T~e council met in regular session in the Council Chambers of the City Hall,
on the above date, with Mayor Koester presiding. The meet~ngwas called to
order at 7 o~olock PoMo, Present; Councilman Koester, Nashold, Kidder,
Riesland, Ryson. Absent: None.
Minutes of Planning Commission meeting held February 2, 19~8, w~re approved.
It having been brought to the attention of the clerk that minutes of a Planning
Commiseion meeting held December 2, 19~6, w~re never approved by the council,
after reading of these minutes it wa~ moved by Councilman Koester, seconded by
Councilman Nashold, and carried, that the Planning Conm~ission minutes of their
meeting held December 2, 19~6, be approved.
S~W~ M~TTEHS: Mt.James Carwile appeared before council and presented completed
maps of sewer tru~k lines and assessment district. He a~ked that an adjourned
meeting be held February 24, 19~8, at which time he hoped to have the sanction
of the state and steps cottld be taken to ask for bids°
G~SOLi~ BIDS: Bi~s for supplying the city with gasoline for the coming year
w~re opened, and as the bids were somewhat complicated it was moved by Councilman
Riesland, seconded by Counc~ Dyson, and carried, that the city administrator
investigate careful]~ and report his reco~mnendation to the council at their next
O~D~A~CE i~0o~87 Ordinance Prohibitin~ Wastin~ of Water. On motion by
Councilman Nashold, seconded by Councilman Kidder, which carried, Ordinance No.387
was placed on its second reading. The title was read and the ordinance being
in ita exact form as when placed on its first reading, it was moved by Counc~lm~ll
Kidder, seconded by Councilman Nashold, and carried, that roading of the text
be waived. The Ordinance was passed, adopted and approved by the following
vote, to-wit: ayes: Councilmen Nashold, Dyson, Kidder, Riesland, Koester~
Noes: None° Absent: None.
Ot~CEN0~$88: Ordinance Reg~latin~ Card Rooms. It was moved by Councilmsn
Kidder, seconded by Councilman Nashold, which carried, that Ordinance Noo388
be placed on its second reading. The title was read and thc Ordinance being
in its exact form as when placed on its first reading, it was moved by Councilman
Riesland, seconded by Counc~lmanNashold, and carried, that the reading of the text
be waived. The Ordinance was read in full and was passed, adopted and approved
by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes: Councilmen Kidder, Riesland, Koester,
Nashold,Dyson~ Noes: None. Absent: None.
DANCE H~LL APPLICATION: An application from ~.Faas and Mr.Phreaner to operate
a dance hall at ll8 National ~enue, and investigation having been made by the
Fire Chief, B~lding Inspector ~ Police Chief, with no objections received~
it was moved by Councilman Nashold, seconded by Counci~aan Riesland, and carried,
that the application be approved for a perio~ e~oiring December 31, 1948°
PA~TING COI6,1~qITY BUILDING: Administrator Bryant reported that he had secured
bids for painting of the Community Building as follows:
C°~oBoard - ~715.00; ~.Punton - $626.00; Mr.Boland - $593.25.
It was moved by Councilman Dyson, seconded by Councilman Kidder, and carried,
that the job be awarded to ~ir.Boland at a cost of $593.25~
OLD FiP~ THUCK: Two offers to buy the old Seagrave Fire Truck were received
by the city clerk, and, after discussion Administrator Bryant was authorized
to try and get more bide in the hope that more money might be realized. The
motion ~as made by Councilman Rieslahd, seconded by Councilman Kidder, and carried~
~EFUND P~'~T ~: The request for return of Building Permit Fee was made by
Walter Steele on the grounds that no part of the construction was ever started.
It was moved by Councilman Dys~n, seconded by Councilman Kidder, and carried,
that the fee in the amount of $53~00 be returned.
~OLUTION N0o855: Councilman Riesland offered Resolution No.855o This is a
Resolution accepting Deed for street (Day) (Portion of C enter Street)~
The Resolution was read in full and was passed, adopted and approved by the
following vote, to-wit: Ayes: Councilman Riesland, Koester, Nashold, Dyson,
Kidder. Noes: None° Absent: None.
~RDgSOEUTION N0.856. Council~muKoester offered Resolution No.856o This is a
Resolution accepting Deed for street (Hayes) (Portion of C enter Street).
The Resolution was read in full and was passed, adopted and approved by the
following vote, to-wit: Ayes: Koester, Nashold, Dyson, Kidder, Riesland.
Noes: None. absent: None.
R~SOLUTION N0.857: Cokuaci~man ~ashold offered Resolution No.857. This is a
Hesolution accepting Deed for street (McNeely) (Portion of Center Street)°
The Resolution was read in full and was passed, adopted and approved by the
following vote, to-wit: ~yes: Councilmen Nashold, Dyson, Kidder, Riesland,
Koester. Noes: None° Absent: None.
RESOLUTION ~0.858: Councilman Dyssn offered Resolution No.858. This iea
Hesolution accepting Deed for street (Ribeau) (Portion of Center Street).
The Hesolution was read in full and was passed, adopted and approved by the
following vote, to-wit: ayes: EouncLlmaen Dyson, Kidder, Hiesland, Koester,
Nashold. Noes: None. Absent: None.
RESOLUTION N0.859: Councilman Ki~der offered Resolution No.859. This is a
Hesolution accepting Deed for street (Renick) (Portion of Center Street).
The Resolution was read in full and was passSd, adopted and approved by the
following vote, to-wit: Ayes: Councilmen Kidder, Riesland, Koester, Nashold,
Dysono Noes: None. ~bsent: None.
T~TaTIYE MAP: A tentative map of a proposed subdivision being the Easterly
half of Lots 9 and 16 in Quartersection 123 was presented. On motion by
Councilman Riesland, seconded by Councilman Dyson, and carried, the tentative
map with the improvements as shown, and with corrections, was approved.
B1~J.S PAID: After exmminationby the entire council and approval of the
Finance Commi~e, Warrants Nos.6829 to #6916 wsre ordered paid~ by the following
vote, to-wit: Ayes: Counc~en Riesland, Koester, Nashold, Dyson, Kidder.
Noes: None. Absent: None.
N~ CiTY ~HaLL:BID: Administrator Bryant reported that the courtesy bid from the
F.E.Young firm for the construction of new city hall, was ~13~,000.00~ No action
~X'i~tA POLICE: Police Chief Lofthouse requested authority to hire one extra
policeman for foot patrol at night. It was moved by Councilman Riesland,
seconded by Councilman Kidder, and carried, that a newman be hired at a salary~
starting not to exceed $200.00 per month for an e~oerienced man, or $185.00
per month for an inexperienced man.
~DJOUPJ~MENT: It was moved by CounciS~man Riesland, seconded by Counc~lmmn
Nashold, and carried, that the meeting be adjourned to February 17, 19~8 at
7 o~clock P.M.,
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Aute repairs
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, Le~ Angelee Stamp & Stationery Ce.
Jb~edithe a Cafe
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P&eif~e TeXoldmae & ~elegr~ph ~o.
Palner, ~.¢.~eeq~u~
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Traffic ~hite paint
D~eoel Fuel
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~xpense on oar fer ~maua~y
Progresm pa~eat ~o.~ -Fifo logo02