HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1947/03/11 l!~'bwi'ES OF }~GULAR }~EETING OF ~ CITY COUNCIL OF ~E CITY OF CHUij~ VISTA, C~J~IFOEtlA, ttELD TGESDJ~Y, MARCH 11, 1947 The Council met in zmgular session in the Council Chambers of the ~ity Hall, on the above date. The meeting was called to order at 7 o'clock P.Mo with ~yor Koester presiding. Present: Councilmen Koester, Riesl~nd, Kidder, Dysono Absent: Council~n Nasholdo Minutes of meetings held February 11, and February ~5, 1947, having been prepared and mailed to each member of the council, were approved aS prepored and retailed. i~LMNING CC~M~SSION ~I~IuYi~ES~ ~,z Upon motioh by Councilman Rlesland. seconded by Councilman Koester, ~nd carried, minutes of Pls~tuing Cormnission meetings held February 17, and March ~ , 1947, having been prepared and mailed to each member of the council, wre approved. CITY INSUPJ~JCE: },Lr. Bryant brought up t o the council the matter of insurance commission on policies covering the various activities of the municipality, explaining that the old method of drawing by lot the one to whom the coEEission should be paid, was not practical now due to the greatly increased nLumber of agents doing businesS in the City of Chula Vista. He stated that ~ir.Ted St~rke, our present broker, had informed him that ~ very satisfactOry method had been worked out in the other cities c~nparable to ours, ~ereby a local association was formed, and each member of the mssociation participated in the cce~issions on every policy ~ritteno ~.Ted Starke being present, explained in some detail the means by ~hich the association ~puld be for~d, ~nd, after discussion, council expressed themselves as favoring the formation of a local association and the participation by the m~nbers ofthis association in the commission on future insurance policies covering the city. I,LroBry~ut said he vould contact all known ~gents by letter and try and arrange a meeting at ~n early date. t~TI0~ GU~: Major Ke~rney, vho resides at 600 "I" Esplanade in Bay ~mor Subdivisiom, appeared befOre Council and told briefly of the formation of a National Guard, ~ud his hopes that a Unit might be established in Chula Vista. lie asked the council to give some thought to the matter and be ready to decide at a l~ter meeting. The request did not involve any expenditure of money on the part of the city, nor the furnishing of quarters. ~IFFI~ P~RK: ~r. ~rthur Lynds, Secretary-~ianage~' of the Chula VistaDevelopment Company requested a change in design of curbs as indicated on Sheet One of I~provement I,~p accompanying the f in~l map o~ Griffin Park Subdivision. The request ,~as for pe~nission to change frc~ a slanting faced curb to the straight faced curb which would greatly help in the forming of ~rbs on the m~uy curved streets involved in Griffin Park. On motion by Councilman Kidder, seconded by CounciLm~n Dyson, ~ich carried, the ~uest was granted. ~,~roLynds also presented to the council for their ~Dproval, ~ Surety Bond in the ~ount of $50,000.00 ~nich w~s to insure the completion of ~ll huprovements ~s shown on the improvement sheet accompanying final map of Griffin Park. Upon notion by CounciLman Koester, seconded by oouncilman Kidder, ~Jhich carried, ~Tter approval by the City ~ttoruey, the bond was ~pproved. ~EC~.TION DIHECTOR: I~.Hurley Simpson, Recreation Director, asked for permission to ~ttend a convention in Santa Cruz on D~arch ~l, 1947, at the city's expense, ~ · ,~Jhich would ~pproximate ~5o00. Upon motion by Councilman I~idder, seconded by CouncIS~nan Riesland, which carried, permission was granted. ~I ~LUTIOI~ I'I0. 789: ~PPOI~ TING SLL iT~iqi{ ~ GIh~EP~ FOR T}~E PROPOSED CouuciLmen Riesl~nd offered Resolution !~Oo787o The Resolution was passed, adopted and approved by the following vote, to-~it: ~yes: Councilmen Riesl~ud, Koester, ~ I~yson, Kidder° Noes. None° 3~bsent: Oouncilzuau ~:~shol~ o ~OLUTIOK 1T0.788: ~3P~I~TII~G ~G~I,~ OF WORK FOR i~ ~'~ER DISTRIG~ - ~,~ILES P~Z~K Council~u Koester offered Resolution NOo78S. The Resolution vms read in full ~nd ~'mas passed, adopted ~md approved by the following vote, to-wit: ~'jes: Councilmen Koester, Dyson, Kidder, Riesland. Noes: None. .lbsent: Councilm~n lk, sholdo ~J~ZLREI~E CitDRCH S~J~R: Lk%Keith ~therton, attorney representing the Church of the Nazarene, ~0peared before council asking v~at disposition had been ~Rde of the claim for d~mages filed by the Church of the Nazarene some months previous. City .lttorney Higgs replied that the claim for d&mages was not filed in proper fonu, thereforc, ~ no action was taken. Discussion followed as to the liability for d~nage incurred, when the baseF~nt of the church was flooded, prestuu~bly through a floor sump. City ~ngineer ~lgert and L~r. Love thought that trouble might be averted in the future by installation of a check valve, ~ud on mption by Councilm~n Koester, seconded by Counci]~u Riesl~nd, and carried, ~,~.Love was instructed to purchase and instal a check valve if it was found that this might pre~nt similar overflow in the future. LICE~SE FEE OBYECTION: ~ir. Scudder, representing the Polar Ice Cream Company of San Diego, appeared before council to object to the high cost of license for Ice ~ Cream trucks - retell -im Chula Vista. ~fter discussion, on motion by Councilman Riesl~ud, seconded by Councilman Kidder, which corried, the ~atter was referred 'to the business depsrtment of the Chamber of ComEerce for recommendation. RESOIt~2102~ _~,~0o~89: ACCEt~TING PI~POS~L OF P~-O-METER CO~P~!Y: CounciDn~n Rieslaud offered l~esolution NOo789. The Resolution ~s read in full ~udw~s passed, adopted and approved by the following vote, to-wit: f~yes: Councilmen Riesland, Koester, Dyson, i-~-~**~- Noes: ~onneilman Kidder. absent: Councilm~u Nashold. In a discussion v~hich followed, it was moved by Councilman Dyson, seconded by Councilman Koester, end carried,~ that the hourS for operation of K~ters should be i~rom 9 a.m., to 6 p.m., with Sundays and holidays excepted° RESOLUTION N0.790: ~CCEPTING MC~IFtCJ~TION, OF T~)ELAI, EIS LEASE. Councilman Kidder offered Resolution NOo790o The Resolution was read in full and was passed, adopted and approved by the following vote, to-wit: ~Aves: CounciL~n Kidder, Riesland, Koester, Dyson. ~oes: None° Absent: CounciLman Nashold. CJd~) ROOM %PPLICATION: l~r.Edward Rowbottom applied for license to operate a card room at 307 Center Street, known as the Tic-Toc Club. On motion by CounciLman Koester, seconded by Councilman Kidder, which carried, the application vms referred to the Chief of Police for recommendation. ORDII~!AI~ CE N0°376: RELATING TO BOULEV~I~) STOI~ ON "F" ~fEE~T ~ HILLTOP DRIVE, . %I~D A PORTION OF "D" STREET, On motion by CounciLman Kidder, seconded by CounciLman Riesland, ~ich carried, Ordinance No.376 was placed on its second reading. The Ordinance was in its exact fo~m as when placed on its first reading February 25, 1947, and, after reading of the title, on motion by Councilman Kidder, seconded by CounciLman Riesland, which carried, reading of the text was waived. The 0rdinauce -~s passed, adopted and approved by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes: Councilmen Kidder, Rieslaud, Koester, Dyson. Noes: None. Absent: Counci]manNasholdo RESOLUTION N0.791: AUTHORIZING 'I'~R~AT!0N OF SEWER SLUDGE SLIE ~R~E~VT: Councilman Koester offered Resolution No.~91° The Resolution was read in full ~ and ~s passed, adopted and spproved by the%~ollowing vote, to-v~it: Ayes:CounciLmen Koester, Dyson, Kidder, Riesland. Noes: None° ~bsent: Councilm~nNashold. R;~SOLUT! C~! N0,792: RESOLUTION N0.792: i~FHORIZING EXECUTION OF ~k~R_~I,E~ ARBITI~kTING 0RDi~IARY WA2ER MARK. Councilman Riesl~ud offered Resolution Noo792. The Resolution was read in fall ~ud ~ms passed, adopted and approved by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes: Councilmen Riesland, Koester, Dyson, Kidder. Noes: None. Absent: Oouncilman Nashold. SOUTHER~' CLLIF01~IA TELEPH0~UE COMPANY - RATE CHAEGE: The question aS to whether or not the City of Chula Vista would object to the proposed increase in telephone rates was discussed, ~nd it was thought that it would be futile to protest inasn~ch as the action by the Telephone Cccapany is nationwide. EESOLUTION N0o795: AUTHORIZING TI-~ CITY .d~TORh~EY TO PREPARE A PROTEST TO THE ~PPLICATION OF HARBISON fiAL~0N ~/iUTUAL UA'FER CO~,~PANY. CounciLman Kidder offered Resolution No.793. The Resolution was read in full and ~¢as passed, adopted anda~pproved by the following vote, to-wit: ~yss: CounciLmen Kidder, Riesland, Koester, Dyson. Noes: Eone. Absent: Councilman NashoSfl. FLO'!~R SHOW: ~..Zr. Bryant asked city council to ~'~at extent they ~dshed to participate in the Annual Flower Show to be held £~pril 26 and 27, 1949 in the City of Chula Vista. Lfter a discussion it ~s thought that the city could best aid by lending help in a general cleanup campaign in the city prior to the flower show. BI~l~q P~'D: V;arrants Nos.5878 to 5945 Inclusive, together v~ith statements v~re presented to the council for audit. ~bTter each having been signed by th~ Finance Cor~ittee, same ~re approved for payment by the following vote, to-wit: Lyes: CounciLmen Koester, Dyson, Kidder, Riesland. Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Nashold. ~kDJOUYCE~!,Tf: Upon motion by CounciLman Koester, seconded by Councilmen Riesl~ud, u~hich c~ried, the meeting was adjourned sine dieo CI~FiL SERVICE ~h~D P~NSiON: L~.Jack Palmer representative of the Chamber of Ccmnerce, spoke briefly to the cou~_cil stating that soon a recormnendation from that body would be presented to the council, that the city adopt a civil service cormaission and some kind of retirement pens ion. mm mm mm mi mm mm mm im im me mm m~ mm me mT mi mm mm mme~ 9 m m~ mm bM B~ & 8q,~r Oemmpmmm~' - ~,xaaem ~.~ maas '- ,md m/s/e J'A*em~Lm & ~'~a.'mtm4jm~