HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1947/04/22 ~IIYJTES OF ~GUI~R ~JOUP2~D ]~fZ!~ OF T~LE CZT~~ COID~CIL OF TIT~ CITY 0F Cl(bU~'~ VIST~ CP~LI~'O]~I~_z~_fi~_LD , APRIL 22, 1947 The City Cou-,cil met in th~ Cotuncil Ctuumbers of the City ~11 on the above date~ wi2h ~ayor~.Eo~ster p~asiding. The ~ueeting was called to order at ? o'clock Po~% Present: Councilmen Koester, ~ashold, I)yson, Kidder. ,~bsent: CounciLman Riesland. I~SOI~L ~_N£~II..~G - Donald Done. i.~.Donald Done having been disshar&ed from the Police Depart~nt, and having requested a hearing before council, appeared to present his case° He asked if council had instructed the Chief of Police to discharge him, and }~as told that cotuucil had so instructed Chief Taylor. ?r.Done then asked if there was specific charges against him, and, ~en told that the only reason stated for his ~ischarge, ~,as, for the general 8pod of the department, he replied that he had no comeback, amd, that if this was the ~vish of the council, he thanked them for the hearing, after which it was mowd by Cotuuci~uan l~ashold, seconded oy Counctl~n Dyson, and carried, that the action of the Chief of Police, by ~ich ilr.Don~ld Done was discharged by the departv~ent, be confi~ued. ~.Dona v~'as then so notified and r~tired · ~RSOIE.EL ?~JJ~Ii, fG - Yack Vo ~laPorte: i,¥.I~Porte having been dischsr&~d from the ?slice De[l~mrtment by Chief TcG~lor, arid having requested a hearing, ~'~s present aud proceeded to present his case. ~LroLOL~orte had several character ',,~tnesses present, and each in turn spoke a good ~rd for him. iM.Y~ngell of 1Tational Avenue presented a pe2~tion asking for the reinstatez!eat of l~r.I~Porte, ~hich carried over 300 sit, natures. ~:ir..~a~!%ish of l,Tational Lvenue spoke on )Lr.l~aPorte's behalf ur~ng his reinstate.~?~ent. ~'~. E.D.Green of Chula Vista spoke briefly, saying he thought the recOrd should show that lt~.!aPorte had been a good officer and should be reinstated. Reverend Clive l~illiams of the ~[azarene Church rsr~rked that he 8id not thiul~ .~Lr. LaPorte should be crucified for personal ~dges sr~ ~urged his rein- state~ento ~'~.Carl Roth of the State t~ghv~ay Patrol, stated he: ould like to put in a ~%mod word for LiroLaPorte and thought he was a pretty good officer, lit. A.T.~zers said he ~.~as l~r° 'LmPorte's next door nei6~bor and knew him to be sober and to have character above reproach. He urged his reinsta~ter~nt and said he ~,~.s pretty proud to call him neig~bor. CounciLm~ l~ashold re.~arked that he thought the action of ~epartment heads should be confi~ed unless reasons could, be shown other~,~iSeo ~e stated that INr. Le~orte was discharged ~hile ~.%SoTaylor ~ms Chief of Police, ~nd that now, since ~M.Lofthouse is chief, ~'r. LaPorte could apply for reinstate~.ent to the new Chief, smd the council ~;~ost likely ~,muld sust~in the decision of i.M.Lofthouse. ),'.ayor Koester stated tat he had been instrumental in getting ~r.LaPorte back on the job, but thotkMht that the action of the Chief in discharging liroLaPorte should be backed up. Former Chief Taylor was then asked why he had discharged ~°InPorte, to v~ich he replied° The discharge was due to a long list of co~plaintSo ~iroLsPorte had been hired under Chief Frank Dupree and had quit t?~lce, the first time being persuaded to reconsider, amd the second time leaving and going to work for the Coronado Police Depertr~,ent.After ~h~.Taylor was ~ade Chief, I~.l~aPorte askedto be reinstated in the Chula Vista Department, and ~froTaylor said it ?ms his opinion that perhaps Ffr. ~z~Porte might be better satisfied now, inasmuch as he h~ been ~,z~r~£ied in the ~nterim and ,;~s living in Chula Vista. ne stated that l?roLmPorte was constantly ~iping to members of the depart~aent over conditions, amd theft a ntu~ber of the police~aen had requested that their shift be c ~hauged in some way to avoid having to work ~,~lth Leloorte. ~r. Taylor said he had several conferences with ~'r. LaPorte, in ~Jhich he told him that he demanded respect in the de?artment and ,J~uted the continual com- _olaints stopped. ~r. Taylor then explained that i~,roLaPorte had circulated petition asking council to appoint him as Chief of Police if ~nd when the office was vacant, but that, in presenting the petition for signatures, ~IroLaPorte had stated that the office was vacant, that ~ was simply after the job° ~t this point !~r. LaPorte was advised that the office was not vacant et the time of the circulation of t~e petition, nor had amy definite action been taken relative to the demotion or discharge of ~oTaylor. A letter v~s read from the Catholic ;~ar ~Zeterans, .?rotestinf: af:ainst the discharge of ~'~.LaPerte, dated April 15o A second letter z~scinding this action by the Catholic Vlmr Veterans dated April ~, 194V, was also read. ~'.H[w~ilton, a member of the Catholic I~ar Veterens spoke in bel~lf of .~oLaPorte ~nd urged his rein- statement. }Ar.Taylor further stated that ~.LaPorte had publicly stated that he did not intend to do o~y work except that '~uhich fell into his lap, mud the record sh~/ed that fro~ ~:~rch ~4, 1947 to Zq~ril lB, 19~, the date of ~.I~Ports's discharge, he had not written a single citation, but had used his position and city equipment in the furtherance of his own cause to circulate petitions for his reinstatenento l~r. LaPorte having stated t!mt he had nothir~g ~ore to say, it ',~s moved by Council~n Dyson, seconded by Council~.~m E~shold, ~nd carried, that the action of the Chief of Police for discharge of ~:r.iaPorte from the ?olice i~e?artment, be conf ir~.ed. ?~'~L~SE OF SCOOTER. It as moved oy Councilman Koester, seconde~ by Cou~ci.lz~an ~Zashold, ~nd carried, that the purchasing agent be authorized to purchase a used Cushmar. Scooter for the use of the Police Deoartment in the enforee~nt of parking ~?.eter ordinance, after the Chief of Police had chosen one of two nmachines offered. ~'~L~C~ OF BLK~CI~RS: ~otmcil~an Koester advised council that he had a chance to buy 570 feet of four (4) tier bleachers at ~$1.00 per lineal foot, from s'olvage, and it vas moved by ~ouncilman Kid~e~, seconded by Cem~cilman tJashold, and carried, t~at the purchasing agent ~t~rchz~se s~ue. ~ou~mihmn Koester ~lso advised tha~t a 26' x 90' building was available for $500.00 at the ~[arine base and could be mo~d to Chula Vista for J~450.00 for use by the city barns to house equipment. Zt was moved by Counci]~an Kidder, seconde~ by Councilman Dyson, .n~] c~rried, that the purch~sing ~&Bnt be authorized to purche, se sel~ providing it meets with city syecifications. BI]LJ~S P~D: It ~'~s moved by Counci.ls~an 17ashold, seconded by CounciM.~an Ki&der, carried, ttmt farr~mts I'os.6026 to 6029 with stat~aents attached, be paid, which were ss follo~s:~ ~6026 - - Bertha ~LAS.~, Treasurer of Garden Club - Donation to Club ~.~125.00 ~.F.]folfe - ~urehase of Used Scooter (?olice ~pt ) ~50.00 ]~ontg~e~ g Bur~ Crosswalk L~es sS per attached State'mt 321.30 Re~lving i~nd ~lscell~eous Bills P~d - fq0ril 40.61 0~ l~G C~'~ETT /.¥EL~LFE: ~r.Robert ~riffin appeared before Cotmcil asking their pleasure in the r~tter of opening Garrett _.venue north from "E" Street. ~:~uinistrator Bry~ut eNplained that he had made eve_~ effort to secure 5edication from property mjmers on the west, but ~had faile~ absolutely to ~et ~',~y coolmrmtion. After some discussion lk~.Eriffin stated he would give the matter further considera- tion ~nd consult ;dth the council L~.ter in the matter of the dedic~.m~tion of his one half. H.k~!.~?~S VIL~'~: There being a section of Landis Avenue within Haynes Villas unimproved, au5 city attorney having certified that all improve~-,ents as shov~ on the ir~rov~nent map of He.~mes Villas were completed, m~.d the bond to insure the completion of the ~uprover~entS as sho./~n ha~ing been ~turned, the ~uestion of how to enforce the i~provenants of this portion of I~mdis ~venue ~Jas referred to the city attorney for study amd recommendation by motion of Councilz~mu ~Jashold$ seconded by Counci~.~n Kidder and carried° ~ISOi~ Cf~l~0i~ ~7~TER DIST!~CT ~(LFEST: ?l:e District Y~ttorney stated that he ~ad protested au application of the !~arbison C~a~yon ~utual ~ter District to take v~ter fro~ the S~eet~-ater ~ater Shed, au~ there having been au answer to the protest filed, he asked authority to arrange a meeting with the attorney for the 7~ter District at au early data° ~iuthority v~as so ~ranted. IT£ 33L:~T FOR Di~RJiCTIOI~:~ SICj~5: A letter was read from Glen f~bbey requesting per- mission to instal metal signs at various locations on ~" Street directing tl~rou~ traffic to Glen .,'obey i~mori'~l Park. .ifter discussion it was decided that this ~'~as a ,.~utter for the Chief of Police to recommend, and the ~':~tter v..'as referred to him for action. I~S0 Lb~I 0]~7 ~0o999: LU~-IZ~:U /~D DI~CTIi~G CI?Y ~TT0~.EY T0 SIG!~ A SrII~U~f~!OL: Councilu~tu ~estor offered Resolution L~o.999. T~ l~ssolution '.?as road in f~ll and ~as passed, ado~ted ~nd spproved by the follov~n~ vote, to-,~it: .~ves: Couz~.cilm~en i~oester, lashold, l~son, ~id~der. ~ces: ~Oneo ~bse.ut: Councilman ~iesl~d. ~qEC}~f~TION C0~iSSI0~7 .~POI!~5~E],3~: ?-ae iiayor ~jpointed Larry I.Juebler to serve on the Recreation Co~uission for a period of fi~ (5) years from July 1946 and ~ ex~iring in July 1951. ~lso i~roYames Logan for the same ~eriod, and ~r. Lloyd/k Lee for a five (5) year period coz~ncinf~ _~?ril 22, 1947 sm~ e~iring ~ril 22, 1952o On motion by Councilman I~ashold, seconded by Councilmon Kidder, ~.'hich ca_~u'ied, the ~t~pointments were confirmed. ~DY0D.~._~U~f: On _motion by Coumcilman 1.[ashold, seconded by Cou~ci]~%an Dyson, which cmrried, the _'.'~eting was adjourned to 2~:ril ~9, at 7 o'clock