HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1947/11/12NOVEMBER 12, 1947 The unt? ' ~' h.~.t in the Commil Onambers of bhe City hall on the above (late, witii the J'oi~o~inS members present: ~om~o_Jm~en ,~oes%er~~.~as' o1~: bvscn~'~ ~ The f~egtnlar nesting was held on this date due to the fact that the regular meeting for the holding of a couacil meetin6 was ;'ovember 1!~ which was a legal bolidayo I,~nutes of previous meetin% held October !~ and of a.n adjotu'ned me, ting t!e!o ~c~e~i~,~ ~15o Of a special Nl~e~Z!b be!d Sov~n:~ber 4~ ~.~7~ ..... w .~"~.. read and iummttes cz Planning uo~,tmssmon r~eehin~ held i~ove2b~r ~° i~z~7, ,,avzng been mailed Lo -~ ' ~et oep final nan O£ Wl icl, ....... ~}~o{;ion by Cou~ci]_ ~all J~aa;i old~ s~c{N_(Jed b? 'Jc~u ci]lila/l ~iesiand~ and carried~ re-plat was ,:4cer, te¢i o dosa in ~hich he proposed to colAec% ai~ S~r~oe o. nd tPas~l i}l tNe City s£ Chela ~ista for a l'ixed fee oi' %~2600~00 pep i!~ontNo second letter was read from Nr,burnett and i.~'oBabcock appiyinS i'or the £r~=u.~hise in the City- of ~ umw,. Vista J'or i.i]e collection 02k,ar.~a,:~s" ~ ~ and iraSno Hr,Ira Proctor appeased before cotu~cil to ask that his francNise Be renewed for a terr~ of l'ive (5) },ears~ 3~o action wes taken as co~cil ..... ' uo~e _ w~s ~ea to ..... the ~aatter ~der advisement for decision~'-u the next meet~S~ befoz-e corn oil to voice tn~zr objections to the tppe of home proposed %0 oe .,,~...,_~..' 4 d }i~id ~ovc thr:~' ~,l?q~', ~ ma~ objectinn ,~ein3 the small area oz tile proposed }..oees and b! ,~ f_tat top roofs, it .,as re'ought out I~hat bhe 'l,erPi~ory bu 3diqS area~ and hbat~ if these smaller flat top iomes were built ;,ere~ it i,ro~d ' ' " ' '~ ...... + to-wit: Ayes: 0ou ci2,ue~ ~ic[der~ ~tJe:;iaNq~ ~oes%eP~ N}~shoqd~ b/so~l, hides: <u~i n :ut:orizi:~S lie 2, o<~or ~ru,~;ku~-" ' ('~· ~r~ to ' '~' k~coiosQr) ~ z}te ~eSO~'lbloll I..~eS re)afl ill i'~i am was.uas[e° kidder~ ~ios ~ and ~ i(oes+,er = i';oes: ~.~ons ~ ~,b~ew 3: ~,C!le iteso!ution arthorizinS tbs Nayor aha Cit2 Clerk to execute ~3tit C~a~m Deed [Her'chants National te~_ty Corpora tien) A,,es: Cou:ci~en Ko~str~r~ washo]_/~ ])[SoN~ i[idqe.r., ~iesl.ana~ No, s: ](one. (k, ul~cil,~ari Nashol~l~w' :c~' carz'ied~ bi~e p~!~q,tent, of ;;~ljU~O0 to ~2:e ~an I)ie,o-~ ,,olora£to izmver Association ce~ ebration colmr6ttee~ ~,~s authormzed an(~ the clerk insbructed to issue a warra~!t ~or is] at a,:~otmto ~):Jl,,~O~l t'2PlgOi,: ':'he clerk rt:ad a letter ?roP [..i'icer harris r, u<sbin'l au appropriabion of ~2~0~00 %o ~,e ,.sad 'or ',,]e p~gha~ f ,aniferm~ and riecessary e~p. ipmen% far tie g~s~ior PaLro!~ ih ~,~as moved b2,~ Co~tcilmaN ]{i~ider~ seconded by Com~oi~aan i6ies!ano~ aha ce..rried~ Nat the cler~ he a~Lhorized to spend no% %o e}{eeed G2jOe00 .for %Nis equipmzn%~ bii [.S P2~}: Afuer exeuination b~. ~he e!~tire coe~cil and tbs Finance Corm!tittee~ '~rr~lts Nos~6576 to 6666, were authorized ~o be paid ~..~ th~ followerS vote, to-wit: t, OTii0~iZATi~N TO r2~ DALLY OOi~PGiATiON in the ~loerstandillS thab an egreeiltent %0 [old tile city and hazm~ess in the event of suit~ s~o~ct be d~y signed c[%y oierk before %lie ~uove ,~enhioned ~Hrr~L Cerporation~ of ,J515i.31, ~a.s or_ tko roomers of the City Coumcil at~d irt ti~e L.a~as of the be released to the Daisy i'ii~b AV~{US P:JYiNG 2~oOOZC? i~OoS: City ~.~q~imisi~rator advised co~mcil that he was able to purclase plaa~t mix for' tbs Third Avenue job ah [5~75 per tsn~ aP_d~ on n:obion by Coumcil~aan ~iesi~nd~ seconded b~ Coemci'h~an Nasholm~ ~hich carried~ he ~as authorized to proceeds u~P~I~,.T, letter ~Alon 0~,' o~L~u~o -~ A read i'I'oh~ ~lr ~ Chief ~equesting %be raise of .,~10~00 per ~tonLh in %Ne s~ aries of men in his department Nr OO~lCl~it~ Nasho!d~ carried~ the request was grah%e~ In line with %he aoeve requesh three men in ~ ~ ~treet }epart~ent who ~re now being paid on a d~ly basis~ were put on a monthly sa!aP}' of ,lS5~00 per monLh~ Like.se tbs jahitor at %he ~o~ ~al~l!uj ~UliOiN[i Was raised from ~,t(~(,0 to [!90.00 pep RoDth~ In a discussion wqich fol!owe% the cotmcil wished it %o be clearly m~dersbood that %he snows l~entioned salary irtcreases~ .'~.s ~ell as those recently made in street departqent~ were to be considered }~cre in the light of bonuses to com- pensate for the pPesen+~ high cost of ]JvJ~g~ arid not %o he considered as estab- lishing a st~td~d rate of pay for the specific positions held by the euployees~ and shoed L~e cost of liv~g in6ex chang% that adjustments accord~g!y wo~2d PA'£Ti[~ON l~El;O~[[': Ti~e clerk presented a report signed by Com~ci]m!sm b/son and City Sngizieer ~lgert, retarding; the request of rdrsoPattison for buAldi~g permit° Tfey recol~mtended that Hrs.Pattison be granted a per~t conditioned on hercomplying eith the umifonn buildinS ¢ode~ even though there ~.~ere ~rrors and o~ssions on the pians~ also ,,kat bhe perwit ~,.~d plans be noted to show such conditional approval. 6NiiL!~QO AT 01'~f~n~,~um.'' · i,~roLov% street superintendent~ stated that it was Nec~ ssary to bt~ild a roof an~ end wa~ over the new~ coas~ructed hoist~ whereupon it ~s moved b~r eo~Cl~t~I~ l~l~.sla~lO~ b~ uo~cm~.n ~sholo~ and oarriedj N aL bhe job be authorized~ providing the cost did not exceed e600~O0~ IL~I~, UO ~,1oolo~ ~rPeli i~.~ . The ~,~yor appointed l.r~f~aiphO!oyea' ' to the plam~S . ~ ~{~Cl~llan i~ikooeg~ w~ich c~ri~ that v~ appeintment be conf~'med~ LiSAST]6[~ COU.,CIL X~POi~'[%~,,'P: The Nayor appointed l,~ro Wii] i~, Drew as Co~m~a~der of the 8isaster Co~cit~ ~<~ereupon it was moved by Counci~n~ i~idder~ seconded hy Co~u~ci~an N~,.skold~ ahu car~.ied~ that the appointment be con firl,ted ~ PAViN] Of ',fAIiKS ill FTf~k ]5~,: Bids haying.S been received for %he paving of ~ks ~ th~ Fark Nowl~ and it be~g the opinion o2 the commil N~at the work co~d be done cheaper b~ day labor, it was moved by Com~c~'~ai~ Kidder~ seconded by Co~cilm~l ~oester, and carried~ that all bids be rejectedo The Cit2 ~d~inistrator then advised co~m~c~ tiab +~e had secured a price for dc~a this work in the mao~t of ~78}8.00 for the complete job. !t t~s thereupon moved by Co~mci~ ~as[~old~ secend~d by Co~mci~an ~tiesiand~ and carried~ that the City A6~f~inistrator be authorized to proceed wi th the work for this fig~re~ ij4~ at 7 o~clock Jiioh carried~ the meeting was adjo~u'Ned to NoYe;~ber 25~ 'u ,~ 66~0 66~ 66~3 Pay ~oL1 - First half of O~ober,19&7 - General - ~eoreatioa ~riea~ ~itum~l. ~ Cit~ To~el & Linen ~erviee Co. City Treasurer of ~a~ Diege ~ty of ~ Diego (H~th Dept) ~ff · Buble D~e2 ~n ~r~ ~ ~act~ Co. ~'. ~ ~p~ ~n-~r ~. ~~ Ci~ ~r~a A.~, ~j76 6623 7