HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1937/04/05EII~UJ~ES OF ~ REGUlaR ~ETING OF THE CITY OF CRD-LA ~iSTA Cll~ COU~CIL
~D~°RIL 5, 1937o
The Council met in regular session, in the ~ouncil Chamber of the City Hall, on
the above shown date, with Mayor Brown presiding. Meeting called to order at 7:00
o'clock, P. M. Present: Ail members°
AUDITOR'S REPORT: The Clerk read the Auditor's report of Income and Disbursements
covering the six months period ending December 31, 1936 and which included the foll~ving
recommendations for transfer of funds: Unemployment Relief Fund to General Fund $187.82
Motor Vehicle License Fee Fund to Ceneral Fund $1,970.41, 1926 Municipal Sewer Interest
and Sinking Fund to General Fund $150.82, Parks and Boulevards Fund to Street Fund
$8,753o8~, Chula Vista Improvement Bond Fund to Chula Vista Improvement Interest and
Sinking Fund $544.39° Upon motion by Cl. Rife, seconded by Cl. Howe, which carried,
the Auditor' s recom~endations were approve&.
SEWAGE CONFEEENOE: An invitation to the California Sewage Works Association to
be held April 23 to 24 was tabledo
TYCE T~UCK ROUT~,: The Clerk read a letter from Mr. L. Ao Tyee, of the Tyerete
Chemical Corp., requesting the Council's permission to use G Stleet for the hauling
of materials over two tons in weight.As this route has been used for a long time by
the said Corporation and as G street is the best outlet for their plant and the use
of a Semi-truck in hauling they felt that there would be no d~m~ge to the road by
hauling over two ton loads. The Council, being in sympathy with the request but hating
to set a precedent, tabled the matter.
HEDRIGK SNOOEEW~ RE~T: Walter lied. rick who operates a cigar store at 3~-3rd ave.
requested, by letter, the Council's permission to operate a snooker table at said
place of business. Upon motion by Cl. Howe, seconded by Clo Lyons, which carried,
the said request was granted.
P~L~! TRE~ I~0~D: The City Engine~r'requested the approval of the Counci$ to
remove eleven Palm trees on 3rd avenue between E street and Davidson stteet to the
plot back of the Library and the removal of the Cocas Plumosa Plams on 3rd avenue to
the south end of the street and in the plaza. Upon motion by Cl. Howe, seconded by
Cl. Lyons, which carried, the matter was referred back to the City Engineer with power
to act°
ROBISON LEAVE OF ABSEECE: Fire Chief Armer, by letter, reco~ended to the Council
that a vacation be granted to first engineer ~n. P. Robison ~d that a leave of absence
starting ~pril 16, for a period of ~ months be gr~uted$ he recommended that George
Lee be appointed to the fire department during the absence of Mr. Robisono Upon motion
by Clo Howe, seconded by Cl. Lyons, which carried, the recon~nendations were approved.
D~S KITTIE L. ~RIGHT BUILDING REQUEST: The Clerk read a letter from Mrs. Kittie L.
Wright, 'requesting permission from the Council to erect a cottage on the rear of her
lot on F street and fourth avenue. The request was accor~panied by a petition signed
by the property owners adjacent to said lot which stated that they did not object to
the erection of said cottage.. As the lot is located in the single f~mily zone which
prohibits more than one family building on a single lot the Council deemed it best to
refer the matter to the Pl~uning Commission for their reco~endation and upon motion
by Cl. Boltz, seconded by Cl. Howe, which carried, the matter was so 2alerted.
HILL SEWER VIOLATION: Arthur Spencer, ~y letter, stated that Harry Hill had not
as yet connected to the sewer on second avenue but was still connected to the sewer
on K street through the back of his lot. As ~Lr. Hill had been notified several times
to connect to the sewer on second avenue the Councilreferred the matter t othe City
SECOND AV~VGE Akl) K S'£'~ET LIGHT: The Clerk read a petition, signed by property
owners near the intersection of second avenue and K street, requesti~ the installation
of a street light at said intersection. Upon motion by Cl. Howe, seconded by D1. Lyons,
which carried, the request was referred to the Street Co~tssloner with power to act.
CHULA ~-ISTA WOMEN'S CLUB APPROPIATION: By letter, the Chula Vista Women's Club
requested a donation of $100.00 to help defray the expenses of the Annual Flower Show
which they are holding May 1st and 2nd. ~s 75.00 dollars had been set aside in the
budget for said flower show and as $?5.00 had been appropiated last year Cl. Howe,
made a motion which was seconded by Olo l~Yons and which carried that $75°00 be approp-
iated to the Women's Club for said expense.
Minutes of ~Ieeting of April 5, 1957 continued.
LUD~:~G LETTER 0~ WATER C~SE: The Clerk read a letter from ~r. 0. C. Ludwig
which gave in detail the most important facts and reasons that the U. S. Supreme
Court would uphold the Railroad Commission ruling i~ regard to the Sweetv.~ter caset
if appealed to in time. The letter gave speclfice cases, of si~dlar nature, which were
ruled in favor of the consumers. Upon motion by Pl. Howe, seconded by Cl. Rife, which
carried, the Clerk w~s instructed to write a letter of thanks to ~ro Ludwig for his ~
interest shown in bringing to the at~ention of the Council the v~rious poignant facts°
SENATOR H. ~'~. JOHNSON~ "IETEREST": Senator Hiram W. Johnson acknowledged receipt ~
of our letter urging him to support such legislation that would exem~ city deposits
from the amendment to the National B~nking Act which becomes effective this fall. He
stated that such legislation would receive his attention and fullest consideration.
SE~L~TOR FLETCHER'S BIT.VM: Senator Fletcher sent copies of two bills that had passed
the Senate and were now in the Assembly and which affected the sm~ller cities. One
gave cities the right to contract person, firms or corporations for special services
and pay such compensation as they de.ed proper. The other gives to the cities the
authority ~ud power to construct and maintain such public improve~nts as are authorized
by the Constitution or Laws of this Stste, within and without the territorial boundaries
of said cities. The Clerk was instructed to thank Senator Fletcher for his interest
shown in supporting the dities.
ORD~CE No. 281: Cl. Howe offered Ordinance No. 2~1 to be ~ut on it's second and
final reading° Upon consent of the entire Council the Title of the ordinance was read
and the ordinance was in the emact form as when given it's first reading at the meeting
of khis Council held ~,~rch 16, 19~?. It was passed, adopted and approved, as read, by
the following vote, to-v~lt: ~ES: Cl. Rife, Boltz, Brown, Howe ~nd Lyons. NOES: None.
~z~BSE~: ~one.
E~I'RA POLICE: Cl. Boltz recom~aended that, due to the increased traffic ~nd drunken
driving, Special Officer R~usey be kept on the police force until such time as the
said conditions warro~t. Upon motion by Clo Boltz, seconded by Cl. Rife, which carried,
Officer R~m~ey was appointed as Special officer, at a salary of ~100.O0 per month, to
serve as long as the Council felt the conditions warrant.
I~,I,L~ SI~I~C~ER ~UI~DING, OPJ~Ii~CES:, ~r. Nail Skin~Aer urged the Council to codify
the Building Ordinances so that a citizen could come in ~nd obtain copies of same and
could easily ascertain what he could or could not doo I,~r. Skinner ~as informed by
the Council that they were awaiting the amenduent to the Unifon~ ~ilding Code so
that it could be adopted in full.
REVOLVING ~JND: The Clerk recommended that the Council increase the revolving
f~u~d 't'o '$'100.00 so that he could better take care of the sm~ll incidential expenses
and have necessary money on h~u~d when needed. Upon motion by Cl. Howe, seconded by
Cl. Lyons, wkich carried, the above recommendation was approved.
PERIO, DIC.~ RE~T,S: The monthly reports of the City Judge, Police and Fire del~rt-
~ents for the m~nth of ~urch, 19~, ~d the ?ebruary report of the City Treasurer were
examined and ordered filed.
~i~S 0F PREVIOUS ~.~.TINC~S: ~t the beginning of th~s Co~mucil meeting the minutes
of th~ re~'-~lar meeting of '~,~rch l, 19~?, the adjourned regular meeting of ~Iarch 15,
19~, and the ~djourned regular meeting of ~rch lT, 19~?, having been prepared and
m~iled to each m~ber of this Council by the City Clerk, were approved as prel~red
und mailed°
LYONS RESIGi~TION: The follo~rlng letter was read to the Council by the clerk:
To the honorable Council of Chula Vista,
~ter all the years I have served as a Councilm~n, I find it necessary
on account of ill-health to respectfully tender ~¢ resigu~tion, to take effect on or
before Dhy Z, 19Z?, 1£:00 o'clock ~oon.
~,~hatever my station in the fut~e I will continue as in the past to work
for the good of Chula Vista.
I remain yours sincerely,
Wmo T. Lyons.
Upon ~otion by Cl. Howe, seconded by Cl. Rife, which carried, the Council, with much
regrets, accepted the a~ove resiguation.
!~nutes of }.~eeting of April 5, 1937, continued~
BILTM P~,ID: Upon motion by Clo Howe, Seconded by Clo Boltz, which carried, the
following bills, after examination by the finance committee, were ordered paid:
ll013 Pay Roll General ~areh 16-31-'37 $1,175o00
ll014 Pay Roll, Streets & Sewers ~r. 16-31-'37 440.00
11015 Ross' Stationery & Gift Shop Supplies, 11079
11016 Gerald L. Baldwin, Distillate, 12o17
ll017 R. A. Higgs, Unsecured property tax, March 24°36
ll018 Western Metal Supply Co., Supplies, 60.30
ll019 Aut~ Gear & Suppl~ Co°, Supplies, .52
11020 Automobile Clu~ of Southern C~ifo Signs, 26.57
ll021 Southern Title & Trust Co. Lot book, 50.00
11022 California Laundries Inc. Services, 2o31
11023 P~t ers Feed Store, ~Jerch~udise, 3. l0
11024 Traveler's Insurance Co° Group insurance, .40
11025 Chas. Po Lbies, Salary February, 1937. 77.03
11026 N. L. Curtis, Gas. 27.81
11027 Southern CalifornAa Telephone Co° Telephone service, 47.70
11028 Bobby Law, Impounding animals ~arch, 1937 18.25
11029 Rodney Stokes Co. Blue prints, 13~79
11030 ~. Carlisle & Co., Election supplies, 29.32
ll031 Chula Vista Lumber Co. M~echandise, B.§l
11032 S. D. Tractor & Equipment Co., Equipment, 92.26
11033 American Bitt~muls Co. Bitumuls, 9.40
11034 Standard 0il Co., Gasoline & 0ils, 1.13
11035 H. G. Fenton Material Co. Rock and s~und, 6.8~
11036 Harold Jo Frank Services, 62°50
11037 Spencers Flower Gardens, Flowers for Austin funeral, 3.09
11038 California Water & Telephone Co. Water, 275.20
11039 Bani. F. Wigginton, Rent for W. P. A. sewing class, ~0.00
ll040 City Revolving Fund, To reimburse for small cash payments49.95
ll041 Seville Service Station, Battery, 6.91
11042 Guptil & Fulton, Bond City Treasurer, 100.00
110~3 Chula Vista Auto Co., Labor, 16.86
11044 Otto Stang, Services, .75
11045 Paul Sipple, Services and supplies, 70.40
11046 C. V. Paint ~nd Hardware Store, Supplies, 41.03
11047 C. J. Reed, Services, 1.00
11048 Kinmore Electric Co. Services and supplies, 12.99
11050 National Avenue Printery Printing, 27.14
11049 F. E. Ashcroft, M.D. To examination of prisoners, 108.00
11051 Home Lumber Co. Merchandise, 34.61
11052 South Bay Lumber Co. Ltd., Merchandise, 4.50
11053 The Western Union Telegraph Coo Telegrams, 1.34
11054 Kinney Bros. Services, 5o15
11055 Wallace E. Armer, Chief, Volunteer Firemen payroll Msrch 137 45.00
11056 Jack Calvers, Services, 1o25
11057 National City Motor Co. M~rchandise, 7.21
11058 S. D. Spring and Brake Wor~s, Equipment, 19.58
11059 Sweetwater Hardware, Supplies, 1.27
1106~ Denrich Press, Supplies, 45.~0
11061 Nelson & Sloan, Rock and Sand, 6.42
11062 Farrah's Cafe~ Feeding prisoners, 33.89
11063 Helen Scott, Car upkeep March, 1937, 7.27
11064 City Revolving F~ud, to increase fund to $100.00 50.00
ADJOURI~: Upon motion by Cl. Howe, seconded by Cl. Lyons, which carried, this
Coancil adJoul'ned to ~onday, April 12, 1937, ~:00 O'clock P. M.
Atte st;