HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1937/12/06IKi~TLF£ES OF ~, REGUi~R !~TIiiG OF Ti~ C~ GO~iGIL OF Ti~ CIS~ The Oo~cil met in re~lar session, in the Oouncll Ch~ber of the City I~11, on the above sh~ date, ~th L~ayor Bro~ presiding. ~eeting c~lled to order at 7:00 o'clock, P.M. ~esent: ~l menbers. ~.'~I~S OF ~OUS l~h~II~: ~e minutes of the re~l~ ~eting of Nove~er l, 19~7 ~nd the adjo~ned regular meeting of ~ovez~ber lO, 19~7, having been prepared ~xd ~ailed to each menber of this Co~cil by the Ci~ Clerk, were appro~d as prepared ~d mailed. ~ CHOR~: Reverend Lewter E~ Bond requested the Co~cil to ~ppro~ agreement allo~ng the Federal Cho~s to r~ce ~ appellee at the Congregational Church Sunday, ~ee~er 12, 1937, at 4:00 o'clock, P~ ~. which would be open to the public. Upon motion by Cl. Howe, seconded by Cl. Ti~uons, which ca~ied, the i~yor was authorized to si~ said agree~,~nt allotting said appellee. S?L~D.~ D~T[~.7~ SPIRTS ~IC~,~. Notice of the State Bo~rd of Equalization of the application of Nena Gilbe~ Spac~ for an ~ Sale and Off Sale Distilled Spirits License at 9~ ifational ~venue was presented by t~ Clerk. The law allows the City Co~cil 15 d~s to file ~y protests against the issusmce of such licenses. Chief Kelly explained to the Council that he had no :rotest ag~nst said issuance as long as it does not tie in with the ~uto Court adjacent to said place of businmss~ ~d is conducted properly. The Council took no action as they saw no reason to m~e a protest against said issuance. BI~0i~ O~I~: ~M. ~y ~k. Bigelow, by letter, info.ed the Council that the c~,bing in front of his h~e at 453 Second ~ivenue had been d~uaged by the California l~ater ~d Telephone Co. or their Contractor when the new water ~uains ~re laid this past ~er~ ~d as he had no satisf, ction fro!~ the ~fater Oo~p~y or the ~ilroad Cor~ssion relative to adjusting the dm-~age he felt, inamuuch as it is City property, it should be referred to the City fo its consideration. ~on ~otion by Ol !iowa, seconded by Cl. Boltz, ~hich carried, the City .... ~ngmne~r was inst~cted to check the ~ao~t of the d~age ~md estimate the ~o~nt of the cost necessa~ for replacen~t ~d give such data to the City ~ttorney; tho City ~tto~ey to confer ~ith the ~'~ater C~p~y over the adjustr~ent and replacez~nt of said curbing. ~C~., ][~LL S~,~R. LM. ~thur Spencer info~ed the Council that ~. Hill's Se~ outlet ~s still co~ected to the line in the re~ of his ho~e smd asked the Co~cil to t~e such action as necess~ry to r~ake iM. i[ill disconnect fron~ said line ~d recollect to the lateral in the front of his ',,zon hone. ~ the ti~ue allowed by 0rdinmuce for the recon~ection by i~. ~iill kas long since elapsed ~d as he has ~lty been repeatedly informed se by different Oz~mcm~ls of the ~' ~ -~on ~uotion by Cl. Howe, seconded by Cl. Tim~ons, ~,~hich c~rried, the City ~,ttorney w~s inst~cted to notify I~. Hill that ~less the connection ~s ~:~ade ~ithin 15 days appropiate action would be t~en by the City. ~C~T ,~ oICt~ ~,S~ ~,CE. gl. Boltz offered ~solution No. 502~ is a resolution stipulating the method of pa~naent and payroll deductions for sick ~d accident insurance to be ~:~ade by the City Clerk. The resolution was read and was passed ~d adopted ~s read, by the follov~ng vote, to-vzit: J~k~: Cl. Timons, ~0~S.~one. ~T: I~one. Eryant, Boltz, Brovm and Howe. ~ TM · ~ ~ Oi~ T0 ~=~=~CI_~I . S~ D~G O FI[~ DEP.~.~: ~t the suggestion of Fire Chief ~=~er ~md upon motion by 'C~. Boltz, seconded by Cl. Bryant, which ca~ied, the City Clerk was insZ~cted to ~ite a letter of appreciation to the Sm'~ DM go Fiz~e ' t De ~rtmen for the use of their fire truck u~i~ile the one o~med by Ohula Vist~ was being overhauled. ~- ~- letter, i~s. ~l. Otto, residing at 748 3rd avenue, requested pe~Ession to buy into the sewer district by ~ing a do~m pa~ent of ~&0.O0 and the bal~ve in monthly or qu~terly Oa~aents. i~. ~ve in~o~ed the Council that a Y had been installed in the 6" l~teral in front of the ~zens p~pe~y just Lbrth m~d that ~ cam_action could be made there, The Council however, did not c~re to set a h>recedent of the do~'m pay~ent plm~ c~nd did not approve double co~ections on one line ~n~d i~:st~cted the Clerk to infozm~~'s.: ' Otto that she could buy into t~e district ~md compact to the lateral upon ~:a3~ent in full of ~esessa~~ fees. O.~u~I~ ~.~. Upon ~:~otion b? Cl. [[owe, seconded by gl, Boltz, which carried, the City Clerk ~as instructed to publish a ~otice callin~ for bids for the furnishing of gasoline to the city for a period of one year begi~ning February l, 1958, 21e,~ti~ of Dece~%ber G, 1957, continued° YO;Jl[O ~k)r!oi~: ~y letter, ii'. iai'old Spear Young again c].a~ed tLat he entitled to his vet~r~s ex~ption ~md ~quested the Council to so gr~ut, l~he Co~cil asked the City ~tto~ey for his o i~ion ~md he infor~ed thegn that the luw states that a ~ter~_ who does not file ~is application for execration ~mually bet¥~eon ~oon the first iDnday of lhrch ~md the last iionday ~ June waives i~s right to said exerAotion. ~ the Council did not wish to prolong the qe. estion ~md ~s it had acted on it at a previous ~eeting,Upon notion by Gl. Tick.ions, seconded by Cl. Howe, ~,~ich ca~.ied, the z.~atter %~s tabled. ~,MYf ~I~olE[S ~ SODIb]~ ~G]~S: ~ letter ~om the ~f~to~:~obile Club of Southern California, urging that the Council and Chief of i~olice coo~erate ~Ath the California 1Aghway Patrol in bringing to the attention of the :oublic the d~ger of ~,mking left turns at zmjor intersections , was read and o~ered filedo Chief Kelly reco~,~ended the inst~lation of sodi~ lights at the commers of iational avenue and E street m~d Thi~ avenue ~d E street as they light up the intersections better ~d call to the attention of the motoz'ists the fact that caution should be used said places, lie stressed the ir~portance of one being placed on the l[ation~ avenue co.er as three way traffic from Sm~ Diego narrows do%,m to t%7o way traffic ~oz~ the South mud vd~ich 8h~mges fro~a ~5 ~iles per fro~u the South to 25 z~les per at said intersection. ~on ~otion by iiowe, seconded by Cl. Bryant, which carried, the ~tter was referred to Cl. Boltz m'~d City ~gineer ~%issgerber for investigation ~d ~port for ne~ ~eeting. ~ ~ T~: C1. Boltz offered ~solutiqn ~. ~q~, which is a resolution approving the l,!emor~dm~ of ~eei:mnt providing for acc~ulation of ~ cant gas t~ on Streets of ]~jor ~port~ee. The resolution was read m~d was approved and ad~nted as read, by the following vote, to-%'dt: ~ Cl. B~t~ Doltz, Bro~m, t-Io~ ~d Tiz~uons. i~: None. ~Yf: Lone. 0~i~,~ ~o. ~67: This beikg the time duly set by the 0o~cil ~d so advertised, for he~ing ~nd considering protests against the re:ov~ of that section of Block ~ of Central ...ddition ~,zhich is now in Zone ~ into Zone D, the i,Myor asked if there were ~y protestants present ~d as none were ~d the City Clerk reported that no protests had been filed v~th him Gl. }[owe moved, m~d the ~otion was seconded by Cl. Ti~ons and carried, that ~rdinsa~ce io. 267 be placed on its first reading. ~is ordinance rmuoves that portion of ~ Plea Vista amd that portion of Central Addition which is now in the Zone ~ into Zone B. Ordin~n~e ?~o. 268: U2?on ~lotion by Cl. Do~tz, seconded by Cl. i~we, which c~-ried, Ordinance I~o. 268 was placed on its first read~g. This is an ordinsmce dh~ging the pe~lties of certain ordin~ices of the city of Ohula Vista. ~0DI~ P~OiT~: The ~lonthly reports of the City Judge, the Police ~d Fire De~rt~ents for the ~onth of ~oven-~ber, 1937, were ex. ned ~d ordered filed. BI~ P~k~: Upon motion by Cl. ][owe, seconded by Cl. B~t, which carried, the following bills, after exm~nation by the fin~ce co~r~ittee, ~re ordered p~d: 11402 Y. C~vin Lauderbach, Recreation Council supplies, ~ 25.00 ll40~ P~ l~oll, ~neral ~[ov. 15-30-37 1,227.55 ll~4 P~ t{oll, Streets ~d se~rs Nov~ 1~30-39 59Z.25 11405 ~eric~ Bit~auls Co. Dit~auls, 22.03 11406 F. E. Y~hcroft, I.L D. )iedical ex~ination of prisoners, 26.00 11407 ~rald L. Bald%~n, Distillate, 11408 C~ifornia l~ater ~ Telei~hone Co. %Yater, 297.70 11409 ~%. Carlisle & Comply, Cou~ docket binder, 6.13 ll410 Chula 'Vista ~to Co. ~bor ~d parts, ll411 Chula Vi~ta Lm;~ber Co. Haterial, 2.69 ll412 5~e Chula V~ ta Star, ~inti~ ~d publishing, 29.79 ll41Z City ~volving ~d, Reimburse for small cash pa~ents, 26.52 ll&14 County ~a~e of l~nicip~ities, .~ual dues, 15.00 ll415 I[. L. O~rtis, t~suscitation gas, 6.18 ll&16 Fenders ~rvice, ~bore ~o~ truck motor, 35.00 ll~l~ C. V. P~nt & Hardee Store, Supplies, 36.05 11418 tLG. Fm~ton L2aterial Co. Rock ~d s~d, 11419 Guptil ~d ~Mlton, Fire ins~uce, city garage, 6.00 11420 2~dson-~cker, Inc. b~pplies, 39.51 l1421 Haza~-~uld & Co. S~plies, 15.26 11422 ~.~ore ~ectric Co. Switches, ~re, etc. 43.81 11423 Bobby ~w, ~pounding m~i~ls for ifov~ber, 20.25 11424 Pacific ~cetylene Go. ~.cetylene, 1.48 ~leeting of Dece~ber G, 1937, continued. 114£5 ~lallace ~..~uer, Chief, ~olutne~r pay for l~ovenber, 19~7, ~ 58.00 11426 Ross' Stationery & Gift Shop~ Supplies~ 11427 The S~-~ Diego Sun, ~dvertising, Come To San Diego Edition, 04.00 ll4E8 S. Do Tractor & Equip~ent Co~ Equipnent, 10?o0Z 114£9 ~elen I,~. Scott, iiileage for ~ove.~.ber, 19~7, 11430 Seville SerVice Station, Truck tire, 6o~6 ll4al Shell 0il Co. Gasoline and oils, 21E.~ ll43E,Paul Sipple, Labor ~d supplies, 94~0~ ll4Z3 Southern California Telephone COo Telephone Services, ~Ool§ 11434 Herman D. Yohnson, Galw~nized pipe, ll4~ Standard 0il Do. of Califo 0ils, 04o~9 ll4Z6 Swaetwater Ilardware, ~iaterimls, ll.60 ll4Z7 ~il ~noll, Labor, 2~.90 114~8 ~±~ne T~'avelers lusurance COo Group insuronce, ~6o49 114~9 Ben~. F. :~'igginton, Sewing Project rental for Dec° 19~o BOo00 ll~0 Ben Franklin Stores, Tree decorations, ~o61 11441 Tide ~ater ~ssociated Oil Co. Gasoline, 52.66 11~2 F~'rah's Cafe, Feeding prisoners for t~'ove~ber, 1937 6.13 ~DJ0-~I~EI~: Upon notion by Cl. Dz~yant, seconded by Clo Howe, wkich carried, this Council adjourned to 4:50 ~. i.i. Tuesday, Decenber 14, 1937o J~tt est: City Clerk.