HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1937/06/07 The ~ ' ' ~ ~ ..... C_~£oer the on the abov~ sho~'m late, with.l~yor Ero~'m ~s~ding. l.~eeting called to order at 7:00 o'clock, P. i2. ~esent: LMyor ~r3~, Oounci~n }!owe, Ti~ons sad Bo!tz. ~kbsent: ~. OF i~OU~ .~'~T~'~-. ~e minutes of t.e regular meeting of ..~ 3, 1937, . ~la' 4, 1937, and of +~:~ adjou~ed regul~ meetings of !.~y 1!, ogthe soecial meeting of ~) 1937 ~d IMy !7, 1937, having been p~ep~ed ~d m~,iled t~ each member of this Co~ci I by the ~lt~ Clerk, were approved as [:~pared ~d BRY.:d~T Y~POII~T~ C0~Ci~Jd;: i,Myor Dro~m appointed H. Z, ~,~t as Co~ci~n~ to fill the ~c~cy created by the death of i~. ~. ii. Rife. ~ ~ ~o. motion by C1. Boltz, seconded by Cl. T~ons, which c~ried, the appointment was confi~ed. ~e oath of office was a~'~inistered to ~'M~ Bryamt by the sity clerk mud he thereupon took his place at the Co~cil Table. i.[ay~r Broom alpointed C1. Bry~t C~i~ of the Fin~uce Co~ttee as C1. Howe had p~vious!y been appointed Street Co=:~ssioner. -~P~I~.~'~'~ ~ '~ ~IIcll ~ ~ C~' ~ ~-'~' The c~rk'~ rsad ~ letter fro~ t~ f~li!y ..~ ~.=. Rife conveying to the C~ac=~ m~d the City e'uplo~e~s their appreciation for ~n~ ccurtesies extsnded the~: in th.e recent !assing of i~. Rife. S~A~ ~I~.~% 539 %nd o5o. ~e clerk brought to the attention of the ~o~c~l that Senate Bill 539, alloying City Co~cils to set up a loud for capital outlays, had passed both bosses of the legislature mud had been sent to the Governor for his signatare. Thc cougcil felt that the s~',e end could be ~cco~lished by election ~d if not ~cco~p!ished by election it would de,rive the peopl~ of privileges duly tne=r~. The ~ounczl felt best to let the ~vernor decide t~e i~sue ~thout o~- help. Senate Bill ~S~3,requiring sponsors of l~etitions to stir,art!se the facts mud ar~nts of said petition ~oethe~ with ~g~uents cf the opponents in a newspaper of gen~ circulation ~d hove attached to the petition said .arguments so that the peop~ asked to sign said petitions ceuld -~ :~v~ ~=~ op~,o~unity to see both sides of the question involved, is also up to tke '~ ~ ~o'~ '~ ~ _ ~Ter .... ~o._ his signature~ The Co~cil +' ~ cler~ a%ated that he would v~ite the felt that this was a %~o~thy bill and ,~ Governor u~glng hi~ to ~' '. ~,z~r. the hill. .~OR~ .... ~,2~I'IOL: ~ne clerk bro..,~L~ the attention of the Council the case of Paul K. %~orthington, a veterm~ who is ill amd v~o '~as refused to si~ for his Veteran's ~emd~tion on his property located in this city, ~]d whose v~fe has requested exemption on ~aid property. The Co,~cil having taken action on the s~e ~tter in the past allowed the exe~tion for the coming ye~ upon motion by Cl. Itov~e, which was seconded by Cl. ~o~z, oa~ which carried. ~Yi~qO~ COI.~,~ION C~ii~CE. ~ne ~ilroad Co~.ssion, by telegr~, requested the cities of Chula Vista ~d ~ational City to ~end representatives to their ~s- ~mgeles office for a conferende on the water-rate case, said conference to be held I'm~e 9th at 2:00 o'alock, P.i.[. The City Ltto~ey stated that he had prepared m~ application for a new rate hearing on the %~ter case ~d reco~aended that the cities should get together with the Railroad Co~ssion ~d insist upon a rehearing or next best to negotiate ~th the ~ter comply on new rateso !is stated that there ~s a possibility that of a telephone ~ate reduction if proper action was t~en~ however ~y action t~en should be at the request or ~ather on the advice of the Lea~e of i.[~icipalities. ~e Co~ci~ decided to a~.it the outcome of the '~nference in ~s- ~geles before t~ing m~y further action. ~ose to attend the conference from Chula Vista are C1. tlo~ ~d T~ns, City ~ttorney ~d City ~gineer. ~T~T ~ .~T~TI~:. I..2~ I~J~IOI~Y~: A petition requesting the installation of a st~et ll~t at hte intersection of I street ~d National avenue ~d si~ed by eight of the p~perty m~ers adjacent was p~sented to the Co~cil. Upon motion by Cl. T~aons, seconded bl. Cl. B~t, which c~ried, the ~tter ~s referred to the Street Con~ssioner ~th power to act. CO'~Y FY~ ~BIT: Upon recommendation ~d request of the Board of Directors o~ the Chula Vista Cheer of Commerce the City Co~cil, after discussing the feasibility of appropiating money for the erection of on e~ibit to be displayed at the Co~ty Fair to be held at Del L~r Au~st ?th to 15th, decided that it ~uld be the best kind of ad~rtising we could ~et for the ~aoney. The superintendent of the co~ity e~ibits ?ms present ':md showed the Co~cil the sections of the t~t which ~e still a~ilable. Upon motion by Cl. Boltz, seconded by Cl. Ti~aons, which carried, ~ appropiation of up to ~200.00 was allowed for the p~pose of said e~ibit. ~e e~ibit superintendent pro~sed the Co~cil that space ~ .~, a section next to the aisle of one of the ~ide entr~ces ~zould be set aside for t~e Chula Vista e~ibit~ fleeting of Yune ?, 1937, continued° 2APd[ D~L~L ~( ~Ci~0U: Cl. Boltz offered Resolution Ho~ ~99, ~f~ch is ~ resolution instructing the Cit'y Attorney to ~rk out ~th the S~ Diego Trust ~u Diego ~ escr~ agree~nt effect!ag the p~dhase of s~d ~rk. ~e resolution ~s read m~d upon motion by Cl. Tigons, seconded by Cl. Howe, ~s passed mud adopted as read by the following ~te, to-~t: L~: C1. Tigons, B~t, Boltz, Brovm and Howe. I~C~: None. ~: MOue. ~iCCEi~G ~ FOR DI~,~S: Cl. Ho~ offered ~solution No. &~8, ~ich is a resolution accept~g l~ds, for alley p~poses, from the following: Charles Eo ~d Fay Yo~ ~th and from the Ponona ~,Mtual ~ilding and ~ f~sociation. ~e res- olutlon was read ~d upon motion by Cl. Boltz, seconded by Clo Tigons, ~s ~ssed ~d adopted as read by the following vote, to-~t: A~: Cl. Boltz, Bro~, ~we, Ti~ns ~d B~t~ N0~: None. ~: Hone. ~I[0iFE C0. ~ S~T: Cl. Ti~ons offered ~aolution No. 4~9~ which is a resolution inst~c~ng the City Atto~ey to appe~ for ~d on behalf of this city in t~t certain action in the Superior Co~t of the State of C~ifo~lis, euti~led "S0~ C.~EF0~ TELE~ C0~~, a corporation, Plaintiff, vs~ City of C~. ~S~, a ~tu~icipal corporation, Defendant". Said action to recover t~es paid ~der p~test for the fiscal ye~ ending June 30, 1937 in the ~o~t of The resolution was ~ad and upon motion by Cl. Boltz, seconded by Cl. iiowe, passed ~ud adopted bs read by the follo~!ng vote, to-~t: ~Y~S: D1. Boltz, Ho~, Ti~ns ~d Bry~t. N0~: l[one. ~T: Hone. ~RTS ~ ,~I[~ ~0.~f~Y: City Attor~ey stated that he had received ~ sgreement fr~athe Treasury ~rt~ent giving sn option to the City, for a period of one year beginni~ Yuly l, ~937, for rental pa~e:~t sT the building occupied by the Se~ng ~oject. The Co, u~cil inst~cted the City Attorn~, to effect an agree~ent which ~uld give a te~nDora~ lease of s~id building up to the ti~:e that the b~dget is approved with the ~=~derstanding that ~t that ~ime another lease would he t~ke~, to carry the lToject u0 to .Tune 30, 19~8. Veter~s ?tee Licensi~;g: The City ~kttorney stated that he could draw up ~rdin~n~ce better eoverlng the req~iremen~s for Veter~'s Lice;~se Exe=ption, but upon the advice of Cl. Ti~.m~one who stated that the state law 2o'z,~rnfng hhe requirements ~d thorou~ questioning by the clerk usually weeded out tho~ ~ot qu~]ified~ the matter ~s drop?ad. ~si~e~s Licensing: ~e City [.ttoruey info~ned the Co~n~:~i! tl~at he had been getting data reg~ding revision of t~ business licenses but that before he submitted m~ything definite he wanted t o coufer with Richard Gr~ves ~nd have the ~agues advice on ~lfo~ity. iiattoon Soluti:~n: ~.~. T. ~. ~o~o had been sent to [~y~r Frown to arrange ~ conference ~'~th the Council and the City Atto~.ey ~n regard to solution for lifting the ~,Mttoon Act tn this city. The City ~kttorney advised that the ~-~ethod to be used should be accepted before budget t~ne ~ it '~ll prob~bl~ be necessa~' to set aside a certain ~o~t to aid in the said sol,~tion. ~bnday, ?~e 14th was decided upon a~ the time for the conference with i~M~ Young. SF.~R PIPE: Inspector Lyons informed the Council that the Sewer 0rdin~ce and the P!~mubing ~din~ce have co~flictfing ~egndations in rega~ to se~er pipe to be ~sed ~md rec~0ended thst they be muended to eliminate such confliction, lie ~ms instructe8 to work out ~n or,in..ce ~'~_th the City ;.ttorney correcting the 5iscrep~cy. P~iODi~F~ P~f~TS: ~e ~':o~th~y :'~q~ort~ cf ~he City Yudge, the Fire De~rtment and the Police Dep~tme~t for ~:le ~ontb of i~:y, !937 m~d the monthly report of the ~,ity Treasurer for the ~onth ~:f .q~'!',., ~37, ~'~r~ exa~ined and ordered Filed. ~0i~ ~CTi~' DE~io~: LM. [lector, inbehalf of the ]~torans of Forel~ l~ars, c~e befo~ the Co~cil ~d offered h!~,; ~ctive support ~or t~e sponsoring of any acti~ty for the deve!ot~e~ent of youth activities. He stated that the Veter~s of Forei~ ~fars ar~ sponsoring the b~gle corp mud are ~nxious for earliest possible de.~'elope~ent of ~ovez~ents for the benefit of the yo~ths. T!~o [[ayor iz~st~cted the City ~gineer to contact the ~'. ?. [,. ~nd th~ l~tional Youth [~:iniztration ~_~ ascertain if any possible finds ~ou!d be obtained fro~ either of them for the said developement in the :~ew _~ark~ ~?. ~locter was info~e5 that if ~y r~ovement of this nature was creoted t!~at he :~ou]d be called upon for aid and ad,~ce. Ci~ -'cw~ ~s ezc~,,~ed at this time. BYT,]~ ~: Upon z~otion by Cl. Ti:::~o~;s, seconded by O!. Boltz, which oa~ied, tLe following bills, ~fter e~c~nation by the fin~ce coL~dttee, were ordered !~aid: i,leetiag of June ?, 1937, continued. 12040 ?ay Roll, General i~y 1-!5-37 ~1,115.55 12041 Pay' Roll, Streets & Sewers [~y 1-15-37 570.60 12042 T. 1~. Robert~, ~hor on Streets, 16.00 1£045 The Letter Shop, ~[ater i[eso~rces ~pplications, ~.75 12044 Pny Z~oll, General i,~ay 16-Sl-Z~ 1,17~o~5 1£045 Pay Roll, Streets & Sewers,[Jmy 16-Z1-57 674.50 12046 The .~ericmu .Rubber D~g. Co. Fire equipment, 9?.50 1£047 F. E. Ashcroft, I,[. Do %_~edical exa~ination prisoners, ~6.00 1£048 C. V. Lumber Co. Idaterial, 18.94 12049 C. V. Paint & iiard~Tare Store, i~Ierchmudise, 65.73 12050 C. V. Sheet Lietal ?~orks, Labor, 3.00 12051 The C. V. Star, Printing & publishing, 19.13 12052,C. V. Uoz~m's Club, Flower Show expense, 6.00 1205~,N. L. Cur~ s, Resuscitation gas, 6.18 12054 L,~s. C. ',f. Darling, Flower Show expense, 7.22 12055 Frank Durnb[~ugh, Tree reraoval deposit, 130.00 12056 Fender's Service, La~or & materials, 31.60 12057 Hazard-Gould 2 Co. i,:erchsndise, 54.98 12058 Re ~k. Higgs, 1000 5¢ stamped envelopes, 12059 Re A. Hlggs, Personal p~operty percentage, 17.~0 12060 Hoffman's Laundry, Flower Show !aund~'ing, 1.75 12061 Ho~ae Lumber Co. i[erchandise, 77.08 12062 Farrah'a Cafe, Feeding prisoners, ~2.09 1206~ Bobby Law, Impo~mding ani~!als for LMy, 19o75 12064 Home Lumber Co. Flower show e~ense, 5.00 12065 F. Cash Lewis, Labor, 10.00 12066 Chas. Pi .~,[oies, April salary, 68.48 12067 Nelson & Slosh, Rook and sand, 51.19 12068 Pacific ~kcetyle :e Co. .:.cetylene and oxygen, 10.25 12069 Pacific Coast Bldg. 0ffici~tls Conf. Unifoz~a building Co,es, ~o09 1~70 ,~allace Eo .~r~er, Chief, Volu~teer fire-men sayrell l~y, 48.00 12071 Paulsen & I~rch, Road o-~l, 72.59 12072 Peters Feed Stere, Zinnia ~lants, 1.05 I~07~ City Revolving ~r~d, S~a!l cash payments, 40.90 1.t0?~ Ro~ey Sto~es, Co. Blue prints, 1~.51 1207& Ross' St~tionery & Gift Shop, Llerehandise, 6.99 12076 So D. Department of Public Works ~¢pairntg Street broom, 15o48 1E077 Void, 12078 S, D. Tractor & ~quipment 0o., Inco Tractor [~arts, 29 °56 12079 itelen M. Dcott, Car mileage for fq.ril and I,hy, 13o86 12080 'The Seagrave Corp, Packing, °56 12081 The Servi ce Phar~rmcy, ~.,ie rchandi se, 2.94 12082 i~aul Sii~ple, Labor and equipment, 156.40 lZ083 S~ith Drug Store, ],Mrchandise, 1.?0 12084 South Bay Lmuber Co°, Ltd. Cer~nt, ~0.13 12085 Spencers Flo~er Gardens, Yreath for Rife services, 10cO0 12086 Spencer ~ i._~cFar?~e, Equipment, lC.Z0 12087 Standard Oil Co. of California, GaSoline & oils, 12.98 12088 Sweetwater P~rdware, iJercb=~ndise, 30.48 12089 Southern California Telephone Co. Telephone services, 47.62 1,~090 The Todd Sales Cp. labor, 8.50 12091 The Travelers InsuI-ance Co. Group insur~ce, 25.59 12092 Union 0il Co. of California, Gasoline & oils, 1.13 12093 California ~ater & Telephone Co. ~?ater, 277°40 12094 ~estern ~,~etal Supply Co. i,Ierchandise, 59.45 12095 The Western Union Telegrs.ph Co. Telegrmns, 4.48 12096 California Electric Works, Ltd. !.iotor oils, 5.46 12097 ~,~m~ 1 Thol!, Labor, Zo00 12098 Guptil & ~lton, Fire Chief Bond, 5.00 12099 S~,~ith Booth Us!'~er Coo Acme roller, 350.00 lll00 Warren Hatz, / Fertlizer, 10.30 ~[0JO'JitI~h'£: Upon motion by C1. Boltz, seconded by Cl. Tinnons, which carried, this Council sdjourned to June 14, 1957, at 7:00 O'clock P. Attest: