and the nomination wac eonfix-~ed upon motion by 01. Bolts, neoonded
by C1. tXowe~ whloh oarried.
0~A5 ~ AND FL01~ S~0~: Mrs, Louis E. ~k~key, by letter, thanked this
0ouaoil for its eontribution of E~0.00 wash for the flower show and Ch~ist.~as tree baskets,
and hoped sueh oontributionl would bo ~ontinned.
VACATIOM~: 0pon motion by 01. Boltz, seoonded by 01. Howe, ~hleh eax~ied, the
poline department was g~anted ann--I va~ations, for this year, and likewise the
BOXI~TARD STOP SI~I~: A letter fi. om 0. A. Dittrna,-, was read, wharein the writer
sake that the Boulevax~ stop sign at I Street and 2nd Avenue bo changed to m~e E Street
a tk?ough street. 1~o notion taken~ but when paving, now underway, is leafleted, some
ohanges in present boulevax~s ma~ be made.
PR0d-ECT~ PLAI~: The State Pla--lng Boar~, by letter, notified this 0ounoil
that it ia looking after the ve~io~ proJeeta that this sity has applied for. The oity
attorney was instrueted to keep in toueh with the planning boar~.
B~.~ PAID: Upon motion bF 01. Boltz, eeoonded by 01. Hoes, which es?tied, the
followin~ bill, after examiantion by the Finanoe 0~mm4ttee, wan o?deFed paid:
10012 Pay Roll for man olearing parkeayo of weeds, $96.O0
~IX)~ING ~tD AVE~I~: In the matter of widening Third Avenue, between E and
F Streets, the airy attorney presented three deeds for 10 feet of land eao~, to be trane-
matted to Mr. ~. N. D~ew. Clerk inetruoted to el tranmait the~.
PAYING ~)Y~ BI-M01Tm~.y: ~ airy attorney reported that ho has found no ob-
Jeotion to making sueh pa~ents in the law.
~ ST0~PA~: In thin matter wherein the sewer was stoppe~ on ~nd Avenue, and
overflowed into two residenses, the eity attorney repc~ted that he had flu12 no uegligeaee
on $~e ped~t of the sity or oity ~aploy~s and ~ls~u- fo~ damages would not hold. ~e yes in-
struetad to so notify the
AD.T0~ilI~J~T: Upon motion by 01. Bolts, sesonded by Cl. Howe~ whioh o&rriod~ thin
0ounoil a~Jou~ned to ~:00 o'eloek, P. M., Yune lg, 1935.