HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1937/03/16I,~R~UTES OF ~N ADJ0~3Rk~ REGUi~R L~TEG 0F ~ C~ C0~CIL 0F C~Q ~STA, C~0~, ~ ~CH !6, 1937. ~e Co~cil ~t pursuant to adjou~ent, in the Co~cil Ch~be~f the City ~ll, on the above sho~ date, with ~yor Bro~ presiding. ~eting called to order at 7:00 o'clock, P. ~.t~ ~esent: 2~layor Bro~, Counci~en ~we, ~ons ~d Rife. Absent: Co~cl~ Boltz. ~ ~ D~ D~S~S: ~e ~a~e of California ~icipalitles e~ended to the Co~cil it's appreciation for their support on ~a~e ~ews on bonds. ~a~e ~lletin No. 6,which requested t~ Co~cil to contact our Senators ~d m~ber of Congress ~d urge them to support legislation co~ng before Con.ess desired to exempt public depostis from the provisions of the fede~l law, ~s read. It e~lained that ~ter Au~st ~, 19~, b~kA which are ~e~e~s of the Federal Reserve system ~11 be prohibited from p~i~ ~ interest on de~d deposits ~d only such interest on t~ deposits as the Feder~ Reserve Bo~d ~y p~scribe by ~le ~d radiation. Upon motion by C1.Ho~, seco~ed by Cl. ~ons, which carried, the clerk w~ inst~cted to c~ out the request of the Le~e. C0~ F~T0~:~ ~e Pla~i~ Co~fssion ~co~ded t~t the request of the Cor~y ~ufacturing Co. for a Special Pe~t to build additional facto~ space be denied. ~e reco~endation stated t~t seventeen property o~ers in the ~ ~cinity of the facto~ ~d si~ed a petition ~ainst the addition ~d on~ ele~n had si~ed in fair of the e~ansion. ~. C~gill personally ga~ his views against the e~ansion ~d stated that the adjacent property had been dep~clated due to the noise created by the facto~ ~d the ~sightliness of the buildings. The Co~cil deliberated the ~tter for a great deal of ti~, realizing that to deny the request ~uld hinder the p~ess of the facto~ and on the other ~hd to ~t the request depreciate further the property adjacent, ~ich is located in t~ single f~ly ~d ap~tment house zone ~d as such should not have ~y factories built therein. Upon motion of Cl. Lyons, seconded by C1. Rife, '~ich carried, the Pla~ing Co~ssion's reco~endation to de~ the pe~t ~s approval. ~. Cor~ey ~d ~ ~vaal, o~ers of the facto~,e~e in shortly after the Co~cil had voted to deny the pe~t ~d being info.ed of said action they inquired if it ~uld be per~ssable to build on the fo~dat~ons already in, said fo~- ~tions being a ~rt of the Special Pe~it ~ich ~s ~ted so~ t~ee ye~s ago. ~ey ~re info.ed t~t the Special Pe~t which had been issued to th~ ~s issued illegally ~d that the City Attorney would confer with th~ the follo~ng d~ ~ ~g~d to TR,:,~q ~ S~: ~e Plying Co~ssion rec~nded that Roger Lee be grated per~ssion to ~ove a pslm tree ~ich obst~cted the drippy at his ho~ on G st~et %~est of Znd avenue ~d upon motion of Cl. Howe, seconded by Cl. Rife, w~eh c~ried said p~ssion ~s ~ted upon condition he deposit t~ re~ fee of fi~ doll.s which is to be ret~ned after pl~t~g tree specified by the ~l~ing Co~fssione ~e Pl~ni~ Co~t sion reco~nded that the s~bs be re~ved from the Plaza ~d be used to i~rove the Lihr~ ~o~ds ; also that pepper trees be plated on I street. Upon ~tion of Cl. Ho~, seconded b~ Cl. Lyons, which e~ried, said recomend~tions ~re approval. ~S: ~. L. 0. C~r, li~ng at 616 Ch~a Vista ~t., append before the Oo~eil ~d stated t~t he ~s the o~er of the goats of which ~. ~. ~adley had eo~lained at a past meeting. He stated that as f~ as he could asce~a~ ~. ~a~ey ~s the o~y nei~or ~o se~d to be bothered ~th the blatting of t~ goats ~d that they ~re tethered 72 feet dist~t f~m ~. Brad~y's property instead of 15 feet. He stated that the ~ids" blatted so~t~s Just before feedi~ in the e~ning but never after. ~. C~ ~s i~o~ed that the City At~oEey ~s ~awi~ up ~ ordures covering control of ~i~ls ~d that he would investi~te his case before sai~ ordinate ~s ready for adoption~ ~: ~. Staffen, j,?~k dealer ~t 2636 ~in st.in S~ Diego, e~ befo~ t~ Co~cil ~d offend to ~move the old pier at the foot of F street for the J~ in it. He was Info.ed by the ~cil that the City did not o~ the Diet but that if he wo~d contact ~he o~er he co~d possibly ~r~e to remo~ said pier. ~e City Atto~ey ~ inst~cted to ~stigate the leg~ity of the Co~cil authoriz~g the ~ on the g~ds that the City did not reeelve ~y rent from the o~er for the using of t~ tidel~. H~o~ E~:, ~. M. S. Hooper, who is ~ insu~ce broker in Ch~a Vista, requested that ~s n~ be entered on the list of those who ~e entitled to the ~a~ng for the city lnsur~ce of aut~obiles. Upon motion by Cl. Rife, seconded by ~ons, which c~ried, the clerk ~s inst~cted to enter his n~ on the said list. 4E ~ G ST~T LI~: ~e City Co. ell ~s pe$itioned ~ the property oEers adjacent to the corner of ~th a~ ~d G street for the installation of a steer li~t at t~t intersection ~d upon motion by Cl. ~, seconded by Cl. ~ons, w~eh aa~ied, the ~tter ~s to the St~et ~p~ment ~th power to act. Meeting of March 16, 1937, continued. PARK wJ~CTION: The City Attorney was instructed to draw up a resolution calling an election to be held at the earliest time possible for the purpose of vOting on the purchase of Lots 25 end 26 of Quarter Section 137 from the San Diego Trust and Savings B~n~ for the purpose of a recreational center. The City Attorney stated that he would have the resolution ready for an adjourned meeting March 17, 1937 at 5: 0~ clock P. M. RECORD OF C0~-~2~ATION INBURANCE: A request from Mr. Geo. Kimballthat the clerk show on alll building permits whether parties taking out same carry compen- sation insurances received no action due to the fact that cities had no Jurisdiction 4TH AVENUE AND H STRm~,' CULVEdiT:, Cl. Rife stated that on 4th avenue East on H street there were two culverts which were inadequate to care for the flood waters and backed the water up and into lemon g~oves on the East and North. Ee recommended that the evil be reckoned with when the budget is made up this stumner end if possible to partially correct it this next few months. ORDINANCE N,o. ,~6,1,: Cl. Lyons ~ffered Ordinance No. 261 to be put on its first reading. This is an ordinance repaaling ordinances No. 138 and 232 and provides for the control and eradication of rabies and the running at large of dogs in the city of Chula Vista. VETERAi~S ~ELFA~E BOARD: Upon recommendation of the City Attorney Cl. _Lyons made a motion granting the request of the Veteran's Welfare Board that the taxes on the Northerly 132 feet of Lot ll, ¼ Section 122 in Chula Vista end the West 44 feet of the East 89 feet of the North 125 feet of Lot 20 in ~ Section 137 in Chula Vista be cancelled as these properties are owned by the State of California; the motion was seeonded by Cl. Rife end carried. SAFETY~ CONTEST: Mayor Brown read a report of the Traffic Safety Con, m~ssion which is sponsoring a contest between cities of traffic safety. The report was referred to Chief Kelly to investigate and to report back on at a later meeting. Br~;7~, ,PAI~,: Upon motion by Cl. Rife, seconded by Cl. Howe, which carried, the following bills, after examigation by the finance committee, were ordered paid: 10988 Thor Simpson, PurChase of Moreland truck $ 90.00 10989 Jasper's M~iling Service, Auto list for 1937 50.00 10990 Payroll General March 1-15-37 1,114.90 10991 Payroll, Parks Blvdso and Sewers 1-15-37 4?l.10 10992 S. D. Cons. Gas & Electric Co. Electricity, 429.8? 10993 Pacific Acetylene Co., Acetylene, 16.90 10994 American Nitumuls Co., Bltumuls, 18.~l 10995 Pacific Chemical Co., Merchandise, 2.06 10996 Rodney Stokes Co., Maps, 6.20 10997 Gerald L. Baldwin, Distillate, 12.87 10998 Western Metal Supply Co., Merchandise, 20.21 10999 N. L. Curtis Services, 10.70 llO00 Guptil & Fulton, Police Chief Bond, 2§.00 ll001 Fa~rah's 0afc, Feeding prisoners, 22.38 ll002 Jack Calvers, Labor, 1.2§ ll003 l~ebb Bros. Ltd., Merchandise, ~.36 ll004 Swsetwater Hardware, ~erchandise, 9.90 ll00§ S. D. Spring & Brake Works, Equipment, 26.?8 ll006 Ameriean-~sWranee & Foamite Ind. Fire equipment, 56.00 ll00? Willis K. Folks, Fire & theft insurance, 14.30 11008 Shell Oil Co., ~soline & oils, 61.36 11009 Union Oil 0o., Gasoline & Oils, 96~0 11010 State Comp. Insurance Fund, Cc~p. insurance, 28.66 11011 H. D. Johnson, Labor and parts, 2.~ 11012 Peters Feed Store, Sacks, 2.06 ADJOURNMEI~T: Upon motion by Cl. Howe, seconded by Cl. Ri~e, which earried, this Council adjourned to 5:00o'clock P. M. March l?, 1937. Attest: