HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1949/08/09 MIN[~ES OF I~GULAR wraP,fliNG OF '~t~ 0IT~ COUNCIL OF CITY OF OHNLA ~iSTA, CALIFGREIA Held Tuesday - August 9, 1949 ~ne Council met in the Council C. hAm~ers of the City ~11 on the above date at 7:00 o'clock P. M. with the following members present. Councilmen Koester, Riceland, Nashold, Dyson, ~idder. Absent - None. It was moved by Cou~ci1mA- ~ieslsmd, seconded by Councilman Eidder, ~ud car- ried that the minutes of the Council Meeting held Suly l~th be approved. It was moved by Councilman Nashold, seconded by Councilman Dyson, smd carried, that the minutes of the P1A-~ing C~m.t ssion Meeting held July llth be approved. It was moved by Council~.u Kidder, seconded by Conncll~ Nashold, end car- ried that the minutes of the Planning Commission ~eeting held August let be approved. The Mayor .n~ounced that this was the time and place fixe~ for the opening of sealed bids or proposals for that certain ssaitary sewer work described in Resolution No. 1037 end which was ordered by Resolution No. 1045. The City Clerk annmzuoed that a notice inviting sealed bids or proposals for do- ing said work as ordered by said Resolution No. 1045 was posted and published in ac- cordance with the terms of said Nesolution No. 1045 end pursuant to law. The Cit~y Clerk presented affidavits of such publication and posting to the Council. It was moved by Council~ Eiddsr, seconded by Councilm~n Dyson, and carried, that such af- fidavits be approved and filed. The City Clerk ~ounsed that five (5) bids or proposals for the 1911 Act ~ewar had been delivered to him and are on file, and thereupon the bids were presented to the City Council, publicly opened, ex-m~ued and declared. Said bids are as follows:-~- O~i'~C~R ADD~ BID B~B~ID CHARLES $. DORi~AN LOs Amgeles, California SCEA~ff~,~ AND STOWEI~ E1 OaJon, 0alifornia O.O.BRAND (Pipeline Const.Oo.) San Diego, 0alifornia FA~DLAR0 & ~O ~LVANY E1 Oentro, California MARTIN CON8T~2CTI0~ C0. Montebello, California ~.~OLUT~ NO. 1051 - Referring the 1911 Act Sawer !mm~Ject Bids to the City Engineer end ~ngineer of work to be checked. Offered by Ceuncilw~ Rieslsmd, read in full, passed, adopted and approved by the following vote to-wit: AYES: Conneilmen l~ieslund, Nashold, Dyson, Kidder, Ko. stet. N~ES: None · ABSENT: None. Mr. M. S. Hooper appeared before the Council to ask that some action be taken to eliminate all signs in the residential districts in the City Limits. Mr. Ecoper stated that he could obtain letters from other real estate ~en as well as have Mr. Coyle pub- lish in the Chula Vista Star, a ballot for vote of those either in favor or against the removal of such signs. It was moved by Council~-~ Rlesland, seconded by Counci~ Kidder, and carried, that the City Attorney be instx. Aoted to bring the matter to the attention of the P]*~-Ing Co-..~ssion for investigation as to what steps should be taken. O[::~INANOE NO. A06 - Levying Taxes for 19A9-1950 Yt was moved by Councilman Kidder, seconded by 0ouncilm"~ Nashold, and carried, that Ordinance No. AC6 be placed on its second reading. It was thereupon read in full, passed, adopted, and appro~d by the following vote to-wit: Councilmen Kidder, Eoester, ~b[esland, Nashold, Dyson. Non~. None. BI?,?~ pAT~ After examination by the entire O~uncil and approval of the finance oo~mittee, warrants 1151 through 1238, excepti~g 1188, were voted to be paid by the following vote to-wit: A~SI 0ollncilmAn Riesland, Nashold, Dyson, Kidder, Koester. NOES: Non e. AB~T: None. ~I~S0Lu'I'£ON NO. 1052 - Accepting dedication for street purposes. Woodlawn Ave° (Llvesay) Offered by Councilman Koester, read in full, passed, adopted, und approved by the following vote to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Koester, Riceland, Nashold, Dyson, Kidder. NOE~: None. ABSENT: None. ~S0LuTION NO. 1053 - Accepting dedication for street purposes. Woodlawn Ave. (Henderson) Offered by Councilman Riceland, read in full, passed, adopted, and approved by the following vote, to-wit: A_v~S: Councilmen Riesland, Nashold, Dyson, Kidder, Koester. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. /~SOLUTION NO. 1054 - Accepting dedication for street purposes. Woodlawa Ave. (yguehi) Offered by Council,,-- Naeheld, read in full, passed, adopted, and approved by the following vote to-wit: ATE~: Councilmen Naehold, Dyson, Kidder, Eoeeter, Riesland. NOES: None. ABSEI~: None · ..~RE~OLUTION NO. 10~5 - Accepting dedication for street purposes. ~oodlawn Ave. (Robinson) Offered by Counei1.~- Dyeon, read in full, passed, adopted, and approved by the following vote, to-wit: A~-~: Council.~n Dyeon, Kidder, Koester, Riesland, Nashold. N0~: None. ABSENT: None. /~NE~0L~ION NO. 1056 - Approving documents for construction of a Sanitary Sewer in Street and directing publication of Advertisement for Bids. Offered by Counci~ Kidder, read in fall, passed, adopted, and approved by the following vote to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Kidder, Koester, Riesland, Nashold, Dyson. NOF~: None. AB.~ENT: None. APPRAI~.L FOR 5HD AVEN~ R~-0F-IAY - Maeller The City Clerk a~bmitted to the 0ouncil the appraisal for properties along the proposed 5rd Avenue extension. After discussion, on motion by Connsilman l~iesland, seconded by Councilman Dysou, and carried, the City Attorney, City Administrator, and 0ity E~ginser were authorized to negotiate with the owners on the basis of Mr. Maeller's apprai sal. ~SAL OF MC CAUSLAED PR01~.~'x It was moved by Counoil~u Riesland, seconded by Councilm~n Nashold, and carried, that the City A~m~istrator be authorized to have both Mr. Maeller amd Robert Conyer~ appraise the MeCausland Property at the corner of 4th Avenue and wF" Street. SEWER PLANT - Laboratory Work Mr. Bryant explained to the Council that it wag necessary to have laboratory tests at the Sewer Plant. He stated that to buy the necessary equipment and hire a technician w~uld be a great expense. Mr. Bx'yant had contacted the City of San Diego and f~und that they w~uld ,,Aka the necessary tests for $85.00 per month. After discussion, it was suggested that Mr. Bryant investigate the matter further and report back to the Council. 0IL SF~.',~ADE~ Mr. Bryant suggested that the City should buy an oil spreader, but stated that he would like to get definite prices before submitting a proposal to the Council for their approval. ~u'l~i0RTTY TO ~0 TO LOB ANGELES The City ~m!nistrator asked fc~ authority to go to Los Angeles, Thursday. August llth to attend a City Manager Meeting. It was moved by Councilm~ Xidder, seconded by Councilman Eashold, and carried, that authority be granted. CORI~ESPOI~WWCE A letter regarding the landscaping business of Frank 5. Dawson at 711 Del Ms~ Ave. signed by several adjoining property owners was read to the Council. Mr. Bryant was authorized to iavestigate and taka the necessary steps. A letter signed by Mrs. Louise M. l~y, with regards to the Anna L. Linthicum pro- party at $10 *G* Street was read to the Conncil. The matter was referred to the City ASm~uistrator for investigation. ~IECE TO I~LI~ERPOSSESSION The City Clerk read a Notice terminating the tenancy of Charles 9. Patterson to all of the Civic Center Site located on 4th Avenue between "F~ Street and Devidson Street in the City now occupied by him. DRAINAGE 0~ "E" STi~ET The City Clerk read a letter fromM r. L. T. ?~reau regarding the drainage on his property. After discussion, the matter was referred to the City Engineer andCouncil- man Koester and Dyson for investigation. ~BECI~ATI 0N C0~ISSIOE Mayor Koester appointed A1 0'Day to succeed himself and Albert O. Boyer replacing L. C. Koester, to represent the City of Chula Vista on the Board of Necreation 0ozamtssioners for the 1949-1950 term. The Mayor informed the Council that Clifford Kimball had been appointed to represent the Sweetwater Union High School District to replace Lawrence Co Kuebler and that Robert Maeller had been appointed to represent the Chula Vista Union school District (Elementary) of Sen Diego COunty to replace Dudley Nashold for the 1949- 1950 term. It was moved by Councilm~B Riesland, seconded by Councilman Kidder, and carried, that these appointments be confirmed. ADJ00~ENT ~t was moved by Counci~m~ Kidder, seconded by Councilmen Nashold, and carried, that the meeting adjourn to August 16th at ?:00 o'clock P. M. Chula Vista, Caltffornta, August 1, 1949 WE, the following members of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California, do hereby consent to the holding of a SPECIAL MEETING to be held August 1, 1949 at &:00 o'clock P. M. in the Council Oh~nbers of the City Hall for the purpose of: ACTING UPON A RESOI/]TION OF I~'rm~TION TO AlqNE~ BNINHABITED 'rFm~ITORY, KNOWN AS "CLAIRE VISTA" Dated this 1st day of August, 1949. Lorenz C. ~estbr, Mayor. A. A. Riesland, ley Nashol~, C i · ~a][ph V~'Dyson, Counc~m~n. Z. Dwight ~idder, Councilman. 5:45 P.M. 5:45 P.M. 5:45 P.M. 5:45 P.M. at 5;45 P.M.