HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1937/09/07I~ OF A REGL~ L~ETING OF THE Ci~ COUI~0IL OF ~ CI~ 0F C~ C~0~, ~ ~1'~ ?, 1937. ~e 00~cil ~ in re~l~ session, in ~he 0o~cil Ob-tuber of the Oity El, on the abo~ shoe da~e, ~th ~yor Bro~ p~sidi~. ~eting called to order at o~clock, P. Me ~nt: ~ ~ 0F ~OU~ ~1'~: ~e ~nutes of the re~ meeting of ~st 2, 1937, and the adJou~ re~l~ meeti~s of Au~st 13th ~d ~, 1937, ha~ be~ p~d ~ ~led to each m~ber of this Oo~cil by the City 0~rk, ~re appro~d as p~p~d ~ ~iled. ~ U~: Upon motion by Ol. ~ltz, sec~ed by C1. Ho~, ~ieh e~ied. it ~s decide~ t~t the ~ shoed be used only for ~rgencies occ~i~ inside the city H S~T 0I~G: ~e 01erk rea~ a petition si~ed by residents ~d p~pe~y o~ers in t~ ~cinity of H Street bergen 5th ~ 6t~ A~ues ~questi~ the Co~cil to include H Street bet~ ~th ~d 6th A~nues in the progr~ for oi~. Se~r~ proper~ o~ers ~re preset ~d ~ told by the Oo~cil that said oil~ ~ul~ include H steer but ~d ha~ to ~t it's tu~ in the p~. ~ter im this meeting the 0o~cil dis~s~ the oiling of H steer ~ 4th avenue to 6th avenue ~d upon moti~ by Cl. H~, seconded by Cl. B~t, ~i~ c~ried, the Ci~ ~in~r ~s inst~cte~ to p~se ne~ss~ oi~ ~d p~p~e ~d oil H steer fr~ 4th to 6th avenues a2 such time as it ~uld fit in schedule. ~ ~ ~2~I~ION: ~. ~see i~ui~d of the Co~cil ~at baa been decided ~ ~ to settli~ the asses~t on his p~pe~y ~d the City Attorney ~po~ed t~ his in~sti~tion ~th the Title ~y shoed t~t ~. B~see had si~ed a stat~ent accepting prope~y ~om ~as ~d ass~ng ~y ~d a~ asses~nts ~a~st property; ~so in the ~t deed it stipu~t~ that the Title Co. did not ~a~tee ~icipal liens ~nst prope~y, the~f~, the ~tle Go. ~s not ~able ~d as o~ ce~ifieation ~s ~de to ~d for t~ Title Go. then ~ ~re not ~able to ~. ~esee ~d the~f~e nou~ not leg~ settle ~th h~. ~e City Atto~ey su~ested to ~. ~esee that he contact ~. ~as, o~er of the ~nd, ~d dete~ne J~t ~at percentage ~. ~s felt t~t he should p~ ~d t~ see the ~. ~esee stated t~ he ~d prefer a definite ~r now in re~ to ~t Co. ell ~ld do in help~ h~ ~th said asaes~nt ~d u~n ~tion of Cl. seconded by Cl. Boltz, ~ich c~ed, t~ Co~cil coneur~d in the reec=-,~ndation of the City Atto~ey ~ich ~ t~t they could not assist in settli~ s~d ~ GL~ ~: ~. Y. P. Wilson, distributor of Motor Glide, offend to lea~' the city p~e~y at the North~n end of ~d to the ~est of ~d A~nue for the p~ose of insuring a ~tor Glide race tra~. ~. Nilson state~ should he be able to lea~ said p~pe~y he intedded to have d~ ~cing at first ~d then later on ni~t ~ei~ up to 9 P. M. 01. How~ oD Jested on the ~ds that leasi~ l~d ~uld set a bad precedent ~d ~eated that the ~operty ~ers adjacent should be Inte~d befo~ ~ lease should be ~de. ~. Wilson ~s inst~cted to draw up a ~p of s~d t~ctk, inter~ew adJa~t property ~ers, ~d should none of them object, see ~e City ~ineer ~d the City Atto~ey and ~w up a lease for ~t~ property so that the Oo~cil could act upon it at t~ meeting. ~C~G ~ S~: ~e Fiesta Oo~ttee ~ng ~ed ~th Deco.ting Co. for said eonee~ to deco~te the 37 1~ st~ds for t~ ~ of $1~e~ requested t~t the City Co.oil authorize the s~d e~en~it~ to be out of the appropiation ~e for the ~esta e~en~. Up~ motion by C1. seconded ~ C1. Ho~, which e~i~. ~ a~e~t bergen s~d conce~and the ci~ ~s approval. ~;,v~ W~,;,, BI~: ~e Oity Clerk i~d the Co.ell t~t he ~d a money o~er f~m ~ ~ ~ll~ffor ~ed ele~i~ ~th a note atta~ stati~ that as he had b~n t~sfe~d to ~other s~p the ~ed bi~ had not rea~ed h~ in t~ to ~e pa~ent befog. Upon motion by Cl. Howe, seconded by T~ns, w~ch espied, the Clerk ~s inst~eted to accept money o~er ~d asses~t f~m the tax roll. H~th office~ ~ inereasel A ~tter ~om ~th 0ffi~r ~hero~ to ~th C~t~sioner ~ltz ~ ~ad by ~e clerk ~eh set f~th the situation in ~g~ to !~*~tile p~a~sis ~d the p~utions t~en to keep it f~ ~ing. ~e letter also ~de a ~quest for ~ inere~e in s~ from $50.00 to $75.00 per ~nth begt.n~ ~pte~er 1, 193~ s~d r~uest ~ ~ppo~ed by info--rich sh~ the added duties of ~th Officer ~posed by t~ last ~gislat~e ~d the increasi~ population of the city. Meeting of ~eptember ?, 1937, continued. Cl. Howe offered Re,solution No. 490e which is a resolution increasing the salary of the Health Officer frcan $50.00 to $75.00 per month beginning Septe~aber 1, 1937e The resolution wes read, and was passed and adopted as read, by the ~ollowing vote, to-wit: A~S: Cl. T~.m~ns, Bryant, Boltz, Brown and Howe. NOE~: None. ABSENT: None. ~ CONVENTI(~'. The Clerk read 2otters from Mayor Berth.ugh of San Diego and Chas. F. Richardson, County League secretary, urging the Council to send delegates to the State 0onvantion at ~en Jose with instruction to vote to have the next convent- ion in San Diego. As no delegates were going frc~ this city the letters were filed. SAN ,DIEGO PARTICIPATION IN FIESTA: Mayor B~own reeieved a letter from the Ban Diego Chamber of 0~rce in ans.er to his letter to Mayor Benbough, which stated that members of the Associated Manufacturers of San Diego would be contacted in regard to taking part in the parade and offered to help publicize the event through their Publicity Department. AVIATI~ O(~L~CE: Mayor Brown brought to attention of the Council that the State of California and the City of Sacramento are sponsoring a Western Aviation Planning Conference to he held in Sacramento ~eptember 23S~1, 24th, and 25th and urged the 0ouncil to send the City Engineer or a meanber of the Council to attend said conference. The Council decided to hold the matter over until the next meeting so that they might have time to consider the matter. ~- ,FINAL P,A~E P~,: Cl. Howe offered Resolution No. 49!, which is a resolution authorizing the final payment of $3000.00 to be made and directing the City Attorney to take necessary action to procure Grant Deed to Park. The resolution was read, and was passed and adopted as read, by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: C1. Boltz, Brown, Howe, Tigons,and Bryant. NOES: None. ABSENT: Nme. UNr~GROUND CROSSING AG~E~Ue~T: C1, Boltz offered Resolution No. 49,~ ~ieh is a resolution approving the Undergroun~ Crossing Agreement submitted by the S. D. & A. E. Railway Co, which allows the city to extend the present culvert and installation of catch basin. The resolution wes read, and was passed and adopted as read, by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Cl. Bryant, Boltz, Bro~, Howe and Tfm~ons. NGES: None. A.~: None. S, D. & A., E. R~. CO. EA~q~IT: Ol, Howe offered IV~solution No. a resolution accepting easement for public street from the S. Do & at or nea~ Third Avenue and Alma Street. The resolution was read, and was passed adopted as read, by the following vote, to'it: AY]~: Cl. Boltz, Brown, Howe, TtmmOnS and Bryant. NOES: None. ~: ORDINANCE No. 265: Upon motion by C1, Ttw..ons, seconded by Cl. Howe, which carried, Ordinance No. 265 was put on it's second and final reading. The title of the ordinance was read and the body of the ordinance was in the exact fe~m as when given it&s first reading at the meeting of this Council held August 23, 1937. Upon motion of Cl. Howe, seconded by C1. Boltz, which carried, the rending of the body of the ordinance was waived, as no dissenting vote was made. It wes passed, adhpted and approved by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Cl. Boltz, Brown, Howe, Ttwmons and Bryant. NGES: None. ~S~ -' Nonce ~0~I.~AL EEPORTS: The monthly reports of the City Judge, the Police and the Fire Departments '[or ~he month of August, 1937, were examined and ordered filed. 57~.~-~ PAID: ~pon motion by Cl. Ti~nons, seconded by Gl, Boltz, which carried, the following bills, after examination Dy the finance committee, were ordered paid; 11224 Pray Roi1, Streets & Sewers, Aug. 1-15-37 $ 813.85 11B2~ Pay Roi1, ~enerel, Aug. 1-15-37 1,211e15 11226 Pay Roi1, General, Aug. 16--31-37 1,270.25 · ~227 Pay Roi1, Streets & Sewers, Aug. 18-~1-37 11228 S. G. Alexander, Plastering chtmuey, fire hall, ?.50 11229 American Bitumuls, Bitumuls, 94,06 11230 Tide Water Associated 0il Co. Gasoline, ll?.13 11231 Betty ~ethge, Stenographic services, ll.05 11232 Chula Vista Agency, Fleet insurance, 1,100.91 11233 Anita Br~wn, Murals for County Fair E~bibit, ?5,00 11234 Oarlson & Slmpson~ Labor, 5.40 11235 Chula Vista L~mber Co. Materials, 9.63 11236 C. V. Paint & w~dwere Store, Supplies, 16.53 11237 Denrich Press, Carton waste, 10.50 11238 Parrah's Cafe, Feeding prisoners, 10.45 1123~ Eo P. Hanson, Bar steel, 1.~5 11240 Warren Metz, Fertilizer, 5.15 ~eeting of September 7, 1937, continued. 11241 R. A. Higgs, Postage, 1000 5¢ envelopes, $ 35.40 11242 H~ne IAlmber Co. Material, 11e88 11243 t~abba~l & Po~ter, Ambulance, 250.00 11244 Herman D. Johnson , Rep,Ira, 8.~8 Ll24~ Kin~ey Bros. Re~io repai rs, 4.43 11246 Bobby Law, Impounding ~lim~ls All~lst, 1957, 12e50 l1247Legal Book Shop, 1937 California Practice Codes, 9.27 11248 The Loopost Binder Co, Chain post binder, 11e33 11249 Muehleisen Co. U.S. Flags, 28.59 11250 ~Anicipal ~lpplies, t~endcuffs, 10el9 11251 Paicific Coast Bldg. Officials, ~pecifications. dou~ments, 15.45 11252 Peters Feed StOre, Materials, 11253 City l~evolving Fund, Reimburse for small cash pe~ments, 11254 San Diego Directory Co. 1937 directory, 12o87 11255 B. D. Tractor & F~tuipment Co., Inc. ~quipmAn$, 26,79 11256 San Diego Trust & Savings Bsn~, Final PM ment of park, 3,000.00 11257 Sanitary Wiping Rag & Waste Co. Waste re~$ 12e61 11258 Helen M. Scott, ~e~ Mileage, 21,84 11259 Service Pharmacy, Medicants, 9054 11260 Paul Slppls, Repairs and equipment, 79.88 11261 .~mtth Booth Usher Co, Roller and scarifier, 11262 Star Auto Sex-vice, Repairs and equipment, 27,59 11265 .~weetwater ~;A~dwa~, Supplies~ 1,32 11264 Southern California Telephone Co, Telephone service, 50.00 11265 The Travelers Insu~anee CO, Group insurance, 26.49 11266 Union 0il Co, Gasoline and oil~, 13o27 11267 0alifornia Water & TelephOne Co, Water, 315e20 11268 Western Metal Supply Ccc F~tui~r~ant, 1Se29 11269 The Western Union Telegraph Co, Telegrams, 2e42 11270 BenJ. Fo Wigginton, Sewing Project rental for September 25,00 11271 Wallace E. Arm, r, Chief, Volunteer firemen payroll August ~,00 11272 Nelson & Slosh, Send end gravel, 50°08 11273 Paxton Auto & Electric Service, Repairs, le35 11274 The Chula Vista Star, Printing and publishing, 67.51 11275 F. Eo ~shcroft, M.D. Medical examination of prisoners~ 38,00 AD$0~: Upon motion by Cie Howe, seconded b~ Cl. Timmons, which carrie~, this Council adjourned to September 15, 1957. at 7:00 o'clock, P. M, Attest: City