HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1937/11/01 Tn~ Go~oll me% in r~al~ session, in ~%~ Co.oil Ch~foer of the Cit~ i!ail, on the above sho~ ~ate~ ~d%h Ll~or Dr~ ~re~i~ing~ ~!~eti~ called ~c or,er a~ o~clock, P. !~. ~esent: Liayor Bro~, Co,~ci~en B~t a~nd Loltz~ ~bsent: Council- I~f~ OF P~0L-S L~Q: The ~2inutez of the recul~r r~eeting of October 4, 19~7, ha~ng been prepared and ~ai~ed tc each r~n~ber of this Co~c~l b~ the City Clerk, we~ approved as prepaid ~d ~iled~ P~ T~ C~2,~C~3~: The Clerk read a letter ~itten to R. W. ~tty, Co~ty Auditor, by the County ~lerk, notifying hir~ that the Bo~d of Juper~sors had ordered the taxes c~eelled on the p~k property purchased f~n the S~ Diego Trust & Sa~ngs B~. ~TiOE~ CITY ~IC~i0t~ 0F iL~: Ti~ Jution~ City City Co.ell extended ~d iavitation to the Officisls of Chula ¥ista tc atte~d the ~edicstion ceremonies of the New City ~ll and the observance of the City's Fiftieth ~iversa~ to be held at the new City i~all ~?:OC o'clock, P. ~i. Satu~y, i~ovember 6, 19~?, The city clerk was Instructed to. t?a~ the National City Co~n~cil ~nd inform th~ that as r~u~y as ~assible would attend. RO~ ,CIlaG ~TITICN~: ~perty oysters on Ced~r ~v~nue, lJadison and Orange Avenues petitioned the Oouncil to oil said ~t~ets nt th~ esrllest possible dste. The clerk wa~s inst~cted to notify said petitioners that ~2propiatio~"~s for oiling ~d been depleted In the present budget and t~t consideration ~;ould be givea ~hen the ne~ buret · ~ ~ade~ ~k'. i.~rston Burnham, !i~:~g on Cth ~ve~ue ~'~nfo~ed ~. Da~es that if the city would lay the oil that he waa sure the pronerty o~ers on 6tt~ avenue Mo~h of Bonita Road ~uld D~chase s~}e. The clor~ was inst~acted to info~ !.~. ~ham that progr~ of oiling was co~pleted for the year but that next ye~ this ~ght be acconpli shed. Y00D ~'~J~s ~ ~. I~s. Viola ~ ~d, by letter, requested the ~cil to gr~t pe~sston 'to' 'the va~ous organizations to erect platfo~ ca both sides of the wal~'~ay on the Plaza, s~id p~tforz~ to be ~ovuble ~d to extend over the grass so as not to obst~c~ the wa~, for the pu~ose of having "Food S~!es'% ~ue question of liability to the city in case of accident was dlscus~d ~d the City ~tto~ey stated that ke felt that the city's extent of liability would not be uny more than it is at present. Co~ci~G~ Ti~ons ha~. a~ived at this time ~d being info.ed of the question state~ that inasmuch as there was no other place tc hold said sales ~d as the various org~izaticns co~ut~osed ~ big majority of the citizens he felt the location would all right~ Upon r.~otion b2~ Cl. Dry~t,~ seconded by Cl. T~ons, which carried, Local 0rg~izations were g~.nted pem~ission t~ use s~id w~lk~my in the Plaza for holding said fooa sales upon condition theft they erect ~ovable pl~fo~s which ~st be approved by the City ~gineer, which ~ust be re~nove~ in~]ediately after said sales, greeds clewed of debris by org[mization holdi~ said sale and peE~ission obt~neA from the I~yor and ~ity Clerk for each sale. '.Y.R. ~'~S S~ ~G~: L~. ~J. ~. Edv~ards, Yy l~tter, info.ed the Council that the cit'y had removed a line of eucal~tu~ trees on ~ut~ono.1 avenue north~rd f~rG !~cIntesb street sene years ago as wel~ as on licintos~ street and t~t the result is that the at. pearance upon ~teri~ the city on said svenu~, i~ very 'snsightly. i~e offered, to co-operate witl~ ~.y work L~bich the city ~ight do to iR?roving said appear~ce. ~e ~tter %Jas referred to the Jtr~et S~erintendent~ Sf~ D~C~F~ CL~: ~,h~. ~2~i~ld ~a~, ~l~ger ? the J~ Dieg~Cali~ornia Club, ~,~ote the Council of the advertising ~d publicity given Chul~ 7ista by said organization through their advertising medium~ and stated that a fair share of public- ity will be given this city in the c~ng ye~r~ The letter was received with apprec- iation ~d ordered filed. D~S ~ ",~I~G~R C01~i~I~: lh~. D. N. l~l!an, ?ice ~esident of the S~ Diego ~ust L Savi~gs ~a~, %,~ote the Council co~m~ending the $ity Y~tto~ey ~nd the City ~gineer for their courteous and helpful ccoperatl~ ir cansumating the transfer of ~k 2~roperty. ko otated tl~t he hoped the citizens of the con~n~ty would be thankful for the vision of this ~inistrati~n in acquirfng said property. ~is letter -~Jas also recefved ~itb a!~preciation ~d ordered C~L ~ DUL-~'~I~{: k bu!]etin from the Loud~e of Culifo~ia Z~icip~ities re?~e~ing data on civil servic~ ~J~d retir~r~nt r~atte~'~ , ~s read ~nd referred to the ~{ L~TI~T~ ~%Q~AS~: ~ ~otiti~, !gnarl by resident~ on J stoat, requesting .ee.z,~o z~ovember l, ]959, the Council to ~"¢~ ,~e.* t>~ ....... ..... , .... ce., ,~:..~"' ~oi~e create~ by '~'r~, ....... Uo~ver ~d ~embers of his church held in the home of '~...lta lLar~h~l] w~s re~d ~d ~.~. ~orge Kerr ~nformed the Council that thc a~'-~eh u~bors held their meeti~cs ~s ofte~ as three t!~es a week ~:~d crew, ted u~de~irabie :oi~e~ as late as 11:50, ?~ ~ Chief Kelly their ~uv~s~Ictlc: tJ crier it sto~fied. Vi ta~.~.~"''~- ~m~ ~'..~.,~.~ A~oclation ~d which was turned in ~v. thc~ to ~=. ~a=.o~uin~ ~ ~vr= ~r~ce of the new s"fe to be ~249.00 plus sales fez ~r~5 the s~fe n~ used by the Pultce De~ ........ ~..~ ectio: was iai:eh uI~o~ reco~e~tio~ of C~d~e Kelly as the fi!e~ ~u~~ ~he .e ..... ~-~'~ he used ~' the ~ ~o~ ~. Gl. Doi~z ,~ '~ ~ Resolution ~' ~co ..:, ~ ~ a hearing to consider the removal of La~'°~_~a Vista from t~e sin~gls ~=~.=l~'~,~'~" zone to the ~mltiple dwelling zone. The ..... ~-~ ~=.~u_~.~=~: ~as read, md ~ i~assed a~4 adopted as read, by the fo=lo:~ng mots,to-v~t: "~' Ci. Howe. !i0ES: ~ROb~ ~b~'~,CE: ~. ~rya:.t ~,...ed Resolution i~o~ 50,0,, ~ ~ : < <' authoriming t'he l{ayor to ..... ' ~ ~' ~ e ~ ~ .~o= benaa.~o~ the ~ + ' ~ of Chula Vista to the Travelers ~ surauce Co~ for sick ~dac~...,~+ insur~ce for those employees c~s so ~a~. z~_~ insurG~ce is ~,==ed sntirely by the employees uho have si~ed ~ ~'* ~'' ~" '~' ' but to obta~ the afoul :~at~s it has to m:m to the ci~y~ The resolution was r~ad, ~d was passed and adopted as read, by the ffoilowi~ vote, to-wit: .ffES, Cl. Bry~ Boltz, Brovm mud TL~ns. I:0~: None. '~<~' ~'~.~ Howe. ~%~u~ No. ~66. Upon notion ..... ~ 31. Boltz, seco:deal by Cl. Ti~muons, which c~ried, Ordin~ce ~. 26~ was placed ~ its first reading. This is au ordin~ce concerlning picketing, interfering with employment, carrying b~ers, etcetera. '~L0~ C~US: Upon motion by Cl~ Boltz, seconded by Cl. B~t, which carried, ~Y~yor Bro~ was authorized to appoint co~aitt~es to cooperate with the Post Office Depa~ment in their pl~ for t~i~ a national census of the unemployed ~d partly ~e~loyed. This action was t~en upon the urgent request of the National A~nistrator in Uashington, D. C. PH~BI~ ~S~d~CE: ~ilding ~spector ~ons requested the Co~cil to pay p~ of his home telephone bi'll as he is called at all hburs of the day ~ter work ~d on S~days to ~ke inspections or be consulted by prospecti~ builders. The Co~cil discussed the advisability of ~ing action on such request as it ~uld set a p~cedent which others ~ght wish to use, ~d the ~tter was held over to the ne~ ~eting. Fi~ ~ CDy~M: C~ef Kelly related to the Co~cil of certain false riot which ~d been ~de in the past ~d of the haza~ in ~s~ring such calls. ~ stated that ~ have no o~in~ce covering s~ ~d rec~ended that the Co~cil ~ one dra~. The Co~cil felt that it should be done and upon motion by Cl. T~ons, seconded by Cl. Boltz, v~ich car~ed, the City Attorney ~s inst~eted to so do~ ~ CO~,ICE:, ~e City ~gineer reposed to the Co~cil on the ~rpo~ Confe~nce which he attended in S~ ~r~cisco. The ~n reason for which he attended ~=s to find out me~s ~d methods whereby ~ ~t obtain fin~cial assist~ce in the deficient of a proposed ai~ort in this city but he discovered t~t the only gover~ental agency fr~ ~ich money ~ght be obtained ~s the P. N~ A. ~d such money obtained fr~ them had to be ne~ly ~tched by the city recei~ it~ ~is lea~s the city in the s~e position it has been in as it would be neeess~ for us ~ ha~ assur~ce ~om some bona fide cOnce~ t~t they ~uld move here If ~ would build the aripo~ ~d they could lease cheap land adjacent~ ][eeti~g of ~ovamber 1, 19~7, continued. PERIODICD_L i~Dt~,S,: The ~onthl~~ reforts of the City Judge, t]~e Police ~nd Yire Depar~ents for the nonth of October ~ud the Treasurer's reDoz~t~ for the months of August ~d ~ptembe~ were ex. ned and ordez~d filed. ~'S F~G: ~s. ~uie E.~. ~ ~ ~ote th e Co~cil that she h~d lost a lmrge fl~ ~d that ~he thought the Doy Scout troop of the l~lethodist Church had used it last ~md that I~. C. V. Bro~{~ had been their So~t ]~ster ~t the ti~e that it was bo~owed~ S~ req~sted the Co~cil to do w~t they could in helpi~ her find it. }~yor Br~,a~ stated that he h~d never been the Sce~ f{~ster ~d had never hea~ of the flag. The Clerk ~s instructed to v~ite L~$. Ha~c~ info~dng her that the city ~ew not~ about her fl~g nor did i~ BI~ Pi~: Upon notio~ by Cl~ Tigons, seconded by Cl~ Bryan~, w]~ch carried, the foll~vi~ bills, ~fter ex~n~tion by the fin~ce c~dttee, were ordered paid: 11336 P~' Roll, ~ner~l Oct. 1-15-3~ ~1,118~25 i1337 Pay Roll, Streets & Sea?ers Oct. 1-15-37 510~35 llZZ8 P~y i~oll, ~neral & Df. V. L. Oct. 16-3l-Z7 1,206~65 11339 Pay Roll, Streets & Se~'~ers, Oct. 16-~1-37 llZ40 f{~stin Safe & Desk Co. Fili~g c~binSts ~ud l~p, 57.38 ll$41 Burroughs f~ding l~]achine Co. Service contract, 8~00 llZ42 ~son G~r~e, L~bor end parts, 8.33 11343 Percy H. ~od~n Co. City ASto~ey's Bond, 5.00 11344 ~ptil & f~lton, Fire Insurance, 5~00 11345 Chus. P. ?ioies, Y{~'.g~st & September S~l~ry, 11~6 },~uehleisen Comp~uy, i~teri~Is, 11347 0rtiz Idotor Coml~y, Labor, Z~00 ll3~ City Revolving ~d, For ama~ cas~ ?~m~ents, ll~9 ~cific Che~cal Cozxp~y, goal~s, 7.73 !1~50 S~ Diego Cons. Gas a Elactric ~J~. Ga-- a Electricity, 430.32 llZS1 The S~ Diago S~, J~ertising, 5.00 11~52 5~: Diego Sprii~g & Br~<e Lic~rLa, ~bor ~ud suppli*~, 4.40 1].353 T~,'e 3eagrave Corporation, 0ve~-h~u~l of Fire Tr~, 113~4 Shell 0il Co~&~.y, O~soli'~e and oils, 141.$6 11355 St~da~ Iron .~orks, Re~ir~, i1358 St te Compensation Insurgence .~und, Cor.~pens,~tion insurmuce, 827.72 L1357 Southern 3aliforni~ Tetepho~e 3o. Telephone Service~, 50~00 11358 The Travel sr~ Insurer.:ce Coo ]z.c~ j li.surance, 26.49 llZ59 Union 0il Co. of Callfor!~ia, 0ils, 2.58 11360 Bel~J. F. ~figginton, Sewing i~oject R~;:t~=!, 25.00 llSG1 The Newc~:b Re!~ ~.inG i.~c~i~e Co. ~bor ~u~d ~arts, II~85 !1S6~ Bobby Lay4 ~ap,ouudinS anim~ls f~r October, 19S~, ll~6S ~th's ~'ug Store, First ~td ~[lit, l~0O ll~6{ ~ula Vista L~Poer 0o. i~terials, 1.9~ 11365 Sweetwater l~ard'~are, ~ler~::~dlse, 7.99 l136G F~ E. ~hcroft, i~. D~ ]Eedical ex~natiou ~f ~risoners, 5.00 11367 ~ail ~o~l, Labor, 1.86 11388 Seville Service Statio~, Tires ~d t,~bes, 59.25 11369 Farr~'s Cafe, Feeding prisoners, 5.41 llZTO D~ L. & ~i. F~ B~ks, Ce~eat pipe, 19.61 !l~71 California ~'~ater & Telephone C~ ~Yat~r, 308.80 11372 ~orge l~ttwood~ Pi~ing Conference L~cheo~, i1373 lfallace E. ~er, Shier, [,le~]s, Firemen out of toYm :-zork, ~.20 I1374 ',~allace E. f~er, ~ni~T, ]~olu~teer Fir2L~:en 2uy October, 1937 11375 ~ul Sipple, ~bor und pa~s, !1376 Helen L[. Scott, l~lcs, ge fo? October, ~957 8.25 11377 ~e ~l Grill, l.[e~] f~r e:~tr~, f?::"~ [la~loween t:~is C~.cil s'~journed t~z l~'~ve?Aoer l~, ~9~7, b 7~(~ o'~ZccL, T. At t ezt: