HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1949/10/11ZI/i~u'±'ES OF A RE~ ~EETING OF THE CITY COUATCIL OF THE CITY OF CHUI~ VISTA, CALIFORNIA Held Tuesday - October 11, 1949 The Council met in the Council Chambers of the City Hall on the above date at 7:00 o'clock P. M. with the following members present. Councilmen Koester, Riesland, Nashold, and Kidder. Absent - Councilmen Dyson. It was moved by Councilman Nashold, seconded by Councilman Kidder, and carried, that the minutes of the Council ~,~eetings held September 13, 20, and 27 smd October 4 and 7 be approved. It was moved by Councilman Riesland, seconded by Councilman Nashold, and carried, that the minutes of the Planning Commission meetings held September 6 and October ~ be approved. SE~ERLATERALS It was moved by Councilman Riesland, seconded by OouncilmanNashold, and carried, that the City Engineer and City Attorney investigate the possibilities of, and prepare specifications and an Ordinance for the use of 4 inch laterals instead of 6 inch laterals where practical in subdivisions. Councilm~ Dyson arrived at this point. ~T~IN OAKS AVENUE - Acceptance of street north of Davidson Street The City Clerk read a petition signed by the property owners along Twin Oaks Avenue, requesting the City to accept dedication of the street. ~fter discussion, it was moved by Councilman P~esland, seconded by Councilman Kidder, and carried, that the City accept Twin Oaks Avenue when curbs and gutters are installed in ac- cordance with the improvement plan no. 48-ZgL, prepared by the City Engineer. BILLS PAID After ~xamination by the entire Council and approval of the Finance Co~nittee, it was moved by Councilman Dyson, seconded by Councilman Riesland, and carried, that ~arrants 1326 through 142~ be approved for payment. ~?ARKWA¥ S~?EREXTENSION It was moved by Councilman Riesland, seconded by Council~ Nashold, and carried, that the City have ~. Charles Jo Dorfman install a sewer from Hedgeway to Fifth Ave. in Parkway. SCHOOL PR0~ZERTY - Purchase of Ball Park and ~0' for the extension of Davidson Street. Councilman Nashold, having been appointed to bring up the above subjects with the School Board, stated to the Council that the School Board had indicated that it would negotiate with the City for sale of this property, and that Dr. Lauderbauch had been appointed to confer with Mr. Bryant and Mayor Koester. STOP SIGN - Petition for ~ign at Bonita Road and First Avenue The City Clerk read a petition to the Council for a stop sign at the intersec- tion of Bonita Road and First ~venue. After discussion, the ~tter was referred to the Chief of Police end City Attorney for study and report back to the Council at a later date. OOVANILLOU~!T NO. 2 - Tentative Map It was moved by Councilman Riesland, second, ed by Councilman Kidder, amd carried, that the tentative map and improvement plans of Covauillo Unit No. 2, heretofore ap- proved by the Planning Comission, be approved subject to all improvements required by Section 7 of the Subdivision Ordinance, and providing that the sewers be placed in the Street, and that all l0 foot set backs shown on the map be increased to 15 feet. FIRE DEPART~NT- Gas pump and tank The City Clerk requested authority to purchase a gas pump smd tar~ for the Fire Department, the lowest bid being $129.50. After discussion, it was moved that the matter be tabled until the new City Hall is built. RECREATION C(~ISSION - ~inutes of meeting held October 0th, 1949 The City Clerk read the minutes of the Recreation Commission meeting held October 5th. It was moved by CounciLman Riesland, seconded by CounciLman Nashold, and carried, that the minutes be approved. CounciLman Riesland stated that he felt tnct the parks in Chula Vista should be officially named. He moved that the present "Eucalyptus Park" be officially named "Chula Vista Athletic Park" ~nd the City park be officially named ~'emorial Park". The City Attorney was requested to check whether or not the parks now be~r an official name and report back to the Council. SE~ER PLJd~T ~TAS'i'E ~VATER - ~urchase of for irrigation purposes The City Clerk read a letter from Mr. Earl Black who wants to buy waste water from the sewer plant to pump approximately one mile for use on vegetable land. After lengthy discussion, the matter was referred to the City Administrator and City Attorney for investigation. CITY INS!GNA - Design for use on cars and equipment The City Clerk presented four proposed designs to be used on City cars and equip- ment. There was no action taken. TAX BtTJM - Cancellation of The City Clerk requested authority to cancel tax bills as follows due to the fact that they were duplications. Lot 20 - Block B - Country Club Villas $ 8.10 Lot 21 - Block B - Country Club Villas 8.10 Lot 22 - Block B - Country Club Villas 8.10 Lot 23 - Block B - Country Club Villas 9.15 '$'33.45 It was moved by CounciL~h Nashold, seconded by Councilman Kidder, and carried, that such authority be granted. MC CAUSLAND PROPERTY The City Administrator info.ed the Council that ~rs. ~cCausland had contacted Attorney Phil Thatcher, and he had told D~. Bryant that the value of the property was $16,000.00 and that they would not take less than $15,000.00. After discussion, it was decided that the City ~ake no offer exceeding ~lZ,500.00, which the Council finds to be the fair value of the property. ~..p~SOLUTION NO. 1070 - Authorizing the Fire Department to giv~ protection for the Lillian Rice and Hilltop Schools Offered by Councilman Kidder, read in full, passed, adopted, and approved by the following vote to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Ki~der, ~oester, Rieslend, Nashold, Dyson. NOES: None. ABSEnt: None. COU~TRY CL~0B - Use of Sewer The City Clerk brought the ~uatter of a rental charge for the Country Club to use the City Sewers. After discussion, D,~. Bryant was instructed to check into the matter and see what their feeling would be toward annexing to the City. ~ION TO LFAVE STATE Councilman Dyson requested permission to leave the State from ~ove~aber 9th to 50th. It was moved by Councilman Kidder, seconded by Councilman Eashold, and carried, that permission be granted. CounciLman Kidder requested pelm~ission to leave the State from October 21st through the 31st. It was moved by Council~mn Dyson, seconded by CounciLman Nashold, and ca~'ried, that permission be granted. ~PURCt~SE OF C~,,~ It was moved by Counc~]msn Kidder, seconded by Councilman Nashold, and carried, that the Administrative Officer be authorized to purchase a used cement mixer from ~. Fuson for $100.00. ADJOUR~ ~ET It was moved by Councilman Riesland, seconded by Councilman ~ashold, and carried, that the meeting adjourn to 7:00 o'clock P. ~f., October 18th, 1949. Chula Vista, California 0et~ber ~, 1949 WE, the following members of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California, do hereby consent to the holding of a SPECIAL ~ETING to be held October 7, 1949 at 4:00 o'clock P. M. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall for the prupose of: ACTING UPON A RESOLUTIONAPWOINTING E~LECTION OFFICERS FOR TH~ SPECIAL ELECTION TO HE P~.D November 8, 1949. Dated this 7th day of October, 1949. at Lorenz C. Koes~e~, ~?~yor. A. A. Rle~lman. Dud~~n cilman. RalphJ V. ~son, Counci4~n. Z. Dwight Kidder, Councilman. at at City of Chula Vista, California