HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1950/05/23MI~uT~ OF A REGULAR ADJOURNED MEETING OF T~E CITY COUNCIL ~ THE CITY OF CnuIa VISTA, GALIFO~IA Held Tuesda~ - May 23, 1950 The Council ~et in the Council Cha~bere at ? o'clock P.M. on the above date with the follns~-8 ~e~ers present: Councilmen Xidder, Riesland, Hashold, Logan, Delolfee Absant~ No~e, CORRESPONDENCE Trna City Clerk reed a latter from the Citizens Advisory Ccm~{ttee along with the following report of findings from this committee:-- CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMII"A'mE Meeting= April 2~, 1950 City Hall, City of Ohula Vista Members Presemt = Eeereon Logan, A. P. Beaslay, John A. Smith, Ja~ee Logan, Willla~ Eckhart, George DeWolfe, Percy Burnham, Chairml~ Robert Me Griffin. In eddition to the ~abers of the eo~tttee, the following were present~ Herbert ¥. Bryant, City Achaiaistrator, Heary S. Gisrlich, City ~3gr, lilliai H. Wheeler, Assistant City Engr.,J. C, Palmer. The mtimg was opened with the general statement by Chairman Griffin on the purposes and functions of the Citizens Advisory mittee. Discussion revolved arou-~ the following qunstionst Does th~- co~ttee approve of the general idea of a City Civic Center? After due consideration, it was the unani~ons of the c~ittee that a Civic Center is needed and the general idea is approved. Location of the Civic Center ,w~, in particular, the location of the buildt-~s on the site. It is the unanimous recommendation of the co,--~ttee that this site is an excellent one and that full uti- lization of the entire area can be accompll~led by the landscaping and the placing of the buildings ns indicated on the plans sub- mitred to us. It is the recommendation of the cc~mittee that the location is an excellent one an~ is therefore approved. The com- mittee would be glad to bring additional recommendations for the development of the entire area if euch recommendation is desired, The ti~ing for the project. Discuseion revolved around the matter of price of ~aterinls, la~r, etc., and it was ~he recommendati~n of the co~eaittee that now is the ti~ to proceed with the construe- tion~ the conditions seam to be right, ~ since we are in a finan- cial position, we reco~meed immediate construction by the acceptance of the iow bid which was slhl~tted on April 12. The City Clerk reed a letter fram the Manager of the San Diego County Fair, Paul T. Mermen, requesting permission te place edvertising plaque cards on the la~p posts in Ohula ¥ista from June 13th to J~ne 27th. Due to the Fiesta De la Luna he~-8 oh these dates, it was moved by Councilman Riesland, secom/ed by Councilman DeWolfe, end carried, that Mr. Mermen he edvised that they co~1~ put up these sig~s the 25th or 26th of Jume. CHA~E OF LOCATION OF FIRE HI~RAMT - Mr. Stahlheber, 4th Avenue at Halsey Street. Hr. Stahlheber requested that the City move this fire hydrant which is pre- eently located where he proposes to put in a driveway. The City ~nistrator ad- vised the Council that it would cost approximately $122.00. It was moved by Councilman Nashold, seconded by Counci~=~ DeWolfe, and carried, that the City A~nistrator be directed to determine the difference in the cost of moving the hydrant 9 feet on the same side of the street and of moving it across the street to the corner of Halsey Street, and report at the next ~eeting. STREET SIGNS - Request from Chamber of Coa~aerce for the City to installo ~r. walter Davis, Secretary of the ~hamber of C~eaerca requested that the Council consider the installation of Street signs to cost appro~m~tely $15 each in their 1950-1951 budget. Councilman DeWolfe suggested that the City might in- stall signs on the quarter mile corners then at a later date get the rest of the streets taken care of. Councilman Riesland asked if Parking Meter funds could be used for these signs? The City Attorney advised h~m that he wa~ sure that it coniC, but would cheek on the matter. It was woved by Councilman DeWolfe, seconded by Council~, Nnshold, and carried, that the City Attorney check and see whether we can legally use parking ~eter funds for the purchasing of signs and have Mr. Bryant check on the cost of these signs, verifying the quotations given by Mr. Davis, and see if he can have at least two sample signs to inspect at the next meeting. ×'RESoLuTION NO. 1131 - Prescribing method for enforcement of the Parking Meter Ord. Offered by Councilman Riesland, read in full, passed, adopted, and approved by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Riesland, Nashold, Logan, DeWolfe, Kidder. NOES: None. ABSENT = None. CLAIM AGAINST CITY - Richard Ralferty - for faulty location of sewer lateral. The City Acbainistratcr read a letter fro~ Mr. Richard Halferty requesting the City to pay an -mount of $123.O0 due to a faulty location given hi~ on a lateral. After discussion, the City Administrator advised the Council that the E~gineer of Work had been in error on their plans as to the location of the lateral. It was ·oved by Councilman Nasheld, seconded by Councilman Logan, a~d carried, that the City Administrator take the matter up with the Engineer of Work to see if they will take care of the bill. REQDE~T FOR FIRE HYDRANT - Brightwood Avenue at Halsey Street. It was moved by ~ouncilman Riesland, secohded by Counci!m~n Logan, and caA-ried, that The California Water and Telepho~ Com~y imstall a standard two-way 2~ fire hydrant at the corner of Brightwood Avenue and Halsey Street. It was also recom- mended that a study be given as to Gat other Cities are doing with regard to the cost of installations. SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATF~ AFTHORITY - Appointment of Director to. It was moved by Councilman Riesla~d, seconded by Councilman Nanhold, and carried, that Mr. Arthur L. Lynds be re-appointed to serve as Director of the San Diego County Water A~_h_nrity, and that the City Administrator write Mr. Lymds a letter of commen- dation for his past services. CRO~S-~ALK~ - Narrc~iag of between F Street and Center Street. Mr. ~eil S~nner requested that the cross-w~ between F Street and Center Street either be eliminated or narrowed in order that cars may park in front of his place of bneiness. It was moved by Councilman Riesland, seconded by Councilmau Logan, and car- ried, that the cress-walk be narrowed to 7' and an additional parking meter be placed on either side of Third Avenue, and that the bicycle rack be removed. STREET LIGHTS - Cou~ Club. It w~z moved by Councilman Riesland, seconded by Councilma~ Nashold, and carried, that the City put in two street lights in the Country Club Subdivision, but if the pro- party owners wish to activate the existing or~am-ntul light standards, it ~ust be do~e at their own expense, although the city would bear the cost of future maintenance and of the electricity used. C ST~w~T PARK IMPROVEMENT The City ~-~-~trator requested authority to proceed with the installation of a two inch-water lime from the meter location on Fourth Avenue to the public toilets n~ being constructed in the park, the estimated cost he~-_~ $32.50 per 1OO feet. It was moved by Counc]l~-- Logan, seconded by Councilman DeWolfe, and carried, that authority be granted to proceed with the installation. ClvlC CENTER Coh~TRUCTION - Change Orders. The City ~gineer advised the Council that certain portions of the sub-grade wars below grade and that the Contractor had requested the City to pay an additional amount for the extra work involved. It was ~oved by Councilman DeWolfe, seconded by Councilman Riesland, and carried, that the City ~ginser and City A~t-istrator be authorized to enter into such change order as they see best to set the City Hall grade and enter into an agreement with the Contractor for compensation of not over $500.00. It was also ~oved that the City Engineer and City Administrator be authorized to make future change orders not to exceed $100.00 each. ORDINANCE ~O. 420 - Regulating ~ovt-E ~f old ~ildings - repealing Ordinance No.375. It was ~oved by Councilman DeWolfe, seconded By Counctlw~-. Nashold, and carried, that Or~a-ce No. 420 be placed on its first reading. The Ordinance was thereupon read in f~llo CIVIL SERVICE RULE NO. 2 - A~ended. 'ina City Administrator presented to the Council an amended classification a~d compensation pla~. It was ~oved by Counc~-~n Naehold, seconded by Council~a~ Riesland, and carried, that the a~end~ent to rule 2 be adopted. BUDGET - Date for hearing. "-"-~t was ~oved by Co,,~,ilman Nashold, seconded by Councilman Riesland, and carried, that June 2Oth at 7 o'clock P.M. be set for the hearing of the budget. SPECIAL AUDIT It was moved by Councilman Legan~ seconded by Councilman DeWolfe, and carried, that a special audit by an outside a~tor be ~ade. Councilman Kidder, Riasland, and Logan ware appointed to select the auditor. CHURCH AVENUE - Ope-t-2 of between F Street and Center Street. Mr. ~il~iam Eckhart, Planning Coaeaiseion Chairman, appeared before the Council to ask their opinion of the opening of Church Avenue between F Street and Center Street before the Congregational Church pro~eede with construction of a new church. It was ~oved by Councilman De~olfe, seconded by Councilman Logan, and carried, that a co--it- tee be appointed to meet with the Church and see what program can be worked out. Mayor Kidder, Councilman Logan, and City A~=tnt strator Bryant ware appointed to serve on the co~ittoe. VISTA ~QUA~ PUBLIC HOUSING PROJECT - Purchase of. The City A~m{-istrator read a letter from Mr. Sturges of the Public Housing Authority concerning the purchase of the Vista Square Public Housing Project. The Administrator was directed to contact Mr. Sturgna to find out the proceedure neces- sary to aequ~e the housing units here in chula Vista. It was ~ved by Councilaan Nashold, seconded by Coancil~an DeWol_fe, and carried, t~at the meettw~ a~Journ to ? p. M. Juns let, 19%0.