HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1937/08/02t~ abo~ s~o~ da~, ~th ~or ~ p~. ~eti~ ~ to or~r at 7:00
~ OF ~v~ ~L .~e~utes of ~e re~l~ ~eti~ of Y~y 6, 1937 ~d
t~ a~J~ed ~1~ ~et~ of ~y 13, 1937, ~ been p~p~ ~d ~ile~ So
ea~ ~ of t~s Co~cil ~ the Ci~ Clerk, ~ app~ as p~p~ ~ ~ile~e
~ CO~I~: ~e c~ p~sente~,to t~ C~eil~ State ~e ~let~
~eting of August 2, 1937, continued,
as there had bees no official action approving said salary the clerk had paid
her only $150,00 for the mc~h of ~uly, 1937, Cl. Boltz offered l~solution No, 485,
which is e resolution ma~ing the compensation for Miss Scott $170.00 for the monthof
August, 1937, and $40000 for Sep~neber, 1937, and thereafter until lux-that change by
the Counaile The resolution ~as read, and w~s adopted end approved as read, by the
following vote, to-wit: AlaS: C1, Timmons, B~yant, Boltz, Brown and BOWes NO~:
None, ~: None,
~ILDING A~D ZONING 0~DYN~NCE: The City Attorney outlined the substance of an
ordinance regulat~a~ b~Alding in all it's phases and chang~n~ somewhat the regulations
of the fire zone ordinance, This ordinance will repeal practically all the existing
ordinances regaling sa~ae and will stw~.lify and control better the enforcen~nt of
As the state lm~ ha~ met up certain p~ocedu~es which have to he followed the City
Attorney resc,m.~nded that the Council refer the 0~linance to the Pla~-ing C~'-.--leaion
With instructions to ~et at the earliest possible t~ne, to publish notice of hearings,
hold hearings r~ boundem-ies of the Fire ~one, e~d ~egax~lng ehan__ge of certain
boundaries of the building zones~ end then m~we their reoo~anandations back to the
Council on the result of said hearings, Upon motion of C1, Brysalt, seconded by
~oltz, which cax~ed, the above reccmmuenAation warn approvede
BEING PRO'CT: The City Attorney stated that should the city lease the Sewing
iSA'o Jest ro~ in the ~igginton Building and should the ~overnment withdraw apprOpiati~s
for maid pro Jest the city then would be paying x~nt an a vacant store~ up to tune
30, 19~e Upon motion by C1, t~e, seconded by Clo Ti~non~, which carried, the City
Attorney was inetx~Acted to negotiate with the Treasury Dep~rt~nt for a contract on e
month to month basis but not on a lease basis,
LICenSiNG: The City Attorney reported that the Licensing 0x~lin~se wa~ being
ampte~d be ready in the near future and suggeste~l that it would be well to
include ~1~ licenses in the on e ox~linance instead of having the license fees for the
tradesmen in their separate or~inan~eee
1~, ,. A.V~d~. O~V~: The City Engineer stated that the County Boar~ of Super-
visors were going to take action on the ~uastion of aiding the City in oiling eert~
streets in the ~ity, mainly 1st avenue from L street ~o H street; the city to
the oil, mix it, and furnish what e~uil~nt it had to help im the work of la~ving itc
The cost of the oil was estimated to be ~?0.00 and upon the suggestion of Cl. H~wo
it w~m decided to hol~ off the authorization of the purchase of the oil until the
budget has been adopte~ and until official action approving sai~ use of equil~e~t by
the Boax~ of ~upex~isors has keen taken,
FIRE ElaINE 0¥~YL: C1. T4_,w, ons reported that the pu~, t~anmmiaaion and
differential on the fire t~uck w~re badly in need of repairing and ove~hauli~g but
upon investigating the new Budget it was diseovex~l that sufficient money was set
aside to take cars of the overhaul so the matter was ~roppad,
O]~5~ IN BALL PAI~: Chief Kelly reco-wnendad that the Council ~e allow~ees
in the budget for enlarging the grandstand at the ball park as the crowds attending
have to stand up to witness the g~s and could be better contrelled if seated,
I~I~0~ICAL ~S: The monthly reports of the City Surge, Police and Fire
Depa~-~aents for the ~onth of tuly, 1937, were exaim~e~ and ox~ere~ file~e
SAN D .l~O~.a~ .CLUB.: ~. Elauss, of the ~n Diego-California Club, showed
in detail the methods u~sd by the eai~ club in advertisi~g the County of ~n Diego
to the rest of the w~rld, Results of said advertising were ~ and se~4~ly had
brought very good results in attracting people to comae to San Diego an~ viai~ity not
onl~ during the suz~r months but the winter m~nthe as well, He muggeste~ that the
Counsil make slickness in the bud~t for an aPl~opiation to help keep the work
suggesting as a tenative figax~ ~50eO0. The Counsil infox-med ~. Klauss that they
would give his ~e~uest serious consideration at that times
AMBULANCE TRAI~g~: The question of liability of the city due to da~age which
might-be ma~e by the az~ulanee which is insured by the airy came up for discussion
and it eee~ed that one of the reas~ why the city wne u~gsd to take over the
ambulance wes due to a state law which required any vehicle which used a siren had
to be o~ed by a political enb~ivision and which law has now bean repealed~ Naerefore
the advantages of having it o~ned by the city ware ~w ami the liability
Upon motion by Cl. Howe, aseonde~ by 01o ~-~ne, which oax~ied, the clerk
instraete~ to notif2 Hubbax~ and Porter that the city could not insure it with theirs
and to turn over the ownership slip to them.
Meeting of Au~st 2, 1937, continued.
C(~YA~fY FAI~ BA~.~t Upon motion by C1. H~, seeon~d ~ C1, ~ltm, ~ieh
c~ie4, ~sion ~s ~te~ to ~. ~e Foster to ~g a b~er ae~ss 3~ a~nue
no~h of F st~et~isi~ the ~ty Fa~ ~ieh is to be hel~ at ~ the e~
pa~ of this
B~m~ ~: Upon ~tion by Cl. ~ltz, .eeo~e4 by Cl. ~, ~i~ e~ie4, the
fo~ow~ bi~s, ~te= eT~uation by the f~oe ~ttee, ~ o~e~ pai~
1~62 ~e Chula Vista St~ ~ti~ ~ publi~ $
11163 ~ Roi1, ~e~, ~y 1-1~Z9
~64 ~ Roi1, ~ets ~ ~rs Y~ 1-~-~7
~65 ~y Ro~. ~ets (~eed e~) Yuly 16-20~ 51.00
1~66 ~"~ of ~rl~ (~ster ~nd) ~tion, 250.~
l~&9 ~ ~ri~ ~bber ~g. Co. F~ hose,
11170 ~.ociat~ ~neer.. ~yi~, 37.50
1117~ ~rl~ · S~n, ~dio p~s ~d ~p~r., ~.~
lllTZ R. ~ ~es, ~.eell~eous e~ee, ~.~
1~75 ~ul~ ~ Co. Tools for ~t~et ~t, 20.47
~1~7 ~e ~e ~ Co. Iron ~i~ ~,
1~78 ~bby ~W, T~O~ ~S ~d ~e~mi~,
11179 S. S. NioMon. ~ b~Ei~s at ~6 ~d ·
~80 ~r~ce ~e, ~1 ~ls, ~.~
11181 ~ ~$o ~r~ee. ~r caSerpi~,
~ ~t~ ~if~nia Teleph~e ~o Telephone ~ees,
1~ St~ ~1 Co. Gr~ ~ ~ls, 64.36
~86 ~e ~a~lers ~s~ce Co. G~up ~ee, 26.49
1~7 ~e ~a ~ata St~, ~inti~ ~ ~b~hi~.
1~ ~ifo~a Water ~ Te~ph~e Co. Water f~ July ~ ~ust, 19S7, 576.50
1118~ ~ste~ Auto ~pp~ Co. ~~, 7.14
1~90 F. E. ~cro~, M.D. ~tion of prison.s, S1.00
~91 ~h~ ~ne, Const~etion of tool house,
]]]92 F~'s ~e. FeA~ prison, s,
~19S ~a ~sta ~ber ~. ~teri~, 4.~
1~95 W. E. ~, ~ef, ~11 Vol~teer ~n, 5S.00
1~96 ~ A. ~etz ~. ~neer's ~pp~es, ~SelS
11197 ~ ~t~ ~ ~blis~ ~. C~e ~$s.
1~98 ~ ~eg ~fiee ~pp~ Co. ~pplies. le~
1~ ~te~a Fe~ ~, O~r ~e~ ~ ~ ~ ~, 4.10
~01 ~ ~e~e ~. ~ees. 1.00
thi~l~Jo~~sst ~. 19S7, at 7~ o'~, P. ~