The City Council met in Regular session in the Council Chambers of the City
Hall on the above date, with Nayc~ Koester presiding. The meeting was called to
order at ? o'clock P.~o Present: Councilmen Eoester, Dyson, Eidder, Riesland,
Keit hley o Absent: None o
M~tnutes of the meetings held Yuly 8 .ha 15, havLUg been prepared and mailed
to each re.tuber of the Council, were approved as prepared and mailed°
ACCEPTANCE OF ~PROVE~: Improvements in Haynes Villas and ~ira Flores
Subdivision having been .installed according to spa cifications ~n~ inspe ctod by
City Engineer Albert, the clerk waS authorized to refund the deposits which had
been paid to the city aS guarantee that the improvements would installed.
ORDINANCE NO.5~: On motion by Councilman Eldde~, seconded by Councilman
Koester, which Carried, Ordinance No.~6~ was placed on its final reading.
This is an Ordin~uce establishing tax rate for the Fiscal Year
The Ordinance was passed, adopted and approved by the following vote, to-wit:
Ayes: Councilmen ELidder, Rieslaud, Koester, Dyson. Noes: None. Absent:
Councilm~ Keithley o
ORDINANCE NO.S65: On motion by Councilman Kidder, seconded by Councilman
Dyson, which carried, Ordinance No.56§ was placed on its first reading. This is
ordinance adopting plumbing cede of San Diego County by reference.
CA~ R0~ APPLICATION: The clerk read an application f~om Mr. H~l~.Oonklin,
for permit to operate card room in the City of Chula Vista, and on motion by
Councilm~n Riesland, seconded by Cou~cilw~ Ksester, which carried, the application
was referred to the Chief ~f Police for investigation and recom~aendation.
~ second application for permit to operate card room by Mr. Alfred Sousa,
was presented by the clerk, and on motion by Councilman Koester, seconded by
Council~ Dyson, which carried, it likewise was referred to the Chief of Police
for investigation and recc~mmendationo
RESOLUTION NO°?~?: Oouncilm~n Riesland presented Resolution No.$$?.
This is a Resolution apprOving preliminary budget for expenditure of gas tax money
on State highways, in the City of Chula Vista. The Resolution was read in full
and was passed, adopted andappro~d by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes:
Co~cilma~ Riesland, Koester, ~yson, Kidder. Noes: None° ~bsent: Counci]~,~n
P~SI~ATION OF COUNCILL~AN EEI~HLEY: The clerk read the resignation of
Councilr~n Reithley, to be effective September 9, 19~, from the Council, ~ud, on
motion by Counci~n Riesland, seconded by Council~u Dyson, which carried, the
resignation was accepted w~th regrets, and the clerk wuthorized to write to
Councilm-~ Keithley, expressing their gratitude for his past services.
BI?.¥.~ PAID: On motion by Councilm~n Dyson, seconded by CounciLman Kidder,
which carried, after ex~mluation by the entire council, Warrants Nos o538~ to ~0
inclusive with bills attached, were ordered pAid$ by the following vote, to-wit:
~yes: Councilmen Dyson, Kidder, Riesland, ~t~ star. Lbsent: Council~au Keithley.
NGB S: None.
Councilman Keithley appeared at ~is time.
Flq~L ~IP PD. REWAY S~IVISION: On motion by Councilm~u Koester, seconded by
Councilman RieSland, which carried, the final map of Parkway Subdivision was
approved, subject to the filing of Surety Bond or other collateral sufficient to
insure the performance of installation of lmDrovements as set forth in agreement
accompanying Resolution NOo759o
RESOLUTION N0o759: Counci]msn Kidder offered ResOlution NOo759. This is
~ Resolution approving Agreement to perform work and instal impro~ents on
Parkway Subdivision° The Resolution was read inbfull and was passed, adopted
and ~pproved by the following vote, to-wit: ~ves: Councilmen Kidder, Riesland,
Koester, Keithley, Dyson. Noes: None. Absent: None.
FINAL I~P NAOmi SUBDIV~B!0N: On motion by Councilman Riesland, seconded by
Councilman Kei thley, which carried, the final map of Nanni Subdivision, was
accepted, sublect to the filing of a Surety Bond or other collateral sufficient to
insure the installation of fmDrovements as outlined in Agreement accompanying
Resolution No.760o
i~LSOLUTION N0o760; Counc~lm~ Koester offered Resolution No.760. This is a
Resolution approving Agreement to perform work and instal lmpro~ments on Nanni
Subdivision. The R~solution was read in full, and was passed, adopted and
approved by the following vote, to-wit: ~yes: Counci~m~n Koester, Keithley,
Dyson, Kidder, Rieslando Noes: None. Absent: None°
RESOLUTION N0.?61: Councilman Kidder ~ffered Resolution No.?61. This is
a Resolution appro~d and accepting Deed of Tr~st executed by Walter N~B~io
The Resolution was read in full and was passed, adopted and approved by the
following vote, to-wit: Ayes: Councilmen Kidder, Riesland, Koester, Keithley,
Dyson. Noes: None. Absent: None.
FINAL MAP MIRA FL0~ES: All improvements as per Agreement having been ~
installed in the Mira Flores Subdivision, on motion by Councilman Riesland,
seconded by Councilmen Koester, which carried, final map of Mira Flores Subdivision
was ac cepted~
CMO CEIqTER SPEC,,'±CLTIOES: Councilman Riesland reported that he had
contacted Mr. E°Charles Parke, Architect, employed by the city for the drafting
of Civic Center plaus, and that MroParke had assured him that pl~na could be
finished for an mnount not to exceed that which was obtainable from the State and
Federal Government for the drafting of these pl.~, also that auy section of the
Civic Center plans could be built independently with only a very slight change
which would allow the construction at a later date of an~ selecte~l unit of the
Civic Center° MroParke stated, if authorized to proceed with the plans, he
~ould hold off any work until the clearance was obtained from the State and Federal
Governw~nt for additional funds° Councllm~n Riesland thereupon offered
Resolution No.~63.
RESOLUTION N0o763: This is a Resolution ~esuming work under Architect's
Contract dated October 29, 194§. The Resolution was reed in full and was passed,
adopted -~ approved by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes: Councilman Riesland,
Koester, Keithley, Dyson. Noes: Councilman Kidder. ~Josent: None.
SEWER SISDGE: A contract was presanted, ~hereby Mm.Rasmussen agreed to
purchase sewer sludge from the city for a period of one year with an option to
renew for a two year period° On motion by Councilman Dyson, seconded by
Councilm~n Koester, ~hich carried, the contract was referred back to the City
Attorney, re. king the renewal open for one year instead of two years.
Oounc~lm~ Rlesland retired at this time.
ORDINANCE N0~$: On motion by~Gquncilm~ Keithley, seconded by Gouncilm~n
Keester, which carried, Ordinance No.t~ was placed on its first reading° This
is an Ordinance adopt~g 1946 uniform building code by reference°
i~SOLUTION N0~762: Councilman Keester offered Resolution 1Io.762. This is
a Resolution approving Agreement with the San Diego and Arizona Eastern Railway
for installation of six inch (6"! tile under their tracts. Because nobody seemed
to have any knowledge of this application, the ~greement was referred to the
City Engineer for investigation.
LEAVE OF ABSENCE: Mt.Hurley Simpson asked for a two weeks leave of
absence ~ithout pay, and, on motion by Council~n Koester, seconded by Councilman
Kidder, which carried, the leave was granted.
REQUEST FOR DP~INAGE EX~EI~ION: The clerk presented a letter f~m Mr.
CoW. Garter, asking the city to extend the drain under Fourth Avenue near the
~.O.D.Packlng Pla~t, in order that he might fill up his lot. The matter was
referred to the City Attorney for investigation.
PETITION ~ROM BAY MAN0~: The Clerk read a petition from property owners
in Bay Manor requesting report of water drain through this Subdivision.
The matter was referred to the C~ty Attorney for opinion.
TAXI CAB APPLICATION: Mr. Roy Hill requested that his application to
operete taxies in the City of Chula Vista which had been previously presented to
council, be withdrawn.
NE~ F~ HYDRANT~L Fire Chief, George Lee, requested permission to instal
three (~ new Fire Hydrants, and, on motion by Cou~cilw~u Kidder, seconded by
Councilman Dyson, ~hich carried, permission wes granted.
I~C~01~T FOR DONATION: The clerk presented a request from the San Diego
County Club for a donation of $500.00 for edvartising the City of Chula Vista.
The clerk was instructed to notify the club that, however n~Ach they would like
to contribute, there wes no provision in the budget to do so. The motion
was made by Oouncilm~n Keithley, seconded by Councilman Koester, and carried.
DONATION TO CHA~.R OF CO~WEROE: The Ck-mber of Commerce having previously
requested an appropriation of $2000.00, it was moved by Councilm~ Kidder,
seconded by Counci~m~ tfeithley, and carried, that the Chamber be granted an
amount not to exceed $2000.00 for the purpose of advertising the City of Chula
~ FIRE ~GINE: On motion by CounciLman Keithley, seconded by Councilman
Dyson, which carried, the city cl~rk and Fire Chief were authorized to open
negotiations for the purchase of a new Fire Engine.
ADYOURN~NT: Upon motion by Councilman Keithley, seconded by Councilman
Dyson, wh%ch carried, the meeting was adjourned to August 26, 1946o
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