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cc min 1937/05/03
,~0TES OF A P~EGUL~d~ ~.~ETING OF THE CITY COL'2C!L OF THE CITY 0F C?~J~i ~ZiSTY,, I C~itrCRI~IA, ~LD L~-Y 3, 1937. The Council met in regular session, in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, on the abov~ shown date, with L~ayor Brown presiding. ~,~eeti~g called to order at 7:00 o'clock, P. ~. Present: ~.~yor Brown, Councilmen ~owe, Rife and Boltz. Absent, Kone. t,~,.~ OF PREVIOUS I~ING~: Tke ~'~inutes of the regular r~ecting of April 5, 1937, of the adjourned regular meeting of ~ril 12, 1937 and the special meeting of April 16, 1937, ha~rtng been prepsred and r~iled to each member of this Council by the City Clerk, were approved as ~repared and mailed. C. S. TI~E~0NS J~PPOI~TED COUNCIlmen7: Upon motion by Cl. Boltz, seconded by Cl. IIowe, which carried, the D~ayor was instructed to appoint someone to fill the vacancy in the Council created by the resign~tion of ~J~a. T. Lyons. Thereupon Dlayor Brown appointed C. S. Tizmnons to the Council to fill said vacancy. Upon motion by Cl. Boltz, seconded by Cl. Howe, whicl~ carried, the ~ppointment of C. S. Tizmuons was confirmed. The oath of office vms taken by C. S. Ti~mons, which was sd~iuistered by the City Clerk, and Cl. Ti~ons took ~iis place at the Council table end assumed the duties of his office. Lkyor Brown appointed Cl. Ti]mnons to the s~me Cormuissionerships as had been held by %~. T. Lyons ~ud $o serve as ex-officio nember of the PlaD-uing Comz~ission in place of ~.~yor Brown° ~,~yor Brovm a~so appointed D~r. W. E. Kinmore m~bership on the ?l~uning Commission. These appointn~ents were confirmed by motion of Cl. Rife, seconded by Cl. Howe, and which carried° P~d~K SIT~: TRANSFER: Cl. Howw offered Resolution No. 47~, which is a resolution instructing the City Attorney to effect, with the San Diego Trust & Savi~gs Bank, the transfer of parksite property to the city of Chula Vista° The resolution was read and upon motion by Cl. Boltz, seconded by Cl. Howe, was passed and adopted as read by the following vote, to-wit: ~YES: Cl. Boltz, Brown, Howe, Timmons and Rife. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ^ T:T?~ ~ ~CCEPTING LAND~ FC~ ~ .,~; Cl. Ho~ offend ~solution No. ,~,5,, ~ich is a resolution acce~ting l~ds, for alley purposes, from the following: C.R. ~d Ne~ A. 2~, Robert ~d C~istena ~rsh, ~ M. ~d Effie H. C~pbell, Stenolaus ~?ettleson, I~tie ~ntgom~,Ron~d ~L ~d Ida Fae ~vingstone ~d fr~ Fr~ces ~ ~len. ~e resolution w~ read and upon motion by Cl. Boltz, seconded by Cl. Rife, ~s passed ~d adored as rea~ by the follo~ng vote, to-~t: A~: Cl. Boltz, Bro~, Ho~, T~ons ~d ~fe. NO~: None. ~: None~ O~CE NO 26~:, Upon motion by Cl. T~ons, seconded by Cl. Rife, w~ch c~ried, Ordin~ce No. 262 ~ placed on its first readi~. ~is is ~ ordin~ee speci~ing the size of a lot on which a house ~y be built. HEALTH 0FFI$~ER VACATION: Health Officer,Ashcroft, by letter, requested permission to take his vacation f~om 'June 2nd to 15th inclusive and permission to leave the state during a portion o~ this time. Upon motion by Cl. Rife, seconded by Cl. Howe, which carried, the said request was granted~ PLAh~G CO~I0N ~,,: The minutes of the Planning Commission rmeeting, held on April 19, 1937, were read by the clerk. The Plenning Commission recommended that the boulevards on the maihn traveled streets en*ering the city be cleared of weeds and the roadways be kept in a more presentable condition. Discussion arose over the legality of keeping the seid streets end parkings cleaned and assessing it to the property owners and upon motion by Cl. Rife, seconded by Cl. Howe, which carried, the City Attorney was instructed to investigate the legality of said cleaning and the methods which might be followed. Cl. Rife brought to the attention of the Council the fact that the Hibiscus which are planted in the narrow parkings have g~owa to the point where they require much trimming or obstruct the sidewalk. Upon motion by Cl. Rife, seconded by Cl. Boltz, which carried, the Hibiscus situation was referred to the , '~ Planning Commission for their recc~umendation. COPEIAND REQU~2~T FGR !~N PLANTING ON ST~: Mr. Ray H.~ ~ber, in behal~ of Mrs. Carrie A. Oopeland, requested permission to plant lemon trees in the parking on the Northeast corner of 5th Avenue end H Street as there are no houses or paved streets East of 5th Avenue and no houses or sidewalks North of H Street on 5th Avenue. Upon motion by Cl. Boltz, seconded by Cl. Rife, which carried, the request was granted upon the condition that it would be revokable at the City's pleasure. ~Ieeting of ~1ay 3, 1937, continued. S~m~,ETi,~ATE? RULING ~D PROTEST: The clerk read a letter frc~ ~r. Ho G. ~thewson, Secretary of the Railroad Cormmlssion, which informed the Council that the Co~nission is awaiting a decision from the United States Supreme Court on the Railroad Commission vs. Pacific Gas and Electric Company case, which decision will influence their actions in regard to the Sweetwater case, but that in any e~ent the Commission desires to assure the Council that proper action to protect the interests of the customers of the water company will be taken. Correspondence between I~. T. B. Osegrove, }~. Harold Conkling and the city clerk pertaining to the protest filed on the Applicationof the water company was read, discussed and ordered filed. BEOIG,~LN TREE RE~f0VAL: Upon motion by Cl. Howe, seconSed by Cl. Rife, which carried, the request of 1,~rs. Beckmanto remove two olive trees on the parking on second avenue just east of H street wes granted. ~HITT SEWER C0h~CTIOI~: Cl. I~lfe infor~ed the Council that t,~r. '~'~nitt had run a sewer line from the two homes on Del }.iar avenue north of F street to a point on the property line which was quite distant from the clean out connection on the lateral. Cl. Rife stated that the ordinance stipulates that the connection should be made where the clean out is located ~ud v~shed to have the council either instruct the Street Superintendent to connect where Nr. ~hitt's line is now or make ~r. ~Itt comply with the ordinance. After some discussion by the Council and the Protestation of }~r. Johnson Cl. Rife made a motion, which was seconded by Cl. Howe, and which carried, that l.~r. ~,'~itt must connect at the clean out according to ordinance. REVOL~'iNG FD~D: The city cler~ Brought to the attention of the ~ouncil certain expenditures he had m~de from the revolving fund, and as there had been some doubt as to their justification and legality in the mind of Cl. Rife, he felt that the status of these expenditures should be determined.for the peace of ~nd of all concerned. ~fter considera~le discussion it ~,?as deteE~in~d that the pri~m~ary reason for the fund was to have change for the clerk when he closed his books at the end of the month. Secondly for the payment of small bills ~ud the expense of the Chief of Police incurred in going for prisoners$ ~c~d recently, due to the necessity of the City Engineer and members of the Council attending Intnortant conferences out of the city, for t he expenses so incurred by said trips. CITY J~i~0REEY PJ~P01iTS: The City Attorney reported that he h~d contacted I~Iro Harry ~ill inregard to ~is connecting to the sewer in front of his hoEe on second avenue ~nd that he had consented to do so o~ud had t~J[ez~ out the co~u~.ection permit for same. It w~s moved by Clo ilowe, seconded by Cl. Boltz, e~ud csrried, that the L~ayor of the City be authorized ~nd directed to execute on behalf of the City ~u agreement with the Treasury Dep~rt~ent of the United States whereby the City would provide Sewing Unit Space in the ;Jiggint$~ Block, in said City, for the consideration of $1~0Ol for the period from~ April l, 1997, to J~ue 30, 1937; that the City Clerk of s~.id City ~mansr~t letter ~ith such J~greement advising such Treasury I~partment that ~he Council has no ~uthor~ty to obligate itself beyond the end of the fiscal year, to-wit: J~.~ne ~0, 1937, but that subsequent ~pplication for such spa. ce ~l] be considered by said Council when ~d if ~uade after July l, 19~7. The City Lttorney stated that the data on taxes necessary for the clearing up of the l~ttoon District in the city h~d been compiled and the method~ by which to follow w~us being discussed° He stated that he ~ould advise the Council. at such ti~e as ~,~s necessary for the ~pDoint~ent of ~ coEEittee to help complete th~ POLIC£ '~iC~S: Cl. Boltz stated that Officer Hill's car was being used, ~lmost exclusively,for police work, '_~nd being black does uot comply ~ith the state law which says that all motor vehicles doing police work must be of a distinctive color. It was brought to the attention of the Council, by the City ~ttorney,tl~t the }Jotorcy~les c~re not of ~ distinctive color cad that they too should be painted to comply with the state law. Cl. Boltz inforned the Co~tucil that the police car could be painted whit~ for ~8o00 and upon :uotion by Cl. Rife, seconded by Clo Tinm~ons, ~,£aich carried,the matter of painting the ~otor vehicles was referred to tbs Police CoLm~tlssioner ~th 2~LIIODiC~L D~PORTS: The ~:onthly reports of the City Judge, the Fire Department ~nd the Police Del~artz~ent for the month of April c. nd the Treasurer's report for the ~.uoz~th of l,~rch were ex.mined m~d ordered filed° TRID~]~E, .~J~J~2Z~IS~. l~Ir. G. L. ~Jolchan, of the Union Tribune, solicited the Council for a quarter page ad at $126o00 for the History of San Diego County Edition ¥~hich'will be published soon° He was informed by the Council that their policy was to advertise more locally and for lonMer periods rather ths~ one-shot advertieeL~entso LLeeti~g oF l~y Z, 1957, continued° ~.I.l:l,~ i:~_tD: rJpon niotion by Cl. Rife, seconded by Cl. ilo~'Je, ~£nich earried, the following bills, after exani~ation by the fin~ce coE~nitt~e, were ordered paid: ll0?l Pay roll, General ftuud 1-15 April, 1937 ~l,19~oO0 llO?2 Pay roll, Election officers, 56°00 ll0?3 Pay Roll, Streets ~nd Sewers 1-15 April,1937 46~.00 11074 Cosgrove g 0'~eil, Legal services, £~0o00 11075 Pay Roll, General fund, Ir~-30 f~pril, 1937 1,173o35 11076 l~y Roll, Streets ~tad Sewers, 16-30 Al~ril 19~? 590.00 11077 Standard 0il Co., Gasoline & 0ils, 1~.23 11078 Western l~taL Supply Co., Equipment, 66°87 11079 Denrich Press, ~rinting ~nd supplies, 97.90 11080 Roy Tomlinson, Labor, 7o50 ll081 Lrthur Spencer, Labor, 48°00 11082 Seville Service Station, Su~plies, 4.45 11083 San. Diego S~ring & Brake Works, Supplies, 3.63 11084 Pacific Coast Bldgo 0fficals Conf. Copies Building Code, 3.09 11085 Southern California T~ephone Co. Telephone service, 47.40 11086 Betty Bethge, Services, 8.35 11087 Firestone Suto Supply, Equipment, 32o14 11088 Fa~r~h' s Cafe, Feeding Prisoners, 27 o 76 11089 National ~venue Brintery, ih~J. nting, 45°44 ll090 R. Lowell Davies, ]~scsllaneous expenses, 3.80 ll091 California Laundries Inc., Services, 2.36 11092 L. Ho Cody, Labor, 186.88 11093 Paul Sipple, Labor and Supplies~ 80°04 11094 C. V. Pal nt & i~rd~are Store, Supplies, 6.96 11095 Ca!lforuia 'i'~ater & Telephone Co° ~'Jater supplied, 273.80 11096 The Traveler's Insurance Co° Group Insurgence, 27.29 11097 R. k. P~iggs, lJnsec~red Personal Property, 15.86 11098 Bobby Law, Ilupo~zuding ~u~ls, 19.00 11099 City Revol~ing ~nd, For small cash payments, 97.06 12000 Chas. P. Moles, Sslo~ry April, 1937, 54.84 12001 S~u Diego Trust & Savings Nank, fart p~yment of p~rk site, E,500o00 1~002 L!otor Hardware & Equipment Co., Supplies, 5.82 12003 Gerald L. B~ldwin, Distillate, $.67 12©04 Ho Go Fenton !~terial COo Gravel, 23.05 1£005 Schwabacker-Frey Co. Supplies, 4.26 12006 Emil Tholl, Labor and supplies, 2.88 12007 Chula Vista L'~nher Co., Supplies, 8o16 12008 %~;allace E. Lr~.~er, Chief, Volunteer Fire,mn payroll for ~lpril'~7 41o00 12009 Benj. Fo ~Jigginton, Sewing Project rental for l~y, 1937 25.00 12010 Ross' Stationery & Gift Shop, Supplies, 5.76 12011 Associated Oil Co., Gasoline & Oils, 152.49 12012 F. Eo ~hcroft, Li. D. Examination of prisoners, 62.00 12013 Fred C. :Jilson & Sons, Drayage, 34.67 12014 The Chula Vi~t~ Star, Legal notices and printing, 27~36 1201~ Seville Service Station, Battery, 7°00 12016 Otto St'~ng, Labor, 12017 Sidney E. ~.~yer Co°, Equipment, 20.60 12018 ~k'So Co !'~. Darling, Flower Show expense, 8.50 12019 J. T. Sar~n~us, Flower Show expense, 5.50 12020 L!rSo J. E. R~ukin, Flower Show expense, 3.25 12021 Coffee Shop, Flower Show expense, 3.60 12022 C. Vo Dry Goods Co°, Flower Show expense, 11.55 12023 The Chula Vist~ Star, Flower Show expense, 10.82 12024 ~ry ~. Greet, Flower Show expense, 4°?0 1~25 Kinmore Electric Co., Flower Show e~oeuse, 9ell 2~DJOU?A~?,~qT.: Upon motion by Cl. Howe, seconded by Cl. Boltz, which carried this Council adjourned to L~y ll, 1937, at 7_:00 o'clock, P. M. At te st: