Tb-~SDAY. D~Gt~iB~2~ 9. 19k7.
The Council met in regular session in the Council Chambers of the City
Ba~l, on the above date~ ~ith Mayor Koester presiding. The meeting was called
to order at ? o~clock P.M., Present: Councilmen Koester, Nashold, Kidder,
Riesland. Absent: Counctl.~n Dyson.
Minutes of the regular meeting held November 12, 1947, and of an adjourned
meeting held November 25, 1947, having been mailed to each member of the Council,
w~re approved az prepared and mailede
PLANNING CO}~ISSION MInUTeS: Minutes of a ~eeting held Dec--.her 1, 1947,
having been prepared and mailed to each member of the Council, upon motion by
Cou~ctlma~l Riesland, seconded by Councilman Koester, and carried, ~re approved.
~.~TATE PLANS NONES: The State having approved ~h~ appl_ic~tion of the City of
Chula Vista for plans m~ney in the amount of $ ~-~. ~ , for drafting of
plans for a Civic Center, and that project having been cancelled, it was moved
by Councilman Kidder, seconded by Councilman Nashold, and carried, that the
city administrator be authorized to ask for a cancellation o~ this allocation,
and to apply for the same amount applicable to plans for Sewer Treatment Plant.
CURB AND GUTTER ~ Fi~ Avenue. Upon motion by Councilman Nazhold, seconded by
Councilman Riesland~ which carried, the city clerk was authorized to have
installed approximately 170 feet of curb and gutter on Fig Avenue, which the city
is opening ~,~,ediately w~st of the New Fire Station, at a cost not to exceed
$10oo .oo
FUP~ISHINGS FOR N~W FI~E STATION: The subject of furnizhings for the New Fire
Station were discussed, and the city administrator was authorized to confer with
Fire Chief Lee, to see what was needed and present the needs at a later meeting.
RESOLUTION N0.847: Councilman Nashold offered Resolution No.847. This is a
Resoluti~on approving~/xtenzion of Agreement for operating the city dump. The
Resolution was read in f~11 a~/ was passed, adopted and approved by the following
vote, to-wit: Ayes: Councilmen Nashold, Kidder, Riceland, Koester. Noes. None.
Absent: Councilman Dy~ono
~LUTION N0.8~8. Councilman Koester offered Resolution Nc.SAS, which is a
Resolution approving contract for the collection of Refuse and Garbage. The
Resolution was read in full, and was placed on its first reading.
ORDINANCE N0.t85. On motion by Counc./lman Eoester, seconded by Counctlma~
Kidder, which carried, Ordinance No.3~5 was placed on its first reading. This is
an ordinance repeali~ Ordinance Nc.184 re City Dump.
O~/DINANCE N0.386: On motion by Councilman Kidder, seconded by Councilman
Nashold, which carried, Ordinance No.386 was placed on its first reading.
is an Ordinance Prohibiting Smoking on Busez.
p~mMISSION TO T;t~:A'V'~Z~ STATE: On motion by CouncjlmAu Nashold, seconded by
Cc,mucilmaq Kidder, which carried, the city attorney was authorized to leave the
State from December 20,1947 to January 2, 1948.
WAIVER OF DELINQUENT PENALTY: The city clerk requested authority to waive
penalty on the first instalment of 1947 tax bill of the War Assets Administration
because, due to circumstances beyond their control, the Administration was unable
to get their check in before the delinquent date. It was moved by Councilman
Rooster, seconded by Councilman Kidder, and carried~ that the clerk be authorized
to waive the penalty.
O,~D±NA2[O~ NO~8/~: ~31'AL:~±St[ING [~0UL~VZ~<D STOPs: 0n motion by Councilnan
Kidder~ seconded hZ, Co~mci~uan Nasho!d, ~d~ich carried~ 0rdin~ce
was placed on its second readJ~g~ The title havin~ been read and the Ordinance
being in its exact fo~m~ as when placed on its first r~ading~ it ~as moved
by CotmciL~e£~ Kidder~ seconded by Coumci]~ Riesiand~ and carried~ that the
readinS of the te~% be waived°
Ci'[I hALL ~mi~0D~12i~. On motion by Councildnan i~ies].a.nd~ seconded by ~' ' '
~mGder~ ~r~ich carried~ ~.~fe~cy ournn~,l was aatnorlzed to proceed with pl.ans
for ',,he remode!lm~g of h, ue ~zty n 11 st a cost not to exceed
e}U~,Ck~h~ t~i. ddeF~ otn~, carl'ied~ %ha% the contractor ce ~n~shcr!F, ed to instal
C~diS'Li.~,~ ~,iCU[:.ATiONS: ih ~ avins teen estimated Nat bh~ cost of securing
!ishb~ christhtas %rees~ decoraqions~ c50,~ lot Ti}JFd ~i~venue~ ~,~ould he ~,pproxL~ate]_p
,,!175~00: ih WaS ~'oved h2 C,.,,m~ci~ L[i~sjahe~ s(Pcorlded h[~ Ca~mci~an koester,
and carried~ that the city share one-third of this e~ense v~_hh the proviso
that title ~o alll. of the !Jghts and pen~aBen% decorations be vested in the
uf Ch'~a Vi;sta. Discussieh followed as bo the policy ef ioahinS city
~r,?per%y Lo Jr~aiviut~a]s~ a}~d i% was t]~r~uoon ~ov'e(] bj $ou~ci~man
:seconoed ~20ou{ic~J-nah })2son~ anu carried~ 5~ac ~o property of any description
helon{in[~ bo the cit~ shall be loaned %o ;bzty i~ldividual or orgm~izatien
same is cleared % iz'~uk~h %he city a(:~il~istrabor and a notation J~ade of ~te ~ with
adequate provision forreU~n of the material !oaned~
C,~u:~cil also e>~pressed their' opinion bi:at i, he Fir~ b~part~ae~rb 5hou!a not be
disrupted b~.- u~inS a cr~:~ ~e Joco~ate bh~ utreebs whfie Chej ~¢er~ on d~ty. /ire
~o~s anG d~at the department wo~d }elp inasfar as possible where ih did not
[isms. pt their rou%ir~e ~
,i[.Ji.O±z,id ih P,¢,~ ~O,lL. ~¢aS i!ovod j~ ~e~ uzA~a.~ ~iie$lazld~ seconded b~? Coullc!l~l~n
~ ~v ~ ooun ;~ ,a~ Kidder voumn~ , that a bill from
&o~sb~I~ ~n~ carried~ 4 .... ~'- ~
b: ~ ~::c~lt of w86}.I0 for the construction of end<~:lu~ "back w~18 oi
bui!d~lS ~! ishe park bowl be paid~
:C,:~oLbT~Oi, , 0,8/+6 -W. lh::;i: CuN ['AAC'F: Cou~ici~z~ Koester offered Reseiution No,866,
This i~ a [[esohrbion %eproving sz~d accepting a Te~koora~ Agreement ?~th the
Caii 'ornia ~ater e Tel~Ghom~ Co~:pany, Who Zesolu%ion was rea{] ~: fl[~ and was
passed~ adopted and approved :>y bbc Yollo~inS x~obe~ bo-wi0: A,~s: C~cilmen
dl ,.} ~,d d~is,raL,or r?~mt ~}as autherized ~o ~'iLe a letb~r to ohe S~ Bi~so Coumty
~,aber ~ubkori'tz, advis~ them that, the Calfi/ornia Wo:er {: Telephone Company w~uld
act as bheL~ agent for the P~oeipt ~ld di~tribution of Colorado Ri~er ~ater uilder
bl:e [- e: :porary agr~ e:~enb covered ey Aesolution :,~o,8/~6.
Round., ~.A. (~aesed
At~IA8 ~ & Wire ~orko ~eve
Auatinta P~rd~al*O Atseellinoouo it, em~ 12.6~
~lfo~ MaWr & Tol~e ~. Mo~r se~ -
City T~r o~ ~ Die~ ~b~ ~ - ~. ~.7~
C~'m b~mo offt~ i~ 6.~
Oo~ of ~ ~l~ (~ ~) ~ for ~ 1~ ~.~
~r~ H~ & ~ ~e~ ~v~ 8~ ~,~
~f~lm ~ ~ for J~l
~t~. ~ C. ~e. for ~
~ ~ & ~4~ ~ ~p. - ~.~.-P~t 19.78
~ F~ S~ ~ ~ - ~8 ~ 9.53
$ 19,170~0
Deceuber ?
~llit e ,,, Frank
Young, A~ .&.~e~eral Contractor
Yo~sF~.~ ~~ - a~Jl C~eo ~d - ~w Fire $~tl~
Ze~eh P~er ~ ~ P~
~o~-P~Mo )
~q~ease os car for ~vember 1~.00
Progress P~at ~o.3 - Se, FAre S. 7~.80
6633 ~ ~d SI~ ~
~ ~d o~ ~r~ ~ for ~
~ Diego ~. & ~e ~. ~ f~ el~ -
~ T~vele~ In--Ce ~ G~ ~ ~
~ Tm~e~ ~s~ ~ ~ L~e ~a~ ~.~
~ u~,~ T~. ~ ~. ~.~
6~ ~ebb ~. ~g~ a~ dm~ ~.~
~ ~tllitl,~ ~ on ~ for ~ 1~.~
~ ~ll~eh Pa~r ~ ~rtified To~ta
~ f~
12th Sove~er 7
REQUEST F~ TAX REFUND: The clerk advised council that the Security Bank,
through their attorneys Holbrook & Tart, had demanded a refund of taxes for
the past three (3) years which they had paid on Vault Doors and Counters,
and that he had turned the matter over to the City Attorney for advice.
RESOLUTION NO.8~9: Councilman Nashold offered Resolution No.8~9.
This is a Resolution approv~ ~Iemorandma of Agreement for Quarter-Cent C~as
Tax Funds - Division of Highways. The Resolution ~as read in f,,11 and was
passed, adopted and approved by the following vote, to-~it: Ayes: Councilmen
Nashold, Kidder, Riesland, Koester. Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Dyson.
PURCHASE OF N~.~W CAR - STREET DEPARTmEnT: Street Superintendent Love having
requested permission to purchase a new coupe for his use as street superintendent,
and the matter having been discussed at previous meetings, it l~as moved by
Councilman Riesland, seconded by Councilman Nashold, and carried, that the clerk
be authorized to buy a new Chevrolet Business Coupe for Mt.Love.
BUN.~ING OVER HOIST AT CI~ BARNS: It was moved by Coullc~lm~xl Nashold, seconded
by Councilman Riesland, and carried, that the clerk authorize the construction
of an enclosure over the new hoist at the city barn as proposed by Lee and
Leschorn for the price of $750.00.
BI~.T~ PAID: After eramfnation by the entire council and approval of the
Finance Committee, Warrants Nos.6667 to #67~O were ordered paid by the following
vote, to-wit: Ayes: Councilmen Riesland, Koester, Nashold, Kidder. Noes:
None. Absent: Councilman Dyson.
CHA~R~:~ OF CO~2~CE L~TTEB: The clerk read a Chamber of ~= Commerce request
that a strict Ordinance to control solicitors be drafted, and the matter was
referred to the city attorney.
Koester, secended by Councilman Kidder, ~bich carried, the final map of a
Resubdivision of Country Club Mecca was approved and accepted for recordation.
RECORD OF SURVEY: On motion by Councilman Riesland, seconded by Councilman
Nashold, which carried, a Record of Survey Nap presented by Mr.Kuebler on a
portion of Lots 28 and 29, in Quartersection 139, was accepted, subject to
filing of Agreement to Instal Curbs and paying for oil used in oiling the
eight (8) foot strip between curb and existing pavement.
BUCKINGHAM GROVE - FINAL MAP: On motion by Councilman N~shold, seconded by
Councilman Riesland, which carried, the final map of Buckingham Grove, being
a Replat of Griffin Park, heretofore accepted March Il, 19&7 as Griffin Park
and thereafter replatted for correction of drafting errors and for change of
name, is hereby approved and accepted for recordation as of March 11,19~7,
subject to completion of improeements according to that certain existing
contract with the City of Chula Vista.
It was moved by Councllmau Riesland, secov~led by Councilman Kidder, and carried,
that the city attorney and city administrator be authorized to release the bond
and agreement with the Chula Vista Development Company upon filing of similar
bond and like agreement from the Chula Vista Properties, Inc., for improvements
in Buckingham Grove.
ADJOt~tNM~tT: Upon motion by Councilman Riesland, seconded by 0ounc~lman
Nashold,/and carried, the meeting adjourned sine die.
Herbe~ V.Bryant, City ~erko