HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1937/03/01MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF '1'~ CITY OF CKOI~ VISTA, CJ%LIFOYtNIA, pr~.LD MARCH L, L$37o The Council met in regular sessioH, in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, on the above shown date, with Mayor Brown presiding° Meeting called to order at ?:00 o'clock, P. Mo Present: Mayor Brown, Councilmen HOwe, Rife and Boltz. Absent: Councilman Lyons. MINUTES OF PREVIOMS I~m~A'ING~: The minutsA of the regular meeting of February 1, 1937, and the adjourned regular meeting of February 1§, 1937, having been prel~red and mailed to each member of this Council by the City Clerk, were approved as prepred and mailed° SEW~ DISTRICt: Mr. O. G° Grey, in behalf of the property owner, requested the Council to authorize the extension of the sewer lateral on Alvareldo Street to ~ross Foul'th Avenue and service the West half of Lot 9, ~ Section 123. Affter consulting with the City Engineer, the Council, upon motion by 01. Rife, seconded by Cl. Boltz, instructed the City Engineer to construct said lateral upon payment, by the lmroperty owners of said lot 9, of 80¢ per front foot. TREE PIJLNTING ~E~UEST: Mr. Jsnree, li~ing at the corner of M~nkato and Second Ave., requested permission from the Council to plant some trees on the parking at his home. M,~yor Brown informed Mm'. Jenree that the Planning Commission is working on a plat of the entire City and if he would contact Mr. R. 0onyers he could determine the type of tree which the Planning Commission had in mind for his location. GOAT NUISANOE: Mr. Wmo Bradley, owner of auto court on National Ave. and Chula Vista Street, complained to the Cotmcil of the goats which are pastured on lots adJasentto his court. It seems that the blatting of the gears have driven away business and in other ways create a nuisance. Mr. Bradley was informed that the City Attorney would include the regulation of goats in an ordinance that he is drawing up at hhs present BIATION~L YOUTH ADMINISTRATION: Representatives of the National Youth Administration, appeare~ before the Council and explained their program which in brief is caring for the youths up to twenty five years, using said youths for constructing recreational centers, the propagation of plants and trees at schools and civic centers and for the construction of and maintaining shops or buildings where the different crafts may be taught. They requested an appropiation of approxtnmtely $100.00 to help their program; however the property they had in mind belonged to the School District and there was a question whether the Council could appropiate money to be used on ~roperty not belonging ~o the City. The representatives were instructed to come back to the next meeting so that the Council could have time to investigate the merits and the legality of expending said money. MAJOR CATASTROiSHE: Representatives of the American Legion informed the ~ouncil that they, in cooperetion with other local organizations, were in the prosese of forming au Emergency Organization to be effective in case of an emergency, such as an eeI~hquake, flood or major fire which might striEe this City. They wished to ascertain if the Council would be receptive to such an organization and to what extent they could expect cooperation from the City. The Council felt that it waw a much needed program and advised the representative to wenk in conjunction with the Fire Chief, Police Chief, City Attorney and the Mayore and to present completed plan to the Council at some future meeting for it's adoption. C01~DREY MACHII~E SHOP: Mr. Cordreyrequested the Council to gr~nt him a Special permit to add on to his existing machine shop building on Twin Oaks and Davidson's Street. The City Attorney advised the 0ouncil that the correct method would be for Mr. Cordley to circulate a petition amongst the neighbors adjacent to said building and file his request and petition with the pl~ning Cow~ssion for their investigation and later for their reco~,nendation to the Council; should their recon~endation ~e favorable and should the Council concurr then an ordinance wou~d have to be passed granting such permit. MORELAND TRUCK: Thor Simpson told the Council that at last he hnd obtained the Pink Slip on the '~oreland Truck that he promised to obtain for the City should the City authorize the purchase of s~ae; but that there had been added expenses in getting the truck in shape and asked that hhat the price be raised to $90.00 instead of the original price of $75.00. The City Engineer stated that the extra expenses were needed and that the city was getting a good bargain so upon motion by Clo l~if®, seconded by Cl° Boltz, which carried the price of $90°00 was approved. Nc,ting of ~areh l, 19~?, continued° PRII~TI~G BID~ RESCII1DED: L. L. Thompson, by letter, suggested to the Council that due to the question of the legality of the printing bid which he submitted to the Council at the meeting of February l~, 19~?, and which the Council accepted that the Council reject all bids and readvertise or make such disposition of the matter as the Council sees fit. Upon motion by Clo Rife, which w~s seconded by Clo Howe, and which carried, the acceptance of said bid was rescinded, and the purchasing agent to apportion printing out et to all of the printers as necessary. The City Engineer presented, for the Council's approval, new letter heads which he had obtained and whieh omitted all officials names and instead had stamped on the top center the seal or rather the official insignia of the City° By having the letter heads so printed there would be no waste when new officials are elected or appointed to office° Upon motion by Cl. Rife, seconded by Cl. Boltz, which carried, the purchasing agent was authorized to do as he saw fit. PLANEING C(~ISSION: The Planning that Ho C. Bm. der's tree removal request be approved, that $. Oo '~encer be allowed to remove one tree at §1~ D Street ~ud replace with a pepper tree and that F. Durnbaugh be allowed to remove the 26 Olive trees on E Street East of Fifth Ave. and to replace the same with Lemon trees and as this prop- erty is on the city streets it specified that the permit is to be revocable at such time as the City sees fit to use said street. Upon motion by Cl. Rife, seconded by 01o Boltz, which carried the above reccmmaendations wore approved. The Pl~ning Commission recommended that the lots of the Dyer Tract fronting on F Street between Church and Del Mar Avenues be removed from the Fire Zone; however the Council felt it would be better to wait until the new Building Code maendments come out so that a complete revision of the Fire Zone could be made at one time° The Planning recon~ended that Section ~ of Ordinance 15~ be revised so that the size of a lot on which a residence could be erected should be not less than ?~ feet deep and should have a minimum of ~ 3~00 square feet. Upon motion by Cl. Boltz, seconded by Cl. Rife, which carried, the City Attorney was instructed to draw up an ordinance amending the present one and have the above mimes specified. The Plaguing Co~t ssion recomended that there be no more signs allowed in the Plaza and upon motion by 01. Rife, seconded by C1.Howe, which carried the above recommendation was approved. OI~ION RENEWAL: The City Attorney was instructed to attempt to mb~ain a renewal of the option on '1'ets E~ and 26 of quarter section 137 from the San Diego Trust and Savings B~nk and have at the next meeting. ORDINANCE No. 250: Uponn motion by Cl. Boltz, seconded by Cl. Ho~, which carried, Ordinance No° 250 wa~ "placed on it's second and final reading. The Title of the Ordinance was read and the Ordinance wes in the exact form as when given it's fizst reading at the meeting of this Council held February 1~, 1937. It was passed adopted and 'approved , as read, by the following vOte, to-wit: AYES: Cl. Howe, Rife, Boltz ~and Brown. NOES: None. ABSENT: Cio Lyons. POLICE nW. WARTMENT EEC0~$~2~E~D: A letter from F. M. Chase, principal of the Yunior High School, was read and 'which gave a very fine recorm~endation to ~hief Kelly and his men for their good work in the apprehension of law violators which in his estimation was benifitted to a g~eat extent by the radio equipted prowl cars. LF. AGLVE REPORT ON BOEI~: A letter from Richard Graves, of the State League, was read and which explained the history of the "Bond Tax" legislation at the past sessions. As it is at present bonds are ~axed only on income and not on the value of the bon~s, therefore if public bonds were taxed then also private bonds should be taxed to maintain uniformity of taxation. Mr. Graves requewted the Council to notify the League before they endorsed say proposition so that they could present both sides of the issue to the Council° Upon motion by Clo Howe, seconded by ¢1. Boltz, which carried, the clerk was instructed to write the League and Senator Fletcher that the Council was in favor of not only an income tax on bonds but also in favor of au ad-valor.urn tax on public and private bonds. HEALTH OFFICER REPORT: A report from the Health Officer to the Health Commissioner was read and upon motion 'by 01o Rife, seconded by Cl. Howe, which carried, the matter was referred to the Health Co~w.~ssioner with power to act. PERIODICAL REPORTS: The monthly reports of the City Yudge, the Fire Department and the Police Department for the month of February ware ex~nined and ordered filed. Meetin~ of March l, 1937, oontinuedo ~az~ICE CO~,~r~SIO~LR REPORt: Cl. Boltz requested pe~ssion of the Oo~cil for the p~e~se of lockers fro the ~liee ~p~nt ~bers as police~ has qui~e ~ ~o~t of equip~nt ~d ~rson~ effects ~ich a~ necess~ for their duties should ha~ adequate storing facilities for s~. ~e City ~gineer ~s ~st~cted shop for ~d p~e~se sai~ lockers. Ol~ Boltz told the Co~cil that there ~e pin-~eel g~s which do not p~ off t~t ~ legal and t~t the City of S~ Diego has licked s~m-, he inquired of the Co~cil ~at they ~ted to do about lieens~g s~d g~es in Chu~ Vista but after so~ discussi~ on the ~tter nothi~ a~ pre~nt ~s definitely decidedupon. B~m~ p~: Up~ ~tlon by Ct. Rife, seconded by Cl. Boltz, ~ich c~i~, the follo~ bills, a~er ex~ination by the fire. ce c~ttee, ~ o~e~d ~i~: 10~60 ~a~lers ~r~ce Co. Group ins~ee ~-1~-~ ~1~-~ $ E~.00 10961 R. A. Higgs ~st~e 56.80 l~6Z ~y Roll, ~ner~ Feb. 16-28-~ ll66.~ 10963 ~ Roll, ~ks Bl~s. ~ Se~rs Feb.16-28-3? 4~.10 10964 ~ey Bros. ~dio repots, 10~6~ W. E. ~er, Chief, Vol~teer Fi~n pa~oll Feb~a~ 69.00 1096~ ~za~-~uld & Co. ~pplies, 1096~ ~ City ~nen ~pply, ~rviees, 1.~ 10968 ~son ~e, ~pplies, 2.9~ 10969 Cor~ey ~g. Co. ~bor, 1.~ 109~0 ~rald L. ~d~, Distillate, 16.~6 109~1 C. V. ~ildi~g ~ ~ ~sociation Fire & theft ins~ee on ~hicles 20.~ ~972 ~t ~oto Se~ce, ~oto~aphing ~cks, 15.~ 1097~ ~uthe~ C~ifornia Telephone Co. Telephone se~ce, 47.10 109~4 Bobby ~w, ~po~ng for Febru~y, 1937, 1~.25 10975 ~iz ~tor Go., ~uip~nt, 15.~ 10976 C. V. L~er Col, ~rc~dise, ~.90 1097~ ~e A. ~ietz Co., Equl~t, 26.25 109~8 California Water & Telephone Co. Water, 266.~ 1~9~9 ~ Sipple, ~bor and supplies, 24.95 10980 ~i~ ~ess, ~ting, ~6.26 10981 C. V. ~nt & H~d~e Store, ~rc~ndise, ~.20 10982 ~re Electric Co. Supplies, 10983 Clue R ~sch, Fi~ Nozzle, 1.~ 10984 ~ss' Statione~ & Gift Shop, Supplies, 16.17 10985 F. E. ~hcro~, M.D. ~ation of priso~rs, 57.00 109~ Uity Re~l~ng ~d, Re~burse for s~ll cash p~ts, 1098~ Helen M. Scott, Auto up$~ep for Feb~, 193~, ~0~: Upon motion by C1. H~, sedonded by Cl. ~ge, which ca~i~, this Council adjoined to ?:00 o'clock P. M. ~ch 16, 193~. City Client.