HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1936/03/02 mARCH 2, 1936 ~ Council '~'t in regular ~eeeloa in the ~ouneil ~e~abe~ of the 0try ~all, on the above shows date, with Mayor life presiding. ~et~ug ~elled to c~er at ?:00 oeeloeke P.M. l~ewent: Ail ~ers. MImu',~ OF PREVIu~ ~T~2~: The minutes of the last regular meting of Febx-uary and adjourned regula~ ~eetings of Feb~-,,~y l?th, 19th and ~4, 1936, having been pre- pa~ed and ~alled to eaoh ~e~ber of this Council, were approred as prepared and ~ailed. ADV~ITIS]2~G: Mr, L. L. Thompson, publisher of the Ohula Vista Star, informed this ~o~ell t~$ the ~eh~ts of the ei~ ~e eont~latl~ ~l~ apeel~ adve~tia~ in She S~ f~ a p~i~ of el~t weeks. ~ ~la adv~tie~ ~t~ will be for the go~ of ~e en~e oi~, ~. ~eon l~ed ~e oi~ to ~ $1~.~ of the Cost of ~ueh adve~ $iai~. ~on motion by ~1. ~o~, ee~nde~ by Ol. ~ltz, whi~ e~l~ t~ ~tor la held ~e~ a~lti~ the oo~tion of ~he e~, ~ if auooens~, ~e ot~ wi~ p~ $~.~ of the Coat. CITY ESG~-' AXles & Rowe, Cl~y ~agineers, by lette~, tendered thie~ resignation as eueh enginee~s, effeetive u-~eh 10, 1936. T~e ree~_~.-~tion was aeeepted, the slerk to write the fica, and one ~e~ber of the fi~'~, M~. I. V. Qua~tley, a letter of appreciation for the work they have perfo~ed. This aeries taken upon motion by Cl. Brown, seconded by Cl. I~ons, whieh ear, led. The clerk then read applieatione for the position of city engineer f~c~ Mr. 0. F. Weinsgerber, formerly city engineer here, who offered his ee~viees at $200 per month; and frc~ Mr. $. A. Wahler, who tendered his eervises at $175 per month. Upon motion by Cl. Lyons, ascended by Cl. Boltz, whieh ea~ried, the application of Mr. Weisgerber was aoeepted, Mr. Neiagerber to take off lee when it ie vaeated by Allen and Rowe. ~ O0~EOTION: Mr. I~a D. Owen asked for pe~isston to eonneot his residence at ?56 Third A~nue ~ the ~ewer sya~. In ~e di~eus~ion it developed that the proper~y of ~. ~n in not In the sewer dia~iet~ it ~vi~ be~ ~tted ~on req~st of ~e o~ of the p~ty at the t~ the aewe~s were ~id; ~t to en~r the ayet~ will require p~ee of a oev~ he, fit as requt~ed by ordl~oe, ~d to co,est ~ ~e a~ wi~ req~e outti~ a~oaa ~d Aven~, ~ ~ ~al~oa~ ~aek. ~1~ ov~ ~til ~ esti- ~te of ~e seat of ~kl~ the eo~eetion in ascertainS. Ih~SI~A~CE: The ~lerk inquired if this 0ounoil desired him to insure ~he new poliee autc~oblle against fire and theft. He was in~t~ueted to have it insured. FLOOD CONTROL~ Mr, Sloss, owner of land along It Street, between National Avenue and Be~ Boulevard, oc~lained that flood water ~ges hie property during rains. Re suggested a dlteh t~ eax-x'y off this water, and after a discussion, in whieh Mr. flloau offered to fur- nish the land for ~ueh a ditch, and half of the labor in digging the ditch, the matter was referred to the Street Depax-tment to eonfer with the ow,ere of the land so flooded, and pOrt b~ak to this Couneil. This action upon motion by Cl. Brown~ seconded by ~1o Howe, whieh eem~le~. P~IODICAL l~P~f~.' The ~onthly reports of the oity Judge, poliee and fire depart- monte, for the month of Febx~ary, were e---~ned and ordered filed. - ~NIOIPAL ~.EOTION: I~ the ~ttor of appoint~ election offl~a ~d ~peoi~i~ votl~ plaeea~ wi~ a 0onsoli~tion of voti~ ~eino$a for the e~ m~ieipal ele~tion, ~ ~ held April 14, 1936, ~1. ~ltz off~e~ ~ution No. ~5, whi~ ia a resolution apeoi~ing She above info,ion. It ~ read, ~ ~s panse~ ~d approved, aa rea~, by t~ followl~ vote, t~wit: A~: 01. ~e, ~ ~o~ ~ltz~ Rife. ~: None. OILING BAY BOLU. EV~RD: The question of this Oity enterln~ into a co-operative sehe.~e of oiling Bay Boulevard, heretofore brought up in this 0ounoil, Mr. Lyons, offered ties 1~o. A36, which is a resolution relinquishing Jurisdiction to the 0ounty of San Diego to this thoroughfare fOr anah co-operative work. It was read, and was passed and adopte~, aa read, by the following vote, to-wit: A~S~ 01. Boltz, l~lfe, Howe, Lyons, Brown. NOES: None. A~ENT: Nolle. C~DINA~E No, 2~0: Upon motion by ~1. Boltz, seconded by Ordinance No. 250 was plaeed on its first reading. This is an boulevard stops on E Street, Fifth Avenu~ and Bonita load. Cl. Lyons, whieh oax~ied, o~dinanoe providing fox' ~eting of Max*oh ~ 1926, ~ontinuod. BILLS PAID: Upon motion by Cl. B~own, oeoondod by Cl. Boltz, which ea~ried, the following blllo, after ex~inatiom by the FlnR-ee Ccee~lttee, were ex, ex'e6 psi6: 10~8 1~ ~oLI lot half Febx*uax'y) '26, eta and Sewe~e, 10a~9 1O34O 10841 1O343 1O344 10~45 10~dY 10~48 10349 103~0 Pal, Roll R. Lowell Davies, ~he 0opper Shop, R. Lowell Device, S. D. ~ae amd ~leotrie 0o., S. D. Fire Bquipment 8. D. County League ~Amioipalitiee, Duce for 1936, C. V. Building-Loan Assoc., 80. 0alif. Telephone Gilmore 0il 0o., Pacific Anetylene 0Oo, 1051 Renot ttationex-y Shop, 105S ~orothy 0oen, 10G R. Lowell Davies, 10~ 8outheem Oil 0o., 1057 S~andax~ 0il 0o. 10G B~yant Photo Studio, 10~9 ~rog~-eoe Paint 1~ ~lf. Wa~ ~d ~leph~e 0o., 1C~?O 10~?1 Ualon 0il 0...pony, Farrah ' · ~afe, Paul 81pple, Revolving Fund,, W. E. At~e~, ?ante Independent Service, C. V. Lumber 0o., Heroin Yehiole l~bliohing House, SeY~llo Service Station, Mo~k T. Skinne~, Dr. y. I. A~horoft, L. P. TAch, Vehicle Insuranne, Phone Se~viees ~eeoline, ~/eldtag ~eas 0ffi~e Su~pliea, Typing, ~ ~oJeot, 0~lee ~enaea, as el~ at~., ~1 0il, ~roa~e~ ~o~ap~, ~affi~ 01~ ~inee~a, ~e~l~ ~iao~ra, Feby, 1956, ~t~bile Tires, ~b~ae f~ ~ ~ah e~di~ee ~ ~11, Vol~tee~ F~n, Au~obile Tires, List of ~la~e~ Aut~obllee, ~oti~ ~uetion, ~i~ hi~tion of ~ioonero, v~o~ig Feeo at 0i~ Po~, 50.00 30.00 50.00 424.91 10.30 BS, 79 15.00 10o82 1~,,30 20. &9 8.~0 10.75 266°95 4.17 68,42 40.02 15e05 15, 05 2.46 8. II 2?.00 AIXT0~I~TI Upun ~otion b7 01o Howe, eeconde~ by Cl. Lyons, which oarried~ thi8 Council adjourned to ?~00 oeolook, P. M.~ March 9, 1026. At,eat: Oity Olerk.