HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1937/02/01MINUTES OF A EEGLrlJ~ MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA I~STA, CALIFORNIA, w~ FEBRUARY 1, 1937. The Council met in regular sessi~m, in the Council Ch-tuber of the City Hall, on thc above showm ~ate, with Mayor Brown presiding. Meeting called to order at ?:00 o'clock, P.M. Present: Mayor Brown, Councilmen Howe, Lytns and Boltz. Absent Cou~cilm-B Rife. MIhlYi'ES OF i~RE~IOUS ~.ETING: The minutes of the regular meetizGfor January 1937, having been prepared and mailed ~o each member of th&s Council by the City Clerk, were approved as prepared and mailed. GROUP INSURANCE: The City Clerk read a letter from Mr. Merrill, of the Traveler's Insurauc'e Co.,which gave the exact figures of costs to the city and employees for $1,00Oo00 insurance per employee as of February 1, 1937. The City Attorney advised the Council that, in his~ estimation,the proposition was legal but that it should be adopted by resolution. Upon motion by 01. Boltz, seconded by Clo L~ons, which carried, the City Attorney was instructed to draw up a resolution adopting s~id insurance from the Traveler's Insurance Coo and present it for the Council's approval at the next meeting. DHRISTMAS ACT~v~'£~g~,: The Clerk read a letter from H. L. 0~m~tead, secretary of thc Ch-~ber 'of Commerce, which gave a detailed report of the 0hristmas activities put on by the City, the merchants, the P. T. A., the Comznm~y Welfare and the Chamber of Cozamerce. The report gave a financial statement of the receipts, contributions and expenditures which showed that there existed a deficit of $14.69 and a request that the 0ity Council appropiate a sub sufficient to pay the deficit. Upon motion by Cl. Howe, seconded by Cl. Boltz, which carried, the said appropiation was greeted. TAX ~ B01~: The Clerk read a letter from State Senator Ed. Fletcher replying to the City's ResolutiOn requesting Senator Fletcher to cooperate with the League of C~lifornia ~anicipalities, the letter stated that it would be a pleasure to cooperate with the League in every way and that he had been in agreement with the League with one exception which is- he does not favor the issuauce of tax exempt bonds whereas the League does. Senator Fletcher pointed out the evils of tax exempt bonds and stated that at the present time there are 74 billion of amid bonds out- standing. He requested the Council to sen~ to him it's opinion on this matter. Upon motion by Cl. Lyons, seconded by 01. Howe, which carried, the Council endorsed SenatOr Fletcher's views and actions inrega~d to tax exempt bonds and instructed the City Clerk to so write Senator Fletcher and also eenA a copy of said letter of endorsement to the California League of Manicipalities. LEAGUE REPORT: The League of California Municipalities sent a report of it's activities in assisting in obtaining a perm-~ent "IN LIEU" tax on Motor vehicles which after Yuly 1, 1959, allctes to the Cities and Counties 40% each and 20% to the State. The League gave assistance in getting an extension, until Yuly 1, 19~?, of the Moratorium on Street ~ond Foreclosures. With the report wore b~, to be filled out by the Clerk, requesting information pertaining to the condition of this Cities franchisee and listing Judgements, if any, rendered against the city for injUries received due to damaged sidewalks or streets. Upon motion by Cl. I~one, seconded by Cl. Howe, which carried, the Clerk was instructed to write a letter of appresiation to the officers of the League for their fine work in behalf of the cities. Upon motion by C1.Boltz, seconded by Cl. Howe, which carried, the Clerk was instructed to fill out said bla~ks and send to League. ~.~a?,;~ OF APPRE0~ION FRC~ T~m O0R ,0~tD0 CHIEF OF POLICE: Chief ofnPolice Ivan Y. ~mith, of Coronado, by letter expressed to the City Council his appreciation for the cooperation extended by Chief of Police M. E. Eelly in assisting the Coronado Police wh&n the Monte Ca~lo was washed ashore on December 31, VETERAN'S ~,¥.WA~E BOARD: The Veteran's Welfare Board requested the City Council 'to cancel any taxes due on the North 13~- feet of Lot 11, ~ Section 12~. an~ on the West 44 feet of the East S9 feet of the Nox~h 12~ feet of Lot ~0, ~ Section 1~? as the Board had acquired title to said properties. Upon motion by Cl. Lyons, seconded by Cl. Boltz, which carried, the matter was referred to the City Attorney. AC ,,C~mTING LA~D FOR ~D AVENUE WIDENING: Cl. Boltz offered Resolution Nq. which is a resolution accepting, for street pus-poses for Third Avenue, the following property: the'E 10 of N 135 of E 125 of LOt ?, ~ Sec. 137 f~om Carl B. and w-tilde G. Hays, the E 10 of the N 50 fo the S 145 of E 125 of Lot ?, ~ec. 1~? from Oscar and Edith ~ay Moo, the E 10 of Lot 8 in Block D of Thompson's Subdivision from ~osefina G. de Escobedo, the E 10 of N 45 of S 95 of E 125 of Lot ?, ~ Sec. 137 from 0llie and Addie Board, the E 10 of Lots 11 and 12 in Block D of Thompson's Subdivision~ from Eliza Weaver Meeting of February 1, 19~?, continued. The resolution was read and upon motion by Cl. Howe, seconded by Cl. Lyons, wes passed amd adopteda~ rea~ by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Cl. Howe, L~ons, Boltz and Brown. NOES: none. ABSENT: Cl. Rife. PRINTING AND GASOT,I~E: U~on motion by Cl. Howe, seconded by 01. Ivons, which carried, the clerk wes instructed to advertise for bids on city publishing and printing for the calender year of 19~?o Upon motion by Cl. Boltz, seconded by Cl. Lymns, which aarried, the clerk was instructed to advertise for bide on supplying the various departments of the City with gasoline for a period of one year f~om February 15, 1937. TRUCK 1KtRCHASE: This being the time specified for the opening of bids as called for in the "l~oposal for Bids" previously advertised , the Clerk opened the one bid which had been filed with him, namely, Or~iz Motor Co, to supply a General Motors Pickup, Model T-iA, with five six-ply tires, for the price of $??2.00 plus state tax, with a turf-in allowance of $~5.00 for the used truck the city has in it's wmrehoueee The Street Sup~rintentent stated that this truck conformed to the specifications and that the Street Commissioner had seemed satisfied with it. Upon motion by Cl. Lyone, seconded by Cl. Howe, which carried, the bid wes acceptede STEPHENS OFFER: The Clerk read a letter from I~r. W. 0. Stephens which stated should he acquire t'i't'le t'o the § acre lot offered for sale by the School Board would the Council be interesSed if he would conve~ to the City that portion lying East of the San Diego & Arizona spur track for the sum of $1.00, providing: the money expended on equipment for a sport field to be raised two-thirds by contributions and one-third by the City. The Council discussed the feasibility of acce~ting such an offer subject to said conditions and upon motion by 01. Howe, seconded by 01. Lyons, which carried, the Council instructed the Clerk to notify Mr. Stephens that there were so mmay strings attached to said proposition that it could not accept the offer. INDUSTRIAL ZONING: Upon motion by 01. Howe, seconded by 01. Lyons, which carrie~, the City Attorney wa~ instructed to draw up an ordinance amending Ordinances No. and 220 so that objectionable industries could better be controlled. TREE I~2~)VAL: Upon motion by Cl. Howe, seconder by O1o Boltm, which carried, Ho Baeder at 398 2~d Ave. wes granted permission to remove two trees on the G street side of his property upon making proper deposit and upon condition that they be replaced with trees specified by the l~ning Commission. ~IODICAL REPORTS: The monthly reports of the City Sudge, the Fire Department and the Police' Department for the month of ~anuary were eX-mtned and ordered file~. LIB~qAR~ GROUND~: The City E~gineer was authorised to work out a plan of beautifying the back of the Library grounds. BT~,~-~ PAID: Upon motion by Cl. Boltz, seconded by Cl. Howe, which carried, the following bills, after examination by the finance coww. fttee, were ordered paid$ 10891 San Diego Truer & Savings B~n~ Option payment per Resolution 467 $ 5.00 10892 0. P. Cornell, One 1480 Field gun unit & supplies 119.25 10893 Pay Roll, General Jan. 1-1~-3? 1,086.00 10894 Pay Roll, Streets & Sewers J~u. 1-15-37 410.00 10895 City Revolving fund, Fund authorized for Christmas baskets 69.90 10896 Pay Roll, General Jan. 16-$1-37 1,157.50 10897 Pay Roll, ~rks &Blvds. Jan. 16-31-37 410.00 10898 County of ~au Diego, County Board of Prisoners 7-1--12-31-36 8.50 10899 Automobile~Club of Southern Oalif. Signs & erection of 22?.42 10900 0. V. Building & Loan Association Plate glass window insurance 8.17 10901 ~m. S. Moeser, Grease rack lumber, 3.40 10902 Union Oil Co. C~soline & Oils, 96.19 10903 The A. Lietz Co. Equipment, ~6.05 10904 Standard Oil Co. Gesoline & 0ils, 26.02 1090~ Bay City Linen Supply, Services, ~.00 10906 American Bitumuls Co. Bitumuls, 14.11 10907 Pacific Acetylene Co. Acetylene, ~3.98 10908 %~estern Metal Supply Co. ~mterials, 42.69 1090~ Nelson & Sloan, Materials, 4.64 10910 Kinmore Electric Co. Supplies, 11.9~ 86 10911 R. Lowell Davies, Miscellaneous expenses, ~.10 10912 Bobby Law, Impounding amimals, 13.00 10913 Sweetwater Har,dware, Supplies, 21.01 10914 Gerald L. Baldwin, Distillate, 15o15 10915 ~;~cific Clay Pro~uets, Sewer Pipe, 216.69 Meeting of February 1, 1937, continued. 10916 San Miguel Wa~er 0o. Drinking water and cups, $ 5.92 10917 S. D. Cons. Gas & Electric Co. Electricity, 419.28 10918 $. Y. Voorheis, Reconditioned typewriter, 55°00 10919 The Flax Co. Supplies, 6.?5 10920 S. D. Office Supply Co. Supplies. 5.00 10921 ~ioneer Rubber Mills, Fire equipment, 69.00 10922 National Avenue Printery, Printing, ~.76 10923 California Water ~ Telephone Co. Water for February, 1937, 266.95 10924 California Water & Telephone Co., Water for Iauuary, 1937, 268.75 10925 Southern California Telephone Co. Telephone services, 51.89 10926 R. A. Hlggs, Unsecured personal property pex'centage 2.01 10927 City Revolving Fund, To reimburse for small cash payments 14.89 10928 Fender's Service, Labor and supplies, ?.91 10929 Standard Iron Works, ~upplies, 7.81 10930 Hudson-Tucker, Inc., Equipment, 19.9 ? 10931 Hartw~ll's Top Shop, Materials, 6.02 10932 Wallace E. Armer, Chief, Volunteer firemen payro&l, Ism. 1957 86.00 10933 Roy G. D~vis 0o., Fire equipment, 35.19 10934 Service Phax~mcy, Supplies, 5.39 109~5 Americen-ImFrance & Fo-mtte I~d. I~co Supplies, 28.30 109~6 O. V. Paint & Hardware Store, Materials, 8.95 109~? Denrich Press, Printing, 5.92 10938 Paul Sipple, Supplies, 174.74 10939 Helm Bros. Labor, 1.50 10940 Dr. F. E. Ashcroft, Medical examinations of prisoners, 16.00 10941 Farrah's Cafe, Feeding prisoners, 16.94 ADJOE: Upon motion by C1 Howe, seconded by Cl. Lyons, which carried, this ~ouncil adjourned to ?:00 o'clock P. M~ Nebruary l§, 1937. Attest: City Clerk.