HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1937/10/04 CD~O~Li, ~ ~T0~ 4, 1937.
~e Co~cil met in re~lar ses~icn, in the Co~l Oh~ber of the City Hall, on
the above sho~ date, ~th ~!ayor Brox~ presiding. I~!eeting called to o~er at 7:00
o'clock, P. ~. ~esent: Co~ci~en B~, Ho~, T~ons ~nd Boltz. Absent:
Oo~ci~ B~t.
~ 0F ~0US ~: ~e minutes of the regular meeting of September
~, 19Z~ ~d the adJou~ed ~l~ ~ueeting of ~ptember l~, 19~, having been
prepared ~d ~i2ed to e~ch ~e~ber of this Council by the City Clerk, ~re ~oproved
as prepped ~d ~iled.
C. V. ~'~S CL~ F~T~: The Clerk read a letter from the Chula Vista Wo~ns
Club ~ich th~ed the Co~cil for their coope~tion in the last Fiesta ~d ~de
application for the days of September 2~rd ~d 2~th of 19~8 to be set aside for
their ne~ ~mal Fiest~ de la L~a together with stoat concessions ~d necessa~
pe~ts. ~e Co~ci~ could take no action that ~uld bind the ne~ Co~cil which
will be in office at said dates, ~nd advieed that they m~e ~pplication at the
next budget ti~.
Co~ci~ Bry~t c~e in ~t this t~.
C~ 0F CO~,~HCE ~ ~e Ch~ber of Co~rce request for ~ appropiation
to p~chase ~ps ~s discussed ~d due to the fact that no such allow~ce was ~de
i~ the budget the matter was tabled~
ACC~ ~ SI~ ~GE~ ~. l~erri~, of the ~avelers ~s~ance Co.
outlined to t he Oo~cil a p~ of Accident and sit.ess ins~ce. ~ this pl~
the ~ster ~licy wo~d ~ to the City of ~ula Vista ~d the clerk ~uld ~e
p~oll deductions according to classifaction of salaries; said deductions to be
made o~y upon appro~l of the pl~ by the Co~cil ~d the ~itten consent of each
employee. ~is pl~ pro.des insur~ce for all sic~ess and non-occupatio~l
accidents with paints starti~ on the ei~th day of disability ~d benefits to
~ for thirteen ~eks for ~y one case of disability. To bec~e effective this
pl~ ~st ha~ the subscription of e~ e~lo~ee eligible to said insu~ce.
~e Co~cil ass~ed ~. ~rrill that in case he co~d get the necess~ ~loyees
to subscribe ~d the City Att~ney's fa~rable opinion they ~uld app~ said policy.
~ this ln~r~ce the City does not participate.
~-z,~ ~: ~. ~ters i~o~d the Co~cil that he had leased the co.er
of ~i~ A~nue ~d ~ona Street to a gasoline concern for a gas station ~d
requested the Co. oil to authorize St~et C~tssioner Ho~ ~d the Street Superint-
endent to m~e ~ necess~ adJust~nts ~th the ~so~me Co. ~g~Ing the ~ive~ys
neeess~ for the open, ion of the station. ~. Peterssstate~ t~t he ~s ~der the
i~ression that they ~uld need t~ ~ foot ~ive~s on ~ird A~nue but that i~
one of the drive~s he ~uld ~ use for his business. Upon motion by Gl. ~ltz,
seconded ~ Cl. T~ons, ~ich c~ried, Stoat C~ssioner Ho~ ~d St~et ~perin-
tendent ~eissgerber ~re autho~zed to ~e said adJus~ents.
~ ~: ~. D. Bresee inqui~d of the Oo~cil if they had ~ther
sug~s~ions to ~e in the solution of the clewing of the asses~ut ~ainst his
p~pe~y. ~e City Attorney ~po~ed that his co~espondence ~th ~. ~ae had
not brou~t to li~t a~ solution to said p~bl~ and ad~sed the Oo~cil that
nothing could be done by the City ~ut s~gested ~at ~. ~esee demesne fr~
~. ~as Just what proportion of said asses~ent ~as ~ted B~see to pey~
T~ ~OR ~GH SCHOOl: ~. O~se, ~cip~ of the 0. V. Y~or ~gh School,
requested pe~ssion to plant pepper trees be~en the p~sent ones on G stree~ Just
No~h of t~ ~gh School so as to affo~ better protection for the pl~o~ds ~d
to beauti~ the ~o~ds. U~n motion by ~1. Tf~ons, seconded by Cl. Ho~, which
c~ried, the request ~s gr~ted~
L. y~L 'i'~ ~e City Planning O~fssion rec~ended t~t L~ Jaekel, li~ng
on the' 'South~st co.er ~ ~ ~d E st~et be pe~tted to ~mo~ the four acacia
t~es on ~a~ A~nue ~d to replace the s~e ~th $ocos Pl~osas~ ~e fact that
one of the trees is dead ~d the others in poor c~dition ~d their roots d~m-ging
the side~ in addition to the fact that the Cocos Pl~osas add to the beauty
of the new h~e ~d t~ ~rondings Cl. T~ns ~de a motion, ~ch was seconded
by 01. Boltz, ~d ~ich ~ied, that the rec~endation of the Planning
be app~de
DOG ~: A letter si~ed by F. A. Taylor, W. H. ~y, ~s. Rose ~ller
~d Y. D. ~r, ~1 li~ on F street, ~s read to the Oo~cil by the clerk
which protested the howling of dogs located at ~0~ F street ~d o~ed ~ ~. ~w.
~r. T~lor ~s present ~d stated that on nights when ~. ~w ~s a~y the dogs
Lleeting of October 4, 1937, continued.
howled incessantly and as the district was for residences he felt it should be
ahatedo Cl. Boltz infor~ed the Council that he had been told by LLro Law that it was
not his dogs that howled b~t others in the neighborhood. ~,~o Taylor said that there
was no question about them not being l,h% L~w's dogs. ~,~ayor Brown informed the Council
that he understood that the property had been sold and in ali probability the new owner
would take possession which would eliminate the troubleS upon that information it
was decided to let the matter stand.
tff~LL0~.~ PP~I~KSTERS: Mtn Neil ~Kinner requested of the Council that ~hey take
necessary action to stop the ttalloween celebrators from ~arking up windows as they
have become bolder frcan year to year and are using substmuces that are very hard to
remove. The Council felt the same way about the situation and instructed Chief Kelly
to to request the different school teachers to cautl6n the children by informing them
that it is a misdemeanors also to have an article in the Star so warning the childreno
o~TIFIC~LTI02~: ~. ~o H. Peters suggested to the Council, in light of the
possibility of the City's liability, that the Clerk be instructed to not issue
tax certifications, as the fees collected by the city might not be sufficient to
offset liability in case of error. The City Lttorney advised the Council that he
had i~vestigated the situation mud that there wes some question whether or not the
city could refuse to give tax or assessment info~nation Hs it was a necessary ste~
in the consumation of lar~d trensferSo He requested the Council to authorize hir,~ to
work out wl~h the Clerk and the Title Companys some procedure whereby the conditions
would be more favorable to all concerned; the Co'uncil felt that would be best and
informed the City Lttorney to so do.
D,:~,~ TO ~ARK: The .~erk infor~ued the Council that the deed ~o the new l~rk had
been recorded and wa~ i~ ht~ .oo~-~se~sion ~n~d advised that sctio_u be t~.!:en to request
the County Board of Supervisors ~o cancel the taxes now due on said property.
Upon motion by Cl. 31owe, ssconded by Cl. Bryant, which c~ried, the City Clerk was
inst,-tiered to make said request.
DF~,°OS~T ACC, O~£S,: Cio Iio.~ offered Resolution NCo 497, ~hioh is a resolution
a~athorizing the City Treasurer to ex. cite ~ Agreement for Active Deposit of Funds
wi~h the Bank of America National Trust & Savings Associatiol~ for sa~d on behalf of
the City of Chula ~ista. The reaol!~tio~ was read, and was passed and adopted as
read, by the follo~.ng vote, to-wit: L'ffv~: Clo Ti~mons, B~,y,ant, Doltz, Brown and
]~!owe° NOES: None. F~BS~i~: NOnCe
P. H. ,R, ICE f~SSES,~i,Ei~T: Lire ~, ~_i. Rice's request for c~cellation of personal
property taxes on property which he had purchased in the ~ity but on which he had
?,~ade no declaration to the 7~ssessoz~ , received no action by the Council~
FF-d~IODIC~L REPORTS: The ~onthly reports of the City Judge, the Police end
Fi~.~e Departments ~or the mont!~ of September, 1937, were exa~Lined ~ud ordered filedo
BITJ-~ P,,~, ,: The follo~%ng ~ills, after ex~uuination by the finance committee,
were ordered paid upon notion by Cl. Tim~ons, seconded by Clo Boltz, which carried:
11280 R. lt~nsey, Dog license percentage, $ 31.30
l1281 Gerald Champ, Fiesta expense, $0.00
11282 Charles Coles, Fiesta expense, 7.50
11283 Langford Decoratin~ Co. Fiesta expense, lO0.00
11284 Pay Roll, Streets & Sewers, Sept. 16-30, '37 4§4.25
11285 Pay Roll, General, Sept. 16-30, ~37 1253.1~
11286 Chula Vista Lumber Co. Fiesta expense, 35.20
11287 The Chula Vista Star, Fiesta expense, 58.50
11288 Ross' Stationery & Gift Shop, Fiesta expense, 10.87
11289 South Bay Lumber Co. Fiesta expense, 43.59
11290 Chula Vista Screen & Zifg. Coo Fiesta expense, 15.00
l1291 F. Eo ~shoroft, I~. D. Z~dical exs~uinatlon of prisoners, 24.2§
11292 Lane St~p Co~ Sta~p~ .~nd pad, 5.69
11~93 Pacific Acetylene Co. Rental on P 0 l0 1.68
11294 Paul Sippie, Labor and e~ipment, 76.05
11295 Ruble & Artley, ZIotor oil, 12.26
11296 Standard 0il Co. Gasoline and oils, 18.54
l1297,Rodney Stokes Co. Blue prints, 5.30
11298 Western Metal Supply Co. ]~aterials, 22~09
i1~99 B~ L. Laubmayer, Cast wheels, 4~00
11500 National Avenue Printery, P~.inting cards, 37.63
ll301 S~uta Fe Cigar St~re, County Lea&~e of DM.uicipalities expense 4.60
11302 FarrsJ~'s Cafe, Feeding prisoners, llol8
11303 Southern California Telephone Co. Telephone services, 56.52
11304 The America.u Rubber I;Ifg. Co. Fire hose, 142o10
llZ05 City Revolving Fund, Reimburse for small cash payments, 99.28
11306 Chula Vista Auto Co. Supplies, 6.13
Meeting of October 4, 1937, continued.
11307 Kettner-St~ford-Goldsr&ith Co. Officials bond, $ 5.00
11308 ~ Garrett, Stenographic services, 31o50
11309 California Water & Telephone Co. Water, 315.20
ll310 The Chula Vista Star, Prin~ing & publishing, 53.65
ll311 Fo Ro Wooden0 Alemi~e b~n, 5.00
11312 %~'olfe & Arnold, C. of C. County Fair exhibit, 1.90
11513 Chula Vista I~mber Co. C. of~ Co County Fair exhibit, 2°92
11314 C. V. Paint & Hardware Store, Co of Co County Fair exhibit, 18.12
11315 Oakland & ;~agner Garage, C. of C. County Fair exhibit, 1o90
11316 Denrich Press, C. of Co County Fair exhibit, 3.91
11317 Harry L. 0]~,~tead, C. of C. County Fair eyd~ibit,
11318 Fred Wo StafEord, C. of Co County Fair e~hibit, 4.00
11319 Kinmore Electric COo C. of C. County Fair exhibit, 14o58
11320 South Bay Lu~ber COo, Ltd° Co of C. County Fair exhibit, 76~92
11321 Wallace E. Armer, Chief, Volunteer firemen pay for September, '37 86.00
11322 Seville Service Station, La,or and equipment, ll.00
11323 Benj. Fo Wigginton, Sewing Project ~ental for October, 'S7
11324 Bobby Law, T~pounding em ~als for September, &37 22.00
11325 Bender-Moss Co° Deerings Codes, 92.70
11326 Fender's Service, Labor, 28050
11327 Harry T. ~ mcr & Son, Labor, 1.50
11328 Ross' Stationery & Gift Shop, Supplies, 14.21
11329 The Travelers lus~ran ce Co. Group insurance, 26.49
11330 Denrich Press, Printing , 70.11
11331 Home Lumber COo Idaterials, 19004
11332 C. V. Pent & Hardware Store, Supplies, 16.25
11333 ~l Tholl, Labor, 1.22
11334 Chula Vista Lumber Co. l~'Mterial, 5.11
11335 Helen M. Scott, I',Lileage for October, 1937, 10o64
ADJOURI~MT: Upon motion by Clo Boltz, seconded by Cl. Bryant, which carried,
this Council adjourned sine die.