HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1935/09/03MItrES OF · REGULAR ke~TING OF ~ CITT COX~CIL OF O~LA VISTA, CAEII~J~IA, ~ SEPTEMBER 3, 1935 b 0ouneil met l~ regula~ ess,ion in the Ootuleil Chamber of tho 0it~ Hall, on tho above shown date, with Mayo~ lille presiding. Meeting called to order at 7:00 .'el.ok, P.M. P~esent: Ail the me.~baro, except 0~Auei~men Howe, who was absent. (Monday, September 2, 1965, was the date set by ordinanoe for thio meeting, but that ~ate being a legal holiday, Labor Day, the meeting was held the following day. ) MINUT~ OF FREYI0~ ~TIN~: ~ho minutes of the last regular meeting of A~t 5, ~d re~ adJo~ne~ mestizo of ~t 12 ~ ~ to~e~ wl~ ~e minute~ of the ~ of ~i~tion~ ~ld ~ot 12, 1935, ~vi~ boon ~lle~ to ea~ m~r of ~il O~oil~ we~ epp~e~ aa p~ep~e~ ~ ~lle~. WJ~ RAqqt ~X~; May°r Rife oalled attention to ri. rises appearing in the news- papers reeently, to the effect that the Sweetwato~e later 0orporation has asked for a heoA~- ins before the S$Ste lail~omd 0flnwstasion, mush hearing having been set~ l~ whioh the water scrap,ny destro, to eonoolidate with .thor 0alifornia Utilitiel, and to ohunge the as~o of · woetwater Wate~ Ocs'potation. After dissuasion, upon motion by Cl. Lyons, se,ended by Cl. Brown, whieh eox~ied, the oity attorney was lnetrueted to telegraph the Railroad ~ miasio~ asking that body to delay the hearing until this oity and othe~o interested oould investigate sod aeoortain what the aetion asked for would effeet this ocm~m~uity. The city attorney was further in, trusted to get in touoh with the oity attorneys of National City an~ Cc~-onado in the matter, and if th~ ~all~ced 0~,m~eolon deelined to delay the above mentioned hoaxing, set for Sept. 6, 193~, our eity attorney lo to attend the hearing, whieh is to bo held in Los ~mgeleo, end pr.test the interests of this oity. ROOF REPAIRS: Me. Charles L. B~lsley, by letter, asked this 0ouneil for permission to repair~ by his own labor~ the roof of a house owned by him, but not lived in by himself. Permission granted upon motion by 01. l~vons, seconded by Cl. Brown, whioh serried. I~8 AND LAV~ STOCK. HUbCaP: Me. O. F. lalJtor, of thio oity, by letter, asMod thio Counsel to issue an ordinanoe whioh would prevent the keeping of live it. ok and pets eloeor than 50 feet to · neighbor's residence. Also, to prohibit the borning of rubbish and garbnge in mush a manner that it ---eye neighbors. 0rd,red filed. O~TION INSI~ANCE F~D: The elork read · letter ho had re~eived from the State ~mnpe~oatlon Iao~onee Fund, in which this eity lo ommmmnded for its effects to keep down aeoidents, and the letter oriel, sod a dividend eheek in the ~ of PAVZ14G S~LI~T~ UNDER PWA. = b elerk read a letter f~cm Alien & Jtowe, en~ineors for the pav~n~ now ~ p~atioa for oo~'~i~, to $~ offset that ~1 pa~ra pe~- tainl~ to lett~ t~ ~on~aet f~ ~ been fo~ed ~ ~a ~lea f~ ap~ov~ by ~e ~ offiee t~. ~e r~v~ of old e~verte havl~ be~ ~i~ ~a~ the S~eet ~r~ten~ent be ~o~d ~ ~ ~u~ e~ve~ts aa the work pr~asan. ~e lett~ aaEed ~at ~ade at~m ne~am~ for the engine~a. DOG ~ LIC~HB~ Bobby Law, by letter and verbally, asked for a lieenee fo~ a dog kennel at him reeidenle, 555 National Avenue. His lettar was signed by several neigh- bo~s ·s having no obJeetion to the lo~tion of tho kennel. Upon motion by Cl. Boltz, see- ended by 01. Brown, ~ioh oex~ied, tho ulerk vas authorized to issue the liasnse, when Me. Law exhibits proof that his dogs a~e in good health, as required by ordinanoe. P~IODICAL RZX~CRTfl: The monthly reports of the eity Judge and fire department, for August, 19~5, ware presented and ordered filed. ~ ~I~M ~X~ION= The ,~-tter of ex~ten~ing the exim$i~ me~ aymt~ to t~e that lo~l~ ~ dio~ed, ~e work to bo ~dor~ ~ar s~ of ~ ~e~nt ~ts. It wan theft boot ~ bye a usu visit rooibnt8 of b lenities mntioned, ~d easy.in the feel~ of ~o ~onidento ia ~o mtt~. STA~ LFAG~ OF ~IOlPALITIE5 COl~IOl~-' Upon motion by Cl. Bolts, oeoonded by Ol, Brown, whioh earn'led, Cl. Lyons was authorized to attend the 0seventies of the State League, to be held in Sma IYanoleeo sept. ~5-~6, 1935. 01. Lyons stated that he was not sore he oould So, but if not, thio autho~ization to be extended to o~as other oity offiolal to be asleoted by this 0sun.il. Ail expenses of the trip to be borne by the oity. bo~ing oF 8optembo~ S, 10SS, PAVING ~ P~A: ~he ei~ attorney was l--~ue~ed to look int~ the ~attar of establishing a~ e~ploy~nt .flies la thio ,it?, f~r the pm-p~e of fu~aishing labor fc~ the pav~ p~-o~m, now uader ln-epa~ation, lnoSead of havtw~ na~es fur~iahe~ by the Federal ~lo~aent offiee, in ~e~ Diego° BTM PAIDt U~on ~otion by 01. Lyows, secon~e4 b7 Gl. Bolts, thieh ear, led, the follo~tn_~ bills, after ew-~notion by the Yinemoe O~maittee, were ~n'dered paid: 100~? 1OO98 10090 10091 loo95 10094 1OO95 10096 10097 10098 1OO99 10~00 1010~ 10103 10104 10lO~ 1O1O6 10107 lO10~ 10109 Pay Roi1, Pay 0o~per Shop, S. D. ~as and Rleotris 0o., Peters Fee~ National Ave. F~laSery, U~ion 0il Cca~any, Y. 0. Voa ~er Allen & ~owe, fl.D.T~&ot~ & ~qmip. ~o. Davies & Wallace, 8$end~d 0il 8euthex~ 0self. Telephone ~o. Pay Roi1, B. A. OltF ~evolving Gil~ca'e 0il D. R. Rise, C. V. Paint and Hdw. Store, 10110 O. V. 8Sar, 10111 Den~leh ~x-eas, 10116 far,oh's 0ale, 10118 Kinney B~oo., 10114 Y. ~. A~heroft, 3resets and Sewe~8~ lot half Au~., 1935, MilOellantouso ~o. 094.00 Monthly payment on st~ee* oign, ~.~ ~lntl~ ~ O~tmnto, ~1.06 ~t~ ~M p~tl ~ to.lo, 15.41 ~a~er ~ p~te, 15.06 ~one oe~ioo, ~., 1935, ~.~ (Not ~t t~ed la) S~ap~, ~vi~ work, W&tor, Atlgumt, 1935, hsoliae, Ang., 19Z§, ~peettng ~t~teti~n P~ Roll, ~ Paint ~d ~w~e, ~intl~ and ~blimh~, Paper ~ala f~ ~laoner~, A~., 1935, ~lo' W~k on Polloe ~dio~ ~ation of prison~o, 6.50 10~. 18 ~68.8§ LIZ. g4 46.10 69.00 14, ~S 15.68 6.18 14.20 AIlTOU~T: Upon motion by Cl. Bolts, oeoon~e~ by 01. Lyons, uiaioh oarried, this Oounoil aSJou~ed to ?:Oeo'cio,k, P. M., Hoptembez lO, 1935. Attest: Ol%y (]le~k.