HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1947/04/08 I~]~UJi~S OF ~CJJI~R ~TEET]~TG OF T~ CITY 00DR~CIL OF CITY OF CP~JI~ VISTA, C~L!FO~'~IA, I~U~ID TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 1947. The Council met in regular session in the Council Char0hers of the City Hall, on the above date. The meeting was c~lled to order at 7 o'clock P.Id. ~rith Mayor Koester presiding. Presen$: Councilmen Koester, Riesland, Kidder, Dyson, l~asholdo .Qbsent: None. ~mlinutes of meeting held I~.~rch ll, 1947, having been prepared au8 ~Riled to each ~ember of the council, were approved as p~epared and mailed. PIJ~II~TG C~SSION ![IIJ~TFi~£S: Minutes of Planning Cormnission meetings held March 17, and 2~ril ~, 1947, on motion by Councilm~u ~ashold, seconded by CounciLman Riesland, which carried, were ~pproved as prepared and mailed. BIL~ P2~ID: ~LTter examination by the entre council and approval by the Finsnce Cmumittee, 7~rrants NOS o59~ to 6022, with demands attached, -¢~re ordered paid by the follo~rlng vote to-wit: ~yes: Councilmen Riesland,Koester, I'i'~shold, Dyson, Kidder. I'~oes: None. ~bsent: ~one. SELERS: Oity ~ttorney Higgs read a letter from ?hr. James L. Beebe of the firm of 0'Melveny & ;..~yers, in regard to the different phases of the program relative to bond issues, enlargement of Sewer Disi~osal Plant, and Smailes Park ~ssessment District. RESOLUTION N0.794. RESCI~I~ING RESOIL~JION I,~0.787. Oouncilm~n Koester offered Resolution ~Oo794. The Resolution was read in full, and ~as passed, adopted and approved by the folloTJin~ vote, to-wit: ~es: CounciLmen Koester, I~ashold, I~yson ,t~uidder, Riesland. ~oes: ~one. Absent: !lone. _qESOLUTIO~ N0.795: ~UTHORIZII!G CO~TISh4CT L'-ITH ~TJJ g,! T.~-RIGPIT. Councilmsn Kidder offend Re~lution No.~95. The Resolution ~s read in ~11 ~d was p~ssed, ~dopted and appro~d by the follo~ vote~,to-wit: ~'jes: Counci~n ~dder,Rie~d, Ko~ter, Nashold, Dyson. ~oes: None. ~bsent: ~one. ~OL~IO~ N0.796: ~I~G ~G~ OF ~ ~R ~S~T DIS~ICT: Counci~ Koester offend Resolution ]?Io~796. 'v~e Resolution was read in ~11 ~d ~r~s passed, ad.ted and appre~d by the follov~ng vote, to-wit: ~es: Counci~n K~ster~ N~hold, ~son ,Kidder, ~esl~d. Noes: IJone. ~sent: Aone. ~SOLUTION N0o797; ~uploying 0qJELVENY & I~EfEI~: OoUncilE~n Nashold offered Resolution No.797o The Resolution ~s read in full and ~as passed, a~lopted and ~pproved by the follo~ving vote, to-wit: ~yes: Councilmen Nashold, Dyson, Kidder, Riesl~.nd, Koester. ~oes: None° Absent: tfone° F~SOLUTI0IT If0.798: ?EPII]]~TI3~G CK~rt~JT LEASE PO~ION OF "D" STREET. Counci]Iaan Dyson offered Resolution NOo798. The ResOlution was read in i~ll ~md was passed, adopted and approved by the follo~'~ing vote, to-vrit: ~ves: Councilmen Dyson, Kidder, Riesland, Koester, Nasho]d. Noes: Hone° kbsent: 1Jone. FLOW~ SHOJ: 1.~o Basil ICLlller ~ud i~irs.Everett Litchfield appeared before council to request the sum of apprGXimately $10Oo00 to be used for the ~nual Flower Show, · ~nich has been inactive durinc the war, but has now been revived° On motion by Councilman Kidder, seconded by Councilman I~ashold, which c~rried, the su~ of {i125o00 · ~ras granted. GRI~'~'t£~ 1Z~Z~0R ~QE~TTS: I.IroRobert Griffin appeared before council to show them a tentative draggling of proposed i~horovemant of his property lyinE between Landis Street and G~rrett Street, north of "E" Street, ~.nd .~sked for cooperation in the securiI~ of easements and deeds for the opening of Garrett Street from "E" Street to "D" Street. Y~.inistrator Bryant was instructed to contact the property o~.mers on the west side and try and secure the necessary d eds of dedication° I~E%UEST FOR CUTTII'~G OF J~JRBS: ~. YYillimu Drew re~.uested pe~ission to instal 2 forty (40) foot driveway on Third ~venue, just south of Davidson, ~.d a similar one on Davldson just east of Third ~venue, in order that a service station might be 3r~_~cted on his w-.c~.nt property at this location. J~fter a lengthy discussion in ~'~ich Councilm~u~ ~[idder strongly expressed himself as being definitely opposed to co.mpror,~ses on the part of the council in matters of this kind ~'&ich have previously caused a hodge-podge of drive~'mys ranging in width frora ten (10) feet to one hundred (100) feet, it ~s nioved by ~ounciSm~an Koester, seconded by Cotuucil~.~sn Dyson, and carried, witch Counci~,~o_u t~idder votin~ "No", that a thirty-five (~5) foot driveway on Thi~d ~venue would be pennissible. l,~.Dre~ ~ppe~red shortly thereafter, calling ~ttention to the fact that no ,~llowance had been m~de for a driveway on Davidsono ~'~fter further discussion it ~Rs ~'~oved by Cotu~ciD'~n Koester$ seconded by Councilman Dyson, &~d c~rried, that the ebove motion be rescinded. It ~as then moved by Councilman Koester, seconded by Counci]~,~ Dyson, with Council~mn Kidder voting, "I~o", that a 8riveway of thirty (~0) feet in width on Third ~venue and Forty (40) feet in '~idth on Da~-idson Street, be sllc~ed, ~n8 the z~tter was closed. T~.~T~IVE IL&P - [,:IIX.~ ~'d~01~: l~M.Thor~as Cl~kson presented ~ tentative n~p of ~[ll~u ~.'e~Oro J~ter discussion it ~s ~oved by Counci]~uan Koester, seconded by Dyson, ~ug carried, that the tentative map be ~pproved, subject to street improvements. l~.m~'~arren Thomas presented his tentative _map of the Thomas Subdivision, ~fter having e~lained to the council tt~t he was oonfining the building of garage type homes to the western half of his property, ~nd also agreeing to connect all the property to the sever system when omd if a district was fo~ned, whereby ~t would be practical to do so. LLoon motion by CounciLman Lashold, seconded by CounciSm~n Kidder, ~h~c2 c~ried, the tentatiw map was ~pproved, subject to the improvements ~s shown on tent~tive map~ J,~CK VoI~°ORTE ~Ef.RII~G: The clerk read a request from l~r. Jack V.LaPorte, for a public hearing in the m~tter of his dismissal fro~ the police department, ~Lud it was m. oved by Council~u Koester, seconded by Councilman t(idder, &ud carried, that the heturing be heard at an ~(djourned ~eeting to be held ~ril °~2, 1947. iJroDonald Done having requested a hearing and not being present at this r2eting, it was ~ suggested that his case could likewise be beard at this time if he so desired. ~SIC~f~TION COL~T CLEi~: The clerk read ~ letter from iJr.Eva Bogttu, resigning from her position as Court clerk, effective ~oril 15, 194~, mud volunteering to continue to ~.pril 30 if needed. Upon motion by CounciLman Koester, seconded by Councilman !~ashold, and carried, the resignation ~w~s accepted. The clerk was instructed to write I,~s. Bogan a letter of thanks for her past services aug a request that she continue until April 30, 1947. PURCtLqSE OF STREET Ek~UIH,~T: fxtminist~tor Brys~Ut recoz~nended to the council that a Seaman Pulvi-~,Lixer be purchased for a sum of approximately :~2750.00 to be used in the _~ixing of road oil and aggregate for surfacing of streets. The purchase of this equipment he explained ~uld result in better work and more ~ccomplishment '~ith less ~uan-powero It was moved by Councilmmu Dyson, seconded by ~ouncilman lfashold, ~d carried, that the equipment be purchased. ?.~P~KI~G iETEt~: On motion by CounciLman P~ieslaud, seconded by Councilman Dyson, ~hich carried, ~'~lth CounciLman Kidder voting "NO", purchasing agent was authorized to order 300 Parko-l~leters o CIVIL SER'~iCE: The clerk read a letter from_ the Chamber of Cc~m~erce in ~hich they recommended ttmt council adopt a Civil Service Spstem, mud, until such time as s~ might become effective, to adopt a merit system as a termporary measure° Discussion follo~'~d in ~'~hich tt~ City ~ttorney stated that cities of the Sixth Class, particulorly '~'~ich had established civil service, had found it to be very unsatisfactory and ';2re endeavorin~ to accomplish the same benefits by other methods. ~Z~ne clerk was instructed to contact the Personnel Director of San Diego County, to uscertain if some prograr~ for the establishment of a merit systeza might be ~'orked out o in a letter from the Ch~amber of Co~mnerce requesting city council to protest the aoolication of the Harbison Canyon L~utual ~ater Com~ auy for diwrsion of water from the Sweetwater ~$ater Shed, City attorney P~iggs advised that a protest had ~lready been entered° REC~J~TiON C(~.~SSION ~GPPOi~T~T: ~layor Koester appointed ~r. Lou Pruitt as ~ member of the Recreation Con~nission to fill the two year unexpired term of Lit. Thomas Clarkson, resigned° Upon motion by Councilman Kidder, seconded by Councilman Riesland, the appointment was confirmed. Several requests fro~ Hurley Simpson, Recreation Director, were read, and the clerk instructed to ask ~oSimpson to get more data as to complete costs and agai~Dresent the matter. On motion by Councilman Rieslond, seconded by CouncilmanKidder, which carried, authorization waS grauted to fix the light polls in the Ball Park° P~ & SPEC!FICLTIOI~SIDI~¥: Administrator Bryant asked for authorization to return to the government, $2~O0o00 which was loaned for the preparation of Civic Center plans. 0n~otion by Councilman Riesland, seconded by Councilr~n Koester, which c~rried, ~<~ authorization to return the ~oney v~s granted. RESIG~iTION OF C~IEF OF POL!~: The clerk read a request from Chief of Police~ I~oSo Taylor, that his resignation as Chief of Police be accepted, ~nd th et he be ~ppointed ~ Csptain of Police vAthout reduction in sal~ry to the end of the present fiscal year June $0, 1947o On ~otion by Councilmau Riesland, seconded by Councilman Koester, which carried, the request was granted and the resignation accepted, to be effective on date of appointment and call to acti~ duty of a hew Chief of Police. I,~E~-~ CHIEF OF POLICE: Several applications having been received for the position of Chief of Police, and several interviews b~ving been held ,~ith some of the applicauts, it ~as moved by Council Koester, seconded by Cou~ciluaan Riesland, ~hich carried, and unanimously carried, that ~,ro Thomas SoLofthouse be =ppointed Chief of Police at = s~lary of ~00.00 per r~onth for ~he balamce of the present budget yeast which is Y~ue 1947, ~a~d that he t'ake active duty on ~pril lS, 1947. A roll call vote of the ~ove notion was as follow, s: ~ves: Councilmen Koester, ~ashold, Dyson, Kidder, Rieslando Noes: l~one. _.bsent: ~'one o iJ~q~P~.L ~ COURSES: Councilman Nashold called to the attention of the council, the practice of some property o~ners filling in natural water courses ~hich might result in flood conditions in years of heavy rainfall° It ~as suggested that the City Engineer work with ~dm}.inistrator Bryant in the establishment of a record in so far as it i~ possible to plot natural ~.~ater courses within the city limits for future reference. SD~DMSI01'~ O;!~DII~2~CE: 'i~e City ~ttorney advised that a hearing must be held on the ~bdivision Ordinance, amd ~pril ~9, 19~7 ~as set as the date for nea~zng, ar~l the city attorney instructed to prepare ~.d ~?ublish !~roper notice. ~DJOUR~f: It ,~as moved by Counci]~a~u Koester, seconded by Council~an Kidder, an~ cat__hat the ~eeting be ~djourned until L£ril 2£, 19&? at ~ o'clock P.}. 0046 mom mm OHO mmmT'Aeea M,~uumLLm ~hsmlum,,~' B~JnmmmGm ~ ihm'l*b, film)', Me, ~/~y/~ te ~/~/~a JlJm mM (]m.ndeJ Lie 1 m 6022 Sini~en, Il,D,. ~ mil- ~eXtem l~.ld.(Immo) 8,O0 Henry, Yohn B. - f,s per Bid - Sidewalks on Davidson Street 1741.80 368'2.86 ~ 6022 3587.86