HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1946/04/22 ADJO~ REG~i,,,"~ ME~T!I~G OF THE CITY COUI~!CIL
The City Council met in the Council Ch~abers of the City Hall
on the above date, with .~iayor Koester presiding. The meeting w~s called
to order at 7 o'clock P.I,~., Present: Oouncilmen Koester, Dyson, Kidder,
Riesl~nd. Absent: Councilmen Keithleyo
U. So0.BUILDING PURCPL~SE: Previous Resolutions having authorized
the purchase of the UoS.0.Building, 'J~ith equipment, for $20,000.00, on motion
by Councilman Riesland, seconded by Councilman Dyson, ~.nd carried, ~j~rrant
NL~tber 5192 was authorized issued in the ~ount of $~0,000.00 for payment of
s~e, by the following vote, to-wit: ~:~s~ oouncilmen Riesland, Koester,
Dyson, Kidder. Nces: None° ~bsent: Councilman Keithleyo
~roTed Bass was present an~ e~r~sse~ hi'~ ?leasure over the Durchase
of the building, aud drew attention to the fact that a new stove was badly
heeded in order that z~eals might be served to better ~dvant~eo
th~s. Hersu~G, president of the ~on~n's Club, ~de the state~ent that
her club ~ould appreciate more extensive use of the U.S.O.Duilding to relieve
some of the activities now being carried out in the ~oraan's Club.
J~,~ITOR FOR U.S.0. On motion by Councilman Riesl~0_d, seconded by
Councilman Dyson, which carried, l~ro Hurley Simpson was ~uthorized to secure
janitor help for an amount not to exceed $25.00 per week°
KR~,F,R SUBDIVISION: I~r. Gierlich presented a tentative ~ap of
Kr~mer Subdivision. On motion by 0ouncilman Riesland, seconded by Councilman
Kidder, ~nd carried, the tentative map was ~ppreved, subject to the filing
of a Surety Bond or other security satisfactory to the council, securing
the installation of all improvements.
NA~TII ~JBDIVISION: 2?~.Gierlich also presented a tentative map of
Nanni Subdivision, and on motion by Councilm~n Riesland, seconded by
Council~ Kidder, and carried, tentative map was ~pproved subject to
the filing of a Surety Bond or other security satisfactory to the council,
securing the installation of all improvements°
CHANGE OF SE~ER LOCATION: D~.Gierlich requested permission to
change the location pf the proposed sewer main on "E" Street, as same applied
to Roberta Park Subdivision, from the canter of the street to a position
approximately ten (10) feet south~£ centero-line.
On motion by Councilman Kidder, seconded by Councilman Riesland,
which carried, this change in location was ~uthorizedo
HAYNES SUBDIVIS!0E: a final map of Haynes Subdivision was presented
to the council for acceptance.
On motion by Counc~lE~n, ~oester, seconded by Councilman Kidder, ~nd
carried, the final map was ~ccepted and the city clerk authorized to sign
v~nen a surety bond or other collateral satisfactory to the city attorney was
filed with the city.
REQDEST FOR LDDIT!0Nj~L POLICE: MroL.H.MOore, ~ppesred before
council stating that his residence on ThiEt Avenue was being molested fre-
quently by sailors at night and requested police protection° In the dis-
cussion which followed, Mt.Moore stated that, in his opinion, a night patrotm~u
should be added to the police force to adeq,,mtely serve the business area.
The matter was referred to the Chief of Police for further study.
0RDIk~ANGE N0o358: On motion by Councilman Kidder, seconded
by Councilman Rlesland, which carried, Ordinance ~?o.358 was placed on
its second and final reading. ~nis is an Ordinance repealing Ordinance
No.345 creating the office of City ~lanagero The Ordinance was read in
full and was passed, adopted and approved by the following vote, to-wit:
Ayes: Councilmen Kidder, Rieslaud, Koester, Dysono ~oes: None°
Absent: Counc ilgwu Kelthley o
PLANhrI}IG C0I~flSSION I~YlF_S: The clerk read the minutes of the
Planning Conmaission meeting held J~pril 15, 1946, and on motion by
Councilman Rlesland, seconded by Counci}ms~ ltoester, which carried,
the minutes ~re approved with special reference to Zone Variances requested.
RESOLUTI0}i N0°746: Counci~ma~ Kidder offered Resolution No.746.
This is a Resolution to acquire certain tax deeded lands being offered for
sale by the County Tax Collector. The Resolution ~as read in full and was
passed, adopted and approved by the followin~ vote, to-wit: ~ves:
Councilmen Kidder, Riesland, Koester, Dyson. Noes: ~lone° ,~bsent:
Comuc ilaan Keithleyo
~}'~ER ~S~,E},~ DISTRICT: The City ~.ttorney requested authority
to proceed to Los ~ngeles to confer with the attorneys for the Lsague of
E~unicipalities, relative to procedures in zaatters of creation of Sever
f~ssessment Districts. On motion by CounciLman Kidder, seconded by
Councilman Koester, ~,~ich carried, city attorney was so authorized.
f~DJOURLI,IE~;~T_L: On _~otion by Counciln~an Kidder, seconded by
CounciLman Riesland, and carried, the raeeting was adjourned sine die.