OF (~tULA VISTA, CALIF01~IA, IJ~.B DECEMBER 10, 1946 at ? PoM.
The Council met in regular session in the Council Chambers of the City Hall,
on the above date with ~ayor Koester presiding. The meeting was called to order
at 7 o'clock P.M., Present: Councilmen Koester, Riesland, Kidderm Dyson, Nasholdo
Absent: None.
Minutes of meetings held November 12, and November 26, having been prepared
and presented, were approved, with the follov~Ing exception:
That paragraph relating to the Planning Commission in the meeting of November 26,
1946, was corrected by adding thereto the following sentence, - "Effective as of
January 1, 1947".
RECOEvE~D~NCE: M~o CoV. Brown reqUested that a Full Reconveyance be given to
~. Walter Steele on the National ~venue property, which was trust deeded to' the
city to secure the installation of improvements in Roberta l~rk No.1. ~he City
Attorney was instructed to prepare same and present at next meeting.
T~IIER PARK: ~Lr. Sprague requested permission to continue operating the Trailer
Court established on his property and on the property of ~.~icI)onald, adjoining on
northerl~ line, v~nich was installed by the Federal Government ~ud operated during
the war°
On motion by Councilman Dysan, seconded by Councilman Ries!and, which carried,
permission was granted providing Mr. Sprague and ~.McDonald comply with the require-
me~ts of our local Ordinance governing Trailer P~rks.
PI~E~iNG 00~SULTANT: The clerk read a letter from Mr°Eliot offering his services
as Plelming Consultant at $75.00 per day. No action was taken.
SUBD!¥1SION ORDINf~JCE: City Attorney HiggS stated that he had prepared ~
Subdivision Ordinance whichwas ready for action by the council. On motion by
CounciLman Kidder, seconded by Councilman Nashold, and carried, the Ordinance was
referred to the Plenning Commission for study.
REQU~ FOR FIRE HYDPJ~NTS: Fire Chief lee requested permission to ha~ installed
one fire hydrant at Twin Oaks Avenue and "E" Street, and one hydrant at B~
Boulevard and "G" Street. On motion by Council~an Nashold, seconded by Councilman
Rieslend, which carried, authority ~as granted°
REQUEST TO PURCI~ CITY PROPER~Y: The clerk informed the Council that ~/LroPaxton
had telephoned him regarding the purchase of a piece of property located in the
southeast corner of Eucalyptus Park, fronting Fourth Jzvenue. It was moved by
Councilm~ Riesland, seconded by Councilman Kidder, and carried, that the request
to purchase he denied.
REQUEST FOR TOY SHOP: ~,~ro~Urice Hooper, in a letter to the Council, nequested
pez~uission for his client, ~Mlra.Schadek, to build a toy factory on National ~nue
between Parkway and "F" Street. Fire Chief Lee advised that this location is in
a I,~umber two fire zone, which prohibited a wood working shop, and Building Inspector
Willits stated that an industry such ~s this requested, is not allowed in a
businesw zone° It ~as, therefore, moved by Councilman Riesland, seconded by
Councilm~zu Nashold, ~nd carried, that Mr.Hooper's request be denied.
OFFER TO PURC~ASE CMO CElvf~l~ SITE: ~ letter was read to the council from the
Chula Vista Development Company, offering to purchase the eight and one hslf (~)
acres on Fourth ~venue and "F" Street, known as the Civic Center Site, for a
price of $17,~00.00. It was moved by CounciLman Dyson, seconded by Councilman
Riesland, that the offer be accepted, which discussion followed as to the advisa-
bility of ~ccepting one offer without bids. ~s a consequence the motion ~
second was withdrawn, ~d no action taken.
DA¥1~60E ST~T SIDE;~ALK A2~D CURBS: City ~ttorney was instructed to prepttre
a Resolution in order that the city might advertize for bids for the installation
of curbs s~ud sidewalk on portions of Da~ldson Street° Also the City Engineer
was instructed to prepare plans ~ud specifications, and city attorney to prepsre
notice calling for bids.
0t~)INA~CE N0.372: (P~DI~NCE PROHIBITI~G SI, iOEI~G IN TH~mJ~THES: On mo~ ion by
Councilman Hashold, seconded by Councilman Kcester, ~'~ich carried, Ordinance 1,7o.
372 ~Jas placed on its first reading.
O£J)II~iR~ HIGH ~ER I,L'J~: There having been presented to the City Engineer copy
of second preliminary a~eer~ent arbitrating Ordinary iligh Water Ifmrk for a portion
of the tidelands l~l~g within the limits of the City of Chula Vista, it was moved
by Councilmau Kidder, seconded by Counci]~aan Nashold, that the city clerk advise
the engineer end the State Lends Commission of the State of California, that the
agreement has been ex~uined mud approved as to form.
Oi~DI1,TANCE N0o$73: ~TY~BLISI~ING SE~'fER i~2[TZ~L CPL'd~GES: On ~aotion uy Councilman
Riesland, seconded by CounciLman Koester, ~'Jhich ca~rried, 0rdi~uce ~,[Oo~73 wad
placed on its first reading.
!SLYOR ~D~m-~%SE ~.CCOUi~i~: I,Lr. J.C.I~lmar representing the Chamber of Commerce, asked
that some prOvision be made v~ereby the i~yor could be reimbursed for expenses
incurred on account of city activities. I,Lr. Canmen Baker, Charles I,iajors ~ud
I,lroLandells and lM.Hooper, being in the audience, all stated that, in their opinion,
a I~,~ayor who devotes ~lmost his entire tt~e to city business, should be re~ubursed
for all expenses incurred°
The Boo2ter's Club on National f. venue, end the Board of Directors of the Chamber
of Commerce, both have gone on record ~s favoring the above procedure. The City
.Lttorney then an.~wered saying that it was not necessary to take any action since
the laws specifically provides that the I',~yor may be reimbursed for :ny and ell
expenses incurred due to city business upon the presentation of itemized claim
to the council. Oouncilmau Nashold complimented the Chamber of Commerce
and the Booster's Club for their interest in this matter mud other civic affairs.
0RDII~I~h'CE N0o370: CI~E~'kTING P~ltll~G 1,IETER ZOI~E: On motion by Councilman Dyson,
seconded by Councilman Nashold, ~'~ich carried, (Yrdinance Ilo. Z70 was placed on Ats
second and final reading. In a general discussion ~aich followe d, the adoption
of the above Ordinance, I~r.Hooper asked if meters would he in service on holidays
and Sundays, ~ud v~s told that they would not. I~.~. J.C. Palmer representing the
Chnmber of Commerce stated that the Board of Directors endorsed the installation
of parking meterS. Normsm Butterfield stated that he hoped the condition of
double parking would he emiminated and was told that, due to the necessity of
continually checking parking meters, the question of double parking would be
enforced as there would be au officer available during the busy hours..
Councilman Kidder stated that he had always been against parking meters as a matter
of policy. In his opinion the traffic problem arises from long time parking and
lack of enforcement. He stated that when the meters were instslled that, in his
opinion they should not be operated until after l0 aomo, This view was also
concurred in by I~ir. George De~olfe and others present in the audience.
The Ordinance was in its exact form as when placed on its first reading, and was
passed, adopted and ~pproved by the following vote, to-wit: ~es: Councilmen
Dyson, Riesland, Koester, Nashold. Noes: None. Councilman Kidder not voting°
.~t this time Cotu~cilman Rieslaud stated that it was the intention of the council
if they sold the Civic Center Site, to purchase the property on "F" Street across
from the Grammar School which is already established for recreation.
ORDINANCE I~0.371: ~DOP~I01~ OF SALES TAX: Ordinance NOoS?i having been placed
on its first reading November 26, and the Text now having been eltered to conform
with the model Ordinance suggested by the League of California Cities, the revised
Ordinance was read in full, and on motion by Councilman Koester, seconded by
Councilmen Nashold, which carried, was placed on its first reading.
TENTATIVE ~P -Iot 15 Quartersection 122. ~ tentative record of survey map of
lot 15, ~uartersection 122, ~spresented to the council by ~ir. Lloyd Lee.
On mo~ion by Councilman Koeste~, seconded by Oouncilman Riesland, and c~rried,
the tentative record of survey map was approved, subject to the installation of
cement curbs and gutters on the entire frontage of "$" Street and First Avenue,
and the surfacing between the gutter and existing pavement with either 2"
Plant l~Lix on top of 2" decomposed granite, or 5" decomposed granite v~lth 2" of road
pil mix.
G~w~BA~ & TRASIt PICKUP C0~LeIJ~INTS: Mr. J.C.Palmer said that he would like to see
improvements made in the matter of collection of garbage and trash by the
present operators. He s~id they were very indifferent and left garbege in pails
and trash on the streets° ~ro Ca,hen Baker, Charles Majors, George DeWolfe, also
made the s~me complaints. It ~zas decided to confer ~ith the present franchise
holders end discuss the matter with them.
BlT.TV PLID: After examination by the Finance Comittee and entire council,
Warrants Nos.8654 to 5725 inclusive, were ordered paid by the following vete, to-wit:
Ayes: Councilmen Kidder, Riesland, Koester, NHshold, DysOno Noes: None.
~bsent: None o
ADJOUREU~.k~: Upon motion by Councilman Nashold, seconded by Councilmen Dyson,
which csrried, the meeting was adjourned to December l?, 1946 at ? p.m.,
Bank o£
Alfred C~ba
~o. W. ~ ~rra~e ~. Blll~a
~a Xe~er
AUat~, a ~e
Her~ V.
C. & A. Yloral
0~if. ~;~ater & Tel.
0allf. ~ea~e~ S~a~ea ~fe ~s. Co.
O~a ~ata ~eetrie
O~a ~a P~e2
City ~el & Linen ~iee
City ~as~er of S~ Dle~e
2o~ W. 0ooley
~. L.
Ha~y's ~to ~ppl7
~re ~eo~le ~.
~se Lee
Y. Ca~ L~Io
~'s Paint & Ltnole~
~g~ Pl~bl~ ~ Heatl~
~ssion Ohemioal ~o.
O. L ~b~r Welders
Or,ell ~e~
Poe. O~at ~. Off. Co~erenee
~ehfield Oil
';~lthholdi~ tax
Tax refund
Tax relume
hand level
repair & lubrication
~eeroation &~perv.
ea~ expe~ee
Roereation ~n~r.
Park flowers
Nov, oeFvioe
Group Ins,
aeeket and la~p
medical supplies
pr~,at~a~ & pubtiah.
Cent. x~lle
D~v. & Gar~e~-oe~e,
ouehiea & rep.
~euoeitatioa Bas
Cold m~
~-Srl & Center
epot lite-valve eapa
Carb. &ue~. et~
paint & bruah
¥olunteer payl'oll
Typewriter so,vice
15 Sal. paint
rep. & Labor
telephone toll- L.A
soap powder
Law ,]'ourl~l 12/47
~eereati~n piano
tire ~epaire
Memborahip - 12/47
Trane.- brake- ere.
Nov. gasoline
3Y. O0
20. ~1
252. ~1
10th day of December, 1946
lli ~,. supplies 2.21
A~ ee~ei e~ 9.84
Sli~ing O~,~ eto.,
~$~ ~ ~ 3. ox
~tO l~hoz ~d ~
IAfe f~eountLug Dlvialon 5~.49
~pyholde~ ~,4~
Add'l Ea~ PA~.O~.IAao
FA~aeh l~A~er - ~e.~buse