HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1946/05/13 Iu~i~UOTES OF ~ HEGUILR ~EET!~G OF ~i_~E CITY COL~JC!L OF THE CITY OF CItD-L~ Ir!ST~, CLLIFOR~IA, ?~IX~ MAY 13, 1946. The City Council met in regular session in the Council Ch~2bers of the City Hall on the above date, with Mayor Koester presiding° The r~eting waS called to order at 7 o'clock PoI.~., tTesent: Councilmen Koester, Keithley, Pylon, Kidder, Riesland. ~bsant: None. I~iinutes of meetings held ~ril 10, 16 and S2nd, having bean mailed to each member of the council, were approved as mailed and prep&red° ~NPLICATION FOR CJ~) RD~ LIGht'SE: The clerk presented ~u ~oplication from ~,Lro Jack ToReid, to change location of his card room from 429 National Avenue, to ~07 Center Street. The matter having previously been referred to the Chief of Police, ~ho re~co~ended its ~enial, s~ue ~as d~scu:~sed at length, ~nd, on motion by Council~.~an Kidder, seconded by CounciLm~u Riesland, ~hich c~urried, the r~tter v~s tabled until the next meeting° CY~ llO0~i O~D,~U2(CE: On ~otion by Councl~n Riesl~ud, seconded by Counci]z~u Keithley, ~ud carried, tt~ city attorney vJas instro, cted to confer ~?ith the Chief of Police ~nd draft a new ordinsace regulating card rooms and their location ~ud pre~nt to council at a later meeting. Tf~X~I C~B LPPL!CATI0I~: ~.~plications to operate T~xi Cabs in the city ~Jere Drssented by D~o Iiisensol ~nd by ~J~. D~oy Hill. Upon ~otion by Council~ Keithley, ~econded by Counci~s~u Riesland, which carried, the applications were referred to the Chief of Police for investigation ~ud recoz,m~endation, ~nd to report ~t th~ next _~etin~. _~TJ~'OP V!LI~'~GE: ~l~e clerk presented a letter from John ~.~vin, ~rea ~ousing ~.L~u~ger of the Federal Public ~.uthority, requesting ~ expression from the council as to their wishes in the disposition of Hilltop Vill~geo Upon motion by CounciLman Keithley, soconded by CounciD~an Dyson, and carried, the ~ayor w~s authorized to ~uswer the letter, expressing the council's opinion t~at, inasmuch as these units were de~ountable after the housing shortage was over~ that they should be entirely removed from this locality. SE;~ER DISPOSAL PL~: The clerk called to the attention of the council, the fact that the city does not have titls t~ the addition made to the sewer disposal plant by the Federal Government during emergency, ond requested authority to negotiate with the Federal Public ~uthority for the acquisition of title to the plant ~ddition, ~ also to the sewer mains installed in city streets by the §overnmento On motion by Oounciloan Keithley, seconded by Councilm~u Riesl~nd, ~hich carried, the clerk was so ~uthorized. COL~TR~ CLUB ~ECCA SUEDIVISION: ~. Frank HoLOng appeared before council to ~. submit a tentative map of Country Club Mecca Subdivision for approval° On motion by Councilman Keithley, seconded by Councilman Kidder, ~ich carried, the tentative map was ~oproved, subject to filing of Surety Bond or other security satisfactory to the council, secttring the installation of improvements° Discussion followed relative to the installation of sewers on First ~venue~ to service those lots in Country Club I~cca facing on First LvanUeo Mr. Long cited the method used by La I~s~ which consisted briefly of the subdivider and others fronting the installation, paying for their proportionate sh~re, ~nd the city, by special ordinance, p~ing for that portion serving those not desiring to participate ~t this ti~e.~ This ~uld allow the city to be rei~bursed -~han and if the unconnected property did connect, v~nwreas an individual could not be reimbursed for the sewer line placed in the street° The City ~tto~ney stated that he had investigated this procedure, and, while no legal test had been made, it was his opinion that this method could be used with safety° This procedure would necessitate the creation of a Revelviug Fund for S~ch use, but no ~reement was reached as to how the ~nd could be created and legally used. The ~attel~ was left for ~urther study. BEASIE¥ SUHDIVISION: On motion by Councilman Koeste~, seconded by Councilman Riesland, which carried, the Beasley Subdivision tentative map was ~preved subject to filing of Surety Bond or other s~'~ity satisfactory to the council, securing the installation of improve~ents consisting of co~bination si~e-w~lk s_ud curb and gUtter, end paving of unpaved strip on "G" Street ~nd Per.ray, from existing pavement to the c~Arbo SUBDI~ZISIO!~: }?~P.~/ On motion by Councilrm~ P~iesls_ud, seconded by Councilman Koester, which cai~ried, finsl map of Uecker Subdivision was approved, subject to £iling of Surety Bond or other security satisfactory to the council securing the installation of i~prove~nts. ~t this time City ~ttorney gave his afproval to an ~greement signed by ~2roUecker, and Co~u~cilnan Kidder offered Resolution ~Oo?&? which is a Resolution approving the above r~entioned agreer~ent. Tim Resolution ~s read in full, ~ndwas passed, ~dopted mud ~pproved by the following vote, to-wit: ~yes: CounciLmen ~{idder, Riesl~ud, Ko.stet, Keithley, Dl~on. ~ces: ~7one. ~.~bsent: I,~one. l~IRa FIO~S C=kRDEkB SUBDiVISt0E: Tentative M~R : I1~ Herbert Berger presented a tentative r~p of liira Flores Gerdens Subdivision, and on motion by Councilman Riesland, seconded by Cou~cil~ Dyson, vJhich serried, the tentative ~p was approved, subject to filing of Surety Bond or other security satisfactory to the council, securing the installation of improvements. OPENING OF ~v~;~Y: ~e z0atter of opening mu ~lley west of ~nd parallel to Third ~venue, extending frC~ Davidson Street north, ~'~s brought to the attention of the council by ~rSo Crandall and Dire Oscar ~oe. This matter having been discussed at length previously, ~as referred to the city attorney for investi- ~ation to see if a possible meaus of acquisition to the necessary land might be found. The motion was mede by Councilm~u Kidder, seconded by Councilman Koester and duly carried° BALE OF OLD Tth%CTOR: The clerk presented a request fro~ Street Superintendent Love for authorization to sell the old Fordson Tractor v~ith grader blade, for ~$£U0.00 cash, end to purchase a ~,~ower attachment ~rlth fittings to instal on the 19~2 Case Tractor for use in cutting weeds in gutters. On motion by Councilman Keithley, seconded by Councilman Dyson, which carried, authorization w~s gr~ute d. ~DDITIO¥~ POLIC~2,~N: Chief of Police Taylor requested permission to hire two additional men at $180o00 per month starting salary° ~ report on budget provisions and expenditures having previously been presented to the council members by the clerk, showing a sufficient balause in the budget to take care of this ~dditional expense, it w~s moved by Councilman Rlesland, seconded by Councilman Koester, and carried, that the Chief of Police be anthorize~ to hire two (S) additional men as requested at a starting salary of $180o00 per month each. PAI~IhK~ TRAFFIC LII~WES: The clerk presented a bid from a San Diego Painting Contractor, to paint the curbs and diagonal parking li~s from "G" Street to "E" Street for a total price of $&66.00, including material and labor° Inamnuch =s the bid ~ms not specific, the clerk was in~tructed to secure the bid in proper form ~nd aubmit sams at ~ later date. COLr~wl'f ~iRING 0t~ ROAD I%&T~RS: On motion by Councilman I2idder, seconded by Councilman Dyson, and carried, Street Superintendent Love was instructed to draft a progrmn for street repair to present to the County Board of Supervisors, and the l~yor, City ~ttorney and City Clerk were instructed to attend the hearing to be held l~ay ~7, 19A6 in the Civic Center, and present the program to the Board of Supervisors, requesting a higher percentage of finsncial help from the County for the coming fiscal year° BILT~ PAID: C~ motion by CounciLman Keithley, seconded by Councilman Dyson, vhich carried, Warrants Nos. S177 to 5255, ~fter exantination by the entire council were authorized to be poid. SE;'~ER II~TY, T.TZ,TIOI~: The City j.ttorney reported his findings as to methods of procedure for installing additional sewer districts, lie said (1) was by general obligation bonds. (2) by Special ~ssessn~nt Districts, ~ud, tl~t, under this method most everyone agreed that the 1911 ~.ct was the best ~ay, but that the costs were increased from 15% to 25~ under this method due to the fact that extra engineering and costs of bond preparations had to be added to the basic costs. Further, v~ere twJo or Eore ~reas not contiguous to each other wished to for~ districts, it v~as necessary to file as separate ~ssess~ent districts, thus~further incre~sin~ costs° The third procedure would be by Revenue Bonds. These bonds not to be confused with general obligation bonds, ~s they are against the property recei~ing b~cfits on~ ~'e fourth procedure would be by priwate contract between the property owners ~ud the c~ntr~ctor, leavin~ the city out of the deal, e~cept for engineerir~ inspe cti Ono !~roHiggs further stated that, in ~ny event, one of the first procedures will be for the city engineer to prepare estimates of costs omd boundary lines for subrLission to council. In the absence of ~ city engineer it would be necessary to hire competent engineerin~ service. Discussion then followed relative to hiring of city engineer. RESOLUI~ION E0o748: Councilman Koester offered Eesolution IIo.748o This is a Resolution ter.~Llnating the services of MroGoerlich as city engineer° The Resolution was read in full ond ~ras passed, ~dopted ~md ~pproved by the following vote, to-wit: ~yes: CounciLmen Kce star, K~ithley, Dyson, Kidder, Rie sl end. Nces: None. ~bsent~ None° The ~bove Resolution was adopted due to the fact that ~Lr.Henry SoGoerlich had been employed on a purely ter~porory basis, and 8id not wish to serve as city engineer on full time b~SiSo t~SOLUTIOE N0.749: oouncilm~n Keithley offered Resolt~ ion No.749o This is a Resolution amploying Henry ~gert as city engineer for the City of Chula Vista. The Resolution was read in l~ll and was passed, ~.dopted and ~pproved by the follov~ing vote, to-wit: ~yes: Councll~aen Keitkley, I~yson, Kidder, Riesl ~d, Koest er. Noes: None. Absent: None. EEPOR~ ON lf~T~R ~&wi~tORITY: City ~ttorney stated he had attended a local ~mseting of the Water ~thority representatives and citizens of Chula Vista, ~ud Stated that the Water ~ntherity would call an election probably in September or October, and that, unless Chula Vista, by special election prier to this date, voted to stay in the ~utherity or withdraw, it ~ould be possible for the city to become a m~nber of the metropolitan district by default and thus be forced to share in the costs assessed to ~ll participating districts. He urged serious study of the matter and suggested the ~ppoint- ~rsnt of a council member to ser~e on a sub-conm~ttee . Mayor Koester thereupon appointed CounciLman Rieslund as a z~ember of the sub-conmnittee of the San Diego County Water authority, end L~pon motion by Councilman Kidder, seconded by Councilman Keithley, which carried, the appointment ~s confirmed. ~ESOLUTION I~0o750~ Councilman Kidder offered Resolution No.?50. This is a Resolution approving agreement to perform work in Haynes Subdivision° The Resolution was read in full and ~s passed, adopted and ~pproved by the following vote, to-wit: ~yes: Co~ucilmen Kidder, Riesl~nd, Koester, Keithley, DySOno Noes: None. Absent: None° ~'~EPJ~L G~ANT FOR PI~k~ IvlOI~: The City of Chula Vista having received an advance of $2~00o00 for Plan Preparation of Civic Center Buildings, and due to the defeat of the bond issue, by v~ich it was proposed to construct the oivic Center, and the Federal Goverz~ment having requested return of the above advance, the city attorney requested authority to negotiate a compromise with the Federal Goverr~aent on the grounds that the city had actually spent ~ considerable sum on plan preparation and had acted in good faith when ~pplying for Federal vid° It ~smoved by Councilman Keithley, seconded by Councilman Kidder, ~ud carried, that the city clerk confer with city attorney ~Iiggs and answer l..k%'~right Felts letter relative to the ubove. RESOLDTIOE ~J0.751: Councilman Rieslond offered Resolution No,751o This is a Resolution ~ccepting %uit Claim Deed to the U.S.0.Building. The Resolution was read in full and v~s passed, '~dopted and ~pproved by the following vote, to-wit: .kyes: Councilmen Riesland, Koester, Keithley, Dyson, Kidder. Noes: None° ~bsent: None° RESOLDTIOI~[ N0.752: Councilman Kidder offered Resolution Ifo.752. This is a Resolution accepting Bill of Sale for U.So0. equipment. The Resolution ;~s read in full amd was passed, adopted mud approved by the folto~ng vote, tower: ~yes: Co~mucilmen Kidder, Ries!aud, Ko~ster, Keithley, I~yson. Noes: None. ~bsent: None. CITY kf'£01~EY NOTICE: The City attorney advised council tt~t, if the o~uount of ,~ork placed in the City ~ttorney' s hands increased at the Dresent rate, it would be i~oossible for him to continue in that position~ and that, ~J~ile he w~s not tendering his resign~tion, he ~s si~uply giving notice to th~ council so that enot~h time would be t~d in which to try and find sOmeone else to serve in his place should that beccEe necessary° RECREATION BUDGET: ~.~.Hurley Simpson presented tentative figures for Recreation Dep~rtment budget for 1946-1947 for council's use when consider- ing the budget proposals for the coming fiscal year. Luthority was given ~LroSimpson to buy a new stove for the Com.~unity building at a price of $12~.00o The motion ~Rs made by CounciLman Keithley, seconded by Cotu~cilman Riesland, ~d carried° COI,E.~i~TY- PLAY: l~yor Koester suggested, and council agreed, that the city clerk should write a letter to the Chula Vista ?~om~m's Club, com- plimenting them on their play produced F~iday and S~tu~$y~,hy l0 and ll, 1946, thanking them for their contributing to the Recreation fund. LDJOUP~E~T: Koester, ~bich carried, the meeting was adjourned to Friday, On motion by Councilman Riesland, seconded by Councilman 24, 1946, 5~0 Ge~u~ of Sau Dleso 4 da~ laber at $~ ~e~ ~ of pFlmener - (JO{m, ( I)~ am ~er agee~e~&t ) ]balth taB.Las p~ eea~. 60000 ~0.00 blt - h~ ~.~ ~ ~ ~l 1.~ ~t r~a~ - eity hall 5, OX hlet~h' a 8e~Aee Sea Me~o GM & w~,e'e~e ~may } ~