HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1935/12/16~L~ OF AN AIXTOE~NED I~GULAR MiSTInG OF ~w~ ¢I~ ~OUHOIL OF CHULA VISTA, CALIFO~IA, December 16, 1935 Tho Oounoil met pursuant to adJotu-nmoat, in th· 0ouneil ~amebe~ of the Olt~ u-il, on the ·boys shows dato~ with Maye~ Rife ln'eeldin~. at ?:00 o'slonk, P. M. Present:' All ~e..bere except 01. FLAG POLE: M~. 0sbc~.n, representing the A~e~iean Legion, asked the Council for per--lesion to erect a flag pole in the pla~a, preferably at the north end~ this pole with a flag to be donate~ to the slay. l~e proposed · pole ·bout 30 to ~5 feet in height, and to be used on oeeaelone when flags axe to be flown. Matter held over to aenortoin the east of · pole of wood, or iron pipe. al. B~oen enggeeted that if an i~on pipe pole is wrested that the olay defray port of the east. ~.. PAVINQ ~ I~A.I M~. R. ~. l~ortie, representing the Dennis 0onstruotion _etlon Oc~a~y, e~ntraotor for this paving l~oJeot, P~A Doeket ~0~5, asked this 0ounoil to aenopt the enti~e p&viag pro Jest for meintonanee, oaly; this not to be the final &oeeptenee of the we~k. Be stated that his ecstasy had e~apletod its part of the oontrast to the eatiafaotion of the engineers in charge, and felt that hie cc~pany should not be held x'espon~ible for the streets, new in use by the pub- lie. De,age might result frc~ exeeneive railfall, washing out shoulders, eta., in whioh ease hie e~apany would be require~ to do over anrk they had already e~apletod. This partial aeooptanee by the slay to lnelu~e a~ ~inor defeeto that ~ay appea~ in the work~ ~hieh w~lA he ropaix-ed by t~e sant~aotor. Fux-ther, thio aooeptonee, not beini fixMtl~ would not prevent any othor work that might he a~ded to the present cce~- pleto~'~a be~ perfo~od under oa~e oonditiona and prises as the original work. After dissuasion, 01o Lyons offered Resolution lqoe 4~6, ~ioh is · resolution con- tainiag provisions as above outlined. It was read, and was pusood and adopted, a~ read, by the follusiag vote, to-wit: Al~5~ 01. ~oun, Bolts, Rife, Lyons. NOES: None. AB~gI~T~ 01. l~owe. ~u,'J.n]2~ Ii~M,~OT~I= The Building In,pester, Daw'id ~. Riee, ~ di~ ~ia ~ate, the ~eil ~d~t ~e ~ ~ be eloaed ~ ~ t~ of t~ ~e~ll, ~ ~4 t~t ~l p~a~el ~ ~ ol~y ~e~nto t~t ~ be ~e~, to attend ~e br~ Braises, whi~ vl~ ~ held at 2:~ P. ~, ~e~b~ 1~, ~955. ~e ~k wus auth~l~ ~ p~ae flne~8 ~ the f~ ~ seat not to ~lto a lett~ of ~ndolen~ to ~ b~ved ~on ~ioa by Cl. ~on8, seconded by Gl. ~lts, ~lch e~led, ~k T. n~ ~a appoint~ ~l~i~ ~ Pl~b~ ~apee~, ~ fi~ ~e ~Q~ ~e~ by the dea~ of ~vid E. Rise. His sal~y to be the fees reneive~ ~dRB ~ In the matter of widening the radiu~ of the eu~b return at tho northealt sol. nor of Seeond Avanne --~ R Strnet, the city e~ginaere reported that it will requLre a radios of ~5 feet to x-elieve the situation that now exiotw. Aa the existing or~lnannea of the slay provide for · radius of 15 feet, upon motion by Lyons, seconded by QI. Boltz, which anrried, 0~'. ~inanee No, ~49 was plaand on its first reading. Thio ie an erdinanne providing for ~5 foot radius returns at interneotione. i~L00D O0~0L~ Thio 0ounoll, last year having agreed to ehange tho flow of flood water at E Street and Bonita Road, whioh now fl~we east on Bonita l~oad, flooding lands to the eastward, by placing a culvert ae~oee Bonl~ Road, sassing the water to flow noah along ~lfth Avenue~ the ~attor was referred to the street c~iesioner, with power to asa, upon motion by al. Lyons, neeonde& by al. Brown, whioh serried. STATE HIdeAWAY: A letter was read from the St·ts ~lghway Division, in which this 0ounsil is requested to ma~ upplioation for pemaito to Join our new paving to the paving on Natio-a~ Avanne. The Mayc~ wac authorized to sign euoh applioation, upon motion by 01. Brown, ·econde~l by al. Lyons, whieh ee~riedo TAXEfl~ The question of the oity attorney attending a meeting of city atterneyo to be held in Los Angeles, in oonneotion with publio utilities now on looal tax rolls, wee loft to the slay attorney to deoide if he thought the trip is neeeeanry. If he goes, hie expenses will be paid by the airy. LEGAL B00E~t The clerk presented the metter of three legal books the olay had purchased for use of the city attorney, during the gas and electrio franehise est- tie,sent, and w~i~h bo~ks the former olay attorney, ~. 0. 0. Ludwig, had not returned to the olay. Mr, Ludw~ ~te a letter to the effect that this 0ouneil had presented him with the books as a em~eneation for extra work, and thought the books beloage~ to hl~. None of the ~ounsllman could re.~e,.ber eneh a gift, and the olay olerk state~ he gone o~er all minutes of meetings in this oonneotion, but anuld find nothing on the ~eting of D~e~b®r 16~ 1935, Continued. · ubJaet. 0lark instructed to write Mr. Ludwig that al stated in th~ fca-ageing no reoord of, or re~e~branee of thil gift to Mr. Ludwig was apparent, thio 0~uneil deoided Shat the books belong to the airy, but t~at Mr. Ludwig eould bom-ow th-- at any ti~e when he ha~ ule for thme ~hief of Poliue Eelly asked thin Oouneil for authority to purohase a eopy sash of the 1933 Civil 0ode, the 0ode of 0ivil l~oeedu~e an~ the Penal Code, aS a east of $9.00, to be nasd in the Police and 0ity 0ot~t departments. Authority granted upo~ motion by Cl. B~O~, aeoonded by Cl. Bolts~ which ~Fi~e PAVING ~ P~A, ~ A letter fi. ma the engineers in ~ha~ge of paving, Allen & Rowe~ was read, in eonneetion with the oont~oversy between the enginse~a and the ~ontraetor on a gutter for the flow of wate~ at the intereeetion of Roosvelt Sl~eet and Seoond Avenue, and upon motion by Cl. Lyons, seconded by 01. B~own, whiah eaX~ied, the matter was te- l®x-red to the oity attorney. HEATING oIT~ HALL Bu~ING; 01. Bolts reocameaded that a heater be iuetelled in the ~ouneil 0~amber of s~e ei~ and pattern no~ in the Fi~e Deperbaent. He was inst~uoted to pressed upon ~otion by Cl. Bolts, eaoon~ed by 01. Lyons, whioh sax~ie~, AD~: ~on motion by Clo BalSa, seeonded by 01. Lyons, whioh serried, this ~ounail adjourned to 4:30 P. M., Deee~ber 2~ ~935e Attest: 0ity 0lark.