~,11 OCTOBER 21, 1935.
The Oounoil met pursn-~t to adjournment, in the 0ouneil OMamber of the City Hall, on
the above shown date, with Mayor Rife presiding. Meeting called to order at ?:00 o'clock
P. 1~. Present: Ail the me~bers.
$~EET ~RE~5: S. P. Murch, of 237 Ohuroh Avenue, advised this Oouncil that two street
trees in ~on~ of his proper~ ~e dead, ~d asked to ~ve th~ r~eve~. S~eet O~ia-
aioner stated hi~ deponent wo~d r~ove the dead ~ees, but the ~$~ of repl~ti~
trees was held over ~til a sui~ble k~d of ~ee co~d be decided on for repl~ti~.
Gl. ~c~ reported t~t a bad plane exlated in sidewalk on Forth Avenue, J~$
south of ~ona; el~k reported tha~ ~. S~son ~d asked ~at s~e a~tion be t~en ~
eo~eetion of a raised sidewalk at 4~ F S~eet, due ~o ~ee roots. $~eet ~p~ment
to look after repairs ~d r~e~ f~ defe~ in sidewalk.
~a. Ethel L. ~akeep, by letter asked for pe~lsalon to r~ove ~eea ~onti~ her
ore~d a~ ~e~th ~d E, which ~e d~i~ the oro~d~ ~ese ~ees to be replaced by
~eo, Pl~saa. Request ~ted upon ~ motion by Gl. ~ons, seeo~ed by Gl. Boltz,
which o~ied.
FLOOD WA'£m~: Stuart ~,~eh, in person, brought to the attention of this Gouncil
that flood water, during rains, flooded his property at 257 Ohureh Avenue, and asked for
acme remedy, if possible. Referred to Street Superintendent.
S~EET SIG~: The eta'est sign at National and E, having been damaged in an auto,o-
bile accident, a representative of the 0opper Shop, owners of the sign, which is being
paid for by the sity, appeared before this Sounsil and called attention to the provisions
of the contract with the oily, wherein it is stated that ~,m~e of this nature is not
to be repaired by the ~opper Shop. He ree~m~,?ended that a omnent pier be constructed around
the base of the sign, and the trausformers repaired, together with the glass that is now
broken. This will cost in the neighborhood of $100, but he stated that he thought the
insurance company will repair the glass and transfer'mere, his company straighten and
weld the standard. Decided that the city would construct the cement pier, and the
Copper Shop carry on the other work, with the understanding that the insurance company
will pay for the items above mentioned.
PAVING: In the present paving of streets, the matter of a high place in the crown
of the street on Y. Streets, between Del Mar and Third Avenues, was bro,&~ht to the atten-
tion of this Council by Mr. Arthur Day, in front of whose property the high place exists.
Mr. Day insisted that this work had left a dangerous situation in connection with enter-
ing and leaving his property with an autnmobile, and that same one may be injured as a
result of the high crown of the street. The city engineer steted that the crown was left
high to save the granite there installed, and to assist the free flow of Water toward
Third Avenue. Upon motion by 01o Lyons~ seconded by Gl. Brown, which carried, the city
engineer was instruct to cheek and see if the water will drain, if the sidewalk and gut-
tar is raised at the city's expense.
The foreman of the Dennis Construction Oempany, contractors for the present paving
program, asked this Gouncil for permission to pave Fifth Avenue, south of G Street, to
the entrance of the residence of Mr. W. H. Salraon, at the expense of Mr. Sallmon. Gl.
Lyons offered Resolution No. 419, which is a resolution authorizing this work as requested.
It was read and was passed and adopted, as read, by the following vote, to-wit: AYES:
Lyons, B~own, Boltz, Rife, Howe. NOES: None. A~SENT: None.
The above mentioned forerun- asked this Oouncil to accept portions of the entire
paving contract, as such portions are completed. His reasons were that rains will ocme
through~ the winter, and the contractor does not feel that he should be responsible for
the entire paving Job, until oempleted in its entirety. Particularly does this apply to
the shoulders, which the contractor has completed according to contrast. After discussion,
upon motion by al. B~ta, seconded by Cl. Brown, which carried, the Street aormnissioner
Xs authc~'ized to accept amy p~tions of the paving that is completed to the satisfaction
of both. the city's engineer, and the U. S. Government enginer, now on the work.~I,
aULV~T$: Mr. Arthur Done called the attention of this Council to the size of the
culvert across ~rd Avenue, near Y. Street. He stated that this culvert is not large
enough to carry off the water during rains. Referred to city engineer to check~ with a
view to putting in a larger culvert.
GLASGOW ESTATE; As a result of the trial in connection with this estate, eR'. A. E.
Brown present.~.d~ a bill for services and outlay of funds, during the trial. He had paid
out $5~.?? in~[ass, oaring for witnesses, etc., and claimed pay for his services. Upon
motion by Gl. Brown, seconded by al. Boltz, it was decided to pay Mr. Brown a total snm
of $75.00 to settle the account. The Mayor expressed the thanks of this aouncil to Mr.
Brown for the assistance rendered.
M-sting of October gl, 1935, 0ontinued.
PRISON~: In the matter of having prisoners convicted in this city serve their tim,
to which sentenced in the Oounty road camp, the clerk read a letter frmn the 0ounty Board
of Supervisors, declining to pax'mit this proposition.
GA~ TAX FUNDS: A letter from the District Engineer of the State Highway Division,
setting forth the requirements necessary to handle these funds, was read. This letter
called for this city to furnish three maps of this city, showing the principal streets~
on which this money will be expended. Matter held over, except the request for the maps,
which the engineer was instructed to furnish.
TAXES: A letter f~om Misses Lois Brundred and Yoan R. N~ohler, owners of aa orchard
in this oi%7, was presented. The writers ask that the valuation of the trees in t~heir
orshard be reduced for the 193§ taxes. The letter lists the nmnber of trees that have been
removed, and the amount of lemons picked during the past few years. Upon motion by Gl.
B~own, seconded by 01. Lyons, the clerk was instructed to notify the owners above mentioned
that this matter should have been brought before the Board of Equalization of this city.
However, the clerk was instructed to reduce their taxes nex~ year in a sufficient amount
to repay for the over valuation made this year, and no change will be made in this year's
tax roll.
Water Mains: A letter from the Manager of the Sweetwater Corporation in connection
with the work of his campany in refilling trenches they are now digging in the streets,
for new water mains on streets that are to be paved, was read. t',e manager of the water
corporation declines to consider the replacement of a place on K Street, where it is re-
ported that the new pavement has sunk, due to im~roparly filled trenches made by the
water corporation, unless a more definite description is given him; elect he reserves
the right to carry on his construction work in a manner that experience has shown to be
~he best for all concerned.
Upon motion by Gl. Lyons, seconded by 01. Boltz, 0rdAnance No, 247, was placed on
its first reading. This is an ordinance regulating the man-er of excavating in streets.
(01. Howe was excused and left the council chamber at this point.)
AUDITING RECORDS: The certificate of audit of the financial records of this city,
for the fiscal year ending Yune $0, 1935, was presented, and read. It shows that all
funds of the ei~y were properly accounted for, and turned in to the city treasurer. The
records of the city treasurer show proper accounting of all funds. The certificate of
audit was acaepted upon motion by Glo Brown, aec~onded by 01. Boltz, which carried.
Next Year's Audit: A proposition to audit next year's records was presented by
Harold ~. l~anW, who audited the past year's records, viz: $15.00 per da.v, but not to
exceed $150.00. Accepted upon motion by Gl. Brown, seconded by Cl. Lyons, which oerried.
SEW~ O0NI~CTIONS: ~ heretofore brought out in previous meetings of this 0ouncil,
the question of having six residences on ~nd Avenue, at K Street, counected to the sewer
system before the parsing is laid, was again brough up. A~fter discussion, upon motion
by Gl. Brown, seconded by Gl. Boltz, which carried, it was decided to put in the six
connections to the property line, at the expense of the city, and the six resident owners
would be given until November, 1936, to pay for the connections and connect to the sewer.
DELINQUENT T~r~-~: Upon motion by Gl. Brown, seconded by Gl. Lyons, which carried
Ordinance No. ~45 was placed on its first reading. This is an ordinance extending the
~% penalty to 19S4 delinquent taxes, the same as the 193~ and 1933.
S~EET, la, AD END: Ohurch Street, South of G, having been reported as a dead end
street, and sign so setting forth asked for, this Council decided to place a barrier
across the dead end, ~he work to be performed by the Street Department.
WAGES, PREVAIL~GRATE: A change in the prevailing rate of wages to be paid cer-
tain employes on the paving project, Gl. Lyons, offered Resolution No. 418,which is a
resolution se~ting up a new rate for certain employes. The resolution was read, and was
passed and adopted, as read, by the following vote to-wit: A]FF~: Cl. Boltz, Rife, Lyons,
Brown. NOES: None. A~SENT: Olo Howe.
GOV~m~kVf GR.~: A letter was read, from the Federal Works Administration, in
which it is stated that 45% grants for public work, cannot be made except on projects
made after ~ 24, 1935.
BII~ PAID: Upon motion by 01. Brown, seconded by 01. Lyons, the following bills
after examination by the Finance 0mmmittee, were ordered paid:
10161;R. Lowell Davies, Attorney, PWA work, $50.00
1016~ Harold J. Frank, Auditing records,
ADJOL~{ND~T: Upon motion by Cl. Brown, seconded by Glo Lyons, which carried, the
0ouncil adjourned to ?:00 o'clock, P. i~i., Oct. ~8, 19~5.